protected virtual void UpdateSettings(object settingsObj) { PropertyInfo[] properties = GetProperties(settingsObj); string[] keys = GetKeys(properties); IDictionary <string, Setting> settings = GetSettings(keys); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { SettingAttribute settingAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute <SettingAttribute>(); if (settingAttribute == null) { continue; } string key = settingAttribute.Key; string value = property.GetValue(settingsObj)?.ToString(); if (settings.ContainsKey(key)) { Setting setting = settings[key]; setting.Value = value; DataContext.Entry(setting).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { Setting setting = new Setting { Key = key, Value = value }; DataContext.Settings.Add(setting); } } }
protected void SaveSettingsObject(object settingsObject) { try { Type t = settingsObject.GetType(); SettingsFileHandler globalSerializer = new SettingsFileHandler(GetGlobalFilePath(t)); SettingsFileHandler userSerializer = new SettingsFileHandler(GetUserFilePath(t)); foreach (PropertyInfo property in t.GetProperties()) { SettingAttribute att = GetSettingAttribute(property); if (att == null) { continue; } SettingsFileHandler s = (att.SettingScope == SettingScope.Global ? globalSerializer : userSerializer); object value = property.GetValue(settingsObject, null); s.SetValue(property.Name, value); } globalSerializer.Close(); userSerializer.Close(); // Send a message that the setting has been changed. SettingsManagerMessaging.SendSettingsChangeMessage(t); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("SettingsManager: Error writing settings of type '{0}'... Will clear settings files for this setting", e, settingsObject.GetType().Name); RemoveSettingsData(settingsObject.GetType(), true, true); } }
private void AddSettingDescription(SettingAttribute settingAttribute, int i) { var textBlock = settingAttribute.GetDescriptionElement(); textBlock.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, i); Main.Children.Add(textBlock); }
private SettingMetadata(Type type, object instance, MemberInfo member) { Type = type; Instance = instance; Member = member; MemberType = GetMemberType(member); //var asdf1 = member.GetCustomAttributes<SettingMemberAttribute>(inherit: true); //var asdf2 = member.GetCustomAttributes<SettingMemberAttribute>(inherit: false); var attributes = new SettingAttribute[] { member.GetCustomAttributes <SettingMemberAttribute>(inherit: true).FirstOrDefault(), type.GetCustomAttribute <SettingTypeAttribute>(), } .Where(Conditional.IsNotNull) .ToList(); SettingNameStrength = attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Strength != SettingNameStrength.Inherit)?.Strength ?? SettingNameStrength.Inherit; Prefix = attributes.Select(x => x.Prefix).FirstOrDefault(Conditional.IsNotNullOrEmpty); PrefixHandling = attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PrefixHandling != PrefixHandling.Inherit)?.PrefixHandling ?? PrefixHandling.Inherit; Namespace = type.Namespace; TypeName = type.GetCustomAttribute <SettingTypeAttribute>()?.Name ?? type.ToPrettyString(); MemberName = member.GetCustomAttribute <SettingMemberAttribute>()?.Name ?? member.Name; ProviderName = attributes.Select(x => x.ProviderName).FirstOrDefault(Conditional.IsNotNullOrEmpty); ProviderType = attributes.Select(x => x.ProviderType).FirstOrDefault(Conditional.IsNotNull); DefaultValue = member.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>()?.Value; Validations = member.GetCustomAttributes <ValidationAttribute>(); }
protected override ISetting SaveSetting(SettingAttribute person_attribute, object value) { if (person_attribute.SettingType != SettingType.Personal) throw new Exception("PersonSettingsInterceptor can't handle non-personal settings"); //Возможно, к настройке уже обращались, тогда она есть в кеше ISetting setting = null; if (!m_Cache.TryGetValue(person_attribute.SettingName, out setting)) setting = GetSetting(person_attribute);//Если в кеше записи нет, то попробуем взять из таблицы if (setting == null)//Если такой записи в таблице нет, создадим её { //Если значение пользовательской настройки совпадает со значением аналогичной глобальной настройки, //то хранить ее для пользователя не будем if (PersonalSettings.IsGlobalEqual(person_attribute, value)) return null; PersonAttribute attr = m_Person.AddStandardStringAttribute(person_attribute.SettingName, value.ToString()); return new PersonalSettingEntity(person_attribute, attr); } else { //Если новое значение пользовательской настройки совпадает со значением аналогичной глобальной настройки, //то просто удалим для этого пользователя эту настройку if (PersonalSettings.IsGlobalEqual(person_attribute, value)) m_Person.RemoveStandardAttributes(PersonAttributeType.GetAttributeType(person_attribute.SettingName)); ((PersonalSettingEntity)setting).Value = value.ToString(); (((PersonalSettingEntity)setting).PersonAttribute).Save(); return setting; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of setting attributes associated with the current action /// </summary> /// <param name="pageToUse"></param> /// <param name="moduleInstance"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <SettingAttribute> GetSettingAttributes() { List <SettingAttribute> properties = new List <SettingAttribute>(); if (this.DataUpdateAction != null) { foreach (PropertyInfo pi in this.DataUpdateAction.GetType().GetProperties()) { Object[] customAttributes = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SettingAttribute), true); foreach (object attr in customAttributes) { SettingAttribute settingAttribute = (SettingAttribute)attr; settingAttribute.Setting = pi.Name.Replace("Setting", ""); settingAttribute.Value = this.Settings[settingAttribute.Setting].Value; bool loaded = false; foreach (SettingAttribute attribute in properties) { if (attribute.Setting.ToLower() == settingAttribute.Setting.ToLower()) { loaded = true; break; } } if (!loaded) { properties.Add(settingAttribute); } } } } return(properties); }
private void AddSettingValue(PropertyInfo property, SettingAttribute settingAttribute, Settings settings, int i) { var element = settingAttribute.GetValueElement(property, settings); element.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1); element.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, i); Main.Children.Add(element); }
protected virtual void DefaultSetAttribute(string attributeName, string attributeValue) { SettingAttribute?.Invoke(this, new ComponentActionEventArgs(this)); JavaScriptService.Execute( $"arguments[0].setAttribute('{attributeName}', '{attributeValue}');", this); AttributeSet?.Invoke(this, new ComponentActionEventArgs(this)); }
private static IAppSettingInjection CreateFieldInjection(FieldInfo f, SettingAttribute settingAttr) { return(new AppSettingFieldInjection { Member = f, Setter = f.ToMemberSetter(),//通过Emit的方式进行注入 Dependency = DependencyManager.GetAppSettingDependency(settingAttr.Name, f.FieldType), }); }
private static IAppSettingInjection CreatePropertyInjection(PropertyInfo p, SettingAttribute settingAttr) { return(new AppSettingPropertyInjection { Member = p, Setter = p.ToMemberSetter(),//通过Emit的方式进行注入 Dependency = DependencyManager.GetAppSettingDependency(settingAttr.Name, p.PropertyType), }); }
protected override ISetting GetSetting(SettingAttribute person_attribute) { if (person_attribute.SettingType != SettingType.Personal) throw new Exception("PersonSettingsInterceptor can't handle non-personal settings"); IList<PersonAttribute> person_attrs = PersonAttributes.GetPersonAttributesByKeyword((int)m_Person.ID, person_attribute.SettingName); return person_attrs.Count != 0 ? new PersonalSettingEntity(person_attribute, person_attrs[0]) : null; }
protected override void InitializeTarget() { _setting = new SettingAttribute { Name = this.TableName, Period = this.Period, RemoveAfter = this.RemoveAfter, }; _client = CloudClient.Get(this.ConnectionName); base.InitializeTarget(); }
protected override ISetting SaveSetting(SettingAttribute attribute, object value) { validateSettingType(attribute.SettingType); ISetting setting = null; if (!m_Cache.TryGetValue(attribute.SettingName, out setting)) setting = loadSetting(attribute); setting.Value = value.ToString(); ((BasePlainObject) setting).Save(); return setting; }
public void ProcessFile() { XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDoc.Load(FilePath); foreach (var Node in XmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("SettingGroup")) { XmlElement Element = (XmlElement)Node; SettingGroup SetGroup = new SettingGroup(); SetGroup.GroupKey = Element.GetElementsByTagName("GroupKey")[0].InnerText; SetGroup.UserFriendlyName = Element.GetElementsByTagName("UserFriendlyName")[0].InnerText; SetGroup.Description = Element.GetElementsByTagName("Description")[0].InnerText; SetGroup.ParentCategory = (ParentCategoryType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ParentCategoryType), Element.GetElementsByTagName("ParentCategory")[0].InnerText); foreach (var ChildNode in Element.GetElementsByTagName("Setting")) { XmlElement ChildElement = (XmlElement)ChildNode; Setting Sett = new Setting(); Sett.Key = ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("Key")[0].InnerText; Sett.UserFriendlyName = ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("UserFriendlyName")[0].InnerText; Sett.Description = ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("Description")[0].InnerText; Sett.Value = ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("Value")[0].InnerText; Sett.EntryType = (DataEntryType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataEntryType), ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("EntryType")[0].InnerText); Sett.DataEntryStaticPropertyKey = ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("DataEntryStaticPropertyKey")[0].InnerText; foreach (var ChildChildNode in ChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("SettingAttribute")) { XmlElement ChildChildElement = (XmlElement)ChildChildNode; SettingAttribute SetAttr = new SettingAttribute(); SetAttr.Key = ChildChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("Key")[0].InnerText; SetAttr.Value = ChildChildElement.GetElementsByTagName("Value")[0].InnerText; Sett.SettingAttributeList.Add(SetAttr); } SetGroup.SettingsList.Add(Sett); } SettingGroupDAO.Save(SetGroup); } }
private ISetting loadSetting(SettingAttribute attribute) { ISetting setting = null; switch (attribute.SettingType) { case SettingType.Global: case SettingType.Forum: { setting = new GlobalSettingEntity(attribute); break; } case SettingType.Office: { setting = new office(); break; } } // TODO: ((BasePlainObject)setting).LoadByReference(setting.KeyColumnName, attribute.SettingName); return setting; }
private void Scan() { foreach (FieldInfo info in GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { object[] attrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SettingAttribute), false); string nm = info.Name; object def = null; Setting item = new Setting(); item.Info = info; if (attrs.Length != 0) { SettingAttribute attr = attrs[0] as SettingAttribute; nm = attr.Name; def = attr.Default; item.Attribute = attr; } if (def != null) { try { object val = Convert.ChangeType(def, info.FieldType); info.SetValue(this, val); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not set default value {0} for setting {1}", def, nm); } } d_settings[nm] = item; } }
protected virtual T GetSettings <T>() where T : new() { T obj = new T(); PropertyInfo[] properties = GetProperties(obj); string[] keys = GetKeys(properties); IDictionary <string, Setting> settings = GetSettings(keys); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { SettingAttribute settingAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute <SettingAttribute>(); if (settingAttribute == null) { continue; } if (settings.ContainsKey(settingAttribute.Key)) { Setting setting = settings[settingAttribute.Key]; string value = setting?.Value; if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { bool bValue; bool.TryParse(value, out bValue); property.SetValue(obj, bValue); } else { property.SetValue(obj, value); } } } return(obj); }
public SettingsPage(DarknetService darknetService) { this.darknetService = darknetService; // First copy the current darknet settings // The new settings will be modified by the user in this page, and only written after the "Apply Changes" Button is pressed newSettings = new DarknetSettings(darknetService.Settings); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); var stackLayout = new StackLayout() { Children = { new Label() { Text = "Darknet Settings", FontSize = 30, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }, new SectionLine(), } }; // Setup user interface for each property foreach (var property in newSettings) { SettingAttribute attr = property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SettingAttribute)) as SettingAttribute; bool Enabled = attr.Degree <= UserDegree; stackLayout.Children.Add(new SettingsInfoLabel(attr.Name)); // Pattern matching, C# 7.0 // Choose User Control depending on the property type and attribute switch (attr as object) { case SettingMinMax darkSlider: var label = new Label() { HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, Text = property.GetValue(newSettings).ToString() + darkSlider.Unit }; // The following cast will result in InvalidCastException: int -> object -> double // So the object needs to be casted to int before: int -> object -> int -> double var slider = new SettingSlider(property, label) { IsEnabled = Enabled }; slider.Value = (int)property.GetValue(newSettings); slider.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { var sl = o as SettingSlider; // Same as above sl.PropertyInfo.SetValue(newSettings, (int)(e.NewValue)); sl.Label.Text = sl.PropertyInfo.GetValue(newSettings).ToString() + sl.SettingAttribute.Unit; }; stackLayout.Children.Add(label); stackLayout.Children.Add(slider); break; case SettingEnum darkEnum: SettingPicker picker = new SettingPicker(property) { Title = attr.Name, IsEnabled = Enabled }; picker.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(picker.Values, property.GetValue(newSettings)); picker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => { var pick = o as SettingPicker; pick.PropertyInfo.SetValue(newSettings, pick.Values.GetValue(pick.SelectedIndex)); }; stackLayout.Children.Add(picker); break; case SettingString darkEntry: var entry = new SettingEntry(property) { Text = property.GetValue(newSettings).ToString(), IsEnabled = Enabled }; entry.TextChanged += (o, e) => { var entr = o as SettingEntry; if (e.NewTextValue.Length > entr.SettingAttribute.MaxChars) { entr.TextColor = Color.Red; return; } foreach (char c in e.NewTextValue) { bool containsAtLeastOneChar = false; foreach (char c2 in entr.SettingAttribute.AllowedChars) { if (c2 == c) { containsAtLeastOneChar = true; } } if (containsAtLeastOneChar == false) { entr.TextColor = Color.Red; return; } } entr.TextColor = Color.Black; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(entr.PropertyInfo.PropertyType)) { case TypeCode.Int32: entr.PropertyInfo.SetValue(newSettings, int.Parse(e.NewTextValue)); break; case TypeCode.String: entr.PropertyInfo.SetValue(newSettings, e.NewTextValue); break; } }; stackLayout.Children.Add(entry); break; default: switch (property.Name) { case "Resolution": int index = 0; var resList = darknetService.CameraPreview.SupportedResolutions.ToList(); foreach (var obj in resList) { if (obj.Height == newSettings.Resolution.Height && obj.Width == newSettings.Resolution.Width) { index = resList.IndexOf(obj); break; } } Picker resolutionsPicker = new Picker() { Title = "Resolutions", ItemsSource = resList, SelectedIndex = index, IsEnabled = Enabled }; resolutionsPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => { newSettings.Resolution = darknetService.CameraPreview.SupportedResolutions.ToList()[resolutionsPicker.SelectedIndex]; }; stackLayout.Children.Add(resolutionsPicker); break; } break; } stackLayout.Children.Add(new SectionLine()); } Button applySettings = new Button() { Text = "Apply Settings" }; applySettings.Pressed += (o, e) => { darknetService.Settings = newSettings; Navigation.PopAsync(); }; stackLayout.Children.Add(applySettings); Content = new ScrollView() { Content = stackLayout }; /// OUTDATED CODE //Label ThresholdLabel = new Label() { HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, Text = newSettings.Threshold.ToString() + " %" }; //Slider thresholdSlider = new Slider(0, 100, newSettings.Threshold) { MaximumTrackColor = Color.Blue, MinimumTrackColor = Color.Blue }; //thresholdSlider.ValueChanged += (o, e) => //{ // ThresholdLabel.Text = e.NewValue.ToString() + " %"; // newSettings.Threshold = (int)e.NewValue; //}; //Picker formatPicker = new Picker() { Title = "Image Format", ItemsSource = new List<string>() { "compressed", "uncompressed" }, SelectedIndex = newSettings.ImageFormat == ImageFormat.compressed ? 0 : 1, IsEnabled = false }; //formatPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => //{ // newSettings.ImageFormat = formatPicker.SelectedIndex == 0 ? ImageFormat.compressed : ImageFormat.uncompressed; //}; //int index = 0; //var resList = darknetService.CameraPreview.SupportedResolutions.ToList(); //foreach (var obj in resList) //{ // if (obj.Height == newSettings.Resolution.Height && obj.Width == newSettings.Resolution.Width) // { // index = resList.IndexOf(obj); // break; // } //} //Picker resolutionsPicker = new Picker() { Title = "Resolutions", ItemsSource = resList, SelectedIndex = index }; //resolutionsPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => //{ // newSettings.Resolution = darknetService.CameraPreview.SupportedResolutions.ToList()[resolutionsPicker.SelectedIndex]; //}; //Entry ipEntry = new Entry() { Text = newSettings.IpAddress.ToString(), HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start }; //ipEntry.TextChanged += (o, e) => //{ // newSettings.IpAddress = e.NewTextValue; //}; //Entry portEntry = new Entry() { Text = newSettings.Port.ToString(), HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start }; //portEntry.TextChanged += (o, e) => //{ // int port = 0; // if (int.TryParse(e.NewTextValue, out port)) // { // newSettings.Port = port; // portEntry.TextColor = Color.Black; // } // else // { // portEntry.TextColor = Color.Red; // } //}; //Button applySettings = new Button() { Text = "Apply Settings" }; //applySettings.Pressed += (o, e) => //{ // darknetService.Settings = newSettings; // Navigation.PopAsync(); //}; //stackLayout.Children.Add(applySettings); //Content = new ScrollView() //{ // Content = new StackLayout // { // Children = { // new Label() {Text = "Darknet Settings", FontSize = 30, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }, new SectionLine(), // new SettingsInfoLabel("Prediction Threshold"), ThresholdLabel, thresholdSlider, new SectionLine(), // new SettingsInfoLabel("Image Format"), formatPicker, new SectionLine(), // new SettingsInfoLabel("Image Resolution"), resolutionsPicker, new SectionLine(), // new SettingsInfoLabel("Host IP Address"), ipEntry, new SectionLine(), // new SettingsInfoLabel("Host Port"), portEntry, new SectionLine(), // applySettings // } // } //}; }
protected override ISetting GetSetting(SettingAttribute attribute) { validateSettingType(attribute.SettingType); return loadSetting(attribute); }
protected object LoadSettingsObject(Type settingsType) { SettingsFileHandler globalHandler = new SettingsFileHandler(GetGlobalFilePath(settingsType)); SettingsFileHandler userHandler = new SettingsFileHandler(GetUserFilePath(settingsType)); try { globalHandler.Load(); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("SettingsManager: Error loading global settings file for setting type '{0}'... Will clear this settings file.", e, settingsType.Name); globalHandler.Clear(); RemoveSettingsData(settingsType, false, true); } try { userHandler.Load(); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("SettingsManager: Error loading user settings file for setting type '{0}'... Will clear this settings file.", e, settingsType.Name); userHandler.Clear(); RemoveSettingsData(settingsType, true, false); } try { object result = Activator.CreateInstance(settingsType); foreach (PropertyInfo property in result.GetType().GetProperties()) { SettingAttribute att = GetSettingAttribute(property); if (att == null) { continue; } SettingsFileHandler s = (att.SettingScope == SettingScope.Global ? globalHandler : userHandler); try { object value = s.GetValue(property.Name, property.PropertyType); if (value == null) { if (att.HasDefault) { value = att.DefaultValue; } else { continue; } } property.SetValue(result, value, null); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("SettingsManager: Error setting property '{0}' in settings of type '{1}'" + (att.HasDefault ? ", using default value" : string.Empty), e, property.Name, settingsType.Name); if (att.HasDefault) { property.SetValue(result, att.DefaultValue, null); } } } if (!globalHandler.SettingsFileExists && !userHandler.SettingsFileExists) { SaveSettingsObject(result); } return(result); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("SettingsManager: Error loading settings of type '{0}'", e, settingsType.Name); return(null); } }
private void ReadFromPath(string absPathSettingsFile, bool quiet) { StringSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); IntSettings = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> props = GetPropertyDictionary(); if (!File.Exists(absPathSettingsFile)) { using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(absPathSettingsFile)) { Debug?.WriteLine(string.Format("File {0} does not exist. Create with default values.", absPathSettingsFile)); foreach (var prop in props) { SettingAttribute attr = prop.Value.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SettingAttribute)) as SettingAttribute; if (attr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr.Comment)) { file.WriteLine(string.Format("# {0}", attr.Comment)); } string name = prop.Key; object valueObject = GetValueFromProp(prop.Value); string value = valueObject.ToString(); file.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}={1}", name, value)); } } } if (!quiet) { Debug?.WriteLine(string.Format("Reading settings from file {0}...", absPathSettingsFile)); } using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(absPathSettingsFile)) { string line; int lineCount = 0; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { lineCount++; string trim = line.TrimStart(); if (trim.StartsWith(';') || trim.StartsWith('#') || trim.StartsWith("//")) { continue; } int posEq = line.IndexOf('='); if (posEq > 0 && line.Length > posEq) { string name = line.Substring(0, posEq); string value = line.Substring(posEq + 1); if (props.TryGetValue(name, out PropertyInfo prop)) { object propValue = GetValueFromProp(prop); if (propValue is string) { prop.SetValue(this, value, null); propValue = value; StringSettings.Add(name, value); } else if (propValue is int) { if (int.TryParse(value, out int intValue)) { propValue = intValue; prop.SetValue(this, intValue, null); IntSettings.Add(name, intValue); } } else { Debug?.WriteLine(string.Format("Unsupprted type of setting \"{0}\" on line {1}", name, lineCount)); } } else { Debug?.WriteLine(string.Format("Unknown setting \"{0}\" on line {1}", name, lineCount)); } } else { Debug?.WriteLine(string.Format("Bad syntax on line {0}", lineCount)); } } } }
public void CreaDocumentosElectronicos() { AppDbContex dbContex = new AppDbContex(); string LogName = "Facturacion.log"; string errores = ""; try { dbContex = new AppDbContex(); //buscar cabeceras sin folio y sin procesar List <VentaDTOs> pedidos = dbContex.VentaDTOs.Where(c => ((c.folio == null) || (c.pdf == null))).ToList <VentaDTOs>(); Log("Pendientes: " + (Convert.ToString(pedidos.Count)), ruta + @"\Pendientes.txt"); foreach (VentaDTOs pedidoReferencia in pedidos) { if (finalizar) { break; } try { VentaDTOs pedido = dbContex.VentaDTOs.Find(; var cfg = Properties.Settings.Default; pedido.FechaDocele = DateTime.Now; if (pedido.rutEmpresa != cfg.RutEmisor) { pedido.ErrorDocElec = "Rut empresa no coincide con el configurado"; try { dbContex.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { errores += e.Message; } continue; } string mensajeValidacion = ""; if (!Validaciones(pedido, ref mensajeValidacion)) { pedido.ErrorDocElec = mensajeValidacion; try { dbContex.SaveChanges(); Log(mensajeValidacion, ruta + @"\ErrorValidacion.txt"); } catch (Exception e) { errores += e.Message; } continue; } try { dbContex.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { errores += e.Message; continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruta)) { return; } try { string test = ruta + @"\Pdfs"; File.WriteAllText(test + @"\test.pdf", "test"); } catch (Exception) { return; } SettingAttribute st = new SettingAttribute(); string rutEmisor = cfg.RutEmisor; ServiceFacturacionBES.SolicitarFolio ResponseFolio = new ServiceFacturacionBES.SolicitarFolio(); ServiceFacturacionBES.DTELocal WS = new ServiceFacturacionBES.DTELocal();// ("DTELocalSoap", tienda.Facturador.HostWebService); //WS.Url = tienda.Facturador.HostWebService; int folio = 0; if (pedido.folio != null) { folio = (int)pedido.folio; } //Si es cero se solicita un nuevo Folio y lo asigna al registro if (folio == 0) { ResponseFolio = WS.Solicitar_Folio(rutEmisor, 39); pedido.folio = ResponseFolio.Folio; try { dbContex.SaveChanges(); Log("SaveChanges: OK ", "debug.txt"); } catch (Exception e) { errores += e.Message; } } else { //lleno fake response :) ResponseFolio.Folio = folio; ResponseFolio.Estatus = 0; ResponseFolio.MsgEstatus = "folio Bkp: "; } if (ResponseFolio.Estatus == 0) { try { string idVisual = ""; string email = ""; Log("Estatus 0 : " + ResponseFolio.MsgEstatus + Convert.ToString(ResponseFolio.Folio), ruta + @"\LastResponseFolio.txt"); //Entry entry = new Entry(); //entry = (Entry)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Entry>(entry.json, settings); EnvioBOLETA txtBoleta = new EnvioBOLETA(); txtBoleta.version = "1.0"; //CARATULA txtBoleta.SetDTE = new EnvioBOLETASetDTE(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula = new EnvioBOLETASetDTECaratula(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.version = "1.0"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.RutEmisor = rutEmisor; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.RutEnvia = rutEmisor; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.FchResol = DateTime.Now;//2018-09-13 txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.NroResol = 80; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.TmstFirmaEnv = DateTime.Now; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.SubTotDTE = new EnvioBOLETASetDTECaratulaSubTotDTE(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.SubTotDTE.TpoDTE = 39; txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.SubTotDTE.NroDTE = 1; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTE(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.version = "1.0"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumento(); //CABECERA txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoEncabezado(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoEncabezadoIdDoc(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.TipoDTE = 39; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.Folio = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseFolio.Folio); //se creara con fecha del pedido de Internet txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.FchEmis = Convert.ToDateTime(pedido.created_date); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.IndServicio = 3; //EMISOR txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoEncabezadoEmisor(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.RUTEmisor = rutEmisor; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.RznSocEmisor = Norm(cfg.RznSocEmisor); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.GiroEmisor = Norm(cfg.GiroEmisor); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.CdgSIISucur = cfg.CdgSIISucur; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.DirOrigen = Norm(cfg.DirOrigen); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.CmnaOrigen = Norm(cfg.CmnaOrigen); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.CiudadOrigen = Norm(cfg.CiudadOrigen); //RECEPTOR txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoEncabezadoReceptor(); email = pedido.email_addr; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.RUTRecep = validarRut(pedido.cust_rut); //CARATULA txtBoleta.SetDTE.Caratula.RutReceptor = txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.RUTRecep; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.CdgIntRecep = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.RznSocRecep = Norm(pedido.first_name + " " + pedido.last_name); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.Contacto = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.DirRecep = Norm(pedido.direccion1); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.CmnaRecep = Norm(pedido.comuna); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.CiudadRecep = Norm(pedido.ciudad); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.DirPostal = Norm(pedido.direccion1); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.CmnaPostal = Norm(pedido.comuna); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Receptor.CiudadPostal = Norm(pedido.ciudad); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { email = "SinMail"; } //FIN ENCABEZADO //DETALLE //Despacho //double dif = 0; //dif = Math.Round(entry.gross) - Math.Round(entry.totalWithDiscount); //if (dif > 0) //{ // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalle[entry.CheckoutItems.Count() + 1]; //} //else //{ txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalle[pedido.Items.Count()]; //} int index = 0; double ItemUnitario = 0; foreach (var linea in pedido.Items) { ItemUnitario = 0; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index] = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalle(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].NroLinDet = index + 1; ItemUnitario = linea.PriceLine / linea.qty; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalleCdgItem(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem.TpoCodigo = "ALU"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem.VlrCodigo = Norm(linea.itemcode); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].DscItem = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].NmbItem = Norm(linea.descripcion); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].QtyItem = linea.qty; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].PrcItem = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(ItemUnitario)); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].MontoItem = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(linea.PriceLine)); index = index + 1; } // restar total items si total mayor agregar item po recargo despacho ////calculo despacho //if (dif > 0) //{ // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index] = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalle(); // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].NroLinDet = index + 1; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoDetalleCdgItem(); // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem.TpoCodigo = "ALU"; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].CdgItem.VlrCodigo = tienda.Facturador.DifDespachoOtrosCodigo; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].DscItem = ""; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].NmbItem = tienda.Facturador.DifDespachoOtros; ; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].QtyItem = 1; // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].PrcItem = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(dif)); // txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Detalle[index].MontoItem = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(dif)); //} //66666666-6 //REF PAra PAGOS y caja vendedor txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoReferencia[3]; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0] = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoReferencia(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0].NroLinRef = 1; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0].CodRef = "CAJA"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0].RazonRef = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0].CodVndor = " Venta Web " +; //idVisual = pedido.comments; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[0].CodCaja = "Orden N: " + pedido.comments; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1] = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoReferencia(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1].NroLinRef = 2; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1].CodRef = "PAGO"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1].RazonRef = "TOTAL PAGOS: " + pedido.Pagos.Sum(p => p.monto); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1].CodVndor = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[1].CodCaja = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2] = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoReferencia(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2].NroLinRef = 3; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2].CodRef = "MTO"; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2].RazonRef = email;// txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2].CodVndor = ""; txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Referencia[2].CodCaja = ""; //Totales txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Totales = new EnvioBOLETASetDTEDTEDocumentoEncabezadoTotales(); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Totales.MntTotal = Convert.ToInt32(pedido.total_amt); txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.ID = "R" + txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.RUTEmisor + "T" + Convert.ToString(txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.TipoDTE) + "F" + Convert.ToString(ResponseFolio.Folio); txtBoleta.SetDTE.ID = "R" + txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.Emisor.RUTEmisor + "T" + Convert.ToString(txtBoleta.SetDTE.DTE.Documento.Encabezado.IdDoc.TipoDTE) + "F" + Convert.ToString(ResponseFolio.Folio); string temp = txtBoleta.ToXML().Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n", ""); ServiceFacturacionBES.ProcesarTXTBoleta ResponseBOL = WS.Carga_TXTBoleta(temp, "XML"); if (ResponseBOL.Estatus == 0) { string rutaPdfBkp = ruta + @"\Pdfs"; pedido.folio = ResponseFolio.Folio; pedido.pdf = ResponseBOL.PDF; pedido.ErrorDocElec = "PROCESADO OK"; pedido.FechaDocele = DateTime.Now; dbContex.SaveChanges(); Log(temp, ruta + @"\LastBolXML.txt"); //escribe PDF try { File.WriteAllBytes(rutaPdfBkp + @"\" + idVisual + "-BO-" + Convert.ToString(ResponseFolio.Folio) + ".pdf", ResponseBOL.PDF); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { pedido.ErrorDocElec = "Estatus: " + Convert.ToString(ResponseBOL.Estatus) + " " + ResponseBOL.MsgEstatus; pedido.FechaDocele = DateTime.Now; dbContex.SaveChanges(); Log("Estatus: " + Convert.ToString(ResponseBOL.Estatus) + " " + ResponseBOL.MsgEstatus, ruta + @"\LastResponseBOLError.txt"); Log(temp, ruta + @"\BolXMLError.txt"); } } catch (Exception ex0) { Log("ex0:" + ex0.Message + ex0.ToString() + " " + ex0.Message + " " + ex0.InnerException, ruta + @"\ErrorTXTBoleta.txt"); } } else { Log(Convert.ToString(ResponseFolio.Estatus) + " " + ResponseFolio.MsgEstatus, ruta + @"\LastResponseFolio.txt"); } } catch (Exception ex1) { Log("ex1:" + ex1.Message + ex1.ToString(), ruta + @"\LastError.txt"); } }// Ciclo foreach } catch (Exception ex) { Log("ex: " + ex.ToString() + ex.Message, ruta + @"\LastError.txt"); } finally { dbContex.Dispose(); } }