コード例 #1
ファイル: Star.cs プロジェクト: EoghanGallagher/Finger_Paint
    IEnumerator StarSequence()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        //Check if last star clicked is one less than current star
        if (StarManager.previousStar == (starValue - 1))
            //Check if Transition manager exists and check if a transition is already active
            if (transitionManager != null && !transitionManager.IsTransitionOpen)
                //If a transition is not active then Create one

                //Set the source for the transition
                transitionManager.TransitionSource = gameObject.name;
                //Set the transitions destination ..only if its the correct destination
                transitionManager.TransitionDestination = gameObject.name;

                //End the transition and add it to the transition list
                Transition currentTransition = transitionManager.EndTransition();

                if (currentTransition != null)

                //Start a new Transition.
                //Set the source for the transition
                transitionManager.TransitionSource = gameObject.name;

            //Set the star materials color to gold ( indicating success )
            //_material.color = successColour;

            if (GameManager.Instance.IsDemoMode)
                Messenger <int> .Broadcast("PlaySound", 0);

                iTween.PunchScale(starSpriteRenderer.gameObject, iTween.Hash("x", -2, "y", -2, "time", 0.75f));
                starSpriteRenderer.color = new Color(0.9716f, 0.8722f, 0.1512f, 1);
                originalColour           = starSpriteRenderer.color;
            else if (_drawLineHandler)
                StarManager.lastSuccessPointCount = _drawLineHandler.PointCount;
                _drawLineHandler.LastNode = _transform;

                //Refactor replace with message

                //Play Success sound effect
                //Message broadcast : PlaySound takes an int as a parameter
                //Subscribers : SoundManager
                //Messenger<int>.Broadcast( "RandomizePitch", 0 );
                Messenger <int> .Broadcast("PlaySound", 0);


                //Update the progress star with the current star
                //Progress star will display the current
                Messenger <string> .Broadcast("UpdateProgress", starText.text);

                //Punch animation when correct star is encountered
                iTween.PunchScale(starSpriteRenderer.gameObject, iTween.Hash("x", -2, "y", -2, "time", 0.75f));

                starSpriteRenderer.color = new Color(0.9716f, 0.8722f, 0.1512f, 1);

                originalColour = starSpriteRenderer.color;

                if (_drawLineHandler.IsMouseUp)
                    _drawLineHandler.CanDraw = false;

            StarManager.previousStar       = starValue;
            StarManager.previousStarObject = this;
        else if (StarManager.previousStar == starValue)
            //Do Absolutely nothing for the moment...
        else         //Error E.G. Player clicked on wrong star
            Star previousStarObject = StarManager.previousStarObject;

            transitionManager.TransitionErrorCount++;              //Total number or errors for this transition

            // Error err = new Error(); //Create new instance of error class

            // err.Source = previousStarObject.name;
            // err.Destination = this.name;
            // err.ErrorTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

            //Check previous stars list of proximity stars
            //if a player accidently hits a star contained in this list , then that constitutes a proximity error
            if (previousStarObject.ProximityStars[0] != null)
                foreach (GameObject g in previousStarObject.ProximityStars)
                    if (this.name.Equals(g.name) && g.name != null)
                        //err.ProximityError = true;

            //Check the type of error that occured
            if (previousStarObject.IsStarLetter && this.IsStarLetter)              //letter to letter error
                //err.PreservativeError = true;
            else if (!previousStarObject.IsStarLetter && !this.IsStarLetter)              //number to number error
                //err.PreservativeError = true;
            else if (!previousStarObject.IsStarLetter && this.IsStarLetter)              //number to letter error
                //err.NumberToLetterError = true;
            else if (previousStarObject.IsStarLetter && !this.IsStarLetter)              //letter to number error
                //err.LetterToNumberError = true;

            //transitionManager.AddError( err ); //Add the error to the error list for this transition

            //Consequences of picking the wrong star . Make star shake
            iTween.ShakePosition(_transform.parent.gameObject, new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f), 0.75f);

            //Play Error Sound
            //Message broadcast : PlaySound takes an int as a parameter
            //Subscribers : SoundManager
            Messenger <int> .Broadcast("PlaySound", 1);

            //Tween between stars original colour and red and back
            //isOkToColor = true;
            iTween.ValueTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash(
                               "from", errorColour,
                               "to", originalColour,
                               "time", 1.25f,
                               "easetype", "easeInCubic",
                               "onUpdate", "UpdateColor"));
