public RemoteControlForm() { InitializeComponent(); MessageBuilder messageBuilder = new MessageBuilder(); serialMessenger = new SerialMessenger(port, speed, messageBuilder); MessageBox.Show("Ready, Set, Go!", "Get Ready!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); readMessageTimer = new Timer(); readMessageTimer.Interval = 500; readMessageTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(ReadMessageTimer_Tick); MessageBox.Show("Ready Set go!", "Get Ready", MessageBoxButtons.OK); try { serialMessenger.Connect(); readMessageTimer.Enabled = true; Console.WriteLine("Connected!"); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void OnMessage(SerialMessenger sender, byte[] message, int offset, int length) { var str = new string(Encoder.GetChars(message, 0, length)); Debug.Print(str); ReadTemp(); }
public void Initialize(string comPort) { mes = new SerialMessenger(comPort, "\n"); ComPort = comPort; //Serial Port Options if (mes.Port.IsOpen) { mes.Port.Close(); } mes.Port.PortName = comPort; mes.Port.BaudRate = 19200; mes.Port.Parity = Parity.None; mes.Port.DataBits = 8; mes.Port.StopBits = StopBits.One; mes.Port.RtsEnable = false; mes.Port.DtrEnable = false; mes.Port.Handshake = Handshake.None; mes.Port.ReadTimeout = 222; mes.Port.DiscardNull = true; mes.Port.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1; mes.Start(); //Clear the line mes.SendMessage(0x03, (resp) => { }); }
public void Initialize(string com) { mes = new SerialMessenger(com, "\n"); ComPort = com; //Serial Port Options if (mes.Port.IsOpen) { mes.Port.Close(); } mes.Port.PortName = com; mes.Port.BaudRate = 19200; mes.Port.Parity = Parity.None; mes.Port.DataBits = 8; mes.Port.StopBits = StopBits.One; mes.Port.RtsEnable = false; mes.Port.DtrEnable = false; mes.Port.Handshake = Handshake.None; mes.Port.ReadTimeout = 222; mes.Port.WriteTimeout = 222; mes.Port.DiscardNull = true; mes.Port.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1; mes.Start(); GetCurrentDepthMM(); }
public main() { InitializeComponent(); MessageBuilder messageBuilder = new MessageBuilder('#', '%'); serialMessenger = new SerialMessenger("COM5", 115200, messageBuilder); DataSet ds = db.GetData("SELECT * FROM user WHERE iduser = 1"); if (!ds.GetXml().Contains("iduser")) { menuNav.SelectedIndex = 3; } }
public void Render(VirtualCanvas canvas, SerialMessenger M) { ComPort.Initialize(); Joystick.Initialize(JoystickSocket, JoystickIRQHandler); canvas.SetOrientation(Orientation.Landscape); canvas.DrawFill((ushort)BasicColor.White); while (true) { var input = Joystick.Get(); SendJoystickInput(input); DisplayJoystickInput(canvas, input.X, input.Y); } }
public void Render() { var SendContext = new BasicTypeSerializerContext(); var ComPort = new SerialMessenger(); ComPort.Initialize(); int contentSize = 0; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.RunDemo); var buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); Thread.Sleep(1000); ComPort.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Is used to select the comm ports and create the serial messanger instances /// </summary> private void SerialMessangerCreationDialog() { ComPortSelector newDialog = new ComPortSelector(); DialogResult result = newDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { MessageBuilder messageBuilder = new MessageBuilder('#', '%'); serialMessengerlock = new SerialMessenger(newDialog.CommLock, 115200, messageBuilder); serialMessengerTv = new SerialMessenger(newDialog.CommTv, 115200, messageBuilder); } else { //throw new Exception("DialogResult not OK"); MessageBox.Show("DialogResult not OK"); SerialMessangerCreationDialog(); } }
public void Render(VirtualCanvas canvas) { var SendContext = new BasicTypeSerializerContext(); var ComPort = new SerialMessenger(); ComPort.Initialize(); canvas.SetOrientation(Orientation.Landscape); var text = canvas.TouchscreenShowDialog(DialogType.Alphanumeric); Debug.Print("User text: " + text); int contentSize = 0; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.DisplayMarquee); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, text, true); var buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); Thread.Sleep(1000); ComPort.Dispose(); }
public void OnMessage(SerialMessenger sender, byte[] message, int offset, int length) { }
public void Render(VirtualCanvas canvas, Joystick Joystick) { canvas.SetOrientation(Orientation.Landscape); canvas.DrawFill(ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(255, 255, 255)); canvas.DrawString(80, 4, ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(0, 0, 0), VerdanaBold14.ID, "Capture The Dot"); canvas.DrawButton( 32, 197, 250, 36, VerdanaBold14.ID, 20, ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(0, 0, 0), ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(255, 255, 255), ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(0, 0, 0), "Click To Exit", RoundedCornerStyle.All); canvas.Execute(); var SendContext = new BasicTypeSerializerContext(); var ComPort = new SerialMessenger(); ComPort.Messenger += OnMessage; ComPort.Initialize(bufferSize: 1024); int contentSize = 0; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.RunPong); var buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); UInt16 LeftX = 0; UInt16 RightY = 0; UInt16 LastLeftX = 1; UInt16 LastRightY = 1; canvas.Touch += TouchEventHandler; while (LastTouchIsValid == 0) { var joystickData = Joystick.Get(); //Debug.Print("RawX: " + joystickData.X + ", RawY: " + joystickData.Y); LeftX = (UInt16)MapRange(50, 950, 0, 15, joystickData.X); RightY = (UInt16)MapRange(50, 950, 0, 9, joystickData.Y); //Debug.Print("LeftX: " + LeftX + ", RightY: " + RightY); if (LeftX != LastLeftX || RightY != LastRightY) { BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.UpdateJoystick); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)LeftX); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RightY); buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); Thread.Sleep(10); } canvas.TouchscreenWaitForEvent(TouchScreenEventMode.NonBlocking); } canvas.Touch -= TouchEventHandler; ComPort.Messenger -= OnMessage; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.Reset); buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); ComPort.Dispose(); }
public void Render(VirtualCanvas canvas) { var SendContext = new BasicTypeSerializerContext(); var ComPort = new SerialMessenger(); ComPort.Messenger += OnMessage; ComPort.Initialize(bufferSize: 1024); int contentSize = 0; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.Reset); var buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); DrawPlayground(canvas); canvas.Touch += TouchEventHandler; var exit = false; ushort r = 127, g = 0, b = 0; while (!exit) { LastTouchIsValid = 0; canvas.TouchscreenWaitForEvent(TouchScreenEventMode.NonBlocking); if (LastTouchIsValid != 0) { if (LastTouchX >= 260 && LastTouchY >= 42 && LastTouchX <= 290 && LastTouchY <= 72) // red { r = 127; g = 0; b = 0; LastColor = ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(255, 0, 0); } else if (LastTouchX >= 260 && LastTouchY >= 77 && LastTouchX <= 290 && LastTouchY <= 107) // green { r = 0; g = 127; b = 0; LastColor = ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(0, 255, 0); } else if (LastTouchX >= 260 && LastTouchY >= 112 && LastTouchX <= 290 && LastTouchY <= 142) // blue { r = 0; g = 0; b = 127; LastColor = ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(0, 0, 255); } else if (LastTouchX >= 80 && LastTouchY >= 150 && LastTouchX <= 80 + 160 && LastTouchY <= 170) // reset { canvas.DrawRectangleFilled( 79, 40, 241, 141, ColorHelpers.GetRGB24toRGB565(255, 255, 255)); DrawGrid(canvas); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.Reset); buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); Thread.Sleep(250); } else if (LastTouchX >= 80 && LastTouchY >= 42 && LastTouchX < 240 && LastTouchY < 140) // canvas { var x = (LastTouchX - 80) / 10; var y = (LastTouchY - 42) / 10; if (LastSquareX != x || LastSquareY != y) { LastSquareX = x; LastSquareY = y; canvas.DrawRectangleFilled(80 + (x * 10) + 1, 42 + (y * 10) + 1, 80 + (x * 10) + 1 + 8, 42 + (y * 10) + 1 + 8, LastColor); canvas.Execute(); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.SetPixel); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (ushort)x); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (ushort)y); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, r); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, g); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, b); buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); } } else if (LastTouchX >= 32 && LastTouchY >= 197 && LastTouchX <= 32 + 250 && LastTouchY <= 197 + 36) // exit { exit = true; } } } canvas.Touch -= TouchEventHandler; ComPort.Dispose(); }
public void OnMessage(SerialMessenger sender, byte[] message, int offset, int length) { MessageReceivedEvent.Set(); }
public void Render(VirtualCanvas canvas) { var Pot = new NetduinoGo.Potentiometer(GoSockets.Socket1); var SendContext = new BasicTypeSerializerContext(); var ComPort = new SerialMessenger(); ComPort.Messenger += OnMessage; ComPort.Initialize(); int contentSize = 0; BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.Reset); var buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); MessageReceivedEvent.Reset(); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); MessageReceivedEvent.WaitOne(100, true); DrawPlayground(canvas); canvas.Touch += TouchEventHandler; var exit = false; while (!exit) { LastTouchIsValid = 0; canvas.TouchscreenWaitForEvent(TouchScreenEventMode.NonBlocking); ushort color = Wheel((ushort)MapRange(0, 1, 0, 384, Pot.GetValue())); if (color != LastColor) { LastColor = color; canvas.DrawRectangleFilled(184, 153, 213, 179, LastColor); canvas.Execute(); } if (LastTouchIsValid != 0) { if (LastTouchX >= 80 && LastTouchY >= 42 && LastTouchX < 240 && LastTouchY <= 140) { var x = (LastTouchX - 80) / 10; var y = (LastTouchY - 42) / 10; canvas.DrawRectangleFilled(80 + (x * 10) + 1, 42 + (y * 10) + 1, 80 + (x * 10) + 1 + 8, 42 + (y * 10) + 1 + 8, LastColor); canvas.Execute(); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (UInt16)RGBLedDisplayCommand.SetPixel); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (int)x); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (int)y); BasicTypeSerializer.Put(SendContext, (uint)LastColor); buffer = SendContext.GetBuffer(out contentSize); MessageReceivedEvent.Reset(); ComPort.Send(buffer, 0, (byte)contentSize); MessageReceivedEvent.WaitOne(100, true); } else if (LastTouchX >= 32 && LastTouchY >= 197 && LastTouchX <= 32 + 250 && LastTouchY <= 197 + 36) { exit = true; } } } canvas.Touch -= TouchEventHandler; ComPort.Dispose(); Pot.Dispose(); }