public static void Run(int epochs = 5) { // requires Internet connection (dynamic train, dynamic test) = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data(); // will be able to do (trainImages, trainLabels) = train; ndarray trainImages = np.expand_dims(train.Item1 / 255.0f, axis: 3); ndarray trainLabels = train.Item2; ndarray testImages = np.expand_dims(test.Item1 / 255.0f, axis: 3); ndarray testLabels = test.Item2; bool loaded = 60000 == trainImages.Length; Debug.Assert(loaded); var model = new Sequential(new Layer[] { // will be able to do: new Flatten(kwargs: new { input_shape = (28, 28) }), new ResNetBlock(kernelSize: 3, filters: new [] { 1, 2, 3 }), new ResNetBlock(kernelSize: 3, filters: new [] { 1, 2, 3 }), new Flatten(), new Dense(units: 10, activation: tf.nn.softmax_fn), }); model.compile( optimizer: new AdamOptimizer(), loss: "sparse_categorical_crossentropy", metrics: new dynamic[] { "accuracy" });, trainLabels, epochs: epochs); var testEvalResult = model.evaluate(testImages, testLabels); double testAcc = testEvalResult[1]; Console.WriteLine($"Test accuracy: {testAcc}"); model.summary(); }