private void Respawn(NetworkViewID viewID) { GameObject obj = PlayerRegistrar.Instance.List[viewID].GameObject; GameObject container = obj.transform.parent.gameObject; EntityManager em = obj.GetComponent <EntityManager>(); if (container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons)) { // Once the entity is ready, we make it appear. obj.SetActive(true); PokemonController controller = obj.GetComponent <PokemonController>(); if (em == null) { Destroy(SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Wild)); } // Visual setters obj.transform.position = % 2 == 0 ? GameInfo.redTeamSpawn : GameInfo.blueTeamSpawn; obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; controller.nav.ResetPath(); controller.ResetMovingRestrictions(); // Logical setters controller.selectedMove = null; em.Respawn(); } else if (container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Wild)) { obj.SetActive(true); em.currentHP = em.maxHP; } }
private void ShareFogVision() { GameObject playerPokemon = GameObject.FindWithTag("CameraTarget"); if (playerPokemon == null) { Debug.LogError("Error: Pokemon not registered."); } else { int myTeam = playerPokemon.GetComponent <EntityManager>().team; foreach (EntityManager em in SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities).GetComponentsInChildren <EntityManager>()) { GameObject entity = em.gameObject; if ( == myTeam) { if (entity.GetComponent <FOWRevealer>() == null) { FOWRevealer fow = entity.AddComponent <FOWRevealer>(); fow.range = new Vector2(0.5f, 40f); fow.lineOfSightCheck = FOWSystem.LOSChecks.EveryUpdate; } } else { if (entity.GetComponent <FOWRenderers>() == null) { entity.AddComponent <FOWRenderers>(); } } } } }
public void GetAvailableTargets() { Transform[] transformList = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); this.availableTarget.Clear(); foreach (Transform tr in transformList) { if (tr.parent != SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).transform) { continue; } PokemonController controller = (PokemonController)tr.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(PokemonController)); if (controller == null) { continue; } float distance = Vector3.Distance(this.position, tr.position); if (distance - controller.nav.radius < this.range) { this.availableTarget.Add(controller); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { entityList = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities).transform; handPos = new Vector2(9f, 12f); singlePos = new Vector2(24f, 24f); singleAllyPos = new Vector2(24f, 24f); singleEnemyPos = new Vector2(24f, 24f); groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward); GetControllerInfos(); }
void Start() { pkmn = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons); if (IsServer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer) // If this is Lucas' server, then we launch the server. Otherwise, we launch a client (that may become a server later). { StartServer(); } else { JoinServer(); } }
private void Start() { instance = this; entitiesList = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities).transform; GameObject terrainObj = GameObject.Find("Map"); terrain = (Terrain)terrainObj.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain)); treeRenderer = terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes[0].prefab.GetComponent <Renderer>(); shaderNormal = Shader.Find("Diffuse"); shaderToon = Shader.Find("Toon/Lighted Outline"); shadingMode = initialShadingMode; newMode = shadingMode; ApplyShadingMode(); }
/// <summary> /// Automatically called when a particle has "Send collision messages" set up. /// </summary> /// <param name="victim">The struck entity.</param> private void OnParticleCollision(GameObject victim) { if (Network.isServer) { sendsCollisionMessages = true; if (victim == manager.caster.GameObject) { return; } if (victim.transform.parent.parent.gameObject != SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities)) { return; } if (!manager.hitTargetList.Contains(victim)) { manager.HasCollided(victim); } } }
private void Kill(NetworkViewID victimViewID, NetworkViewID killerViewID) { GameObject victim = NetworkView.Find(victimViewID).gameObject; GameObject container = victim.transform.parent.gameObject; if (killerViewID != NetworkViewID.unassigned) { EntityManager killer = NetworkView.Find(killerViewID).gameObject.GetComponent <EntityManager>(); killer.GrantKill(); } if (container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons) || container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Wild)) { victim.SetActive(false); } else { //obj.SetActive(false); Destroy(victim); // A robot or a wild monster should be dead for good and not respawn; a new instance should be made instead. } }
/// <summary> /// The Reaper is told that an entity just died. /// It then kill the entity, gives gold/experience and prepares the entity respawn. /// We should also get the list of the entities that killed this one. /// </summary> /// <param name="em">EntityManager.</param> public void NoticeDeath(EntityManager em, EntityManager killer) { if (Network.isServer) { GameObject container = em.transform.parent.gameObject; MatchManager matchManager = GetComponent <MatchManager>(); if (matchManager != null) { matchManager.AddKill(; } GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("Kill", RPCMode.AllBuffered, em.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID, (killer == null ? NetworkViewID.unassigned : killer.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID)); if (container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons)) { respawnQueue.Add(em.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID, 3f); } else if (container == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Wild)) { //respawnQueue.Add(viewID, 1.5f); } } }
public void Start() { entityManager = GetComponent <EntityManager>(); if (int.TryParse(name.Split('-') [0], out pokedex_id)) { Debug.LogError("The GameObject's name doesn't contain the Pokedex ID"); } for (int statID = 0; statID < (int)StatsList.COUNT; statID++) // Assignment of the base stats. { entityManager.stats.baseStats[statID] = Pokedex.pokemons[pokedex_id].Statistics.baseStats[statID]; } entityManager.stats.levelingRate = Pokedex.pokemons[pokedex_id].LevelingSpeed; anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); marker = null; nav.autoRepath = true; nav.updateRotation = false; // We manage the rotation ourselves. nav.autoBraking = false; // This is less fancy, but more "accurate" for the player. laserSource = transform.Find("Armature/" + laserSourcePath); hoverEntity = null; int i = pokedex_id % 3; switch (i) { case 0: moveSet.Add("Surf"); moveSet.Add("Bubble"); moveSet.Add("Waterfall"); moveSet.Add("Icicle Crash"); break; case 1: moveSet.Add("Flamethrower"); moveSet.Add("Poison Gas"); moveSet.Add("Poison Sting"); moveSet.Add("Venoshock"); break; case 2: moveSet.Add("Gust"); moveSet.Add("Hurricane"); moveSet.Add("Thunder Shock"); moveSet.Add("Razor Leaf"); break; } selectedMove = null; /*currentHP = maxHP; * savedDestination = new Vector3();*/ this.gameObject.transform.parent = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).transform; Celshading.instance.ApplyShadingMode(); ShareFogVision(); // This shouldn't be within this script. }
public void Controls() { if (isMine) { // Uses : selectedMove, hit and hoverEntity if (!(selectedMove != null && selectedMove.IsLaunched())) { if ((Input.GetKeyDown("q") || Input.GetKeyDown("a")) && moveSet[0] != null) { SelectMove(0); } else if ((Input.GetKeyDown("w") || Input.GetKeyDown("z")) && moveSet[1] != null) { SelectMove(1); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("e") && moveSet[2] != null) { SelectMove(2); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown("r") && moveSet[3] != null) { SelectMove(3); } } if (selectedMove != null && !selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { Ray ray = myCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit) && hit.transform.root.gameObject == SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities)) { hoverEntity = hit.transform.gameObject; SphereCollider targetCollider = (SphereCollider)hoverEntity.GetComponent <Collider>(); if ( == MoveTargetKind.Single && Vector3.Magnitude(hoverEntity.transform.position - transform.position) > / 100f + nav.radius + targetCollider.radius) { hoverEntity = null; } } else { hoverEntity = null; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (selectedMove == null) { Ray ray = myCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 100.0f); RaycastHit theChosenHit = new RaycastHit(); foreach (RaycastHit singleHit in hits) { if ( == "Terrain") { if (theChosenHit.Equals(new RaycastHit()) || singleHit.distance < theChosenHit.distance) { theChosenHit = singleHit; } } } if (!theChosenHit.Equals(new RaycastHit())) { // The character has to move at least half of its width. //if((theChosenHit.point - transform.position).magnitude >= nav.radius) { theChosenHit.point.Set(theChosenHit.point.x, 0, theChosenHit.point.z); GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, theChosenHit.point, NetworkViewID.unassigned, -1); } } } else { // If a move is selected, but not launched : if (!selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { bool attackLaunched = false; MoveTargetKind targetKind =; int moveIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < moveSet.Count; i++) { if ( == moveSet[i]) { moveIndex = i; } } if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Area) { GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, hit.point, NetworkViewID.unassigned, moveIndex); attackLaunched = true; } else if (targetKind == MoveTargetKind.Single && hoverEntity != null) // If the target type is not an area, then it's a single target spell. Therefore he needs a target. { PokemonRelation relation = entityManager.GetRelation(hoverEntity); if ((relation & != 0) { SphereCollider targetCollider = (SphereCollider)hoverEntity.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (Vector3.Magnitude(hoverEntity.transform.position - transform.position) <= / 100f + nav.radius + targetCollider.radius) { GetComponent <NetworkView>().RPC("ValidateControl", RPCMode.Server, (int)InputType.LeftClick, hit.point, hoverEntity.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID, moveIndex); attackLaunched = true; } } } if (!attackLaunched) { selectedMove = null; // If the player failed to click a right target for his attack, then we unselect it. } hoverEntity = null; } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { //SetLife(currentHP - 2f); if (selectedMove != null && !selectedMove.IsLaunched()) { selectedMove = null; } } } }
protected void Start() { entitiesContainer = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Entities); collisionParticle = this.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); }
private void DisplayHealthBars() { Transform pokemonArray = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).transform; SortedList <int, Transform> pokemonSortedList = new SortedList <int, Transform>(); /* * We sort the Pokemons according to their distance to the eye so the life bar of the closest Pokemon appears * in the foreground and overrides the ones of the farther Pokemons. * The security offset is just here in case we find 2 Pokemons at the exact same distance. * In that case, it would add twice the same key in the SortedList and we don't want that. */ int securityOffset = 0; foreach (Transform tr in pokemonArray) { int dist = (int)(-1000f * Vector3.Distance(tr.position, cam.transform.position)) - ++securityOffset; pokemonSortedList.Add(dist, tr); } IList <Transform> pkmnList = pokemonSortedList.Values; int i = 0; foreach (Transform tr in pkmnList) { // Securities. if (tr.parent != SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).transform) { continue; } if (!tr.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().enabled) { continue; } EntityManager em = tr.GetComponent <EntityManager>(); if (em == null) { continue; } // Z index management. GUI.depth = ++i; // We get the right health bar texture. if ( == 1) { healthBarTexture = healthBar1Texture; } else if ( == 2) { healthBarTexture = healthBar2Texture; } // We get the right health pattern texture. float HPpercentage = em.currentHP / em.maxHP; if (HPpercentage > 0.5) { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternHighTexture; } else if (HPpercentage > 0.2) { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternMediumTexture; } else { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternLowTexture; } // We display the health bar. pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(tr.position + 3 * cam.transform.up); Rect rectHealthBar = new Rect(pos.x - healthBarTexture.width / 2, Screen.height - pos.y, healthBarTexture.width, healthBarTexture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rectHealthBar, healthBarTexture); // We display the amount of HP. Rect rectHealthPattern = new Rect(); int displayOffset = 3 + (24 * ( % 2)); rectHealthPattern.x = rectHealthBar.x + displayOffset; rectHealthPattern.y = rectHealthBar.y + 3; rectHealthPattern.width = healthPatternMaxWidth * em.currentHP / em.maxHP; rectHealthPattern.height = healthPatternTexture.height; GUI.DrawTexture(rectHealthPattern, healthPatternTexture); // We display the name (device name) of the player. rectHealthBar.y -= 20f; GUI.Label(rectHealthBar, SystemInfo.deviceName); // We display the level of the Pokemon. rectHealthBar.x += 114 - 108 * ( % 2); rectHealthBar.y += 23; GUI.Label(rectHealthBar, em.stats.lvl.ToString()); } }
public void DisplayHealth() { Transform[] transformList = SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); Texture healthPatternTexture; posTeam1.Set(50, 0); posTeam2.Set(Screen.width - 96 - 50, 0); Vector2 pos = new Vector2(0, 0); Texture texture = new Texture(); foreach (var playerPokemon in PlayerRegistrar.Instance.List) { Transform tr = playerPokemon.Value.GameObject.transform; if (tr.parent != SceneHelper.GetContainer(Container.Pokemons).transform) { continue; } PokemonController controller = (PokemonController)tr.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(PokemonController)); EntityManager em = tr.GetComponent <EntityManager>(); if (controller == null) { continue; } if ( == 1) { texture = (Texture)Resources.Load("Portraits/Mirror/pokemon_mirror_" + controller.pokedex_id); pos = posTeam1; posTeam1.Set(posTeam1.x + texture.width + 1, posTeam1.y); } else if ( == 2) { texture = (Texture)Resources.Load("Portraits/Front/pokemon_front_" + controller.pokedex_id); pos = posTeam2; posTeam2.Set(posTeam2.x - texture.width - 1, posTeam2.y); } float HPpercentage = em.currentHP / em.maxHP; if (HPpercentage > 0.5) { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternHighTexture; } else if (HPpercentage > 0.2) { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternMediumTexture; } else { healthPatternTexture = healthPatternLowTexture; } Rect rectHealthBar = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, texture.width, healthPatternEmptyTexture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rectHealthBar, healthPatternEmptyTexture); if (tr.gameObject.activeSelf && tr.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().enabled) { Rect rectHealthPattern = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, texture.width * em.currentHP / em.maxHP, healthPatternTexture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rectHealthPattern, healthPatternTexture); } Rect rectPortrait = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y + healthPatternEmptyTexture.height, texture.width, texture.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rectPortrait, texture); } }