public IActionResult DB_Backup() { //string dbPath = !this.chBackup.Checked ? backPath : AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string dbname = DBHelper.GetAttrByStr(DBCenter.DB.ConnectionString, "Initial Catalog"); string DatabasePath = GetParam("DatabasePath").Split('.')[0]; if (SafeC.FileNameCheck(DatabasePath)) { return(WriteErr("文件名不规范")); } string savePath = ""; if (DBHelper.IsLocalDB(HttpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress.ToString(), System.Environment.MachineName)) { savePath = function.VToP(dbPath + GetParam("DatabasePath") + ".bak"); } else { savePath = "D:\\backup\\" + DatabasePath + ".bak"; } string sql = "backup database [" + dbname + "] to disk='" + savePath + "' with init "; if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(dbPath))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(dbPath); } SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); return(WriteOK("数据库备份成功", "DBBackUP")); }
public static string SaveImage(string vpath, Bitmap bmp) { string ppath = function.VToP(vpath.Replace(" ", "")); string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(ppath); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(function.PToV(dir)); } if (File.Exists(ppath)) { SafeSC.DelFile(vpath); } string ext = Path.GetExtension(vpath).ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".jpg": bmp.Save(ppath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); break; case ".png": bmp.Save(ppath, ImageFormat.Png); break; case ".gif": bmp.Save(ppath, ImageFormat.Gif); break; default: bmp.Save(ppath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); break; } return(vpath); }
protected void Add_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File_UP.PostedFile.ContentLength < 100) { function.Script(this, "alert('请先选择文件');"); return; } string vpath = "/UploadFiles/Admin/Temp/WordConver/"; string exname = Path.GetExtension(File_UP.FileName).ToLower().Replace(".", ""); //string fpath = SafeSC.SaveFile(vpath, File_UP.PostedFile); string fpath = vpath + Path.GetFileName(File_UP.FileName); File_UP.SaveAs(fpath); if ("doc,docx,rtf".Split(',').Contains(exname)) { Document doc = new Document(Server.MapPath(fpath)); vpath = vpath + function.GetRandomString(3) + "/"; string dirpath = Server.MapPath(vpath); string htmlpath = dirpath + function.GetRandomString(3) + ".html"; if (!Directory.Exists(dirpath)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(function.PToV(dirpath)); } doc.Save(htmlpath, SaveFormat.Html); string text = SafeSC.ReadFileStr(htmlpath); text = regHelper.GetValueBySE(text, "<body>", "</body>", false); text = text.Replace("<img", " <img"); MatchCollection matchs = regHelper.GetValuesBySE(text, "<img", "/>"); foreach (Match mc in matchs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mc.Value)) { continue; } string src = regHelper.GetValueBySE(mc.Value, "src=\"", "\"", false); string newvalue = ""; newvalue = mc.Value.Replace(src, vpath + src); text = text.Replace(mc.Value, newvalue); } text = text.Replace(" ", ""); Content_Div.InnerHtml = text; function.Script(this, "SetContent();"); } else if (exname.Equals("txt")) { string text = SafeSC.ReadFileStr(Server.MapPath(fpath), true); Content_Div.InnerHtml = text; function.Script(this, "SetContent();"); } else if (exname.Equals("rtf")) { } else { function.Script(this, "alert('请上传doc,docx文件!!');"); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_Admin.IsSuperManage(); if (!IsPostBack) { SafeSC.CreateDir(mnBll.vdir); MyBind(); Call.HideBread(Master); //Call.SetBreadCrumb(Master, "<li><a href='" + CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "Main.aspx'>工作台</a></li><li><a href='" + CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "Config/DatalistProfile.aspx'>扩展功能</a></li> <li><a href='" + CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "Config/RunSql.aspx'>开发中心</a></li><li><a href='"+Request.RawUrl+"'>备份列表</a></li>"); } }
public void MyBind() { if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(BaseDir))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(BaseDir); } DataTable fileList = FileSystemObject.SearchWord(function.VToP(BaseDir)); EGV.DataSource = fileList; EGV.DataBind(); }
public IActionResult SiteBackUP() { if (adminMod.AdminId < 1) { return(WriteErr("仅超管可访问该页面")); } if (!Directory.Exists(dbPath)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(dbPath); } return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 将Base64转为图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="vpath">带图片名的路径</param> /// <param name="imgtxt">Base64字符串</param> public void Base64ToImg(string vpath, string base64, ImageFormat format) { //data:image/png;base64, Bitmap bmp = Base64ToImg(base64); string ppath = function.VToP(SafeSC.PathDeal(vpath)); SafeSC.CreateDir(Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath).Replace("\\", "/")); bmp.Save(ppath, format); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".gif", ImageFormat.Gif); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); }
public int Cloud_NewDir() { var model = new VM_Cloud(mu, Request); M_User_Cloud cloudMod = new M_User_Cloud(); cloudMod.FileName = Request.Form["DirName_T"]; cloudMod.VPath = model.CurrentDir; cloudMod.UserID = mu.UserID; cloudMod.FileType = 2; SafeSC.CreateDir(Server.MapPath(cloudMod.VPath), cloudMod.FileName); cloudBll.Insert(cloudMod); return(Success); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string wordName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request["Name"] ?? ""); string wordDir = "/UploadFiles/auto/outToWord/"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordName)) { wordName = function.GetRandomString(6); } SafeSC.CreateDir(wordDir); string wordPath = wordDir + wordName + ".docx"; SafeSC.DownFile(OfficeHelper.W_HtmlToWord("<html>" + Html + "</html>", wordPath)); } }
protected void btnCreateFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"; //if (!Regex.IsMatch(txtForderName.Text.Trim(), pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) //{ // function.WriteErrMsg("<li>文件夹名称不能有特殊字符!</li><li><a href='javascript:window.history.back(-1)'>返回</a></li>"); //} string dirPath = PPathDir + txtForderName.Text.Trim(); if (Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { function.WriteErrMsg(Resources.L.当前目录下已存在同名的文件夹); } SafeSC.CreateDir(dirPath); function.WriteSuccessMsg(Resources.L.文件夹创建成功 + "!"); }
public IActionResult Cloud_Open() { string baseDir = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "Cloud", "", ""); string pathfile = baseDir + "我的文档/"; string pathphoto = baseDir + "我的相册/"; string pathmusic = baseDir + "我的音乐/"; string pathvideo = baseDir + "我的视频/"; SafeSC.CreateDir(pathfile); SafeSC.CreateDir(pathphoto); SafeSC.CreateDir(pathmusic); SafeSC.CreateDir(pathvideo); buser.UpdateIsCloud(mu.UserID, 1); return(WriteOK("云盘开通成功", "Index")); }
//创建新文件夹 protected void NewFolder_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DirName_T.Text = DirName_T.Text.Replace(" ", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DirName_T.Text)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(CurPPath, DirName_T.Text); M_User_Plat upMod = B_User_Plat.GetLogin(); M_Plat_File fileMod = new M_Plat_File() { FileType = 2, CompID = upMod.CompID, UserID = upMod.UserID.ToString(), VPath = CurVPath, FileName = DirName_T.Text }; fileBll.Insert(fileMod); DirName_T.Text = ""; MyBind(); } }
//数据库备份 protected void Backup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dbPath = !this.chBackup.Checked ? backPath : AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; if (dbnolocal_sp.Visible) { dbPath = ""; } string sql = "backup database " + database + " to disk='" + dbPath + this.DatabasePath.Value + ".bak" + "' with init "; if (!Directory.Exists(dbPath)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(dbPath); } if (!SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)) { function.WriteSuccessMsg("数据库备份成功", "BackupRestore.aspx"); } }
/// <summary> /// 将Base64转为图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="vpath">带图片名的路径</param> /// <param name="imgtxt">Base64字符串</param> public void Base64ToImg(string vpath, string base64) { //data:image/png;base64, if (base64.Contains("base64,")) { base64 = Regex.Split(base64, Regex.Unescape("base64,"))[1]; } string ppath = function.VToP(SafeSC.PathDeal(vpath)); SafeSC.CreateDir(ppath); byte[] arr = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(arr); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms); bmp.Save(ppath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".gif", ImageFormat.Gif); //bmp.Save(txtFileName + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); ms.Close(); }
public void MyBind() { CreatePathNav(); if (!Directory.Exists(CurPPath)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(CurVPath); } DataTable dt = fileBll.SelByVPath(CurVPath); //DataTable dt = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(CurPPath, FsoMethod.All); DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper(); File_Rep.DataSource = dtHelper.PageDT(dt, pageSize, CPage); File_Rep.DataBind(); if (dt.Rows.Count > pageSize) { Page_Lit.Text = PageCommon.CreatePageHtml(PageCommon.GetPageCount(pageSize, dt.Rows.Count), CPage); } else { Page_tr.Visible = false; } }
public void BatUpload() { string Case = Request["case"] ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Case)) { string myCase = Server.UrlDecode(Case); SafeSC.CreateDir("~/uploadFiles/DocTemp/", myCase); string path = Server.MapPath("~/uploadFiles/DocTemp/" + myCase + "/"); //目录建好了,然后我们开始存文档 Response.Clear(); //ID为文档的主键,如果ID不为空,则更新数据,否则新建一条记录 string ID = Request.Params["ID"]; string DocTitle, content; DocTitle = "test"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { DocTitle = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Params["DocTitle"]); } DocTitle = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Params["DocTitle"]); content = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Params["content"]); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { HttpPostedFileBase upPhoto = Request.Files[0]; int upPhotoLength = upPhoto.ContentLength; byte[] PhotoArray = new Byte[upPhotoLength]; Stream PhotoStream = upPhoto.InputStream; PhotoStream.Read(PhotoArray, 0, upPhotoLength); //这些编码是把文件转换成二进制的文件 if (DocTitle.ToLower().Contains(".cshtml") || DocTitle.ToLower().Contains(".aspx") || DocTitle.ToLower().Contains(".exe")) { return; } SafeSC.SaveFile(path, DocTitle, PhotoArray); } Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Complete"); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return; } }
protected void MyBind() { if (!Directory.Exists(backPath)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(backPath); } dt = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(backPath, FsoMethod.File); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { EGV.DataSource = dt; EGV.DataBind(); Creat.Visible = false; } else { EGV.Visible = false; } if (!DBHelper.IsLocalDB(Request.ServerVariables["LOCAl_ADDR"], Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"])) { dbnolocal_sp.Visible = true; DatabasePath.Value = @"D:\Backup\" + DatabasePath.Value; } }
protected void downloadData() { string fileUrl = "";//template + string saveDir = "/UploadFiles/TSql/"; string savePath = saveDir + "ZL_DataList.sql"; if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(savePath))) { SafeSC.DelFile(savePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(saveDir))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(saveDir); } httpHelper.DownFile(fileUrl, savePath); if (!ExecutionSql(Server.MapPath(savePath), SqlHelper.ConnectionString)) { function.WriteErrMsg("操作失败"); } else { function.WriteSuccessMsg("初始化成功!", "DatalistProfile.aspx"); } }
public IActionResult DBBackUP() { if (adminMod.AdminId < 1) { return(WriteErr("仅超管可访问该页面")); } if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(dbPath))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(dbPath); } if (Request.IsAjax()) { //返回进度 return(Content(cfg.Result.P_Percent)); } DataTable dt = FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfos(function.VToP(dbPath), FsoMethod.File); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dt.DefaultView.Sort = "createTime DESC"; } ViewBag.dt = dt; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 将字符串转换为图片,用于水印 /// </summary> /// <imgvpath>生成的文字水印图片存储位置</imgvpath> /// <FontModel>字体模型,包含文本,字体颜色,大小等</imgvpath> /// <returns></returns> public static Image ConverFontToImg(string imgvpath, FontModel model) { int width = model.intsize * model.text.Length * 2; int height = model.intsize * 2; //-----------根据指定宽高,生成图片 string imgppath = function.VToP(imgvpath); SafeSC.CreateDir(imgvpath); //Image image, image2 = Image.FromFile(imgppath); Image image = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image); //g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(model.GetRGB(model.background, "red"), model.GetRGB(model.background, "yellow"), model.GetRGB(model.background, "blue"))), 0, 0, width, height); //背景色 g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); //------------指定文字与字体样式 FontStyle fs = FontStyle.Regular; //string color = "0x" + "#333333".Replace("#", ""); //SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(color, 16))));//定义字体画笔 SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(model.GetRGB(model.color, "red"), model.GetRGB(model.color, "yellow"), model.GetRGB(model.color, "blue"))); StringFormat StrFormat = new StringFormat(); int ap = 40;//透明度 if (ap > 100 || ap < 0) { ap = 100; } int m_alpha = 255 * (ap / 100); int posx = 3, posy = 3;//文字的起始位置 SolidBrush semiTransBrush2 = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(m_alpha, 0, 0, 0)); //g.DrawString(model.text, f, semiTransBrush2, new PointF(posx + 1, posy + 1), StrFormat);//?无用 //g.DrawString(model.text, f, b, new PointF(posx, posy), StrFormat); g.Dispose(); return(image); }
public IActionResult UploadFileHandler() { //HttpRequest Request = context.Request; //context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Request.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); //context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"); var file = Request.Form.Files["Filedata"]; if (file == null) { file = Request.Form.Files["file"];//接受Uploadify或WebUploader传参,优先Uploadify } if (file == null || file.Length < 1) { return(Content(Failed.ToString())); } if (SafeSC.FileNameCheck(file.FileName)) { throw new Exception("不允许上传该后缀名的文件"); } M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); if (adminMod == null && mu.IsNull) { throw new Exception("未登录"); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ M_User_Plat upMod = new B_User_Plat().SelReturnModel(mu.UserID); string uploadPath = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir.TrimEnd('/') + "/", filename = "", ppath = "", result = "0";//上传根目录,文件名,上物理路径,结果 string action = GetParam("action"), value = GetParam("value"); try { switch (action) { #region OA与能力中心 case "OAattach": //OA--公文||事务--附件 //uploadPath += "OA/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/"; uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "OA"); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); //判断是否有同名文件的存在 break; case "Blog": //能力中心--博客 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Blog); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Doc": //能力中心--我的文档 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Person) + SafeSC.PathDeal(GetParam("Dir")); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Doc_Common": //能力中心--公司文档 uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Company) + SafeSC.PathDeal(GetParam("Dir")); ppath = function.VToP(uploadPath); break; case "Plat_Task": //能力中心--任务中心附件 int tid = Convert.ToInt32(value); ZoomLa.Model.Plat.M_Plat_Task taskMod = new B_Plat_Task().SelReturnModel(tid); uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Plat_Task) + taskMod.TaskName + "/"; break; case "Plat_Project": //能力中心--项目 int pid = Convert.ToInt32(value); ZoomLa.Model.Plat.M_Plat_Pro proMod = new B_Plat_Pro().SelReturnModel(pid); uploadPath = B_Plat_Common.GetDirPath(upMod, B_Plat_Common.SaveType.Plat_Task) + proMod.Name + "/"; break; #endregion case "ModelFile": //组图,多图等 { int nodeid = Convert.ToInt32(value); //M_Node nodeMod = new B_Node().GetNodeXML(nodeid); string exname = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).Replace(".", ""); //string fpath = nodeMod.NodeDir + "/" + exname + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_System("field", "images", "yyyyMMdd"); filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + function.GetRandomString(6, 2) + "." + exname; } break; case "admin_custom": //管理员上传,自定义路径 { if (adminMod == null || adminMod.AdminId < 1) { throw new Exception("管理员未登录"); } uploadPath = GetParam("save"); //BannerAdd } break; default: //通常格式,不需做特殊处理的格式但必须登录 if (mu.UserID > 0) { //uploadPath = context.Server.UrlDecode(uploadPath + "User/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_User(mu, "User", "", ""); } else if (adminMod != null) { //uploadPath = context.Server.UrlDecode(uploadPath + "Admin/" + adminMod.AdminName + adminMod.AdminId + "/"); uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_Admin(adminMod, "", "", "yyyyMMdd"); } else { //注册等页面用户未登录 uploadPath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_System("user", "register", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } break; } string uploadDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(function.VToP(uploadPath)); if (!Directory.Exists(uploadDir)) { SafeSC.CreateDir(function.PToV(uploadDir)); } if (action.Equals("Plat_Doc") || action.Equals("Plat_Doc_Common")) { #region 能力中心文档 M_Plat_File fileMod = new M_Plat_File(); B_Plat_File fileBll = new B_Plat_File(); fileMod.FileName = file.FileName; fileMod.SFileName = function.GetRandomString(12) + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); fileMod.VPath = uploadPath.Replace("//", "/"); fileMod.UserID = upMod.UserID.ToString(); fileMod.CompID = upMod.CompID; //SafeSC.SaveFile(uploadPath, file, fileMod.SFileName); fileMod.FileSize = new FileInfo(ppath + fileMod.SFileName).Length.ToString(); fileBll.Insert(fileMod); #endregion } else if (action.Equals("Cloud_Doc")) { #region 用户中心云盘 if (!buser.CheckLogin()) { throw new Exception("云盘,用户未登录"); } M_User_Cloud cloudMod = new M_User_Cloud(); B_User_Cloud cloudBll = new B_User_Cloud(); uploadPath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(cloudBll.H_GetFolderByFType(GetParam("type"), mu)) + GetParam("value"); cloudMod.FileName = file.FileName; cloudMod.SFileName = function.GetRandomString(12) + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); cloudMod.VPath = (uploadPath + "/").Replace("//", "/"); cloudMod.UserID = mu.UserID; cloudMod.FileType = 1; //result = SafeSC.SaveFile(cloudMod.VPath, file, cloudMod.SFileName); //if (SafeSC.IsImage(cloudMod.SFileName)) //{ // string icourl = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir + "YunPan/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/ico" + value + "/"; // if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(icourl))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(icourl); } // ImgHelper imghelp = new ImgHelper(); // imghelp.CompressImg(file, 100, icourl + cloudMod.SFileName); //} cloudMod.FileSize = new FileInfo(function.VToP(cloudMod.VPath) + cloudMod.SFileName).Length.ToString(); cloudBll.Insert(cloudMod); #endregion } else { //string fname = CreateFName(file.FileName); //if (SafeC.IsImageFile(file.FileName) && file.Length > (5 * 1024 * 1024))//图片超过5M则压缩 //{ // result = uploadPath + function.GetRandomString(6) + fname; // new ImgHelper().CompressImg(file, 5 * 1024, result); //} //else //{ result = SafeC.SaveFile(uploadPath, filename, file.OpenReadStream(), (int)file.Length); //} //添加水印 //if (WaterModuleConfig.WaterConfig.EnableUserWater) //{ // //未以管理员身份登录,并有会员身份登录记录 // if (adminMod == null && !mu.IsNull) // { // Image img = WaterImages.DrawFont(ImgHelper.ReadImgToMS(result), mu.UserName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), 9); // ImgHelper.SaveImage(result, img); // } //} //else if (DataConverter.CStr(context.Request["IsWater"]).Equals("1")) //{ // //前台主动标识需要使用水印 // result = ImgHelper.AddWater(result); //} } ZLLog.L(ZLEnum.Log.fileup, new M_Log() { UName = mu.UserName, Source = Request.RawUrl(), Message = "上传成功|文件名:" + file.FileName + "|" + "保存路径:" + uploadPath }); } catch (Exception ex) { ZLLog.L(ZLEnum.Log.fileup, new M_Log() { UName = mu.UserName, Source = Request.RawUrl(), Message = "上传失败|文件名:" + file.FileName + "|" + "原因:" + ex.Message }); } return(Content(result)); }
private void DownMailFunc(M_UserInfo mu, System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState session) { string ppath = function.VToP(SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir + "\\" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + @"\EMail\"); SafeSC.CreateDir(ppath); DataTable mailDT = mailBll.SelMailIDByUid(mu.UserID);//避免重复下载邮件 DataTable dt = configBll.SelByUid(mu.UserID); DownMailProg progMod = new DownMailProg(); //----------------- FactoryPop3 popFactory = new FactoryPop3(); //Pop3 pop= popFactory.CreatePop3(); //OpenPopPop3 pop = new OpenPopPop3(); OpenPopPop3 pop = new OpenPopPop3(); pop.Pop3Port = 110; //附件的物理存储路径 foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { pop.Pop3Address = dr["POP"].ToString();//企业邮箱),,, pop.EmailAddress = dr["ACount"].ToString(); pop.EmailPassword = dr["Passwd"].ToString(); try { if (!pop.Authenticate()) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { ZLLog.L("邮件接收异常,邮箱[" + pop.EmailAddress + "],原因:" + ex.Message); continue; } int count = pop.GetMailCount(); = pop.EmailAddress; = count; progMod.index = 1; for (int i = count, index = 1; i >= 1; i--, index++)//从最后往前加,先更新日期最近的 { Session["Mail_DownProg"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(progMod); try { progMod.index = index; string mailid = pop.GetMailUID(i); mailDT.DefaultView.RowFilter = "MailID='" + mailid + "'"; if (mailDT.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { continue; //已存在 } DateTime sendtime = pop.GetMailDate(i); int days = DataConverter.CLng(dr["Days"].ToString()) == 0 ? 30 : DataConverter.CLng(dr["Days"].ToString()); //大于指定天数的邮件则不下载 if ((DateTime.Now - sendtime).TotalDays > days) { break; } //--------------------模型 M_Plat_Mail mailMod = new M_Plat_Mail(); mailMod.UserID = mu.UserID; mailMod.Sender = pop.GetSendMialAddress(i); mailMod.Title = pop.GetMailSubject(i); mailMod.Receiver = pop.EmailAddress; mailMod.Content = pop.GetMailBodyAsText(i); mailMod.CDate = DateTime.Now; mailMod.MailDate = sendtime; mailMod.MailID = mailid; mailMod.Attach = pop.GetMailAttach(i, ppath); mailMod.Status = 1; mailBll.Insert(mailMod); } catch (Exception ex) { ZLLog.L("邮件接收异常,邮箱[" + pop.EmailAddress + "],原因:" + ex.Message); } } pop.Pop3Close(); } //------完成下载 progMod.iscomplete = true; progMod.index =; Session["Mail_DownProg"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(progMod); }