protected void btnBatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtAddMo.Text == "") { return; } user_id = getUserName(); string mo_id = txtAddMo.Text.ToUpper(); string strSql = ""; string result = ""; //strSql = "Delect From mo_BatchPrint Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND user_id='" + user_id + "'"; strSql = "Select mo_id From mo_BatchPrint Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND user_id='" + user_id + "' AND mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; DataTable tbMoFind = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (tbMoFind.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_BatchPrint( within_code,mo_id,user_id,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE()) " , within_code, mo_id, user_id, user_id); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result != "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); } else { txtAddMo.Text = ""; txtAddMo.Focus(); } } LoadBatchMo(); }
/// 儲存記錄 private void SaveRec() { if (txtMo.Text == "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "制單編號不能為空!"); txtMo.Focus(); return; } string result_str = ""; string strSql = ""; string prd_mo = txtMo.Text.ToUpper(); string prd_rmk = txtRmk.Text; string approve_flag = "0"; strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_approvecolor (prd_mo,prd_rmk,crusr,crtim,approve_flag) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}',GETDATE(),'{3}')" , prd_mo, prd_rmk, user_id, approve_flag); result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } else { LoadData(); } }
protected void deleteProcess(HttpContext context) { string result = ""; BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string strSql = ""; strSql += string.Format(@" SET XACT_ABORT ON "); strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); if (context.Request["arrange_id"] != null)//刪除一筆記錄 { string arrange_id = context.Request["arrange_id"]; strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Where arrange_id='{0}'", arrange_id); } else//刪除部門當日所有記錄 { string Prd_dep = context.Request["Prd_dep"]; string Arrange_date = context.Request["Arrange_date"]; strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' And now_date='{1}'", Prd_dep, Arrange_date); } //strSql += string.Format(@" IF @@error <> 0 "); //strSql += string.Format(@" ROLLBACK TRANSACTION "); //strSql += string.Format(@" ELSE "); strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { result = "記錄已刪除!"; } //return result; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
protected string updateProcess(HttpContext context) { string para = context.Request["param"]; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); string result = ""; string msg = ""; string id = ja[0]["id"].ToString().Trim(); if (id == null || id == "") { id = ""; } float order_qty = Convert.ToSingle(ja[0]["order_qty"].ToString()); string sytim = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss"); string uname = bp.getUserName(); string strSql = ""; if (id == "") { string dat = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"); id = "OD" + dat.Substring(0, 8) + dat.Substring(9, 2) + dat.Substring(12, 2) + dat.Substring(15, 2); strSql = "Insert Into so_cust_order (id,pono,order_date,custcode,season,own,brand,cust_item,cust_item_cdesc,cust_color,cust_size,cust_style" + ",order_qty,unit,req_date,cf_prd_item,cf_color,cf_size,test_item,packing,crusr,crtim)" + " Values (" + "'" + id + "','" + ja[0]["pono"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["order_date"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["custcode"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["season"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["own"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["brand"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cust_item"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cust_item_cdesc"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cust_color"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cust_size"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cust_style"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + order_qty + "','" + ja[0]["unit"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["req_date"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cf_prd_item"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cf_color"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["cf_size"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["test_item"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + ja[0]["packing"].ToString().Trim() + "','" + uname + "','" + sytim + "')"; } else { strSql = "Update so_cust_order Set " + "pono='" + ja[0]["pono"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",order_date='" + ja[0]["order_date"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",custcode='" + ja[0]["custcode"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",season='" + ja[0]["season"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",own='" + ja[0]["own"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",brand='" + ja[0]["brand"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cust_item='" + ja[0]["cust_item"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cust_item_cdesc='" + ja[0]["cust_item_cdesc"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cust_color='" + ja[0]["cust_color"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cust_size='" + ja[0]["cust_size"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cust_style='" + ja[0]["cust_style"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",order_qty='" + order_qty + "'" + ",unit='" + ja[0]["unit"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",req_date='" + ja[0]["req_date"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cf_prd_item='" + ja[0]["cf_prd_item"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cf_color='" + ja[0]["cf_color"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",cf_size='" + ja[0]["cf_size"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",test_item='" + ja[0]["test_item"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",packing='" + ja[0]["packing"].ToString().Trim() + "'" + ",amusr='******'" + ",amtim='" + sytim + "'" + " Where id='" + id + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { msg = "記錄更新成功!"; } else { msg = result; //"更新失敗,制單編號: "+mo_id+" !"; } return(msg); }
private void UpdateOC1(HttpContext context) { clsPublic cls = new clsPublic(); string ReturnValue = string.Empty; string remote_db = DBUtility.remote_db; string within_code = DBUtility.within_code; BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string userId = bp.getUserName(); string para = context.Request["param"]; string mo_id = ""; string regions = ""; string req_mock_up = "", rec_mock_up = ""; string data_sheet_pre = "", data_sheet_sent = ""; string result = ""; if (para != null) { JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); mo_id = ja[0]["mo_id"].ToString().Trim(); regions = ja[0]["regions"] != null ? ja[0]["regions"].ToString().Trim() : ""; req_mock_up = ja[0]["req_mock_up"] != null ? ja[0]["req_mock_up"].ToString().Trim() : ""; rec_mock_up = ja[0]["rec_mock_up"] != null ? ja[0]["rec_mock_up"].ToString().Trim() : ""; data_sheet_pre = ja[0]["data_sheet_pre"] != null ? ja[0]["data_sheet_pre"].ToString().Trim() : ""; data_sheet_sent = ja[0]["data_sheet_sent"] != null ? ja[0]["data_sheet_sent"].ToString().Trim() : ""; } string strSql = ""; string create_time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); strSql += string.Format(@" SET XACT_ABORT ON "); strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); if (!FindMo(mo_id)) { strSql += string.Format(@"Insert Into so_polo_order_trace (mo_id,regions,req_mock_up,rec_mock_up,data_sheet_pre,data_sheet_sent,create_user,create_time) Values " + "('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')" , mo_id, regions, req_mock_up, rec_mock_up, data_sheet_pre, data_sheet_sent, userId, create_time); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update so_polo_order_trace Set regions='{0}',req_mock_up='{1}',rec_mock_up='{2}',data_sheet_pre='{3}'" + ",data_sheet_sent='{4}',update_user='******',update_time='{6}'" + " Where mo_id='{7}'" , regions, req_mock_up, rec_mock_up, data_sheet_pre, data_sheet_sent, userId, create_time, mo_id); } strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { ReturnValue = "更新記錄成功!"; } else { ReturnValue = "更新記錄失敗!"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(ReturnValue); context.Response.End(); }
private void UpdateData(HttpContext context, string edit_mode) { string para = context.Request["param"]; string result = ""; int authorityid = 0; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); authorityid = ja[0]["authorityid"].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(ja[0]["authorityid"].ToString()) : 0; string strSql = ""; if (edit_mode == "2")//刪除 { strSql = " Delete From t_Authority Where authorityid='" + authorityid + "'"; } else { string authorityname = "", orderseq = "00"; string moduleurl = "", weburl = "", classa = ""; int typeid = 0; authorityname = ja[0]["authorityname"].ToString().Trim(); typeid = ja[0]["typeid"].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(ja[0]["typeid"].ToString()) : 0; moduleurl = ja[0]["moduleurl"].ToString().Trim(); weburl = ja[0]["weburl"].ToString().Trim(); orderseq = ja[0]["orderseq"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["orderseq"].ToString().Trim() : "00"; classa = ja[0]["class"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["class"].ToString().Trim() : ""; strSql = "Select authorityid From t_Authority Where authorityid='" + authorityid + "'"; DataTable dt = SQLHelper.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into t_Authority (authorityid,authorityname,typeid,moduleurl,weburl,orderseq,class)" + " Values ('" + authorityid + "','" + authorityname + "','" + typeid + "','" + moduleurl + "','" + weburl + "','" + orderseq + "','" + classa + "')"; } else { strSql = "Update t_Authority Set authorityname='" + authorityname + "',typeid='" + typeid + "',moduleurl='" + moduleurl + "',weburl='" + weburl + "',orderseq='" + orderseq + "',class='" + classa + "'" + " Where authorityid='" + authorityid + "'"; } } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { result = "OK"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
protected void DeleteMo(string id) { string strSql = ""; string result = ""; string count_date = txtDate.Text; strSql = "Delete From mo_movestatus Where id='" + id + "'"; result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result != "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); } }
protected void updateProcess(HttpContext context) { BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string para = context.Request["param"]; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); string result = ""; string Prd_item = ja[0]["Prd_item"].ToString().Trim(); string Dep_id = ja[0]["Dep_id"].ToString().Trim(); string Mat_item = ja[0]["Mat_item"].ToString().Trim(); decimal Prd_weg = ja[0]["Prd_weg"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Prd_weg"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; decimal Waste_weg = ja[0]["Waste_weg"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Waste_weg"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; decimal Use_weg = ja[0]["Use_weg"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Use_weg"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; decimal Hour_std_qty = ja[0]["Hour_std_qty"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Hour_std_qty"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; decimal Kg_qty_rate = ja[0]["Kg_qty_rate"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Kg_qty_rate"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; string crusr = bp.getUserName(); string crtim = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:ss:mm"); string strSql = ""; strSql += string.Format(@" SET XACT_ABORT ON "); strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); DataTable dtPrdItem = CehckPrdItem(Prd_item, Mat_item, Dep_id); if (dtPrdItem.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql += string.Format(@"Insert Into bs_mat_rate (Prd_item,Mat_item,Dep_id,Prd_weg,Waste_weg,Use_weg,Hour_std_qty,Kg_qty_rate,crusr,crtim) Values " + "('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}')" , Prd_item, Mat_item, Dep_id, Prd_weg, Waste_weg, Use_weg, Hour_std_qty, Kg_qty_rate, crusr, crtim); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update bs_mat_rate Set Prd_weg='{0}',Waste_weg='{1}',Use_weg='{2}',Hour_std_qty='{3}'" + ",Kg_qty_rate='{4}',crusr='******',crtim='{6}'" + " Where Prd_item='{7}' And Mat_item='{8}' And Dep_id='{9}'" , Prd_weg, Waste_weg, Use_weg, Hour_std_qty, Kg_qty_rate, crusr, crtim, Prd_item, Mat_item, Dep_id); } //strSql += string.Format(@" IF @@error <> 0 "); //strSql += string.Format(@" ROLLBACK TRANSACTION "); //strSql += string.Format(@" ELSE "); strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { result = "記錄更新成功!"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
public string updOrderTestInvoice(string invoice_id, string invoice_date, string report_no, string amount, string curr , string ref_report, string mo_id, string custcode, string brand) { string result = ""; SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; if (findOorderInvoice(invoice_id) == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into so_ordertest_invoice (invoice_id,invoice_date,report_no,amount,curr,ref_report,mo_id,custcode,brand)" + " Values (" + "'" + invoice_id + "','" + invoice_date + "','" + report_no + "','" + amount + "','" + curr + "','" + ref_report + "','" + mo_id + "','" + custcode + "','" + brand + "'" + ")"; } else { strSql = "Update so_ordertest_invoice Set " + "invoice_date='" + invoice_date + "'" + ",report_no='" + report_no + "'" + ",amount='" + amount + "'" + ",curr='" + curr + "'" + ",ref_report='" + ref_report + "'" + ",mo_id='" + mo_id + "'" + ",custcode='" + custcode + "'" + ",brand='" + brand + "'" + " Where invoice_id='" + invoice_id + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); return(result); }
public void SetCplFlag(HttpContext context) { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string Prd_dep = context.Request["prd_dep"].ToString(); string Prd_mo = context.Request["prd_mo"].ToString(); string Prd_item = context.Request["prd_item"].ToString(); string Cpl_flag = context.Request["cpl_flag"].ToString(); if (Cpl_flag == "1") { Cpl_flag = ""; } else { Cpl_flag = "1"; } string strSql = "Update dgcf_pad.dbo.product_transfer_jx_summary Set Cpl_flag='" + Cpl_flag + "'" + " Where Prd_dep='" + Prd_dep + "' And Prd_mo='" + Prd_mo + "' And Prd_item='" + Prd_item + "'"; string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { result = "記錄更新成功!"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
public string updOrderTrace(string within_code, string mo_id, string prd_status , string ret_hk_status, string sample_hk_status, string chk_color_status, string chk_color_oth, string chk_color_date, string job_no , string test_result, string test_status, string inv_no, string inv_date, string shipment, string shipment_oth, string awb_no, string sent_date , string remark, string mo_status) { string result = ""; SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; if (findOorderTrace(within_code, mo_id) == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into so_order_trace (within_code,mo_id, prd_status,ret_hk_status, sample_hk_status, chk_color_status, chk_color_oth" + ", chk_color_date, job_no,test_result, test_status, inv_no,inv_date, shipment,shipment_oth, awb_no, sent_date, remark, mo_status)" + " Values (" + "'" + within_code + "'" + "," + "'" + mo_id + "'" + "," + "'" + prd_status + "'" + "," + "'" + ret_hk_status + "'" + "," + "'" + sample_hk_status + "'" + "," + "'" + chk_color_status + "'" + "," + "'" + chk_color_oth + "'" + "," + "'" + chk_color_date + "'" + "," + "'" + job_no + "'" + "," + "'" + test_result + "'" + "," + "'" + test_status + "'" + "," + "'" + inv_no + "'" + "," + "'" + inv_date + "'" + "," + "'" + shipment + "'" + "," + "'" + shipment_oth + "'" + "," + "'" + awb_no + "'" + "," + "'" + sent_date + "'" + "," + "'" + remark + "'" + "," + "'" + mo_status + "'" + ")"; } else { strSql = "Update so_order_trace Set " + "prd_status=" + "'" + prd_status + "'" + ",ret_hk_status=" + "'" + ret_hk_status + "'" + ",sample_hk_status=" + "'" + sample_hk_status + "'" + ",chk_color_status=" + "'" + chk_color_status + "'" + ",chk_color_oth=" + "'" + chk_color_oth + "'" + ",chk_color_date=" + "'" + chk_color_date + "'" + ",job_no=" + "'" + job_no + "'" + ",test_result=" + "'" + test_result + "'" + ",test_status=" + "'" + test_status + "'" + ",inv_no=" + "'" + inv_no + "'" + ",inv_date=" + "'" + inv_date + "'" + ",shipment=" + "'" + shipment + "'" + ",shipment_oth=" + "'" + shipment_oth + "'" + ",awb_no=" + "'" + awb_no + "'" + ",sent_date=" + "'" + sent_date + "'" + ",remark=" + "'" + remark + "'" + ",mo_status=" + "'" + mo_status + "'" + " Where within_code='" + within_code + "' And mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); return(result); }
protected void DeleteMo(int id) { string strSql = ""; string result = ""; strSql = "Delete From mo_periodover5day_no Where id>=0"; if (id > 0) { strSql += " AND id='" + id + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result != "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); } LoadBatchMo(); }
public string deleteTestInvoice(string invoice_id) { string result = ""; SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; strSql = "Delete From so_ordertest_invoice Where invoice_id='" + invoice_id + "'"; result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); return(result); }
private void UpdateData(HttpContext context, string edit_mode) { string para = context.Request["param"]; int groupid = 0; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); groupid = Convert.ToInt32(ja[0]["groupid"].ToString()); string strSql = ""; if (edit_mode == "2") { strSql = " Delete From t_group Where groupid='" + groupid + "'"; } else { string groupname = ""; string cdesc = ""; groupname = ja[0]["groupname"].ToString().Trim(); cdesc = ja[0]["cdesc"].ToString().Trim(); strSql = "Select groupid From t_group Where groupid=' " + groupid + "'"; DataTable dt = SQLHelper.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into t_group (groupid,groupname,Description,rst) Values ('" + groupid + "','" + groupname + "','" + cdesc + "','" + "1" + "')"; } else { strSql = "Update t_group Set groupname='" + groupname + "',Description='" + cdesc + "'" + " Where groupid='" + groupid + "'"; } } string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { result = "OK"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
public string updOrderTestTrace(string mo_id, string mo_group, string rt_from_date, string ref_no, string lab_house, string mat_desc , string cust_item, string cust_size, string cust_color, string season, string division, string test_method , string bulk_mo, string sent_to_hk, string pass_to_lab, string test_results, string rsl, string rsl_rp_date , string appearance, string appearance_rp_date, string resist, string resist_rp_date, string salvia, string salvia_rp_date , string snap, string snap_rp_date, string underpart, string underpart_rp_date, string ftc_cmmts) { string result = ""; SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; if (findOorderTrace(mo_id) == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into so_ordertest_trace (mo_id,mo_group,rt_from_date, ref_no,lab_house,mat_desc,cust_item,cust_size,cust_color,season,division,test_method" + ",bulk_mo,sent_to_hk,pass_to_lab,test_results,rsl,rsl_rp_date,appearance,appearance_rp_date,resist,resist_rp_date,salvia,salvia_rp_date" + ",snap,snap_rp_date,underpart,underpart_rp_date,ftc_cmmts)" + " Values (" + "'" + mo_id + "','" + mo_group + "','" + rt_from_date + "','" + ref_no + "','" + lab_house + "','" + mat_desc + "','" + cust_item + "','" + cust_size + "','" + cust_color + "','" + season + "','" + division + "','" + test_method + "','" + bulk_mo + "','" + sent_to_hk + "','" + pass_to_lab + "','" + test_results + "','" + rsl + "','" + rsl_rp_date + "','" + appearance + "','" + appearance_rp_date + "','" + resist + "','" + resist_rp_date + "','" + salvia + "','" + salvia_rp_date + "','" + snap + "','" + snap_rp_date + "','" + underpart + "','" + underpart_rp_date + "','" + ftc_cmmts + "'" + ")"; } else { strSql = "Update so_ordertest_trace Set " + "mo_group='" + mo_group + "'" + ",rt_from_date='" + rt_from_date + "'" + ",ref_no='" + ref_no + "'" + ",lab_house='" + lab_house + "'" + ",mat_desc='" + mat_desc + "'" + ",cust_item='" + cust_item + "'" + ",cust_size='" + cust_size + "'" + ",cust_color='" + cust_color + "'" + ",season='" + season + "'" + ",division='" + division + "'" + ",test_method='" + test_method + "'" + ",bulk_mo='" + bulk_mo + "'" + ",sent_to_hk='" + sent_to_hk + "'" + ",pass_to_lab='" + pass_to_lab + "'" + ",test_results='" + test_results + "'" + ",rsl='" + rsl + "'" + ",rsl_rp_date='" + rsl_rp_date + "'" + ",appearance='" + appearance + "'" + ",appearance_rp_date='" + appearance_rp_date + "'" + ",resist='" + resist + "'" + ",resist_rp_date='" + resist_rp_date + "'" + ",salvia='" + salvia + "'" + ",salvia_rp_date='" + salvia_rp_date + "'" + ",snap='" + snap + "'" + ",snap_rp_date='" + snap_rp_date + "'" + ",underpart='" + underpart + "'" + ",underpart_rp_date='" + underpart_rp_date + "'" + ",ftc_cmmts='" + ftc_cmmts + "'" + " Where mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); return(result); }
private void Query(HttpContext context) { string tb_type = context.Request["tb_type"]; string arrange_id = ""; //string prd_dep = context.Request["prd_dep"]; //string prd_mo = context.Request["prd_mo"]; //string prd_item = context.Request["prd_item"]; //string now_date = context.Request["now_date"]; string upd_type = "0"; //if(prd_dep==null) //{ HttpRequest request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request; Uri Project_Id = request.UrlReferrer; string a1 = Project_Id.Query.ToString(); string[] urlPara = getUrlPara(a1); //prd_dep = urlPara[0]; //prd_mo = urlPara[1]; //prd_item = urlPara[2]; //now_date = urlPara[3]; arrange_id = urlPara[2]; //} bool is_val = false; //SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; string msg = ""; string tablename = ""; if (tb_type == "hrm01") { //strSql = "Select a.hrm1wid,a.hrm1name,c.hrc5name,b.hrc4name" + // " From dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrm01 a" + // " Inner Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrc04 b On a.hrm1stat2=b.hrc4class" + // " Left Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrc05 c On a.hrm1job=c.hrc5job" + // " Where a.hrm1state='1'"; //if (prd_dep != "" && prd_dep != null) //{ // strSql += " And b.wip_dep='" + prd_dep + "'"; // is_val = true; //} //if (is_val == false) // strSql += " And a.hrm1stat2=''"; //strSql += " Order By a.hrm1job,a.hrm1wid"; //tablename = "hrm01"; } else { if (tb_type == "prd01") { strSql = "Select b.worker_id,c.hrm1name,b.work_type_id,d.work_type_desc" + " From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange a" + " Inner Join dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker b On a.arrange_id=b.arrange_id" + " Left Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrm01 c On b.worker_id COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS=c.hrm1wid" + " Left Join dgcf_pad.dbo.work_type d On b.work_type_id=d.work_type_id " + " Where a.arrange_id='" + arrange_id + "'"; tablename = "prd01"; } else { upd_type = "1"; string worker_id = context.Request["worker_id"]; string work_type_id = context.Request["work_type_id"].Trim(); if (tb_type == "upd_prd01") { BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string user_id = "admin";// bp.getUserName(); string crtim = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:SS"); worker_id = worker_id.Trim().PadLeft(10, '0'); if (chkWorker(arrange_id, worker_id, work_type_id) == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker (arrange_id,worker_id,work_type_id,crusr)" + " Values (" + "'" + arrange_id + "','" + worker_id + "','" + work_type_id + "','" + user_id + "')";// + "','" + crtim,crtim } string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { msg = "添加工號成功!"; } else { msg = "添加工號失敗!"; } } else { if (tb_type == "delete_prd01") { strSql = "Delete From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker Where arrange_id='" + arrange_id + "' And worker_id='" + worker_id + "' And work_type_id='" + work_type_id + "'"; string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { msg = "刪除工號成功!"; } else { msg = "刪除工號失敗!"; } } } } } if (upd_type == "0") { DataSet ds = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataSet(strSql, tablename); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int count = dt.Rows.Count; //DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); string strJson = Dataset2Json(ds, count); //DataSet数据转化为Json数据 //string strJson = DataTableJson(dt);//DataSet数据转化为Json数据 context.Response.Write(strJson); } else { context.Response.Write(msg); } context.Response.End(); }
protected void UpdateProcessNew(HttpContext context) { BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string para = context.Request["param"]; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); string result = ""; string Flag_id = ja[0]["Flag_id"].ToString().Trim(); string Transfer_date = ja[0]["Transfer_date"].ToString().Trim(); string Prd_mo = ja[0]["Prd_mo"].ToString().Trim(); string Prd_item = ja[0]["Prd_item"].ToString().Trim(); string Lot_no = ja[0]["Lot_no"].ToString().Trim(); string Loc_no = ja[0]["Loc_no"].ToString().Trim(); string Wip_id = ja[0]["Wip_id"].ToString().Trim(); decimal Qty = ja[0]["Qty"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Qty"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; decimal Weg = ja[0]["Weg"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(ja[0]["Weg"].ToString().Trim()) : 0; string Use_item = ja[0]["Use_item"].ToString().Trim(); string RequestNo = ja[0]["RequestNo"].ToString().Trim(); string crusr = bp.getUserName(); string crtim = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:ss:mm"); DataTable dtFlag = GetFlag(Flag_id); string flag1 = dtFlag.Rows[0]["flag1"].ToString().Trim(); string flag2 = dtFlag.Rows[0]["flag2"].ToString().Trim(); bool valid_flag = true; result = chkDataValid(Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, flag1, Weg, Qty); if (result != "") { valid_flag = false; } else { if (flag2 == "TO") { result = chkDataValid(Wip_id, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, "+", Weg, Qty); if (result != "") { valid_flag = false; } } } if (Flag_id == "01" && RequestNo != "") { result = chkRequestNoValid(RequestNo); if (result != "") { valid_flag = false; } } if (valid_flag == true) { string strSql = ""; string id = GenID(Loc_no, Flag_id, Transfer_date); strSql += string.Format(@" SET XACT_ABORT ON "); strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); strSql += string.Format(@"Insert Into st_jx_store_transfer (id,flag_id,transfer_date,Loc_no,prd_item,prd_mo,lot_no,wip_id,use_item,transfer_qty,transfer_weg,request_no,crusr,crtim) Values " + "('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}')" , id, Flag_id, Transfer_date, Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, Wip_id, Use_item, Qty, Weg, RequestNo, crusr, crtim); strSql += string.Format(joinUpdateStr(Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, flag1, Weg, Qty, crusr, crtim)); if (flag2 == "TO") { strSql += string.Format(joinUpdateStr(Wip_id, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, "+", Weg, Qty, crusr, crtim)); } if (Flag_id == "01" && RequestNo != "")//如果是From DG收貨,則更新申請單的收貨數量 { strSql += string.Format(joinUpdateRequestStr("+", RequestNo, Weg, Qty, crusr, crtim)); } strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); } if (result == "") { result = "記錄更新成功!"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
private void UpdateData(HttpContext context, string edit_mode) { string para = context.Request["param"]; string result = ""; string uname = ""; JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); uname = ja[0]["uname"].ToString(); string strSql = "", strSql_geo = ""; if (edit_mode == "2")//刪除 { strSql = " Delete From tb_sy_user Where uname='" + uname + "'"; } else { string uname_desc = "", pwd = "", language = "0", vend_id = "", u_type = "I"; string sales_group = "", user_group = "", state = "0"; int t_groupid = 0, rid = 0, t_typeid = 0, t_subclassid = 1; string geo_groupid = ""; string userid = bp.getUserName(); uname_desc = ja[0]["uname_desc"].ToString().Trim(); t_groupid = ja[0]["t_groupid"].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(ja[0]["t_groupid"].ToString()) : 0; sales_group = ja[0]["sales_group"].ToString().Trim(); user_group = ja[0]["user_group"].ToString().Trim(); language = ja[0]["language"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["language"].ToString().Trim() : "0"; u_type = ja[0]["u_type"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["u_type"].ToString().Trim() : "I"; state = ja[0]["state"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["state"].ToString().Trim() : "0"; vend_id = ja[0]["vend_id"].ToString().Trim(); rid = ja[0]["rid"].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(ja[0]["rid"].ToString()) : 0; geo_groupid = ja[0]["geo_groupid"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? ja[0]["geo_groupid"].ToString().Trim() : "0"; strSql = "Select uname From tb_sy_user Where uname='" + uname + "'"; DataTable dt = SQLHelper.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = "Insert Into tb_sy_user (uname,uname_desc,pwd,rid,language,vend_id,rid_oa,u_type,sales_group" + ",user_group,t_typeid,t_subclassid,t_groupid,state)" + " Values ('" + uname + "','" + uname_desc + "','" + pwd + "','" + rid + "','" + language + "','" + vend_id + "','" + t_groupid + "','" + u_type + "','" + sales_group + "','" + user_group + "','" + t_typeid + "','" + t_subclassid + "','" + t_groupid + "','" + state + "')"; } else { strSql = "Update tb_sy_user Set uname_desc='" + uname_desc + "',rid='" + rid + "',language='" + language + "',u_type='" + u_type + "',sales_group='" + sales_group + "',user_group='" + user_group + "',t_typeid='" + t_typeid + "',t_subclassid='" + t_subclassid + "',t_groupid='" + t_groupid + "',state='" + state + "'" + " Where uname='" + uname + "'"; } //更新Geo中的用戶表 strSql_geo = "Select user_id From " + remote_db + "sys_user Where user_id='" + uname + "'"; dt = SQLHelper.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_geo); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { PublicAppDAL pba = new PublicAppDAL(); pwd = pba.GeoEncrypt(ja[0]["pwd"].ToString().Trim()); strSql_geo = "Insert Into " + remote_db + "sys_user" + " (within_code,user_id,user_name,password,group_id,ava_date,status,typeid,masterdepid,usr_type,inherit_type,createby,createdate)" + " Values ('" + "" + "','" + uname + "','" + uname_desc + "','" + pwd + "','" + geo_groupid + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "','" + "0" + "','" + "U" + "','" + "Y" + "','" + "G" + "','" + "Y" + "','" + userid + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + "')"; } else//如果存在,就不更新Geo中的用戶了 { strSql_geo = ""; } // strSql_geo = "Update " + remote_db + "sys_user Set " // + "user_name='" + uname_desc + "',group_id='" + geo_groupid + "',modifyby='" + userid + "',modifydate='" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") // + "'"; } result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "" && strSql_geo != "")//更新Geo中的用戶表 { result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql_geo); } if (result == "") { result = "OK"; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result); context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName) { string result = ""; string arrange_date, prd_dep = ""; int excel_row = 0; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); arrange_date = txtArrangeDate.Value.ToString(); //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string arrange_seq, prd_mo, prd_item, prd_seq, receive_date, prd_worker, delivery_date, mat_item , plan_date, pre_date, remark, mat_status, outside, wash_oil, wp_id, arrange_machine; int arrange_qty, cpl_qty, not_cpl_qty; string strSql = ""; user_id = getUserName(); string now_date = arrange_date;// System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); try { string prd_dep_h = "", prd_seq_h = "", receive_date_h = "", prd_mo_h = "", arrange_machine_h = "", prd_item_h = "", prd_worker_h = "", delivery_date_h = "" , arrange_qty_h = "", cpl_qty_h = "", not_cpl_qty_h = "", mat_item_h = "" , plan_date_h = "", pre_date_h = "", remark_h = "", mat_status_h = "", outside_h = "", wash_oil_h = "" , wp_id_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; prd_dep_h = (colName == "部門編號" ? colName : prd_dep_h); prd_seq_h = (colName == "序號" ? colName : prd_seq_h); receive_date_h = (colName == "JX接單日期" ? colName : receive_date_h); prd_item_h = (colName == "產品編號" ? colName : prd_item_h); prd_mo_h = (colName == "訂單編號/頁數" || colName == "訂單編號" || colName == "制單編號" || colName == "頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); arrange_machine_h = (colName == "機台編號" || colName == "機器編號" || colName == "機器編碼" ? colName : arrange_machine_h); prd_worker_h = (colName == "操作員" || colName == "工號" ? colName : prd_worker_h); delivery_date_h = (colName == "訂單交貨期" ? colName : delivery_date_h); arrange_qty_h = (colName == "訂單生產數量" ? colName : arrange_qty_h); cpl_qty_h = (colName == "已生產數量" ? colName : cpl_qty_h); not_cpl_qty_h = (colName == "未生產生數量" || colName == "未生產數量" ? colName : not_cpl_qty_h); mat_item_h = (colName == "原料曲" || colName == "原料編號" ? colName : mat_item_h); plan_date_h = (colName == "計劃生產日期" ? colName : plan_date_h); pre_date_h = (colName == "預計完成日期" ? colName : pre_date_h); remark_h = (colName == "備註" ? colName : remark_h); mat_status_h = (colName == "生產原料狀態" ? colName : mat_status_h); outside_h = (colName == "外發大通電鍍編碼(CL-T0011)" ? colName : outside_h); wash_oil_h = (colName == "洗油" ? colName : wash_oil_h); wp_id_h = (colName == "車間" || colName == "生產車間" || colName == "車間編號" ? colName : wp_id_h); } strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); ////strSql = ""; strSql += string.Format(@" Delete From product_arrange_jx Where now_date='{0}'", now_date); ////result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { //strSql = ""; excel_row = excel_row + 2; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); prd_item = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_item_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo == "YBY013687") { prd_mo = "YBY013687"; } if (prd_mo != "" && prd_item != "") { prd_dep = (prd_dep_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_dep_h].ToString().Trim().ToUpper()); prd_seq = (prd_seq_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_seq_h].ToString().Trim()); receive_date = (receive_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[receive_date_h].ToString().Trim()); prd_worker = (prd_worker_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_worker_h].ToString().Trim()); delivery_date = (delivery_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[delivery_date_h].ToString().Trim()); mat_item = (mat_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[mat_item_h].ToString().Trim()); plan_date = (plan_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[plan_date_h].ToString().Trim()); pre_date = (pre_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[pre_date_h].ToString().Trim()); remark = (remark_h == "" ? "" : dr[remark_h].ToString().Trim()); mat_status = (mat_status_h == "" ? "" : dr[mat_status_h].ToString().Trim()); outside = (outside_h == "" ? "" : dr[outside_h].ToString().Trim()); wash_oil = (wash_oil_h == "" ? "" : dr[wash_oil_h].ToString().Trim()); arrange_qty = (arrange_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[arrange_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[arrange_qty_h]) : 0)); cpl_qty = (cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); not_cpl_qty = (not_cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[not_cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[not_cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); wp_id = (wp_id_h == "" ? "" : dr[wp_id_h].ToString().Trim()); arrange_machine = (arrange_machine_h == "" ? "" : dr[arrange_machine_h].ToString().Trim()); string dtt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); //產生自動單號 arrange_seq = (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); string id = prd_dep + dtt.Substring(0, 4) + dtt.Substring(5, 2) + dtt.Substring(8, 2) + dtt.Substring(11, 2) + dtt.Substring(14, 2) + dtt.Substring(17, 2) + arrange_seq; strSql += string.Format(@" INSERT INTO product_arrange_jx (arrange_id,now_date,arrange_seq,prd_dep,arrange_date ,prd_mo, prd_item, prd_seq, receive_date, prd_worker,wp_id,arrange_machine, delivery_date,arrange_qty,cpl_qty,not_cpl_qty , mat_item, plan_date, estimated_date, remark, mat_status, outside, wash_oil,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}' ,'{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}','{21}','{22}','{23}','{24}')" , id, now_date, arrange_seq, prd_dep, arrange_date, prd_mo, prd_item, prd_seq, receive_date, prd_worker, wp_id, arrange_machine , delivery_date, arrange_qty, cpl_qty, not_cpl_qty , mat_item, plan_date, pre_date, remark, mat_status, outside, wash_oil, user_id, dtt); //result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 //if (result != "") // break; //if (i == 2) // break; } } strSql += string.Format(@" IF @@error <> 0 "); strSql += string.Format(@" ROLLBACK TRANSACTION "); strSql += string.Format(@" ELSE "); strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); //if (result == "") //{ // result = "匯入排期表成功!"; //} //else //{ // result = "匯入排期表失敗!" + excel_row.ToString(); //} if (strSql != "") { result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 if (result == "") { result = "匯入排期表成功!"; } StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); //this.DataSetBand(); } else { result = ""; } } //} catch (Exception ex) { result = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); } }
protected void UpdateStoreProcess(DataTable tblDatas) { string result = ""; bool Valid_flag = true; string Flag_id = "06"; user_id = getUserName(); string crtim = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); string Transfer_date; Transfer_date = txtDate.Value.ToString(); //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); var query = from t in tblDatas.AsEnumerable() group t by new { t1 = t.Field <string>("Loc_no"), t2 = t.Field <string>("Prd_item"), t3 = t.Field <string>("Prd_mo"), t4 = t.Field <string>("Lot_no") } into m select new { Loc_no = m.Key.t1, Prd_item = m.Key.t2, Prd_mo = m.Key.t3, Lot_no = m.Key.t4, Qty = m.Sum(n => n.Field <decimal>("Qty")), Weg = m.Sum(n => n.Field <decimal>("Weg")) }; foreach (var item in query.ToList()) { string Loc_no = ""; string Prd_item = ""; string Prd_mo = "ZZZZZZZZZ", Lot_no = "0000000000"; decimal Qty = 0, Weg = 0; decimal wh_rec_qty = 0, wh_rec_weg = 0; decimal Transfer_qty = 0, Transfer_weg = 0; int i = 0; string strSql = ""; strSql += string.Format(@" SET XACT_ABORT ON "); strSql += string.Format(@" BEGIN TRANSACTION "); Loc_no = item.Loc_no.Trim().ToUpper(); Prd_item = item.Prd_item.ToString().Trim(); Prd_mo = item.Prd_mo.ToString().Trim(); Lot_no = item.Lot_no.ToString().Trim(); Qty = Math.Round(item.Qty, 0); Weg = Math.Round(item.Weg, 2); DataTable dtSt = CehckStore(Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no); if (dtSt.Rows.Count == 0) { Transfer_qty = Qty; Transfer_weg = Weg; wh_rec_qty = Qty; wh_rec_weg = Weg; strSql += string.Format(@"Insert Into st_jx_store_summary (Loc_no,Prd_item,Prd_mo,Lot_no,wh_rec_weg,wh_rec_qty,crusr,crtim) Values " + "('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')" , Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, wh_rec_weg, wh_rec_qty, user_id, crtim); } else { DataRow drSt = dtSt.Rows[0]; Transfer_qty = Qty - Convert.ToDecimal(drSt["wh_bal_qty"]); Transfer_weg = Weg - Convert.ToDecimal(drSt["wh_bal_weg"]); wh_rec_qty = Convert.ToDecimal(drSt["wh_rec_qty"]) + Transfer_qty; wh_rec_weg = Convert.ToDecimal(drSt["wh_rec_weg"]) + Transfer_weg; strSql += string.Format(@"Update st_jx_store_summary Set wh_rec_weg='{0}',wh_rec_qty='{1}',crusr='******',crtim='{3}'" + " Where Loc_no='{4}' And Prd_item='{5}' And Prd_mo='{6}' And Lot_no='{7}'" , wh_rec_weg, wh_rec_qty, user_id, crtim, Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no); } int Seq = GenID(Loc_no, Flag_id, Transfer_date); string id = ""; id = Loc_no + Flag_id + "-" + Transfer_date.Substring(2, 2) + Transfer_date.Substring(5, 2) + Transfer_date.Substring(8, 2) + (Seq + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); strSql += string.Format(@"Insert Into st_jx_store_transfer (id,flag_id,transfer_date,Loc_no,prd_item,prd_mo,lot_no,transfer_qty,transfer_weg,crusr,crtim) Values " + "('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}')" , id, Flag_id, Transfer_date, Loc_no, Prd_item, Prd_mo, Lot_no, Transfer_qty, Transfer_weg, user_id, crtim); strSql += string.Format(@" COMMIT TRANSACTION "); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 if (result != "") { Valid_flag = false; result = "匯入Excel失敗!"; break; } i = i + 1; } if (Valid_flag == true) { result = "匯入排期表成功!"; } StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); }
protected void SaveProcess() { if (validSaveData() != "") { return; } string strSql = ""; string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < gvDetails.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("chkRec"); if (chk.Checked == true) { string doc_id = gvDetails.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text.Trim(); string seq = gvDetails.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text.Trim(); double price, sec_price, mould_fee, former_free, qty, weg; string process_request; string p_unit, sec_p_unit; TextBox tx = new TextBox(); DropDownList dl = new DropDownList(); tx = (TextBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("txtPrice"); price = tx.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDouble(tx.Text) : 0; dl = (DropDownList)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("dlP_unit"); p_unit = dl.Text; double rate = getUnitRate(p_unit); tx = (TextBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSec_price"); sec_price = tx.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDouble(tx.Text) : 0; tx = (TextBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("txtMould_fee"); mould_fee = tx.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDouble(tx.Text) : 0; tx = (TextBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("txtFormer_free"); former_free = tx.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDouble(tx.Text) : 0; tx = (TextBox)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("txtProcess_request"); process_request = tx.Text; dl = (DropDownList)gvDetails.Rows[i].FindControl("dlSec_p_unit"); sec_p_unit = dl.Text; qty = Convert.ToDouble(gvDetails.Rows[i].Cells[14].Text); weg = Convert.ToDouble(gvDetails.Rows[i].Cells[15].Text); double total_prices = Math.Round(qty * (price / rate) + weg * sec_price + mould_fee + former_free, 2); strSql += string.Format(@"UPDATE " + remote_db + "op_outpro_out_displace SET price='{0}',sec_price='{1}',mould_fee='{2}',former_free='{3}',process_request='{4}'" + ",p_unit='{5}',sec_p_unit='{6}',total_prices='{7}'" + " WHERE within_code='{8}' AND id='{9}' AND sequence_id='{10}' " , price, sec_price, mould_fee, former_free, process_request, p_unit, sec_p_unit, total_prices, within_code, doc_id, seq); // strSql += string.Format(@"UPDATE pu_deliver_details SET act_in_weg=act_in_weg+'{0}',act_in_qty=act_in_qty+'{1}',act_in_date='{2}' // ,crusr='******',crtim=GETDATE() // WHERE doc_id='{4}' AND seq='{5}' ", act_in_weg, act_in_qty, act_in_date, user_id, ref_doc_id, ref_seq); } } if (strSql != "") { result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result == "") { chkSelectAll.Checked = false; result = "更新單價成功!"; } } StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result)); loadData(); }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DtOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName, string sheetName) { bool upd_flag = true; string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; imgProcess.Visible = true; string now_date, prd_dep = "102"; int excel_row = 1; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); now_date = txtArrangeDate.Value; //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status1, urgent_status, arrange_date, arrange_machine, cust_o_date = "", req_f_date, dep_rep_date, req_hk_date, dep_group; string pre_prd_dep_date = ""; int pre_prd_dep_qty = 0; int arrange_seq, order_qty, req_qty, cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty; string prd_status = "00";// string rec_status = "0"; user_id = getUserName(); string strDep = fileName.Substring(0, 3); dep_group = ""; if (prd_dep == "102") { if (fileName.Substring(0, 3) == "萬能機") { dep_group = "A"; } else { if (fileName.Substring(0, 2) == "雞眼") { dep_group = "B"; } } } //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { string arrange_seq_h = "", prd_mo_h = "", urgent_status_h = "", prd_item_h = "", cust_o_date_h = "", req_f_date_h = "", order_qty_h = "", cpl_qty_h = "" , arrange_date_h = "", arrange_qty_h = "", req_qty_h = "", prd_cpl_qty_h = "", dep_rep_date_h = "", arrange_machine_h = "" , req_hk_date_h = "", dep_group_h1 = "", dep_group_h2 = "", dep_group_h3 = "" , pre_prd_dep_date_h = "", pre_prd_dep_qty_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; arrange_seq_h = (colName == "序號" ? colName : arrange_seq_h); prd_mo_h = (colName == "制單編號" || colName == "頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); urgent_status_h = (colName == "急單" || colName == "状态" || colName == "狀態" ? colName : urgent_status_h); arrange_date_h = (colName == "排期日期" || colName == "排期日期AA" || colName == "排期" ? colName : arrange_date_h); prd_item_h = (colName == "產品編號" || colName == "物料編號" ? colName : prd_item_h); cust_o_date_h = (colName == "客落單日期" ? colName : cust_o_date_h); req_f_date_h = (colName == "要求完成時間" || colName == "pmc要求完成日期" ? colName : req_f_date_h); order_qty_h = (colName == "訂單數量" ? colName : order_qty_h); req_qty_h = (colName == "要求數量" || colName == "應生產數量" ? colName : req_qty_h); cpl_qty_h = (colName == "完成數量" || colName == "已完成數量" ? colName : cpl_qty_h); arrange_qty_h = (colName == "待完成數量" ? colName : arrange_qty_h); prd_cpl_qty_h = (colName == "生產數量" ? colName : prd_cpl_qty_h); dep_rep_date_h = (colName == "部門回覆" || colName == "部門覆期" || colName == "部門復期" ? colName : dep_rep_date_h); arrange_machine_h = (colName == "生產設備" ? colName : arrange_machine_h); req_hk_date_h = (colName == "計劃回港期" || colName == "計劃回港日期" || colName == "回港期" ? colName : req_hk_date_h); dep_group_h1 = (colName == "自動" || colName == "组別" || colName == "組別" ? colName : dep_group_h1); dep_group_h2 = (colName == "打扣" ? colName : dep_group_h2); dep_group_h3 = (colName == "車碑" ? colName : dep_group_h3); pre_prd_dep_date_h = (colName == "上部門來貨期" ? colName : pre_prd_dep_date_h); pre_prd_dep_qty_h = (colName == "上部門來貨數量" ? colName : pre_prd_dep_qty_h); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { strSql = ""; excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; //if (i == 577) //{ // int aa = 1; //} arrange_seq = (arrange_seq_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[arrange_seq_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[arrange_seq_h]) : 0)); prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { arrange_date = (arrange_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[arrange_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[arrange_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); urgent_status1 = (urgent_status_h == "" ? "" : dr[urgent_status_h].ToString().Trim()); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "04"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "03"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { urgent_status = "00"; } } } prd_item = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_item_h].ToString()); cust_o_date = (cust_o_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[cust_o_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[cust_o_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); req_f_date = (req_f_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[req_f_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[req_f_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); order_qty = (order_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[order_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[order_qty_h]) : 0)); req_qty = (req_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[req_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[req_qty_h]) : 0)); cpl_qty = (cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); arrange_qty = (arrange_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[arrange_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[arrange_qty_h]) : 0)); prd_cpl_qty = (prd_cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[prd_cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[prd_cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); //dep_rep_date = (dep_rep_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); dep_rep_date = (dep_rep_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() != "" ? dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() : "")); arrange_machine = (arrange_machine_h == "" ? "" : dr[arrange_machine_h].ToString()); req_hk_date = (req_hk_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[req_hk_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[req_hk_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); pre_prd_dep_date = (pre_prd_dep_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[pre_prd_dep_date_h].ToString()); pre_prd_dep_qty = (pre_prd_dep_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[pre_prd_dep_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[pre_prd_dep_qty_h]) : 0)); if (prd_dep == "202") { dep_group = (dep_group_h1 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h1].ToString());//自動 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "A"; } else { if (dep_group == "") { dep_group = (dep_group_h2 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h2].ToString());//打扣 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "B"; } else { if (dep_group == "") { dep_group = (dep_group_h3 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h3].ToString());//車碑 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "C"; } } } } } } else { dep_group = (dep_group_h1 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h1].ToString()); } string dtt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); strSql_f = "Select arrange_id From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Where prd_dep='" + prd_dep + "' And now_date='" + now_date + "' And prd_mo='" + prd_mo + "' And prd_item='" + prd_item + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { //產生自動單號 string id = prd_dep + dtt.Substring(0, 4) + dtt.Substring(5, 2) + dtt.Substring(8, 2) + dtt.Substring(11, 2) + dtt.Substring(14, 2) + dtt.Substring(17, 2) + (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); //string prd_seq = "01"; strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange (arrange_id,now_date,prd_dep,prd_mo,prd_item,mo_urgent,arrange_machine,arrange_date,arrange_seq,order_qty ,cust_o_date,req_f_date,req_qty,cpl_qty,arrange_qty,prd_cpl_qty,dep_rep_date,rec_status,prd_status,req_hk_date,dep_group,pre_prd_dep_date,pre_prd_dep_qty,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}','{21}','{22}','{23}',GETDATE())" , id, now_date, prd_dep, prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , cust_o_date, req_f_date, req_qty, cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, rec_status, prd_status, req_hk_date, dep_group, pre_prd_dep_date, pre_prd_dep_qty, user_id); } else { string arrange_id = dtArrange.Rows[0]["arrange_id"].ToString(); strSql += string.Format(@"Update dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Set mo_urgent='{0}',arrange_machine='{1}',arrange_date='{2}',arrange_seq='{3}' ,order_qty='{4}',cust_o_date='{5}',req_f_date='{6}',req_qty='{7}',cpl_qty='{8}',arrange_qty='{9}',prd_cpl_qty='{10}' ,dep_rep_date='{11}',rec_status='{12}',prd_status='{13}',req_hk_date='{14}',dep_group='{15}',now_date='{16}',pre_prd_dep_date='{17}',pre_prd_dep_qty='{18}',amusr='******' ,amtim=GETDATE() Where arrange_id='{20}'" , urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty, cust_o_date, req_f_date, req_qty , cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, rec_status, prd_status, req_hk_date, dep_group, now_date, pre_prd_dep_date, pre_prd_dep_qty, user_id, arrange_id); } result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 if (result_str != "") { upd_flag = false; break; } } } imgProcess.Visible = false; if (upd_flag) { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表成功!"); } else { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表失敗,記錄: " + excel_row.ToString() + " " + result_str); } //if (strSql != "") //{ // result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 // if (result_str == "") // StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表成功!"); // else // StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表失敗:"+ result_str); //} //else //{ // result_str = ""; //} } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確,行:" + excel_row.ToString() + " " + ex.Message; } imgProcess.Visible = false; if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; string now_date, prd_dep = "102"; int excel_row = 0; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); now_date = dateArrange.Value; //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status1, urgent_status, arrange_date, arrange_machine, order_date = "", req_time, dep_rep_date; int arrange_seq, order_qty, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty; user_id = getUserName(); //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; arrange_seq = (dr[0].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]) : 0); prd_mo = dr[1].ToString(); if (prd_mo != "") { arrange_date = (dr[2].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[2].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); urgent_status1 = dr[3].ToString(); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "01"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "03"; } } } prd_item = dr[4].ToString(); order_date = (dr[7].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[7].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); req_time = (dr[9].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[9].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); order_qty = (dr[10].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[10]) : 0); req_qty = (dr[11].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[11]) : 0); cpl_qty = (dr[12].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[12]) : 0); wait_cpl_qty = (dr[13].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[13]) : 0); prd_cpl_qty = (dr[14].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[14]) : 0); dep_rep_date = (dr[16].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[16].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); arrange_machine = dr[17].ToString(); string dtt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); string id = prd_dep + dtt.Substring(0, 4) + dtt.Substring(5, 2) + dtt.Substring(8, 2) + dtt.Substring(11, 2) + dtt.Substring(14, 2) + dtt.Substring(17, 2) + (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); strSql_f = "Select prd_mo From product_arrange Where prd_dep='" + prd_dep + "' And now_date='" + now_date + "' And prd_mo='" + prd_mo + "' And prd_item='" + prd_item + "'"; if (sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f).Rows.Count == 0) { strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO product_arrange (arrange_id,now_date,prd_dep,prd_mo,prd_item,urgent_status,arrange_machine,arrange_date,arrange_seq,order_qty ,order_date,req_time,req_qty,cpl_qty,wait_cpl_qty,prd_cpl_qty,dep_rep_date,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}',GETDATE())" , id, now_date, prd_dep, prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , order_date, req_time, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update product_arrange Set urgent_status='{0}',arrange_machine='{1}',arrange_date='{2}',arrange_seq='{3}' ,order_qty='{4}',order_date='{5}',req_time='{6}',req_qty='{7}',cpl_qty='{8}',wait_cpl_qty='{9}',prd_cpl_qty='{10}' ,dep_rep_date='{11}',amusr='******',amtim=GETDATE() Where prd_dep='{13}' And now_date='{14}' And prd_mo='{15}' And prd_item='{16}'" , urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , order_date, req_time, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, user_id, prd_dep, now_date, prd_mo, prd_item); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; int excel_row = 0; string prd_mo, urgent_status, urgent_status1 = ""; user_id = getUserName(); //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { string prd_mo_h = "", urgent_status_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; prd_mo_h = (colName == "制單編號" || colName == "頁數" || colName == "未完成頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); urgent_status_h = (colName == "急單" || colName == "状态" || colName == "狀態" || colName == "急/特急狀態" ? colName : urgent_status_h); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; excel_row = excel_row + 1; prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { urgent_status1 = (urgent_status_h == "" ? "" : dr[urgent_status_h].ToString().Trim()); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "04"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "03"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { urgent_status = "00"; } } } strSql_f = "Select mo_id From mo_status Where mo_id='" + prd_mo + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_status (mo_id,mo_status,cr_usr,cr_tim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}',GETDATE())", prd_mo, urgent_status, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update mo_status Set mo_status='{0}',am_usr='******' ,am_tim=GETDATE() Where mo_id='{2}'", urgent_status, user_id, prd_mo); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "更新制單狀態成功!"); } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; string now_date, prd_dep = "501"; int excel_row = 0; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); string vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item, remark; user_id = getUserName(); try { string vend_h = "", prd_mo_h = "", prd_item_h = "", remark_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; vend_h = (colName == "供應商" ? colName : vend_h); prd_mo_h = (colName == "頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); prd_item_h = (colName == "貨品編碼" ? colName : prd_item_h); remark_h = (colName == "電鍍回覆" ? colName : remark_h); } if (vend_h == "" || prd_mo_h == "" || prd_item_h == "" || remark_h == "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "Excel文件第一行必須為有效的表頭格式:供應商 -- 頁數 -- 貨品編碼--電鍍回覆!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { vendor_id = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[vend_h].ToString()); prd_item = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_item_h].ToString()); remark = (remark_h == "" ? "" : dr[remark_h].ToString()); strSql_f = "Select mo_id From mo_outside_rework_mark Where dep_id='" + prd_dep + "' And vendor_id='" + vendor_id + "' And mo_id='" + prd_mo + "' And goods_id='" + prd_item + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { //產生自動單號 strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_outside_rework_mark (dep_id,vendor_id,mo_id,goods_id,remark,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}',GETDATE())" , prd_dep, vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item, remark, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update mo_outside_rework_mark Set remark='{0}',crusr='******' ,crtim=GETDATE() Where dep_id='{2}' And vendor_id='{3}' And mo_id='{4}' And goods_id='{5}'" , remark, user_id, prd_dep, vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入電鍍回覆成功!"); this.DataSetBand(); } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }