protected void btnBatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtAddMo.Text == "") { return; } user_id = getUserName(); string mo_id = txtAddMo.Text.ToUpper(); string strSql = ""; string result = ""; //strSql = "Delect From mo_BatchPrint Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND user_id='" + user_id + "'"; strSql = "Select mo_id From mo_BatchPrint Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND user_id='" + user_id + "' AND mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; DataTable tbMoFind = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (tbMoFind.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_BatchPrint( within_code,mo_id,user_id,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE()) " , within_code, mo_id, user_id, user_id); result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql); if (result != "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result); } else { txtAddMo.Text = ""; txtAddMo.Focus(); } } LoadBatchMo(); }
protected void InitControler() { dateStart.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); dateEnd.Value = dateStart.Value; string strSql = ""; strSql = "select id from " + remote_db + "cd_season order by id "; DataTable tbSeason = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); tbSeason.Rows.Add(); dlSeason.DataSource = tbSeason.DefaultView; dlSeason.DataTextField = "id"; dlSeason.DataValueField = "id"; dlSeason.Text = ""; dlSeason.DataBind(); strSql = "select mo_group from bs_group order by mo_group "; DataTable tbMo_group = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); tbMo_group.Rows.Add(); dlMo_group.DataSource = tbMo_group.DefaultView; dlMo_group.DataTextField = "mo_group"; dlMo_group.DataValueField = "mo_group"; dlMo_group.Text = ""; dlMo_group.DataBind(); }
//查找記錄 protected void LoadData() { int select_flag = 0; int id = 0; string approve_flag = ""; select_flag = dlApproveColor.SelectedIndex; if (select_flag == 1) { approve_flag = "0"; } else if (select_flag == 2) { approve_flag = "1"; } string strSql = "Select id,prd_mo,prd_rmk,crusr,Convert(Varchar(20),crtim,120) As crtim,approve_flag,approve_usr,Convert(Varchar(20),approve_tim,120) As approve_tim" + " From mo_approvecolor Where id>='" + id + "'"; if (approve_flag != "") { strSql = strSql + " AND approve_flag='" + approve_flag + "'"; } if (txtMo.Text != "") { strSql = strSql + " AND prd_mo='" + txtMo.Text + "'"; } DataTable tbMoFind = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); //if (tbMoFind.Rows.Count == 0) // tbMoFind.Rows.Add(); gvMo.DataSource = tbMoFind.DefaultView; gvMo.DataBind(); }
protected void initControls() { txtDoc_date1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); txtDoc_date2.Text = txtDoc_date1.Text; txtDep.Text = "501"; string strSql = "select id AS vend_id from " + remote_db + "it_vendor Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND id>='CL' AND id<='CLZZZZZZ'"; DataTable tbVend_id = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); tbVend_id.Rows.Add(); tbVend_id.DefaultView.Sort = "vend_id"; dlVend_id.DataSource = tbVend_id.DefaultView; dlVend_id.DataTextField = "vend_id"; dlVend_id.DataValueField = "vend_id"; dlVend_id.DataBind(); DataTable tbUnit = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlSetPrice.Items.Add("全部"); dlSetPrice.Items.Add("已設定單價"); dlSetPrice.Items.Add("未設定單價"); dlSetPrice.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected DataTable CehckPrdItem(string Prd_item, string Mat_item, string Dep_id) { string strSql = ""; strSql = "Select Prd_item From bs_mat_rate Where Prd_item='" + Prd_item + "' And Mat_item='" + Mat_item + "' And Dep_id='" + Dep_id + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); return(dt); }
public DataTable getCpFlag() { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = "Select flag_id,flag_desc From bs_flag_desc Where doc_type='" + "CP" + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); return(dt); }
private int findOorderTrace(string within_code, string mo_id) { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = "Select mo_id From so_order_trace Where within_code='" + within_code + "' AND mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); int result = dt.Rows.Count; return(result); }
private int findOorderInvoice(string invoice_id) { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = "Select invoice_id From so_ordertest_invoice Where invoice_id='" + invoice_id + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); int result = dt.Rows.Count; return(result); }
//檢查是否存在來料申請記錄 protected string chkRequestNoValid(string RequestNo) { string result = ""; string strSql = "Select id From st_jx_store_request Where id='" + RequestNo + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { result = "來料申請單號不存在!"; } return(result); }
protected void InitControler() { string strSql; strSql = "select group_id,group_desc from bs_mo_group order by group_id "; DataTable tbMo_group = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlMo_group.DataSource = tbMo_group.DefaultView; dlMo_group.DataTextField = "group_desc"; dlMo_group.DataValueField = "group_id"; dlMo_group.DataBind(); crDateStart.Value = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); crDateEnd.Value = crDateStart.Value; dlShowPeriod.SelectedIndex = 1; lblShowPeriodInfo.Text = "(貨未到包裝部。若香港有存貨,N/W/V單若已入成品倉,都當作已完成;R單已交包裝部(因為不用回港))"; }
public DataTable getDep() { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = "Select dep_id,Rtrim(dep_id)+'--'+Rtrim(dep_cdesc) AS dep_cdesc From bs_dep Order By dep_id"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dt.Rows.Add(); dt.DefaultView.Sort = "dep_id"; return(dt); }
public DataTable getWork_type() { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = "Select work_type_id,Rtrim(work_type_id)+'--'+Rtrim(work_type_desc) AS work_type_desc" + " From dgcf_pad.dbo.work_type Order By work_type_id"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); //dt.Rows.Add(); //dt.DefaultView.Sort = "work_type_id"; return(dt); }
public DataTable getJxDep() { SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); //string remote_db = "dgerp2.cferp.dbo."; //string strSql = "Select id,id+'--'+name AS name From "+remote_db+ "cd_department Where id='J03' OR id='J82' OR id='J86' Order By id"; string strSql = "Select dep_id AS id,Rtrim(dep_id)+'--'+Rtrim(dep_cdesc) AS name From bs_dep Where dep_group='JX' Order By dep_id"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dt.Rows.Add(); dt.DefaultView.Sort = "id"; return(dt); }
//產生ID編號 protected int GenID(string Loc_no, string Flag_id, string Transfer_date) { int Seq; //產生自動單號 string ID1, ID2; ID1 = Loc_no + Flag_id; ID2 = ID1 + "-" + Transfer_date.Substring(2, 2) + Transfer_date.Substring(5, 2) + Transfer_date.Substring(8, 2) + "9999"; string strSql = "Select MAX(ID) AS max_id From st_jx_store_transfer Where ID>='" + ID1 + "' And ID<='" + ID2 + "'"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Seq = dt.Rows[0]["max_id"].ToString() != "" ? (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["max_id"].ToString().Substring(12, 4)) + 1) : 1; } else { Seq = 1; } return(Seq); }
//protected void btnExpData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // Response.Redirect("Sa_Mo_PeriodOver5Day.aspx"); //} protected void LoadBatchMo() { string strSql = "Select id,mo_id,goods_id From mo_periodover5day_no"; DataTable tbMoFind = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (tbMoFind.Rows.Count == 0) { tbMoFind.Rows.Add(); } gvBatchMo.DataSource = tbMoFind.DefaultView; gvBatchMo.DataBind(); }
protected void InitValue() { dateStart.Value = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); dateEnd.Value = dateStart.Value; string strSql = ""; strSql = "select convert(varchar(1),flag_id) AS flag_id,flag_desc from bs_flag_desc Where doc_type='AL' AND flag0='Y' order by flag_id "; DataTable tbA1 = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlWaitSample.DataSource = tbA1.DefaultView; dlWaitSample.DataTextField = "flag_desc"; dlWaitSample.DataValueField = "flag_id"; dlWaitSample.DataBind(); strSql = "select dep_id,dep_cdesc from sample_trace_dep order by sorting,dep_id "; DataTable tbDep = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlOwnType.DataSource = tbDep.DefaultView; dlOwnType.DataTextField = "dep_cdesc"; dlOwnType.DataValueField = "dep_id"; dlOwnType.DataBind(); }
private bool FindMo(string mo_id) { string strSql = ""; bool result = true; strSql = "Select mo_id From so_polo_order_trace Where mo_id='" + mo_id + "'"; DataTable dtOc = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (dtOc.Rows.Count == 0) { result = false; } return(result); }
private void InitValues() { string strSql = "Select typ_code AS id,typ_desc From bs_type Where typ_group='3'"; DataTable tbCp = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlSales_group.DataSource = tbCp.DefaultView; dlSales_group.DataTextField = "typ_desc"; dlSales_group.DataValueField = "id"; dlSales_group.DataBind(); dlSales_group.SelectedIndex = 0; //txtDate1.Text = "____/__/__"; //txtDate2.Text = "____/__/__"; }
protected void InitControler() { string strSql; strSql = "Select formname,show_name from v_dict_group where formname=" + "'" + "Mo_Group" + "'" + " AND language_id =" + "'" + lang_id + "'" + " Order By tb_col_sort"; DataTable tbMo_group = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); dlMo_group.DataSource = tbMo_group.DefaultView; dlMo_group.DataTextField = "show_name"; dlMo_group.DataValueField = "show_name"; dlMo_group.DataBind(); createDateStart.Value = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); createDateEnd.Value = createDateStart.Value; dlShowPeriod.SelectedIndex = 2; }
protected void LoadBatchMo() { string dat = txtDate.Text; string strSql = "Select * From mo_movestatus Where within_code='" + within_code + "'"; if (txtDep.Text != "") { strSql = strSql + " AND dep='" + txtDep.Text + "'"; } if (dat != "") { strSql = strSql + " AND count_date='" + dat + "'"; } DataTable tbMoFind = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); if (tbMoFind.Rows.Count == 0) { tbMoFind.Rows.Add(); } gvBatchMo.DataSource = tbMoFind.DefaultView; gvBatchMo.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; string now_date, prd_dep = "102"; int excel_row = 0; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); now_date = dateArrange.Value; //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status1, urgent_status, arrange_date, arrange_machine, order_date = "", req_time, dep_rep_date; int arrange_seq, order_qty, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty; user_id = getUserName(); //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; arrange_seq = (dr[0].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]) : 0); prd_mo = dr[1].ToString(); if (prd_mo != "") { arrange_date = (dr[2].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[2].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); urgent_status1 = dr[3].ToString(); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "01"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "03"; } } } prd_item = dr[4].ToString(); order_date = (dr[7].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[7].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); req_time = (dr[9].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[9].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); order_qty = (dr[10].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[10]) : 0); req_qty = (dr[11].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[11]) : 0); cpl_qty = (dr[12].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[12]) : 0); wait_cpl_qty = (dr[13].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[13]) : 0); prd_cpl_qty = (dr[14].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[14]) : 0); dep_rep_date = (dr[16].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[16].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); arrange_machine = dr[17].ToString(); string dtt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); string id = prd_dep + dtt.Substring(0, 4) + dtt.Substring(5, 2) + dtt.Substring(8, 2) + dtt.Substring(11, 2) + dtt.Substring(14, 2) + dtt.Substring(17, 2) + (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); strSql_f = "Select prd_mo From product_arrange Where prd_dep='" + prd_dep + "' And now_date='" + now_date + "' And prd_mo='" + prd_mo + "' And prd_item='" + prd_item + "'"; if (sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f).Rows.Count == 0) { strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO product_arrange (arrange_id,now_date,prd_dep,prd_mo,prd_item,urgent_status,arrange_machine,arrange_date,arrange_seq,order_qty ,order_date,req_time,req_qty,cpl_qty,wait_cpl_qty,prd_cpl_qty,dep_rep_date,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}',GETDATE())" , id, now_date, prd_dep, prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , order_date, req_time, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update product_arrange Set urgent_status='{0}',arrange_machine='{1}',arrange_date='{2}',arrange_seq='{3}' ,order_qty='{4}',order_date='{5}',req_time='{6}',req_qty='{7}',cpl_qty='{8}',wait_cpl_qty='{9}',prd_cpl_qty='{10}' ,dep_rep_date='{11}',amusr='******',amtim=GETDATE() Where prd_dep='{13}' And now_date='{14}' And prd_mo='{15}' And prd_item='{16}'" , urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , order_date, req_time, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, user_id, prd_dep, now_date, prd_mo, prd_item); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
public void getPlan(HttpContext context) { clsPublic cls = new clsPublic(); BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string ReturnValue = string.Empty; string Prd_dep = ""; string Arrange_date = ""; string Prd_mo_from = "", Prd_mo_to = ""; string Prd_item_from = ""; string Dep_group = ""; string strSql = ""; string para = context.Request["param"]; if (para != null) { JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); Prd_dep = ja[0]["Prd_dep"].ToString().Trim(); Arrange_date = ja[0]["Arrange_date"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_mo_from = ja[0]["Prd_mo_from"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_mo_to = ja[0]["Prd_mo_to"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_item_from = ja[0]["Prd_item_from"].ToString().Trim(); Dep_group = ja[0]["Dep_group"].ToString().Trim(); } else { Prd_dep = context.Request["Prd_dep"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_dep"] : ""; Arrange_date = context.Request["Arrange_date"] != null ? context.Request["Arrange_date"] : ""; Prd_mo_from = context.Request["Prd_mo_from"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_mo_from"] : ""; Prd_mo_to = context.Request["Prd_mo_to"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_mo_to"] : ""; Prd_item_from = context.Request["Prd_item_from"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_item_from"] : ""; Dep_group = context.Request["Dep_group"] != null ? context.Request["Dep_group"] : ""; } if (Prd_dep == "" && Arrange_date == "" && Prd_mo_from == "" && Prd_mo_to == "" && Prd_item_from == "" && Dep_group == "") { Prd_dep = "ZZZ"; Prd_mo_from = "ZZZZZZZZZ"; Prd_mo_to = "ZZZZZZZZZ"; Prd_item_from = ""; } strSql = "Select a.arrange_id,a.now_date, a.prd_dep, a.prd_mo, a.prd_item, AS prd_item_cdesc, a.mo_urgent,c.flag_cdesc" + ", a.arrange_machine, a.arrange_date, a.arrange_seq, a.order_qty" + ", a.order_date, a.req_f_date, a.req_qty, a.cpl_qty, a.arrange_qty, a.prd_cpl_qty, a.dep_rep_date,a.cust_o_date,a.dep_group " + ",dgcf_pad.dbo.fn_getArrangeWorker(a.arrange_id) AS worker_gp,a.pre_prd_dep_date,a.pre_prd_dep_qty " + " From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange a " + " Left Join geo_it_goods b On a.prd_item COLLATE " + " Left Join bs_flag_desc c On a.mo_urgent COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS=c.flag_id " + " Where a.arrange_id>'' And c.doc_type='mo_urgent_status' "; if (Prd_dep != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_dep='" + Prd_dep + "'"; } if (Arrange_date != "") { strSql += " And a.now_date='" + Arrange_date + "'"; } if (Prd_mo_from != "" && Prd_mo_to != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_mo>='" + Prd_mo_from + "' And a.prd_mo<='" + Prd_mo_to + "'"; } if (Dep_group != "") { strSql += " And a.dep_group='" + Dep_group + "'"; } if (Prd_item_from != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_item Like '" + "%" + Prd_item_from + "%'"; } strSql += " Order By a.prd_dep,a.dep_group,a.arrange_seq,a.arrange_date"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); ReturnValue = cls.DataTableJsonReturnExcel(dt);//提取記錄,返回給表格 context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(ReturnValue); context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; string now_date, prd_dep = "501"; int excel_row = 0; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); string vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item, remark; user_id = getUserName(); try { string vend_h = "", prd_mo_h = "", prd_item_h = "", remark_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; vend_h = (colName == "供應商" ? colName : vend_h); prd_mo_h = (colName == "頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); prd_item_h = (colName == "貨品編碼" ? colName : prd_item_h); remark_h = (colName == "電鍍回覆" ? colName : remark_h); } if (vend_h == "" || prd_mo_h == "" || prd_item_h == "" || remark_h == "") { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "Excel文件第一行必須為有效的表頭格式:供應商 -- 頁數 -- 貨品編碼--電鍍回覆!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { vendor_id = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[vend_h].ToString()); prd_item = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_item_h].ToString()); remark = (remark_h == "" ? "" : dr[remark_h].ToString()); strSql_f = "Select mo_id From mo_outside_rework_mark Where dep_id='" + prd_dep + "' And vendor_id='" + vendor_id + "' And mo_id='" + prd_mo + "' And goods_id='" + prd_item + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { //產生自動單號 strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_outside_rework_mark (dep_id,vendor_id,mo_id,goods_id,remark,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}',GETDATE())" , prd_dep, vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item, remark, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update mo_outside_rework_mark Set remark='{0}',crusr='******' ,crtim=GETDATE() Where dep_id='{2}' And vendor_id='{3}' And mo_id='{4}' And goods_id='{5}'" , remark, user_id, prd_dep, vendor_id, prd_mo, prd_item); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入電鍍回覆成功!"); this.DataSetBand(); } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
protected void DataSetBand() { bool is_val = false; string prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue; string prd_mo = txtPrd_mo.Value; this.OrderList.DataSource = null; System.Web.UI.WebControls.PagedDataSource ps = new PagedDataSource(); //CollectionPager1.DataSource = null; SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp(); string strSql = ""; strSql = "Select dep_id,vendor_id,mo_id,goods_id,remark,crusr,Convert(Varchar(20),crtim,120) As crtim " + " From mo_outside_rework_mark Where dep_id>'' "; if (prd_dep != "" && prd_dep != null) { strSql += " And dep_id='" + prd_dep + "'"; } if (txtVendor_id.Value != "") { strSql += " And vendor_id='" + txtVendor_id.Value + "'"; is_val = true; } if (prd_mo != "" && prd_mo != null) { strSql += " And mo_id='" + prd_mo + "'"; is_val = true; } if (is_val == false) { string dat1 = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string dat2 = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); strSql += " And crtim>='" + dat1 + "' And crtim<'" + dat2 + "'"; } strSql += " Order By dep_id,vendor_id,crtim Desc"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); ps.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; ps.AllowPaging = true; ps.PageSize = 30; //每页显示几条记录 ps.CurrentPageIndex = curPage - 1; //设置当前页的索引(当前页码减1就是) //this.OrderList.DataSource = ps; ////this.hourseDataList.DataKeyField = "hourseId"; //this.OrderList.DataBind(); ////如果有UpdatePanel就用如下代码调用前台js //////this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page.GetType(), "", "<script>fixgrid();</script>", true); //////ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel, this.Page.GetType(), "", "fixgrid();", true); this.firstBtn.Enabled = true; this.nextBtn.Enabled = true; this.prevBtn.Enabled = true; this.lastBtn.Enabled = true; totalPage = ps.PageCount; setCurrentPage(totalPage);//設置下拉框頁數 this.lTotalPage.Text = totalPage.ToString(); if (curPage == 1)//当是第一页是.上一页和首页的按钮不可用 { this.prevBtn.Enabled = false; this.firstBtn.Enabled = false; } if (curPage == ps.PageCount)//当是最后一页时下一页和最后一页的按钮不可用 { this.nextBtn.Enabled = false; this.lastBtn.Enabled = false; } this.OrderList.DataSource = ps; //this.hourseDataList.DataKeyField = "hourseId"; this.OrderList.DataBind(); //如果有UpdatePanel就用如下代码调用前台js ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel, this.Page.GetType(), "", "fixgrid();", true); }
private void Data_Binding() { //string dateFrom = Request.QueryString["dateFrom"].ToString(); //string dateTo = Request.QueryString["dateTo"].ToString(); //string ID = Request.QueryString["ID"]; //this.ReportViewer1.Reset(); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Dispose(); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource(); //reportDataSource.Name = "DsSo"; ////Dgsql2DBContext db = new Dgsql2DBContext(); ////var model = new so_online_order_details(); ////int id = 1023; ////List<so_online_order_details> lsModel = new List<so_online_order_details>(); ////lsModel = db.so_online_order_details.ToList(); //var lsModel = SoDAL.GetPrintSo(ID); //double TotalAmountUSD = 0; //for (int i = 0; i < lsModel.Count; i++) //{ // TotalAmountUSD += lsModel[i].AmountUSD; //} //reportDataSource.Value = lsModel;// Db.BaseUser.Find(id); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../Reports/St_GoodsTransferJxDetails.rdlc"); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); //ReportParameter rp = new ReportParameter("TotalAmount", TotalAmountUSD.ToString()); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rp }); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/Reports/sample_trace.rdlc";// //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; //// 获取 MyHandler.jxd 的完整路径 ////string barcode_url = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath + "file/image/" + "/MyHandler.jxd?data="; //string barcode_url = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath + "file/image/"; ////+"file/image" ////-> "http://localhost:6344/HttpHandlerDemo/MyHandler.jxd?data=" string prdDep = Request.QueryString["prdDep"].ToString(); string moGroup = Request.QueryString["moGroup"].ToString(); string prdMoFrom = Request.QueryString["prdMoFrom"].ToString(); string prdMoTo = Request.QueryString["prdMoTo"].ToString(); string prdItem = Request.QueryString["prdItem"].ToString(); string dateFrom = Request.QueryString["dateFrom"].ToString(); string dateTo = Request.QueryString["dateTo"].ToString(); string transferFlag = Request.QueryString["transferFlag"].ToString(); string strSql = "Select a.prd_dep,d.dep_cdesc AS prd_dep_cdesc,a.prd_mo,a.prd_item, AS prd_item_cdesc" + ",a.transfer_qty,a.transfer_weg,a.wip_id" + ",a.transfer_date,c.flag_desc,a.to_dep,e.dep_cdesc AS to_dep_cdesc " + " FROM dgcf_pad.dbo.product_transfer_jx_details a" + " LEFT JOIN geo_it_goods b ON COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS" + " LEFT JOIN bs_flag_desc c ON a.transfer_flag=c.flag_id COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS" + " LEFT JOIN bs_dep d ON a.wip_id=d.dep_id COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS" + " LEFT JOIN bs_dep e ON a.to_dep=e.dep_id COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS" + " WHERE c.doc_type='goods_transfer_jx'"; if (prdDep != "") { strSql += " AND a.prd_dep='" + prdDep + "'"; } if (moGroup != "") { strSql += " AND Substring(a.prd_mo,3,1)='" + moGroup + "'"; } if (prdMoFrom != "" && prdMoTo != "") { strSql += " AND a.prd_mo>='" + prdMoFrom + "' AND a.prd_mo<='" + prdMoTo + "'"; } if (prdItem != "") { strSql += " AND a.prd_item Like '" + "%" + prdItem + "%" + "'"; } if (dateFrom != "" && dateTo != "") { strSql += " AND a.Transfer_date>='" + dateFrom + "' AND a.Transfer_date<='" + dateTo + "'"; } if (transferFlag.Trim() == "0" || transferFlag.Trim() == "1") { strSql += " AND a.Transfer_flag='" + transferFlag + "'"; } strSql += " ORDER BY a.prd_dep,a.Transfer_flag,a.transfer_date,a.prd_item,a.prd_mo"; DataTable dtPrint = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); this.ReportViewer1.Reset(); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Dispose(); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../Reports/St_GoodsTransferJxDetails.rdlc"); Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource rds = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("DSDgsql2Dgcf_pad", dtPrint); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DSDgcf_pad", dtPrint)); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add( //new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("DSDgcf_pad", dtPrint)); //向報表傳遞多個參數 List <ReportParameter> para = new List <ReportParameter>(); //这里是添加两个字段 para.Add(new ReportParameter("userId", getUserName())); //para.Add(new ReportParameter("userName", "aaa")); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(para); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); this.ReportViewer1.ZoomMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ZoomMode.Percent; this.ReportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 100; ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); //string doc_type_to = "相關制單"; //string color = "N001"; //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Reports\\sample_trace.rdlc";//Report1.rdlc; //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; ////ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter(doc_type_to));//, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ////向報表傳遞單個參數 ////ReportParameter rp = new ReportParameter("doc_type_to", doc_type_to); ////ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rp }); ////向報表傳遞多個參數 //ReportParameter[] para = new ReportParameter[3]; //para[0] = new ReportParameter("Remark", txtRemark_head.Text); //para[1] = new ReportParameter("RouteDep", txtRouteDep.Text); //para[2] = new ReportParameter("barcode_url", barcode_url); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(para); //ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet_Trace", dtPrint); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); }
public void GetPlan(HttpContext context) { clsPublic cls = new clsPublic(); BasePage bp = new BasePage(); string ReturnValue = string.Empty; string Prd_dep = ""; string Now_date = ""; string Prd_mo_from = "", Prd_mo_to = ""; string Prd_item_from = ""; string Mat_item_from = ""; string para = context.Request["param"]; if (para != null) { JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(para); Prd_dep = ja[0]["Prd_dep"].ToString().Trim(); Now_date = ja[0]["Now_date"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_mo_from = ja[0]["Prd_mo_from"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_mo_to = ja[0]["Prd_mo_to"].ToString().Trim(); Prd_item_from = ja[0]["Prd_item_from"].ToString().Trim(); Mat_item_from = ja[0]["Mat_item_from"].ToString().Trim(); } else { Prd_dep = context.Request["Prd_dep"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_dep"] : ""; Now_date = context.Request["Now_date"] != null ? context.Request["Now_date"] : ""; Prd_mo_from = context.Request["Prd_mo_from"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_mo_from"] : ""; Prd_mo_to = context.Request["Prd_mo_to"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_mo_to"] : ""; Prd_item_from = context.Request["Prd_item_from"] != null ? context.Request["Prd_item_from"] : ""; Mat_item_from = context.Request["Mat_item_from"] != null ? context.Request["Mat_item_from"] : ""; } if (Prd_dep == "" && Now_date == "" && Prd_mo_from == "" && Prd_mo_to == "" && Prd_item_from == "" && Mat_item_from == "") { Prd_dep = "ZZZ"; Prd_mo_from = "ZZZZZZZZZ"; Prd_mo_to = "ZZZZZZZZZ"; Prd_item_from = ""; } string strSql = "Select a.prd_seq,a.receive_date,a.prd_mo,a.prd_item,a.arrange_machine" + ",a.prd_worker,a.delivery_date,a.arrange_qty,a.cpl_qty,a.not_cpl_qty,a.mat_item,a.arrange_id,a.prd_dep" + ",a.arrange_date,a.now_date,a.wp_id" + ", As prd_item_cdesc" + ",d.mat_item AS mat_item1, As mat_item_cdesc,d.kg_qty_rate,Convert(float,d.kg_qty_rate) AS not_cpl_weg " + " From product_arrange_jx a" + " Left Join geo_it_goods b On" + " Left Join bs_mat_rate d On a.prd_item=d.prd_item And a.wp_id=d.dep_id" + " Left Join geo_it_goods c On" + " Where a.arrange_id>=''"; if (Prd_dep != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_dep='" + Prd_dep + "'"; } if (Now_date != "") { strSql += " And a.now_date='" + Now_date + "'"; } if (Prd_mo_from != "" && Prd_mo_to != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_mo>='" + Prd_mo_from + "' And a.prd_mo<='" + Prd_mo_to + "'"; } if (Prd_item_from != "") { strSql += " And a.prd_item Like " + "'%" + Prd_item_from + "%'"; } if (Mat_item_from != "") { strSql += " And d.mat_item Like " + "'%" + Mat_item_from + "%'"; } strSql += " Order By a.prd_dep,a.arrange_seq"; DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; double kg_qty_rate = dr["kg_qty_rate"].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr["kg_qty_rate"]) : 0; dr["not_cpl_weg"] = kg_qty_rate != 0 ? Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(dr["not_cpl_qty"]) / Convert.ToDouble(dr["kg_qty_rate"]), 2) : 0; } ReturnValue = cls.DataTableJsonReturnExcel(dt);//提取記錄,返回給表格 context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(ReturnValue); context.Response.End(); }
private void Data_Binding() { string productMoFrom = Request.QueryString["productMoFrom"].ToString(); string productMoTo = Request.QueryString["productMoTo"].ToString(); string invFrom = Request.QueryString["invFrom"].ToString(); string invTo = Request.QueryString["invTo"].ToString(); string dateFrom = Request.QueryString["dateFrom"].ToString(); string dateTo = Request.QueryString["dateTo"].ToString(); string remote_db = DBUtility.remote_db; string within_code = DBUtility.within_code; string strSql = "Select b.mo_id,,a.invoice_no,Convert(Varchar(20),a.invoice_date,111) AS invoice_date, AS goods_cname " + ",b.issues_unit,Convert(INT,b.issues_qty) AS issues_qty, AS order_id,d.unit_price,d.p_unit,f.rate" + ",Round((b.issues_qty/f.rate)*Convert(float,d.unit_price),2) AS order_amt" + ",a.linkman,d.table_head,e.m_id" + " From " + remote_db + "so_issues_mostly a" + " Inner Join " + remote_db + "so_issues_details b On a.within_code=b.within_code And" + " Inner Join " + remote_db + "it_goods c On b.within_code=c.within_code And" + " Inner Join " + remote_db + "so_order_details d On b.within_code=d.within_code And b.mo_id=d.mo_id" + " Inner Join " + remote_db + "so_order_manage e On d.within_code=e.within_code And And d.ver=e.ver" + " Inner Join " + remote_db + "it_coding f On d.within_code=f.within_code And d.p_unit=f.unit_code And b.issues_unit=f.basic_unit" + " Where a.within_code='" + within_code + "' And'*'"; if (dateFrom == "" && invFrom == "" && productMoFrom == "") { invFrom = "INV999999999"; invTo = "INV999999999"; } if (dateFrom != "" && dateTo != "") { dateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); strSql += " And a.invoice_date>='" + dateFrom + "' And a.invoice_date<'" + dateTo + "'"; } if (productMoFrom != "" && productMoTo != "") { strSql += " And b.mo_id>='" + productMoFrom + "' And b.mo_id<='" + productMoTo + "'"; } if (invFrom != "" && invTo != "") { strSql += " And a.invoice_no>='" + invFrom + "' And a.invoice_no<='" + invTo + "'"; } strSql += " Order By a.invoice_no,a.invoice_date,b.mo_id"; DataTable dtPrint = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql); decimal totalAmt = 0; this.ReportViewer1.Reset(); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Dispose(); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../Reports/Sa_Iv_VatDeliveryDetails.rdlc"); Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource rds = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("dsSa_Iv_VatDeliveryDetails", dtPrint); //this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DSDgcf_pad", dtPrint)); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add( //new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("DSDgcf_pad", dtPrint)); //向報表傳遞多個參數 List <ReportParameter> para = new List <ReportParameter>(); //这里是添加两个字段 para.Add(new ReportParameter("totalAmt", totalAmt.ToString())); //para.Add(new ReportParameter("userName", "aaa")); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(para); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); this.ReportViewer1.ZoomMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ZoomMode.Percent; this.ReportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 100; ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); //string doc_type_to = "相關制單"; //string color = "N001"; //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Reports\\sample_trace.rdlc";//Report1.rdlc; //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; ////ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter(doc_type_to));//, Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ////向報表傳遞單個參數 ////ReportParameter rp = new ReportParameter("doc_type_to", doc_type_to); ////ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rp }); ////向報表傳遞多個參數 //ReportParameter[] para = new ReportParameter[3]; //para[0] = new ReportParameter("Remark", txtRemark_head.Text); //para[1] = new ReportParameter("RouteDep", txtRouteDep.Text); //para[2] = new ReportParameter("barcode_url", barcode_url); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(para); //ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet_Trace", dtPrint); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); //ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DtOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName, string sheetName) { bool upd_flag = true; string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; imgProcess.Visible = true; string now_date, prd_dep = "102"; int excel_row = 1; //string[] proSub = Request.Form.GetValues("selDep"); //prd_dep = proSub[selDep.SelectedIndex]; prd_dep = dlDep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(); now_date = txtArrangeDate.Value; //System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status1, urgent_status, arrange_date, arrange_machine, cust_o_date = "", req_f_date, dep_rep_date, req_hk_date, dep_group; string pre_prd_dep_date = ""; int pre_prd_dep_qty = 0; int arrange_seq, order_qty, req_qty, cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty; string prd_status = "00";// string rec_status = "0"; user_id = getUserName(); string strDep = fileName.Substring(0, 3); dep_group = ""; if (prd_dep == "102") { if (fileName.Substring(0, 3) == "萬能機") { dep_group = "A"; } else { if (fileName.Substring(0, 2) == "雞眼") { dep_group = "B"; } } } //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { string arrange_seq_h = "", prd_mo_h = "", urgent_status_h = "", prd_item_h = "", cust_o_date_h = "", req_f_date_h = "", order_qty_h = "", cpl_qty_h = "" , arrange_date_h = "", arrange_qty_h = "", req_qty_h = "", prd_cpl_qty_h = "", dep_rep_date_h = "", arrange_machine_h = "" , req_hk_date_h = "", dep_group_h1 = "", dep_group_h2 = "", dep_group_h3 = "" , pre_prd_dep_date_h = "", pre_prd_dep_qty_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; arrange_seq_h = (colName == "序號" ? colName : arrange_seq_h); prd_mo_h = (colName == "制單編號" || colName == "頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); urgent_status_h = (colName == "急單" || colName == "状态" || colName == "狀態" ? colName : urgent_status_h); arrange_date_h = (colName == "排期日期" || colName == "排期日期AA" || colName == "排期" ? colName : arrange_date_h); prd_item_h = (colName == "產品編號" || colName == "物料編號" ? colName : prd_item_h); cust_o_date_h = (colName == "客落單日期" ? colName : cust_o_date_h); req_f_date_h = (colName == "要求完成時間" || colName == "pmc要求完成日期" ? colName : req_f_date_h); order_qty_h = (colName == "訂單數量" ? colName : order_qty_h); req_qty_h = (colName == "要求數量" || colName == "應生產數量" ? colName : req_qty_h); cpl_qty_h = (colName == "完成數量" || colName == "已完成數量" ? colName : cpl_qty_h); arrange_qty_h = (colName == "待完成數量" ? colName : arrange_qty_h); prd_cpl_qty_h = (colName == "生產數量" ? colName : prd_cpl_qty_h); dep_rep_date_h = (colName == "部門回覆" || colName == "部門覆期" || colName == "部門復期" ? colName : dep_rep_date_h); arrange_machine_h = (colName == "生產設備" ? colName : arrange_machine_h); req_hk_date_h = (colName == "計劃回港期" || colName == "計劃回港日期" || colName == "回港期" ? colName : req_hk_date_h); dep_group_h1 = (colName == "自動" || colName == "组別" || colName == "組別" ? colName : dep_group_h1); dep_group_h2 = (colName == "打扣" ? colName : dep_group_h2); dep_group_h3 = (colName == "車碑" ? colName : dep_group_h3); pre_prd_dep_date_h = (colName == "上部門來貨期" ? colName : pre_prd_dep_date_h); pre_prd_dep_qty_h = (colName == "上部門來貨數量" ? colName : pre_prd_dep_qty_h); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { strSql = ""; excel_row = excel_row + 1; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; //if (i == 577) //{ // int aa = 1; //} arrange_seq = (arrange_seq_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[arrange_seq_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[arrange_seq_h]) : 0)); prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { arrange_date = (arrange_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[arrange_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[arrange_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); urgent_status1 = (urgent_status_h == "" ? "" : dr[urgent_status_h].ToString().Trim()); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "04"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "03"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { urgent_status = "00"; } } } prd_item = (prd_item_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_item_h].ToString()); cust_o_date = (cust_o_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[cust_o_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[cust_o_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); req_f_date = (req_f_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[req_f_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[req_f_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); order_qty = (order_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[order_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[order_qty_h]) : 0)); req_qty = (req_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[req_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[req_qty_h]) : 0)); cpl_qty = (cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); arrange_qty = (arrange_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[arrange_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[arrange_qty_h]) : 0)); prd_cpl_qty = (prd_cpl_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[prd_cpl_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[prd_cpl_qty_h]) : 0)); //dep_rep_date = (dep_rep_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); dep_rep_date = (dep_rep_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() != "" ? dr[dep_rep_date_h].ToString() : "")); arrange_machine = (arrange_machine_h == "" ? "" : dr[arrange_machine_h].ToString()); req_hk_date = (req_hk_date_h == "" ? "" : (dr[req_hk_date_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[req_hk_date_h].ToString()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : "")); pre_prd_dep_date = (pre_prd_dep_date_h == "" ? "" : dr[pre_prd_dep_date_h].ToString()); pre_prd_dep_qty = (pre_prd_dep_qty_h == "" ? 0 : (dr[pre_prd_dep_qty_h].ToString() != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(dr[pre_prd_dep_qty_h]) : 0)); if (prd_dep == "202") { dep_group = (dep_group_h1 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h1].ToString());//自動 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "A"; } else { if (dep_group == "") { dep_group = (dep_group_h2 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h2].ToString());//打扣 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "B"; } else { if (dep_group == "") { dep_group = (dep_group_h3 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h3].ToString());//車碑 if (dep_group != "") { dep_group = "C"; } } } } } } else { dep_group = (dep_group_h1 == "" ? "" : dr[dep_group_h1].ToString()); } string dtt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"); strSql_f = "Select arrange_id From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Where prd_dep='" + prd_dep + "' And now_date='" + now_date + "' And prd_mo='" + prd_mo + "' And prd_item='" + prd_item + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { //產生自動單號 string id = prd_dep + dtt.Substring(0, 4) + dtt.Substring(5, 2) + dtt.Substring(8, 2) + dtt.Substring(11, 2) + dtt.Substring(14, 2) + dtt.Substring(17, 2) + (i + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); //string prd_seq = "01"; strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange (arrange_id,now_date,prd_dep,prd_mo,prd_item,mo_urgent,arrange_machine,arrange_date,arrange_seq,order_qty ,cust_o_date,req_f_date,req_qty,cpl_qty,arrange_qty,prd_cpl_qty,dep_rep_date,rec_status,prd_status,req_hk_date,dep_group,pre_prd_dep_date,pre_prd_dep_qty,crusr,crtim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}','{21}','{22}','{23}',GETDATE())" , id, now_date, prd_dep, prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty , cust_o_date, req_f_date, req_qty, cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, rec_status, prd_status, req_hk_date, dep_group, pre_prd_dep_date, pre_prd_dep_qty, user_id); } else { string arrange_id = dtArrange.Rows[0]["arrange_id"].ToString(); strSql += string.Format(@"Update dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange Set mo_urgent='{0}',arrange_machine='{1}',arrange_date='{2}',arrange_seq='{3}' ,order_qty='{4}',cust_o_date='{5}',req_f_date='{6}',req_qty='{7}',cpl_qty='{8}',arrange_qty='{9}',prd_cpl_qty='{10}' ,dep_rep_date='{11}',rec_status='{12}',prd_status='{13}',req_hk_date='{14}',dep_group='{15}',now_date='{16}',pre_prd_dep_date='{17}',pre_prd_dep_qty='{18}',amusr='******' ,amtim=GETDATE() Where arrange_id='{20}'" , urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty, cust_o_date, req_f_date, req_qty , cpl_qty, arrange_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date, rec_status, prd_status, req_hk_date, dep_group, now_date, pre_prd_dep_date, pre_prd_dep_qty, user_id, arrange_id); } result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 if (result_str != "") { upd_flag = false; break; } } } imgProcess.Visible = false; if (upd_flag) { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表成功!"); } else { StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表失敗,記錄: " + excel_row.ToString() + " " + result_str); } //if (strSql != "") //{ // result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 // if (result_str == "") // StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表成功!"); // else // StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "匯入排期表失敗:"+ result_str); //} //else //{ // result_str = ""; //} } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確,行:" + excel_row.ToString() + " " + ex.Message; } imgProcess.Visible = false; if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
/// <summary> /// 数据集操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// 更新Excel表到临时表pu_temp_excel中 private void DataSetOperator(DataTable dt, string fileName) { string result_str = ""; string strSql = "", strSql_f = ""; int excel_row = 0; string prd_mo, urgent_status, urgent_status1 = ""; user_id = getUserName(); //strSql += string.Format(@"Delete From product_arrange Where prd_dep='{0}' and now_date='{1}'", prd_dep, now_date); try { string prd_mo_h = "", urgent_status_h = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { string colName = dt.Columns[j].ColumnName; prd_mo_h = (colName == "制單編號" || colName == "頁數" || colName == "未完成頁數" ? colName : prd_mo_h); urgent_status_h = (colName == "急單" || colName == "状态" || colName == "狀態" || colName == "急/特急狀態" ? colName : urgent_status_h); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; excel_row = excel_row + 1; prd_mo = (prd_mo_h == "" ? "" : dr[prd_mo_h].ToString().Trim()); if (prd_mo != "") { urgent_status1 = (urgent_status_h == "" ? "" : dr[urgent_status_h].ToString().Trim()); urgent_status = ""; if (urgent_status1 == "超特急") { urgent_status = "04"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "特急") { urgent_status = "03"; } else { if (urgent_status1 == "急單" || urgent_status1 == "急") { urgent_status = "02"; } else { urgent_status = "00"; } } } strSql_f = "Select mo_id From mo_status Where mo_id='" + prd_mo + "'"; DataTable dtArrange = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql_f); if (dtArrange.Rows.Count == 0) { strSql += string.Format(@"INSERT INTO mo_status (mo_id,mo_status,cr_usr,cr_tim) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}',GETDATE())", prd_mo, urgent_status, user_id); } else { strSql += string.Format(@"Update mo_status Set mo_status='{0}',am_usr='******' ,am_tim=GETDATE() Where mo_id='{2}'", urgent_status, user_id, prd_mo); } } } if (strSql != "") { result_str = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);//更新明細記錄 StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, "更新制單狀態成功!"); } else { result_str = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { result_str = "Excel文件的欄位不正確:(" + excel_row.ToString() + ")" + ex.Message; } if (result_str != "") { //Response.Write(String.Format("<script text='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", result_str)); StrHlp.WebMessageBox(this.Page, result_str); } }
private int chkWorker(string arrange_id, string worker_id, string work_type_id) { string strSql = " Select worker_id From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker Where arrange_id='" + arrange_id + "' And worker_id='" + worker_id + "' And work_type_id='" + work_type_id + "'"; return(sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql).Rows.Count); }