コード例 #1
        public Weapon(SPRWorld sprWorld, Bot bot, Vector2 relativePosition, float relativeRotation, String textureName, Vector2 scale, WeaponType weaponType, float health, float power)
            m_SPRWorld = sprWorld;
            m_Time = 0;
            this.m_owner = bot;
            this.m_firing = false;
            this.m_reloadTime = weaponType == WeaponType.melee ? 0 : .2f;
            this.m_reloading = 0;
            this.weaponType = weaponType;
            this.m_power = power;
            m_Position = relativePosition;
            m_Rotation = relativeRotation;
            m_Texture = TextureStatic.Get(textureName);
            m_Scale = scale;
            this.m_health = health;

            Vertices v = SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons[textureName];
            // Simplify the object until it has few enough verticies.
            while (v.Count > Physics.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices) // Infinite loop potential?
                v = SimplifyTools.DouglasPeuckerSimplify(v, 2); // Where 2 is a completely arbitrary number?

            v.Scale(ref scale);
            //v.Translate(ref relativePosition);

            Fixture f = FixtureFactory.CreatePolygon(v, 1f, bot.Body, relativePosition);
            m_Fixture = f;
            f.Friction = 0.5f;
            f.Restitution = 0f;
            f.UserData = this;
            if (this.weaponType == WeaponType.melee)
                Body tempBody = BodyFactory.CreateBody(m_SPRWorld.World);
                tempBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                Vertices v2 = SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons["Axe"];
                // Simplify the object until it has few enough verticies.
                while (v2.Count > Physics.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices) // Infinite loop potential?
                    v2 = SimplifyTools.DouglasPeuckerSimplify(v2, 2); // Where 2 is a completely arbitrary number?
                Fixture f2 = FixtureFactory.CreatePolygon(SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons[textureName], 0.1f, tempBody);
                f2.Friction = 0.5f;
                f2.Restitution = 0f;
                tempBody.SetTransform(this.GetAbsPosition(), this.GetAbsRotation());
                Projectile justFired = new Projectile(m_SPRWorld, tempBody, TextureStatic.Get("Axe"), new Vector2(0, 0), this.GetRelRotation(), 5, Settings.MetersPerPixel * 80, 80 * Settings.MetersPerPixel, m_power, m_health);
                f2.UserData = justFired;
                f2.OnCollision += Projectile.OnMeleeHit;
                RevoluteJoint joint = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(m_SPRWorld.World, this.m_owner.Body, tempBody, Vector2.Zero);
                joint.MaxMotorTorque = 160;
                joint.LimitEnabled = true;
                joint.MotorEnabled = true;
                joint.LowerLimit =  - (float)Math.PI / 4f;
                joint.UpperLimit = (float)Math.PI / 4f;
                m_AxeJoint = joint;
コード例 #2
 public SPRAI(SPRWorld world)
     m_World = world;
     m_Weapons = new bool[4];
     m_Move = Vector2.Zero;
     m_Fire = Vector2.Zero;
     m_Spin = 0f;
コード例 #3
 public SPRAI(SPRWorld world)
     m_World   = world;
     m_Weapons = new bool[4];
     m_Move    = Vector2.Zero;
     m_Fire    = Vector2.Zero;
     m_Spin    = 0f;
コード例 #4
        public Bot(SPRWorld sprWord, Body body, Bot.Player player, Bot.Type type, SPRAI control, Texture2D texture, float width, float height, float health)
            : base(sprWord, body, texture, width, height, health)
            this.m_player  = player;
            this.m_type    = type;
            this.m_Control = control;

            this.m_Weapons = new Weapon[4];
コード例 #5
 public Projectile(SPRWorld sprWorld, Body body, Texture2D texture, Vector2 velocity, float rotation, float life, float width, float height, float power)
     : base(sprWorld, body, texture, width, height, (float)1.0)
     this.m_rotation = rotation;
     this.m_velocity = velocity;
     this.m_Life = life;
     this.m_power = power;
     m_toRemove = new List<Body>();
コード例 #6
 public Projectile(SPRWorld sprWorld, Body body, Texture2D texture, Vector2 velocity, float rotation, float life, float width, float height, float power, float health)
     : base(sprWorld, body, texture, width, height, health)
     this.m_rotation = rotation;
     this.m_velocity = velocity;
     this.m_Life     = life;
     this.m_power    = power;
     m_toRemove      = new List <Body>();
コード例 #7
        public Bot(SPRWorld sprWord, Body body, Bot.Player player, Bot.Type type, SPRAI control, Texture2D texture, float width, float height, float health)
            : base(sprWord, body, texture, width, height, health)
            this.m_player = player;
            this.m_type = type;
            this.m_Control = control;

            this.m_Weapons = new Weapon[4];
コード例 #8
 public ModeAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)
     foreach(Entity e in world.GetEntities())
         if(e is Bot && ((Bot)e).IsPlayer())
             m_Player = (Bot)e;
     m_ModeTimeout = 0;
コード例 #9
 public Entity(SPRWorld sprWorld, Body body, Texture2D texture, float width, float height, float maxHealth)
     this.m_SPRWorld  = sprWorld;
     this.m_Body      = body;
     m_ID             = s_ID++;
     m_Dead           = false;
     m_Texture        = texture;
     m_Width          = width;
     m_Height         = height;
     this.m_maxHealth = maxHealth;
     this.m_health    = maxHealth;
コード例 #10
 public ModeAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)
     foreach (Entity e in world.GetEntities())
         if (e is Bot && ((Bot)e).IsPlayer())
             m_Player = (Bot)e;
     m_ModeTimeout = 0;
コード例 #11
 public Entity(SPRWorld sprWorld, Body body, Texture2D texture, float width, float height, float maxHealth)
     this.m_SPRWorld = sprWorld;
     this.m_Body = body;
     m_ID = s_ID++;
     m_Dead = false;
     m_Texture = texture;
     m_Width = width;
     m_Height = height;
     this.m_maxHealth = maxHealth;
     this.m_health = maxHealth;
コード例 #12
        public override void Update(float dTime, Bot self)
            m_ModeTimeout -= dTime;
            m_Self         = self;
            Vector2 move = this.chooseMove();
            int     side = chooseSide();

            float relRot = side * (float)Math.PI / 2f;
            float ownRot = self.GetRotation();

            Vector2 facing  = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(ownRot + relRot), (float)Math.Sin(ownRot + relRot));
            Vector2 desired = m_Player.GetPosition() - self.GetPosition();

            this.Spin    = Math.Min(Math.Max(SPRWorld.SignedAngle(facing, desired) * 4, -1), 1) * .5f;
            this.Move    = move;
            this.Weapons = chooseFire();
コード例 #13
 public BrickAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)
コード例 #14
        private Vector2 chooseMove()
            if (m_Mode == Mode.DEFENSE)
                Vector2        toP      = m_Player.GetPosition() - m_Self.GetPosition();
                Vector2[]      corners  = { new Vector2(300, 300) * Settings.MetersPerPixel, new Vector2(1620, 300) * Settings.MetersPerPixel, new Vector2(1620, 780) * Settings.MetersPerPixel, new Vector2(300, 780) * Settings.MetersPerPixel };
                List <Vector2> cornList = new List <Vector2>(corners);

                int bad = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < cornList.Count; i++)
                    Vector2 pToCorn = cornList.ElementAt(i) - m_Player.GetPosition();
                    Vector2 badCorn = cornList.ElementAt(bad) - m_Player.GetPosition();
                    if (pToCorn.Length() < badCorn.Length())
                        bad = i;


                Vector2[] toCorners = new Vector2[cornList.Count];

                int best = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < toCorners.Length; i++)
                    toCorners[i] = cornList[i] - m_Self.GetPosition();
                    if (Vector2.Dot(toCorners[i], toP) < Vector2.Dot(toCorners[best], toP))
                        best = i;

                Vector2 move = toCorners[best];

                 * Vector2 toMid = new Vector2(960 * Settings.MetersPerPixel, 540 * Settings.MetersPerPixel) - m_Self.GetPosition();
                 * Vector2 pMid = new Vector2(960 * Settings.MetersPerPixel, 540 * Settings.MetersPerPixel) - m_Player.GetPosition();
                 * if (move.Length() > 300 * Settings.MetersPerPixel || Vector2.Dot(-move, toMid) <= 0)
                 * {
                 *  move.Normalize();
                 *  return move;
                 * }
                 * else if (pMid.Length() < 200 * Settings.MetersPerPixel)
                 * {
                 *  toMid.Normalize();
                 *  return -toMid;
                 * } else
                 * {
                 *  move.Normalize();
                 *  Vector2 sideStep = new Vector2(-move.Y, move.X);
                 *  return sideStep * Math.Sign(SPRWorld.SignedAngle(move, toMid));
                 * }*/
            else if (m_Mode == Mode.RANGED)
                Vector2 toP = m_Player.GetPosition() - m_Self.GetPosition();

                if (toP.Length() < 300 * Settings.MetersPerPixel)
                else if (toP.Length() > 400 * Settings.MetersPerPixel)
            else if (m_Mode == Mode.MELEE)
                Vector2 toP    = m_Player.GetPosition() - m_Self.GetPosition();
                float[] angles = new float[4];

                int closest = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    float rota = m_Player.GetRotation() + i * (float)Math.PI / 2;
                    float rotb = m_Player.GetRotation() + closest * (float)Math.PI / 2;
                    float a    = Vector2.Dot(new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rota), (float)Math.Sin(rota)), -toP);
                    float b    = Vector2.Dot(new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rotb), (float)Math.Sin(rotb)), -toP);

                    if (a > b)
                        closest = i;

                float   best  = m_Player.GetRotation() + closest * (float)Math.PI / 2;
                Vector2 rot   = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(best), (float)Math.Sin(best));
                float   angle = SPRWorld.SignedAngle(rot, -toP);

                float rotation = 0;

                if (angle < 0)
                    rotation = ((float)Math.PI + angle) / 2;
                    rotation = (-(float)Math.PI + angle) / 2;

                float angleToPlayer = (float)Math.Atan2(toP.Y, toP.X);
                Vector2 walk = toP + 2 * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angleToPlayer + rotation), (float)Math.Sin(angleToPlayer + rotation));
コード例 #15
        public Weapon(SPRWorld sprWorld, Bot bot, Vector2 relativePosition, float relativeRotation, String textureName, Vector2 scale, WeaponType weaponType, float health, float power)
            m_SPRWorld        = sprWorld;
            m_Time            = 0;
            this.m_owner      = bot;
            this.m_firing     = false;
            this.m_reloadTime = weaponType == WeaponType.melee ? 0 : .2f;
            this.m_reloading  = 0;
            this.weaponType   = weaponType;
            this.m_power      = power;
            m_Position        = relativePosition;
            m_Rotation        = relativeRotation;
            m_Texture         = TextureStatic.Get(textureName);
            m_Scale           = scale;
            this.m_health     = health;

            Vertices v = SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons[textureName];

            // Simplify the object until it has few enough verticies.
            while (v.Count > Physics.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices) // Infinite loop potential?
                v = SimplifyTools.DouglasPeuckerSimplify(v, 2);   // Where 2 is a completely arbitrary number?

            v.Scale(ref scale);
            //v.Translate(ref relativePosition);

            Fixture f = FixtureFactory.CreatePolygon(v, 1f, bot.Body, relativePosition);

            m_Fixture     = f;
            f.Friction    = 0.5f;
            f.Restitution = 0f;
            f.UserData    = this;
            if (this.weaponType == WeaponType.melee)
                Body tempBody = BodyFactory.CreateBody(m_SPRWorld.World);
                tempBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                Vertices v2 = SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons["Axe"];
                // Simplify the object until it has few enough verticies.
                while (v2.Count > Physics.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices) // Infinite loop potential?
                    v2 = SimplifyTools.DouglasPeuckerSimplify(v2, 2);  // Where 2 is a completely arbitrary number?
                Fixture f2 = FixtureFactory.CreatePolygon(SPRWorld.computedSpritePolygons[textureName], 0.1f, tempBody);
                f2.Friction    = 0.5f;
                f2.Restitution = 0f;
                tempBody.SetTransform(this.GetAbsPosition(), this.GetAbsRotation());
                Projectile justFired = new Projectile(m_SPRWorld, tempBody, TextureStatic.Get("Axe"), new Vector2(0, 0), this.GetRelRotation(), 5, Settings.MetersPerPixel * 80, 80 * Settings.MetersPerPixel, m_power, m_health);
                f2.UserData     = justFired;
                f2.OnCollision += Projectile.OnMeleeHit;
                RevoluteJoint joint = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(m_SPRWorld.World, this.m_owner.Body, tempBody, Vector2.Zero);
                joint.MaxMotorTorque = 160;
                joint.LimitEnabled   = true;
                joint.MotorEnabled   = true;
                joint.LowerLimit     = -(float)Math.PI / 4f;
                joint.UpperLimit     = (float)Math.PI / 4f;
                m_AxeJoint           = joint;
コード例 #16
 public HumanAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)
コード例 #17
 public HumanAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)
コード例 #18
 public BrickAI(SPRWorld world)
     : base(world)