コード例 #1
    public void SpecificSet(Spline newSpline, float fastSpeed, float normalSpeed, float slowSpeed, float cautiousSpeed)
        /* Register to the spline */
        this.spline = newSpline;
        spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().RegisterUser(gameObject);

        /* Set initial position */

        percentage = 0;
        Vector3 position = spline.GetPosition(percentage);

        transform.position = StickToTheGround(position);

        /* Set initial rotation */

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spline.GetDirection(Mathf.Clamp(percentage, 0.01f, 0.99f), true)); // initial rotation

        /* Set the speeds according to the zones */

        this.fastSpeed     = fastSpeed;
        this.normalSpeed   = normalSpeed;
        this.slowSpeed     = slowSpeed;
        this.cautiousSpeed = cautiousSpeed;

        speedValues = new Dictionary <SPEEDLIMIT, float>
            { SPEEDLIMIT.FAST, this.fastSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL, this.normalSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.SLOW, this.slowSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.CAUTIOUS, this.cautiousSpeed }

        /* Set the initial speed */

        SPEEDLIMIT lastZoneSpeedLimit = SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL;
        float      lastZonePercentage = 0;

        speed = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <float, SPEEDLIMIT> nextSpeedZone in spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().SpeedZones)
            if (percentage >= lastZonePercentage && percentage < nextSpeedZone.Key)
                speed = speedValues[lastZoneSpeedLimit];
            lastZonePercentage = nextSpeedZone.Key;
            lastZoneSpeedLimit = nextSpeedZone.Value;

        hasStopped  = false;
        movingState = STATE.NORMAL;
コード例 #2
    public void UserSet()
        // Register to the spline
        spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().RegisterUser(gameObject);

        // Set the initial position
        percentage = startPercentage;
        Vector3 position = spline.GetPosition(percentage);

        transform.position = StickToTheGround(position);

        // Set the initial rotation
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spline.GetDirection(Mathf.Clamp(startPercentage, 0.01f, 0.99f), true)); // initial rotation

        // Set the speed according to the zones
        speedValues = new Dictionary <SPEEDLIMIT, float>
            { SPEEDLIMIT.FAST, fastSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL, normalSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.SLOW, slowSpeed },
            { SPEEDLIMIT.CAUTIOUS, cautiousSpeed }

        // Set the initial speed

        SPEEDLIMIT lastZoneSpeedLimit = SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL;
        float      lastZonePercentage = 0;

        speed = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <float, SPEEDLIMIT> nextSpeedZone in spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().SpeedZones)
            if (percentage >= lastZonePercentage && percentage < nextSpeedZone.Key)
                speed = speedValues[lastZoneSpeedLimit];
            lastZonePercentage = nextSpeedZone.Key;
            lastZoneSpeedLimit = nextSpeedZone.Value;

        hasStopped = false;
        if (onStart)
            movingState = STATE.NORMAL;
            movingState = STATE.OFF;
コード例 #3
    private void Update()

        if (movingState != STATE.FREEZE && movingState != STATE.OFF)
            /* VFX sound */
            if (speed > 10 && loudVFX.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().isStopped)
                loudVFX.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Play();
            else if (speed <= 10 && loudVFX.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().isPlaying)
                loudVFX.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Stop();

            if (movingState == STATE.NORMAL)
                /* FIND THE SPEED LIMIT OF THE ZONE */

                SPEEDLIMIT speedLimit = SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL;

                SPEEDLIMIT lastZoneSpeedLimit = SPEEDLIMIT.NORMAL;
                float      lastZonePercentage = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <float, SPEEDLIMIT> nextSpeedZone in spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().SpeedZones)
                    if (percentage >= lastZonePercentage && percentage < nextSpeedZone.Key)
                        speedLimit = lastZoneSpeedLimit;//speedZone.Value;
                        //Debug.Log("Speed Zone : [" + lastZonePercentage + "," + nextSpeedZone.Key + "]");
                    lastZonePercentage = nextSpeedZone.Key;
                    lastZoneSpeedLimit = nextSpeedZone.Value;

                /* UPDATE SPEED */

                if (speed < speedValues[speedLimit])
                    //speed = Mathf.Min(speed + acceleration * Time.deltaTime / (speedValues[speedLimit] - speed), speedValues[speedLimit]);
                    speed = Mathf.Min(speed + acceleration * Time.deltaTime, speedValues[speedLimit]);
                    Debug.Log("SPEED OF " + gameObject.name + " IS " + speed + " AND CURRENT LIMIT IS " + speedValues[speedLimit]);
                    //speed = speedValues[speedLimit];
                else if (speed > speedValues[speedLimit])
                    //speed = Mathf.Max(speed - deceleration * Time.deltaTime / (speed - speedValues[speedLimit]), speedValues[speedLimit]);
                    speed = Mathf.Max(speed - deceleration * Time.deltaTime, speedValues[speedLimit]);
                    //speed = speedValues[speedLimit];
            else if (movingState == STATE.STAYBEHIND)

                // TO DO : Use obstaclePercentage to keep moving till it's not reached

                // Debug.Log(transform.name + "IN STAYBEHIND MODE");

                if (speed >= frontSpeed)
                    //speed = frontSpeed;
                    speed = Mathf.Max(speed - (Mathf.Max(speed, decelerationObstacle) + 10 * (obstaclePercentage - percentage)) * Time.deltaTime, frontSpeed); // deceleration proportionnal to speed

                    // move towards the target

                     * if(speed == frontSpeed && obstaclePercentage > percentage)
                     * {
                     *  speed += (obstaclePercentage - percentage) * Time.deltaTime;
                     * }*/
            else if (movingState == STATE.STOP)
                if (speed >= 0)
                    //speed = 0;
                    speed = Mathf.Max(speed - (Mathf.Max(speed, decelerationStop) - 10 * (intersectionPercentage - percentage)) * Time.deltaTime, 0); // deceleration proportionnal to speed

                    // move towards the target

                     * if (speed == 0 && intersectionPercentage > percentage)
                     * {
                     *  speed = (intersectionPercentage - percentage) * Time.deltaTime;
                     * }*/

            /* UPDATE PERCENTAGE */

            percentage = Mathf.Min(percentage + (speed * Time.deltaTime) / spline.Length, 1);
            Debug.Log(gameObject.name + "'S SPEED IS : " + speed + " AND TRUE SPEED IS " + speed * Time.deltaTime / spline.Length);
            Debug.Log(gameObject.name + "'S PERCENTAGE IS : " + percentage);

            /* UPDATE TRANSFORM */

            Vector3 position = spline.GetPosition(percentage);
            transform.position = StickToTheGround(position);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spline.GetDirection(percentage));

            // Debug.Log("PERCENTAGE : " + percentage + "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

            /* STOP CONDITION */

             * if (percentage >= stopPercentage && !hasStopped)
             * {
             *  hasStopped = true;
             *  if (stopDuration > 0)
             *  {
             *      yield return new WaitForSeconds(stopDuration);
             *  }
             * }*/

            /* OFF CONDITION */

            if (percentage == 1)
                MovingState = STATE.OFF;

                //percentage = 0;
                hasStopped = false;

                /* Unregister to the previous spline */
                spline.GetComponent <StreetMap>().UnregisterUser(gameObject);

                /* Inform the StreetUsersManager that I am available */