コード例 #1
    public void OnUpdate()
        if (!foundCar)
            rcCar = Common.GetRCCar();
            if (rcCar != null)

        if (!isMouseHeld || FrameController.DT() > (1.0f/5.0f)) // When mouse is not held down
            // Reset the 'center' of the mouse position when first clicked on RC Car Controller
            SetMovementAmount(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f));

            // Manually slow down the car
            Vector3 currVel = (Vector3)carPhysics.rigidCom.Body().LinearVelocity();
            if (currVel.LengthSquared() > 1.00f)
                currVel *= 0.5f;
            Vector2 mouseMove = surveillanceMouseScript.mCurrMouseMovement;
            UpdateOnMouseMove(mouseMove.X, mouseMove.Y);

            float dt = FrameController.DT();

            // Ensure some dead zone
            if (Math.Abs(centerPos.Y) > mouseDeadZone.Y)
                Vector3 forward = rcCar.transform.GetForwardVector(); // y mouse means accel or deccel

                Vector3 currVel = forward * quadraticMovement.Y; // Make it a quadratic curve for slow speeds
                currVel.Y = 0.0f;
                //Logger.Log("vel: " + currVel.ToString());
            if (Math.Abs(centerPos.X) > mouseDeadZone.X)
                currYRotation += MathHelper.ToDegrees(quadraticMovement.X * dt); // rotate by mouse x movement
                if (currYRotation < 0.0f) // Clamp rotation angle to [0, 360]
                    currYRotation += 360.0f;
                else if (currYRotation > 360.0f)
                    currYRotation -= 360.0f;

                rcCar.transform.Rotate(0.0f, currYRotation, 0.0f);
                //Logger.Log("rot angle: " + rcCar.transform.rotation.Angles.y.ToString());
        } // End of if mouse is held down
        // isMouseHeld = false; // Set to false again, to be set back to true if OnHeldMouse

        rcCar.transform.Rotate(0.0f, currYRotation, 0.0f); // Prevent it from turning on the stop in idle

        // Update the model joystick's rotation based on unitMovement
        Vector3 currRotationAngle = new Vector3();
        currRotationAngle.X = MathHelper.ToDegrees(unitMovement.Y * joystickRotationLimit); // [-1,1] -> [-limit, limit]
        currRotationAngle.Z = MathHelper.ToDegrees(-unitMovement.X * joystickRotationLimit);
        //gameObject.transform.rotation.Angles.x = unitMovement.Y * joystickRotationLimit; // [-1,1] -> [-limit, limit]
        //gameObject.transform.rotation.Angles.z = -unitMovement.X * joystickRotationLimit;

        //snap player to ground if there is one
        Vector3 ray_pos = rcCar.transform.position;
        //ray_pos.Y += 1.0f;
        RayCastResult output;
        output = PhysicEngine.getInstance().RayCast3D_Output(ray_pos, new Vector3(0, -1, 0), 1.0f);
        if (output.hit)
            //we found the ground
            rcCar.transform.SetPositionY(output.intersection.y + 0.35f);

            Vector3 currVel = rcCarRigidCom.Body().LinearVelocity();
            currVel.Y = 0.0f;
