コード例 #1
        internal FinderPatternInfo Find(Hashtable hints)
            bool tryHarder = hints?.ContainsKey(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER) == true;
            int  maxI      = Image.Height;
            int  maxJ      = Image.Width;
            // We are looking for black/white/black/white/black modules in
            // 1:1:3:1:1 ratio; this tracks the number of such modules seen so far

            // Let's assume that the maximum version QR Code we support takes up 1/4 the height of the
            // image, and then account for the center being 3 modules in size. This gives the smallest
            // number of pixels the center could be, so skip this often. When trying harder, look for all
            // QR versions regardless of how dense they are.
            int iSkip = (3 * maxI) / (4 * MAX_MODULES);

            if (iSkip < MIN_SKIP || tryHarder)
                iSkip = MIN_SKIP;

            bool done = false;

            int[] stateCount = new int[5];
            for (int i = iSkip - 1; i < maxI && !done; i += iSkip)
                // Get a row of black/white values
                stateCount[0] = 0;
                stateCount[1] = 0;
                stateCount[2] = 0;
                stateCount[3] = 0;
                stateCount[4] = 0;
                int currentState = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++)
                    if (Image.Get_Renamed(j, i))
                        // Black pixel
                        if ((currentState & 1) == 1)
                            // Counting white pixels
                        // White pixel
                        if ((currentState & 1) == 0)
                            // Counting black pixels
                            if (currentState == 4)
                                // A winner?
                                if (FoundPatternCross(stateCount))
                                    // Yes
                                    bool confirmed = HandlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, j);
                                    if (confirmed)
                                        // Start examining every other line. Checking each line turned out to be too
                                        // expensive and didn't improve performance.
                                        iSkip = 2;
                                        if (hasSkipped)
                                            done = HaveMultiplyConfirmedCenters();
                                            int rowSkip = FindRowSkip();
                                            if (rowSkip > stateCount[2])
                                                // Skip rows between row of lower confirmed center
                                                // and top of presumed third confirmed center
                                                // but back up a bit to get a full chance of detecting
                                                // it, entire width of center of finder pattern

                                                // Skip by rowSkip, but back off by stateCount[2] (size of last center
                                                // of pattern we saw) to be conservative, and also back off by iSkip which
                                                // is about to be re-added
                                                i += rowSkip - stateCount[2] - iSkip;
                                                j  = maxJ - 1;
                                        // Advance to next black pixel
                                        }while (j < maxJ && !Image.Get_Renamed(j, i));
                                        j--; // back up to that last white pixel
                                    // Clear state to start looking again
                                    currentState  = 0;
                                    stateCount[0] = 0;
                                    stateCount[1] = 0;
                                    stateCount[2] = 0;
                                    stateCount[3] = 0;
                                    stateCount[4] = 0;
                                    // No, shift counts back by two
                                    stateCount[0] = stateCount[2];
                                    stateCount[1] = stateCount[3];
                                    stateCount[2] = stateCount[4];
                                    stateCount[3] = 1;
                                    stateCount[4] = 0;
                                    currentState  = 3;
                            // Counting white pixels
                if (FoundPatternCross(stateCount))
                    bool confirmed = HandlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, maxJ);
                    if (confirmed)
                        iSkip = stateCount[0];
                        if (hasSkipped)
                            // Found a third one
                            done = HaveMultiplyConfirmedCenters();

            FinderPattern[] patternInfo = SelectBestPatterns();

            return(new FinderPatternInfo(patternInfo));