protected void RenderToDepthMap(RenderTexture rt, ShaderUniqueParameter sp, Dictionary <Shader, Dictionary <Material, List <SubMeshData> > > sm) { // レンダーターゲットをセット rt.Bind(Color4.White); depthShader.UseShader(); //depthShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, true); foreach (var sh in sm) { foreach (var mat in sh.Value) { foreach (var sub in mat.Value) { if (!sub.Visible || !sub.CastShadow) { continue; } = sub.WorldTransform; depthShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, false); if (sub.Animator != null) { sub.Animator.BindMotion(1); depthShader.SetParameter(depthShader.loc_skin, 1); } else { depthShader.SetParameter(depthShader.loc_skin, 0); } Drawer.DrawSubMesh(sub.SubMesh); } } } }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); sobelShader.UseShader(); sobelShader.SetParameter(sobelShader.loc_resolution, MMW.RenderResolution.ToVector2().Inverse()); sobelShader.SetParameter(sobelShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); sobelShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); sobelShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = DstRenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); fxaaShader.UseShader(); fxaaShader.SetParameterByName("resolutionInverse", renderTexture.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); fxaaShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); fxaaShader.SetParameterByName("MVP", ref orthoMatrix, false); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); fxaaShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); }
/// <summary> /// 複数のテクスチャを1つのビットマップにまとめる /// </summary> /// <param name="textures"></param> /// <param name="gridNum"></param> /// <param name="gridSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Texture2D CombineBitmaps(Texture2D[] textures, int gridNum, int gridSize = 256) { RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(gridNum * gridSize, gridNum * gridSize); rt.ColorFormat0 = MMW.Configuration.DefaultPixelFormat; rt.Load(); rt.Bind(Color4.White); for (var y = 0; y < gridNum; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < gridNum; x++) { var index = y * gridNum + x; if (index >= textures.Length) { continue; } Drawer.DrawTexture( textures[index], new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), new RectangleF(x / (float)gridNum, y / (float)gridNum, 1.0f / (float)gridNum, 1.0f / (float)gridNum)); } } //var res = (Bitmap)rt.ColorDst0.SrcBitmap.Clone(); return(rt.ColorDst0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { if (DepthMap == null) { return; } RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); ssaoShader.UseShader(); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_resolution, renderTexture.Size.ToVector2()); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_resolutionIV, renderTexture.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_mxlength, MxLength); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_radius, Radius); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_raylength, RayLength); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_aoscatter, AOScatter); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_cdm, CDM); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_strength, Strength); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, DepthMap); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture2, PositionMap); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture3, NormalMap); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_v, Camera.View, false); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_nearFar, new Vector2(Camera.Near, Camera.Far)); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); ssaoShader.UnuseShader(); renderTexture2.Bind(Color4.White); blurShader.UseShader(); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_resolution, MMW.RenderResolution.ToVector2().Inverse()); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_strength, 8.0f); blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, renderTexture.ColorDst0); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); blurShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture2.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } if (Radius <= 0.0f) { return; } renderTextureV.Bind(Color4.Black); blurVShader.UseShader(); blurVShader.SetParameter(blurVShader.loc_resolution, renderTextureV.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); blurVShader.SetParameter(blurVShader.loc_radius, Radius / Reduct); if (SrcTexture == null) { blurVShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); } else { blurVShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, SrcTexture); } blurVShader.SetParameter(blurVShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); renderTextureH.Bind(Color4.Black); blurHShader.UseShader(); blurHShader.SetParameter(blurHShader.loc_resolution, renderTextureH.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); blurHShader.SetParameter(blurHShader.loc_radius, Radius / Reduct); blurHShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, renderTextureV.ColorDst0); blurHShader.SetParameter(blurHShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); blurHShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTextureH.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } if (Length <= 0.0f) { return; } if (VelocityMap == null) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.Black); blurShader.UseShader(); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_resolution, renderTexture.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_length, Length); blurShader.SetParameter(blurShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); if (SrcTexture == null) { blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); } else { blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, SrcTexture); } blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, VelocityMap); blurShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture2, DepthMap); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); blurShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { if (DepthTexture == null) { return; } RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } if (BlurTexture == null) { blurRT.Bind(Color4.White); Drawer.DrawTexture(rt.ColorDst0); blur.Draw(deltaTime); } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); dofShader.UseShader(); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_resolution, MMW.RenderResolution.ToVector2().Inverse()); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_nearFar, new Vector2(Camera.Near, Camera.Far)); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_baseDepth, BaseDepth); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_startDist, StartDist); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_transDist, TransDist); dofShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); dofShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, blurRT.ColorDst0); dofShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture2, DepthTexture); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); dofShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
internal static void Draw(double deltaTime) { fpsDelta += deltaTime; fpsCount++; if (fpsDelta >= 1.0) { fps = fpsCount; fpsDelta -= 1.0; fpsCount = 0; } // 深度の浅いカメラから描画 if (HMDCamera.Connected) { HMDCamera.CameraType = HMDCameraType.Default; var cameras = FindGameComponents <Camera>((cam) => cam.Enabled && cam != MainCamera); Array.Sort(cameras, (cam1, cam2) => { return(cam1.Depth - cam2.Depth); }); for (var i = 0; i < cameras.Length; i++) { cameras[i].Draw(deltaTime); } HMDCamera.CameraType = HMDCameraType.Right; MainCamera.TargetTexture = renderTargetRight; MainCamera.Draw(deltaTime); HMDCamera.CameraType = HMDCameraType.Left; MainCamera.TargetTexture = renderTargetLeft; MainCamera.Draw(deltaTime); RenderTexture.Bind(0, ClientSize, Color4.Black); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTargetRight.ColorDst0, new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0.5f, 0, 0.5f, 1)); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTargetLeft.ColorDst0, new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 0.5f, 1)); } else { var cameras = FindGameComponents <Camera>((cam) => cam.Enabled); Array.Sort(cameras, (cam1, cam2) => { return(cam1.Depth - cam2.Depth); }); for (var i = 0; i < cameras.Length; i++) { cameras[i].Draw(deltaTime); } RenderTexture.Bind(0, ClientSize, Color4.Black); Drawer.DrawTexture(defaultRenderTarget.ColorDst0); } }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { if (DepthMap == null) { return; } RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } if (Radius <= 0.0f) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); ssaoShader.UseShader(); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_resolution, renderTexture.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_radius, Radius); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_depthBias, DepthBias); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_strength, Strength); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); ssaoShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, DepthMap); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); ssaoShader.SetParameter(ssaoShader.loc_nearFar, new Vector2(Camera.Near, Camera.Far)); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); ssaoShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
protected void RenderToColorMap(RenderTexture rt, ShaderUniqueParameter sp, Dictionary <Shader, Dictionary <Material, List <SubMeshData> > > sm) { // レンダーターゲットをセット rt.Bind(Color4.Black); colorShader.UseShader(); colorShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, true); ushort index = 0; foreach (var sh in sm) { foreach (var mat in sh.Value) { foreach (var sub in mat.Value) { if (!sub.Visible) { continue; } = sub.WorldTransform; colorShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, false); colorShader.SetParameter(colorShader.loc_color, ref randColors[index++]); if (sub.Animator != null) { sub.Animator.BindMotion(1); } else { Animator.BindIdentity(1); } Drawer.DrawSubMesh(sub.SubMesh); if (sub.Animator != null) { sub.Animator.UnbindMotion(1); } else { Animator.UnbindIdentity(1); } } } } }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { if (DepthMap == null) { return; } if (NearBias <= 0.0f && FarBias <= 0.0f) { return; } RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); dofShader.UseShader(); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_resolution, MMW.RenderResolution.ToVector2().Inverse()); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_focus, Focus); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_bias, new Vector2(NearBias, FarBias)); dofShader.SetParameter(dofShader.loc_blurMax, new Vector2(NearRadiusMax, FarRadiusMax)); dofShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); dofShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, DepthMap); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); dofShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
protected void RenderToVelocityMap(RenderTexture rt, ShaderUniqueParameter sp, Dictionary <Shader, Dictionary <Material, List <SubMeshData> > > sm) { // レンダーターゲットをセット rt.Bind(Color4.Black); velocityShader.UseShader(); velocityShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, true); foreach (var sh in sm) { foreach (var mat in sh.Value) { foreach (var sub in mat.Value) { if (!sub.Visible) { continue; } = sub.WorldTransform; sp.oldWorld = sub.OldWorldTransform; velocityShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, false); if (sub.Animator != null) { sub.Animator.BindMotion(1, 2); } else { Animator.BindIdentity(1, 2); } Drawer.DrawSubMesh(sub.SubMesh); if (sub.Animator != null) { sub.Animator.UnbindMotion(1, 2); } else { Animator.UnbindIdentity(1, 2); } } } } }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { if (Camera == null || MulTexture == null) { return; } if (!Camera.TargetTexture.Loaded) { return; } renderTexture.Bind(Color4.White); mulShader.UseShader(); mulShader.SetParameterByName("resolutionInverse", new Vector2(1.0f / MMW.RenderResolution.Width, 1.0f / MMW.RenderResolution.Height)); mulShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, Camera.TargetTexture.ColorDst0); mulShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, MulTexture); mulShader.SetParameterByName("MVP", orthoMatrix, false); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); mulShader.UnuseShader(); Camera.TargetTexture.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(renderTexture.ColorDst0, new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1), new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1)); }
public static void Render(float Dt) { if (!IsOpen) { return; } if (RT == null) { InitGraphics(); } RT.Bind(); RT.Clear(ClearColor); RenderContent(Dt); RT.Unbind(); float Y = (0 - RT.Height) + (NanoVG.Height * ConsoleHeightRatio) + ScrollAmt; NanoVG.BeginFrame(); NanoVG.DrawTexturedRect(RT_NVG, 0, (int)Y, RT.Width, RT.Height); NanoVG.EndFrame(); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } if (Radius <= 0.0f) { return; } glareRT.Bind(Color4.Black); if (Glare == GlareType.Line) { glareLineShader.UseShader(); glareLineShader.SetParameter(glareLineShader.loc_resolution, glareRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); glareLineShader.SetParameter(glareLineShader.loc_radius, Radius / Reduct); glareLineShader.SetParameter(glareLineShader.loc_direction, Direction); glareLineShader.SetParameter(glareLineShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); if (SrcTexture == null) { glareLineShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); } else { glareLineShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, SrcTexture); } } else if (Glare == GlareType.Plus) { glarePlusShader.UseShader(); glarePlusShader.SetParameter(glarePlusShader.loc_resolution, glareRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); glarePlusShader.SetParameter(glarePlusShader.loc_radius, Radius / Reduct); glarePlusShader.SetParameter(glarePlusShader.loc_direction, Direction); glarePlusShader.SetParameter(glarePlusShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); if (SrcTexture == null) { glarePlusShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); } else { glarePlusShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, SrcTexture); } } else if (Glare == GlareType.Star) { glareStarShader.UseShader(); glareStarShader.SetParameter(glareStarShader.loc_resolution, glareRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); glareStarShader.SetParameter(glareStarShader.loc_radius, Radius / Reduct); glareStarShader.SetParameter(glareStarShader.loc_direction, Direction); glareStarShader.SetParameter(glareStarShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); if (SrcTexture == null) { glareStarShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); } else { glareStarShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, SrcTexture); } } Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); glareLineShader.UnuseShader(); rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(glareRT.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } // HDR抽出 hdrRT.Bind(Color4.Black); hdrShader.UseShader(); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_resolution, hdrRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_threshold, HDRThreshold); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); hdrShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); hdrShader.UnuseShader(); // HDR画像のぼかし画像を生成 // line for (var i = 0; i < BlurNum; i++) { blurs[i].Direction = Direction; blurs[i].RenderTexture = blurRT1s[i]; if (i == 0) { blurs[i].SrcTexture = hdrRT.ColorDst0; } else { blurs[i].SrcTexture = blurRT1s[i - 1].ColorDst0; } blurs[i].Draw(deltaTime); } if (GlareType == GlareBlur.GlareType.Plus) { var dir = new Vector2(-Direction.Y, Direction.X); for (var i = 0; i < BlurNum; i++) { blurs[i].Direction = dir; blurs[i].RenderTexture = blurRT2s[i]; if (i == 0) { blurs[i].SrcTexture = hdrRT.ColorDst0; } else { blurs[i].SrcTexture = blurRT2s[i - 1].ColorDst0; } blurs[i].Draw(deltaTime); } } else if (GlareType == GlareBlur.GlareType.Star) { var dir1 = new Vector2((Direction.X * cos60) - (Direction.Y * sin60), (Direction.X * sin60) + (Direction.Y * cos60)); var dir2 = new Vector2((Direction.X * cos120) - (Direction.Y * sin120), (Direction.X * sin120) + (Direction.Y * cos120)); for (var i = 0; i < BlurNum; i++) { blurs[i].Direction = dir1; blurs[i].RenderTexture = blurRT2s[i]; if (i == 0) { blurs[i].SrcTexture = hdrRT.ColorDst0; } else { blurs[i].SrcTexture = blurRT2s[i - 1].ColorDst0; } blurs[i].Draw(deltaTime); } for (var i = 0; i < BlurNum; i++) { blurs[i].Direction = dir2; blurs[i].RenderTexture = blurRT3s[i]; if (i == 0) { blurs[i].SrcTexture = hdrRT.ColorDst0; } else { blurs[i].SrcTexture = blurRT3s[i - 1].ColorDst0; } blurs[i].Draw(deltaTime); } } // Glare処理 glareRT.Bind(Color4.Black); glareShader.UseShader(); glareShader.SetParameter(glareShader.loc_resolution, glareRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); glareShader.SetParameter(glareShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); glareShader.SetParameter(glareShader.loc_intensity, Intensity); glareShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); var units = new TextureUnit[][] { new TextureUnit[] { TextureUnit.Texture1, TextureUnit.Texture2, TextureUnit.Texture3, }, new TextureUnit[] { TextureUnit.Texture4, TextureUnit.Texture5, TextureUnit.Texture6, }, new TextureUnit[] { TextureUnit.Texture7, TextureUnit.Texture8, TextureUnit.Texture9, }, }; // line for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < BlurNum) { glareShader.SetParameter(units[0][i], blurRT1s[i].ColorDst0); } else { glareShader.SetParameter(units[0][i],; } } // plus for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < BlurNum && GlareType > GlareBlur.GlareType.Line) { glareShader.SetParameter(units[1][i], blurRT2s[i].ColorDst0); } else { glareShader.SetParameter(units[1][i],; } } // star for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < BlurNum && GlareType > GlareBlur.GlareType.Plus) { glareShader.SetParameter(units[2][i], blurRT3s[i].ColorDst0); } else { glareShader.SetParameter(units[2][i],; } } Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); glareShader.UnuseShader(); // 書き出し rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(glareRT.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
protected internal override void Draw(double deltaTime) { var objects = MMW.FindGameObjects((obj) => obj.Enabled && !obj.Destroyed /*&& obj.Layer < GameObject.LayerUI && layerMask.Get(obj.Layer)*/); var drawMeshDic = new Dictionary <Shader, Dictionary <Material, List <SubMeshData> > >(); var animList = new List <AAnimator>(); var morphList = new List <AMorpher>(); var wp = Transform.WorldPosition; var distDic = new Dictionary <GameObject, float>(); var distTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { foreach (var obj in objects) { var dist = (wp - obj.Transform.WorldPosition).Length; distDic.Add(obj, dist); } }); // オブジェクトレイヤ抽出 //DrawableGameComponent[] meshComs = null; DrawableGameComponent[] beforeComs = null; DrawableGameComponent[] afterComs = null; //DrawableGameComponent[] uiMeshComs = null; DrawableGameComponent[] uiComs = null; var layerSortTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var draws = MMW.FindGameComponents <DrawableGameComponent>(c => c.Enabled && !c.Destroyed && !(c is MeshRenderer)); //var meshList = new List<DrawableGameComponent>(); var beforeList = new List <DrawableGameComponent>(); var afterList = new List <DrawableGameComponent>(); var uiList = new List <DrawableGameComponent>(); //var uiMeshList = new List<DrawableGameComponent>(); foreach (var d in draws) { if (d.Layer < LayerAfterMeshRender) { beforeList.Add(d); } else if (d.Layer < LayerUI) { afterList.Add(d); } else { uiList.Add(d); } //if (d.Layer < LayerUI) meshList.Add(d); //else uiMeshList.Add(d); } beforeList.Sort((a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); afterList.Sort((a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); uiList.Sort((a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //meshList.Sort((a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //uiMeshList.Sort((a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //var meshObjs = objects.ToArray(); //var beforeObjs = Array.FindAll(objects, (o) => o.Layer >= 0 && o.Layer < GameObject.LayerAfterRender); //var afterObjs = Array.FindAll(objects, (o) => o.Layer >= GameObject.LayerAfterRender); //var uiObjs = MMW.FindGameObjects((obj) => obj.Layer >= GameObject.LayerUI && layerMask.Get(obj.Layer)); //Array.Sort(meshObjs, (a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //Array.Sort(beforeObjs, (a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //Array.Sort(afterObjs, (a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); //Array.Sort(uiObjs, (a, b) => a.Layer - b.Layer); /* * foreach (var obj in meshObjs) * { * var coms = obj.GetComponents<DrawableGameComponent>((c) => c.Enabled && !(c is MeshRenderer)); * meshList.AddRange(coms); * } * foreach (var obj in beforeObjs) * { * var coms = obj.GetComponents<DrawableGameComponent>((c) => c.Enabled && !(c is MeshRenderer)); * beforeList.AddRange(coms); * } * foreach (var obj in afterObjs) * { * var coms = obj.GetComponents<DrawableGameComponent>((c) => c.Enabled && !(c is MeshRenderer)); * afterList.AddRange(coms); * } * foreach (var obj in uiObjs) * { * var coms = obj.GetComponents<DrawableGameComponent>((c) => c.Enabled && !(c is MeshRenderer)); * uiList.AddRange(coms); * } */ //meshComs = meshList.ToArray(); beforeComs = beforeList.ToArray(); afterComs = afterList.ToArray(); uiComs = uiList.ToArray(); //uiMeshComs = uiMeshList.ToArray(); }); // ライト情報を抽出 var lights = new List <BufferLight>(); var lightExtractTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { foreach (var obj in objects) { var pls = obj.GetComponents <PointLight>(); foreach (var pl in pls) { var l = new BufferLight() { color = pl.Color.ToVector4(), pos = new Vector4(pl.Transform.WorldPosition), dir = -Vector4.UnitY, intensity = pl.Intensity, radius = pl.Radius, specCoeff = pl.SpecularCoeff, innerDot = -1.0f, outerDot = -1.0f, }; lights.Add(l); } var sls = obj.GetComponents <SpotLight>(); foreach (var sl in sls) { var l = new BufferLight() { color = sl.Color.ToVector4(), pos = new Vector4(sl.Transform.WorldPosition), dir = new Vector4(sl.WorldDirection, 0.0f), intensity = sl.Intensity, radius = sl.Radius, specCoeff = sl.SpecularCoeff, innerDot = sl.InnerDot, outerDot = sl.OuterDot, }; lights.Add(l); } } lights = lights.Take(2048).ToList(); }); var clipDic = new Dictionary <GameObject, bool>(); var clipTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { distTask.Wait(); foreach (var obj in objects) { var mr = obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (mr == null || !mr.Enabled) { clipDic.Add(obj, true); continue; } if (mr.ForceRendering) { clipDic.Add(obj, false); continue; } if (distDic[obj] < ForceRenderDistance) { clipDic.Add(obj, false); continue; } var clip = true; var b = mr.Mesh.Bounds; var mvp = obj.Transform.WorldTransform * ViewProjection; var mint = new Vector4(b.Min, 1.0f) * mvp; var maxt = new Vector4(b.Max, 1.0f) * mvp; var min = mint.Xyz / mint.W; var max = maxt.Xyz / maxt.W; var xx = new float[] { min.X, max.X }; var yy = new float[] { min.Y, max.Y }; var zz = new float[] { min.Z, max.Z }; foreach (var x in xx) { foreach (var y in yy) { foreach (var z in zz) { if ( x > -1.5f && x < 1.5f && y > -1.5f && y < 1.5f && z > -1.0f && z < 1.0f) { clip = false; break; } } if (!clip) { break; } } if (!clip) { break; } } clipDic.Add(obj, clip); } }); var animTasks = new List <Task>(); var findAnimTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { clipTask.Wait(); distTask.Wait(); foreach (var obj in objects) { if (!obj.Enabled) { continue; } if (clipDic[obj]) { continue; } var animator = obj.GetComponent <AAnimator>(); var morpher = obj.GetComponent <AMorpher>(); if (animator != null && animator.Enabled) { if (animator.EnableAsyncCalc) { animTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => animator.CalcTransform())); } animList.Add(animator); } if (morpher != null && morpher.Enabled && distDic[obj] < 10.0f) { if (morpher.EnableAsyncCalc) { animTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => morpher.CalcMorph())); } morphList.Add(morpher); } } }); List <MeshRenderer> renderers = new List <MeshRenderer>(); if (MeshDraw) { Matrix4 proj; if (Orthographic) { proj = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(TargetTexture.Size.Width, TargetTexture.Size.Height, Near, Far); } proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(FoV, Aspect, Near, Far); sp.pointLights = null; sp.spotLights = null; = this; sp.resolution = new Vector2(TargetTexture.Size.Width, TargetTexture.Size.Height); sp.deltaTime = deltaTime; sp.oldViewProj = sp.viewProj; sp.view = View; sp.proj = proj; sp.cameraPos = wp; sp.cameraDir = WorldDirection; sp.dirLight = MMW.DirectionalLight; var viewproj = sp.view * sp.proj; sp.viewProj = viewproj; sp.viewInverse = sp.view.Inverted(); sp.projInverse = sp.proj.Inverted(); sp.viewProjInverse = sp.viewProj.Inverted(); sp.environmentMap = EnvironmentMap; // 描画準備 clipTask.Wait(); var query = 0; foreach (var obj in objects) { if (!obj.Enabled) { continue; } if (clipDic[obj]) { continue; } var rds = obj.GetComponents <MeshRenderer>(); renderers.AddRange(rds); foreach (var r in rds) { r.query = queries[query++]; } } foreach (var obj in objects) { if (!obj.Enabled) { continue; } if (clipDic[obj]) { continue; } var rds = obj.GetComponents <MeshRenderer>(); var animator = obj.GetComponent <AAnimator>(); var morpher = obj.GetComponent <AMorpher>(); var world = obj.Transform.WorldTransform; var oldWorld = obj.Transform.OldWorldTransfom; foreach (var r in rds) { for (var i = 0; i < r.MaterialCount; i++) { var mat = r.GetMaterialAt(i); if (!drawMeshDic.ContainsKey(mat.Shader)) { drawMeshDic.Add(mat.Shader, new Dictionary <Material, List <SubMeshData> >()); } if (!drawMeshDic[mat.Shader].ContainsKey(mat)) { drawMeshDic[mat.Shader].Add(mat, new List <SubMeshData>()); } } foreach (var sm in r.Mesh.subMeshes) { var mat = r.GetMaterial(sm.materialIndex); var smd = new SubMeshData() { SubMesh = sm, WorldTransform = world, WorldTransformInv = world.Inverted(), OldWorldTransform = oldWorld, Visible = r.Visible, CastShadow = r.CastShadow, GameObject = obj, Morpher = morpher, Animator = animator, OcclusionQuery = r.query, MeshRenderer = r, }; drawMeshDic[mat.Shader][mat].Add(smd); } } } findAnimTask.Wait(); foreach (var task in animTasks) { task.Wait(); } foreach (var a in animList) { if (!a.EnableAsyncCalc) { a.CalcTransform(); } a.UpdateData(); } foreach (var m in morphList) { if (!m.EnableAsyncCalc) { m.CalcMorph(); } m.UpdateData(); } // 影の準備 if (ShadowMapping && MMW.Configuration.ShadowQuality != MMWConfiguration.ShadowQualityType.NoShadow) { Vector3 lightDir = MMW.DirectionalLight.WorldDirection; Vector3 center = wp; Matrix4 view = Matrix4.Identity; Matrix4 projo = Matrix4.Identity; // render to far shadow depth map /* * { * view = Matrix4.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, lightDir, Vector3.UnitY); * projo = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(240, 240, -150, 150); * sp.viewProj = view * projo; * if (prevLightDir != lightDir) * { * RenderToDepthMap(shadowDepthRT1, sp, drawMeshDic); * } * sp.shadowDepthBias1 = sp.viewProj * shadowDepthBias; * sp.shadowDepthMap1 = shadowDepthRT1.ColorDst0; * }*/ // render to middle shadow depth map { view = Matrix4.LookAt(center, center + lightDir, Vector3.UnitY); projo = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(40, 40, -150, 150); sp.viewProj = view * projo; RenderToDepthMap(shadowDepthRT2, sp, drawMeshDic); sp.shadowDepthBias2 = sp.viewProj * shadowDepthBias; sp.shadowDepthMap2 = shadowDepthRT2.ColorDst0; } // render to near shadow depth map { view = Matrix4.LookAt(center, center + lightDir, Vector3.UnitY); projo = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(10, 10, -80, 80); sp.viewProj = view * projo; RenderToDepthMap(shadowDepthRT3, sp, drawMeshDic); sp.shadowDepthBias3 = sp.viewProj * shadowDepthBias; sp.shadowDepthMap3 = shadowDepthRT3.ColorDst0; } sp.viewProj = viewproj; prevLightDir = lightDir; prevCameraPos = center; } } // 遅延描画 deferredRT.Bind(new Color4(0, 0, 0, 0)); // スカイボックス if (ClearFlag == ClearFlag.SkyBox) { var dir = GameObject.Transform.WorldDirectionZ; if (ForceTarget) { dir = (Target - wp).Normalized(); } var mat = Matrix4.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, dir, Up) * Projection; var oldMat = Matrix4.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, prevCameraDir, Up) * Projection; GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); backShader.UseShader(); backShader.SetParameter(backShader.loc_mvp, ref mat, false); backShader.SetParameter(backShader.loc_oldmvp, ref oldMat, false); backShader.SetParameter(backShader.loc_albedo, SkyBoxColor); backShader.SetParameter(backShader.loc_fog, MMW.FogIntensity); backShader.SetParameter(backShader.loc_fogcolor, MMW.MainCamera.ClearColor); backShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, EnvironmentMap); Drawer.DrawSubMesh(cubeMesh.subMeshes[0]); backShader.UnuseShader(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); prevCameraDir = dir; } // その他スクリプトの描画(メッシュ描画前) if (ScriptDraw) { layerSortTask.Wait(); DrawScripts(beforeComs, (float)deltaTime); DrawMeshScripts(beforeComs, (float)deltaTime); } if (MeshDraw) { // オクルージョン描画 //DrawOcclusionBox(renderers); DrawDeferredMeshes(sp, drawMeshDic); //DrawMeshScripts(meshComs, (float)deltaTime); } // その他スクリプトの描画 if (ScriptDraw) { DrawScripts(afterComs, (float)deltaTime); DrawMeshScripts(afterComs, (float)deltaTime); } // ライトカリング lightExtractTask.Wait(); lightRT.Bind(new Color4(0, 0, 0, 0)); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, ssbo_light); GL.BufferSubData(BufferTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, (IntPtr)0, lights.Count * 20 * 4, lights.ToArray()); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, ssbo_count); GL.BufferSubData(BufferTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, (IntPtr)0, initCounts.Length * 4, initCounts); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 0); lightCullingShader.UseShader(); AAnimator.BindIdentity(1, 2); GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode.Back); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 3, ssbo_count); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 4, ssbo_index); lightCullingShader.SetParameter(lightCullingShader.loc_resolution, lightRT.Size.ToVector2()); var syncList = new List <IntPtr>(); for (var i = 0; i < lights.Count; i++) { lightCullingShader.SetParameter(lightCullingShader.loc_index, i); var mvp = MatrixHelper.CreateTransform(lights[i].pos.Xyz, Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(lights[i].radius * 1.2f)) * sp.viewProj; lightCullingShader.SetParameter(lightCullingShader.loc_mvp, ref mvp, false); syncList.Add(GL.FenceSync(SyncCondition.SyncGpuCommandsComplete, WaitSyncFlags.None)); Drawer.DrawSubMesh(plMesh.subMeshes[0]); } GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode.Front); lightCullingShader.UnuseShader(); foreach (var sync in syncList) { GL.DeleteSync(sync); } // レンダーターゲットをセット TargetTexture.Bind(); GL.ClearColor(ClearColor); if (ClearFlag == ClearFlag.SolidColor) { GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); } else if (ClearFlag == ClearFlag.DepthOnly) { GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); } else if (ClearFlag == ClearFlag.SkyBox) { GL.ClearColor(Color4.White); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); } // メッシュ描画 if (MeshDraw) { /* * var srcRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); * var dstRect1 = new RectangleF(0, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect2 = new RectangleF(0, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect3 = new RectangleF(0.25f, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect4 = new RectangleF(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect5 = new RectangleF(0.5f, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect6 = new RectangleF(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect7 = new RectangleF(0.75f, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f); * var dstRect8 = new RectangleF(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f); * Drawer.DrawTexture(sp.shadowDepthMap2, srcRect, dstRect1); * Drawer.DrawTexture(sp.shadowDepthMap3, srcRect, dstRect2); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst2, srcRect, dstRect3); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst3, srcRect, dstRect4); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst4, srcRect, dstRect5); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst5, srcRect, dstRect6); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst6, srcRect, dstRect7); * Drawer.DrawTexture(deferredRT.ColorDst7, srcRect, dstRect8); */ //Drawer.DrawTexture(lightRT.ColorDst0); sp.ortho = orthoMat; sp.deferredAlbedoMap = deferredRT.ColorDst0; sp.deferredWorldPosMap = deferredRT.ColorDst1; sp.deferredWorldNormalMap = deferredRT.ColorDst2; sp.deferredPhysicalParamsMap = deferredRT.ColorDst3; sp.deferredF0Map = deferredRT.ColorDst4; sp.deferredDepthMap = deferredRT.ColorDst5; sp.deferredShadowMap = deferredRT.ColorDst6; sp.deferredVelocityMap = deferredRT.ColorDst7; deferredShader.UseShader(); deferredShader.SetUniqueParameter(sp, true); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 5, ssbo_light); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); deferredShader.UnuseShader(); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 3, 0); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 4, 0); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 5, 0); } // イメージエフェクトをかける var effects = GameObject.GetComponents <ImageEffect>(); if (effects != null) { for (var i = 0; i < effects.Length; i++) { if (!effects[i].Enabled) { continue; } if (effects[i].RequireMaps.Contains(RequireMap.Depth)) { effects[i].DepthMap = sp.deferredDepthMap; } if (effects[i].RequireMaps.Contains(RequireMap.Position)) { effects[i].PositionMap = sp.deferredWorldPosMap; } if (effects[i].RequireMaps.Contains(RequireMap.Normal)) { effects[i].NormalMap = sp.deferredWorldNormalMap; } if (effects[i].RequireMaps.Contains(RequireMap.Velocity)) { effects[i].VelocityMap = sp.deferredVelocityMap; } effects[i].Draw(deltaTime); } } GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); // UI層のゲームオブジェクトを描画 if (UIDraw && layerMask.Get(GameObject.LayerUI)) { DrawScripts(uiComs, (float)deltaTime); DrawMeshScripts(uiComs, (float)deltaTime); } }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } // HDR抽出 hdrRT.Bind(Color4.Black); hdrShader.UseShader(); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_resolution, hdrRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); hdrShader.SetParameter(hdrShader.loc_threshold, Threshold); hdrShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); hdrShader.UnuseShader(); // HDR画像のぼかし画像を生成 for (var i = 0; i < BlurNum; i++) { if (i == 0) { blurs[i].SrcTexture = hdrRT.ColorDst0; } else { blurs[i].SrcTexture = blurRTs[i - 1].ColorDst0; } blurs[i].Draw(deltaTime); } // Bloom処理 bloomRT.Bind(Color4.Black); bloomShader.UseShader(); bloomShader.SetParameter(bloomShader.loc_resolution, bloomRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); bloomShader.SetParameter(bloomShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); bloomShader.SetParameter(bloomShader.loc_intensity, Intensity); bloomShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); var units = new TextureUnit[] { TextureUnit.Texture1, TextureUnit.Texture2, TextureUnit.Texture3, TextureUnit.Texture4, TextureUnit.Texture5, }; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i < BlurNum) { bloomShader.SetParameter(units[i], blurRTs[i].ColorDst0); } else { bloomShader.SetParameter(units[i],; } } Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); bloomShader.UnuseShader(); // 書き出し rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(bloomRT.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public override void Draw(double deltaTime) { RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture; if (rt == null) { if (Camera == null) { return; } else { rt = Camera.TargetTexture; } } if (!rt.Loaded) { return; } totalTime += deltaTime; if (totalTime > ExtractBrightInterval) { totalTime -= ExtractBrightInterval; // 平均輝度抽出 var reso = aveRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse(); aveRT.Bind(Color4.Black); aveShader.UseShader(); aveShader.SetParameter(aveShader.loc_resolution, ref reso); aveShader.SetParameter(aveShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); aveShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); aveShader.UnuseShader(); // 縮小 shrinkShader.UseShader(); for (var i = 0; i < shrinkRTs.Length; i++) { shrinkRTs[i].Bind(Color4.Black); if (i == 0) { shrinkShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, aveRT.ColorDst0); } else { shrinkShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, shrinkRTs[i - 1].ColorDst0); } shrinkShader.SetParameter(shrinkShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); shrinkShader.SetParameter(shrinkShader.loc_offset, ref reso); reso = shrinkRTs[i].Size.ToVector2().Inverse(); shrinkShader.SetParameter(shrinkShader.loc_resolution, ref reso); if (i == shrinkRTs.Length - 1) { GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 6, ssbo_lum); } Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); } shrinkShader.UnuseShader(); } // トーンマッピング toneRT.Bind(Color4.Black); toneShader.UseShader(); toneShader.SetParameter(toneShader.loc_resolution, toneRT.Size.ToVector2().Inverse()); toneShader.SetParameter(toneShader.loc_mvp, ref orthoMatrix, false); toneShader.SetParameter(toneShader.loc_intensity, Intensity); toneShader.SetParameter(toneShader.loc_rate, (float)(totalTime / ExtractBrightInterval)); toneShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture0, rt.ColorDst0); toneShader.SetParameter(TextureUnit.Texture1, shrinkRTs.Last().ColorDst0); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 6, ssbo_lum); Drawer.DrawTextureMesh(); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.ShaderStorageBuffer, 6, 0); toneShader.UnuseShader(); // 書き出し rt.Bind(); Drawer.DrawTexture(toneRT.ColorDst0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public void Render() { // Bind OpenGL m_window.MakeCurrent(); // ---------- // DRAW WORLD // ---------- // Clear world render texture m_worldRenderTexture.Bind(); var clearColor = (m_sky != null) ? m_sky.BackgroundColour : Vector3.Zero; GL.ClearColor(clearColor.X, clearColor.Y, clearColor.Z, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); App.CheckOpenGLError(); // Draw the skybox if (m_sky != null) { var backgroundImage = m_sky.Sky.BackgroundImage; if (backgroundImage != null) { // Draw background image GL.DepthMask(false); var backgroundTexture = Texture.Get(backgroundImage, true); m_backgroundEffect.Texture = backgroundTexture; m_backgroundEffect.Bind(); m_fullScreenQuad.Draw(); GL.DepthMask(true); } m_sky.DrawBackground(m_camera); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); } // Draw states if (m_transition != null) { m_currentState.PostDraw(); m_pendingState.PreDraw(); } else { m_currentState.Draw(); } // Draw the camera marker if (UseDebugCamera && m_debugMenu.Visible) { m_cameraAxisMarker.Draw(m_camera); } m_worldRenderTexture.Unbind(); // ----------------- // POSTPROCESS WORLD // ----------------- // Clear screen m_upscaleRenderTexture.Bind(); GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); // Draw texture to screen m_postEffect.Texture = m_worldRenderTexture; m_postEffect.Bind(); m_fullScreenQuad.Draw(); // -------- // DRAW GUI // -------- if (RenderUI) { // Draw GUI m_screen.DrawExcept(m_debugMenu, m_cursor); m_screen.DrawOnly(m_cursor); } // Draw debug GUI m_screen.DrawOnly(m_debugMenu); if (RenderUI) { // ----------- // DRAW 3D GUI // ----------- // Clear world render texture m_worldRenderTexture.Bind(); GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); App.CheckOpenGLError(); // Draw 3D GUI to offscreen buffer m_screen.Draw3D(); // ------------------ // POSTPROCESS 3D GUI // ------------------ // Clear screen m_upscaleRenderTexture.Bind(); // Draw texture to screen m_postEffect.Texture = m_worldRenderTexture; m_postEffect.Bind(); m_fullScreenQuad.Draw(); } // ----------------- // UPSCALE TO SCREEN // ----------------- // Clear screen m_upscaleRenderTexture.Unbind(); GL.Viewport(0, 0, Window.Width, Window.Height); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); // Draw texture to screen m_upscaleEffect.Texture = m_upscaleRenderTexture; m_upscaleEffect.Bind(); m_fullScreenQuad.Draw(); // ------ // FINISH // ------ if (m_pendingScreenshot != null) { // Take screenshot GL.Finish(); TakeScreenshot(); } // Flip OpenGL m_window.SwapBuffers(); }
public static void Render() { //Render Scene if (ppEffects.Count > 0) { grabPass1.Bind(); } else { screenBuffer.Bind(); } GL.ClearColor(Color4.Black); GL.ClearStencil(0); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.Enable(EnableCap.StencilTest); GL.StencilOp(StencilOp.Keep, StencilOp.Keep, StencilOp.Replace); GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode.Back); UpdateMatrices(); foreach (Renderer r in registeredRenderers) { if (r.enabled) { if (r.transform.entity != null) { r.transform.entity.WriteToStencilBuffer(); } r.Render(); } } HoveredID = RenderTexture.ReadStencil((int)Input.MousePosition.X, window.Height - (int)Input.MousePosition.Y); screenBuffer.Bind(); //Do Post Processing currentGrabPass = false; for (int i = 0; i < ppEffects.Count; i++) { if (i < ppEffects.Count - 1) { if (!currentGrabPass) { grabPass2.Bind(); } else { grabPass1.Bind(); } } else { screenBuffer.Bind(); } PostProcess(i); if (i < ppEffects.Count - 1) { screenBuffer.Bind(); } currentGrabPass = !currentGrabPass; } GL.Ext.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.FramebufferExt, 0); //Draw final screenbuffer GL.ClearColor(Color4.Black); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, screenBuffer.Handle); screenBufferShader.Use(); GL.Uniform1(screenBufferShader.GetUniformLocation("a_screen"), 0); ppQuad.subMeshes[0].vao.Bind(); GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles, 6, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); }
//static OpenGLDevice NuklearDev; static void Main(string[] args) { /*IBWFile F = IBWLoader.Load("dataset/ibw/Image0018.ibw"); * * for (int i = 0; i < F.Depth; i++) { * Bitmap Bmp = new Bitmap(F.Width, F.Height); * * int D_Dim = i; * * float Min = float.MaxValue; * float Max = float.MinValue; * * for (int y = 0; y < F.Height; y++) { * for (int x = 0; x < F.Width; x++) { * float Flt = (float)F.GetData(x, y, D_Dim) * 1000000000; * * Min = Math.Min(Min, Flt); * Max = Math.Max(Max, Flt); * } * } * * float Offset = -Min; * float OffsetMax = Max + Offset; * float ScaleVal = 255.0f / OffsetMax; * * Min = float.MaxValue; * Max = float.MinValue; * * for (int y = 0; y < F.Height; y++) { * for (int x = 0; x < F.Width; x++) { * float Flt = ((float)F.GetData(x, y, D_Dim) * 1000000000 + Offset) * ScaleVal; * * int Clr = (int)Flt; * Bmp.SetPixel(x, F.Height - y - 1, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, Clr, Clr, Clr)); * } * } * * Bmp.Save("test_" + i + ".png"); * } * * * File.WriteAllText("text_data.txt", F.NoteData); * * * Console.WriteLine("Done!"); * Console.ReadLine(); * return;//*/ const float Scale = 0.9f; ClearColor = new FishGfx.Color(60, 80, 100); RenderAPI.GetDesktopResolution(out int W, out int H); RWind = new RenderWindow((int)(W * Scale), (int)(H * Scale), "Vector PFM"); Console.WriteLine("OpenGL {0}", RenderAPI.Version); Console.WriteLine("Running on {0}", RenderAPI.Renderer); // Load shader programs Shader_DrawRayCast = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/defaultRayCast.frag")); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.SetPerspective(RWind.GetWindowSizeVec()); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 300, 0); Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.PitchClamp = new Vector2(-80, 80); Shader_DrawFlat = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/defaultFlatColor.frag")); Shader_DrawFlat.Uniforms.Camera = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; Shader_Screen = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/default.frag")); Shader_Screen.Uniforms.Camera.SetOrthogonal(0, 0, 1, 1); Shader_Textured = new ShaderProgram(new ShaderStage(ShaderType.VertexShader, "data/default3d.vert"), new ShaderStage(ShaderType.FragmentShader, "data/default.frag")); Shader_Textured.Uniforms.Camera = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; //NuklearDev = new OpenGLDevice(RWind.GetWindowSizeVec()); //NuklearAPI.Init(NuklearDev); RWind.OnMouseMoveDelta += (Wnd, X, Y) => Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera.Update(new Vector2(-X, -Y)); RWind.OnKey += OnKey; //RWind.OnMouseMove += (Wnd, X, Y) => NuklearDev.OnMouseMove((int)X, (int)Y); RWind.OnMouseMoveDelta += (Wnd, X, Y) => { if (LeftMouse) { const float MoveSpeed = 1.0f; if (X != 0 || Y != 0) { Camera Cam = Shader_DrawRayCast.Uniforms.Camera; if (X != 0) { Cam.Position -= Cam.WorldRightNormal * MoveSpeed * -X; } if (Y != 0) { Cam.Position += Cam.WorldUpNormal * MoveSpeed * -Y; } RecalcCamera(); } } else if (RightMouse) { DesiredPivotDistance += Y; RecalcCamera(); } }; HMap = new Terrain(); HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/data2/heightmap.png"), 100); //HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/height_test.png"), 10); //HMap.LoadFromImage(Image.FromFile("dataset/owl.png"), 100); DesiredPivotDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; CameraPivot = new Vector3(HMap.Width / 2, HMap.GetHeight(HMap.Width / 2, HMap.Height / 2), HMap.Height / 2); RecalcCamera(); PinMesh = new Mesh3D { PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.Triangles }; PinMesh.SetVertices(GfxUtils.LoadObj("data/models/pin/pin.obj")); PinTexture = Texture.FromFile("data/models/pin/pin_mat.png"); Mesh3D Vectors = new Mesh3D { PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.Lines }; { //Vertex3[] Verts = new Vertex3[HMap.Width * HMap.Height * 2]; List <Vertex3> Verts = new List <Vertex3>(); for (int i = 0; i < HMap.Width * HMap.Height * 2; i += 2) { int X = (i / 2) % HMap.Width; int Y = (i / 2) / HMap.Width; const int Density = 2; if (X % Density != 0 || Y % Density != 0) { continue; } float Height = HMap.GetHeight(X, Y); Verts.Add(new Vertex3(new Vector3(X, Height - 0.5f, Y), FishGfx.Color.Black)); Verts.Add(new Vertex3(new Vector3(X, Height + 20, Y), FishGfx.Color.White)); } Vectors.SetVertices(Verts.ToArray()); } RWind.GetWindowSize(out int WindowWidth, out int WindowHeight); RenderTexture Screen = new RenderTexture(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); RayCastingTexture = Screen.CreateNewColorAttachment(1); Background = Texture.FromFile("data/background.png"); Mesh2D ScreenQuad = new Mesh2D(); ScreenQuad.SetVertices(new Vertex2[] { new Vertex2(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(0, 1)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(1, 1)), new Vertex2(new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, 0)) }); ScreenQuad.SetElements(new uint[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }.Reverse().ToArray()); Stopwatch SWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); float Dt = 0; while (!RWind.ShouldClose) { Update(Dt); // Draw the world onto a render texture including the ray casting buffer Screen.Bind(0, 1); { Shader_DrawRayCast.Bind(); Gfx.Clear(FishGfx.Color.Transparent); /*Gfx.EnableCullFace(false); * HMap.Draw(); * Gfx.EnableCullFace(true);*/ // Draw back face Gfx.CullFront(); Texture Orig = HMap.OverlayTexture; HMap.OverlayTexture = Background; HMap.Draw(); // Draw front face Gfx.CullBack(); HMap.OverlayTexture = Orig; HMap.Draw(); Shader_DrawRayCast.Unbind(); } Screen.Unbind(); // Draw other stuff Screen.Bind(0); { Shader_DrawFlat.Bind(); Vectors.Draw(); Shader_DrawFlat.Unbind(); Shader_Textured.Bind(); Shader_Textured.SetModelMatrix(Matrix4x4.CreateScale(2) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(CameraPivot)); PinTexture.BindTextureUnit(); PinMesh.Draw(); PinTexture.UnbindTextureUnit(); Shader_Textured.Unbind(); } Screen.Unbind(); // Draw render texture and GUI to screen Shader_Screen.Bind(); { Gfx.Clear(ClearColor); Gfx.EnableDepthDest(false); if (FunctionMode == 1) { Screen.Color.BindTextureUnit(); } else if (FunctionMode == 2) { RayCastingTexture.BindTextureUnit(); } ScreenQuad.Draw(); //NuklearAPI.Frame(DrawGUI); Gfx.EnableDepthDest(true); } Shader_Screen.Unbind(); // Swap buffers, do magic RWind.SwapBuffers(); Events.Poll(); while (SWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f < 1.0f / 60.0f) { ; } Dt = SWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f; SWatch.Restart(); } }