コード例 #1
        private void LifetimeWatcher()
                bool signaled = false;
                while (!signaled)
                    // Wait for either a signal or a time-out
                    signaled = _lifetimeSignal.WaitOne(IdleTimeInSeconds * 1000);

                    if (!signaled)
                        DateTime oldestActivityTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-IdleTimeInSeconds);

                        RemoteServerConnection[] connections = _remoteServer.GetCurrentConnections();
                        for (int index = 0; index < connections.Length; index++)
                            if (connections[index].LastActivityTime < oldestActivityTime)
                                    // Connection has been idle for longer than the activity time, kill it
                                    _remoteServer.Server.LogMessage(String.Format("Connection relinquished due to inactivity: ConnectionName={0}, HostName={1}, LastActivity={2}", connections[index].ConnectionName, connections[index].HostName, connections[index].LastActivityTime.ToShortTimeString()));
                                catch (Exception exception)

                // The keep alive processing is complete.  Clean up...
                lock (_lifetimeSyncHandle)
                    _lifetimeSignal = null;
                // Don't allow exceptions to go unhandled, the framework will terminate the server.