public override void _Input(InputEvent e) { if (e is InputEventMouseButton iemb) { Vector2 pos = ToLocal(iemb.GetPosition()); if (InputUtil.IsLeftPress(iemb) && rect.HasPoint(pos)) { OnLeftPress(); } } if (e is InputEventMouseMotion iemm) { Vector2 pos = ToLocal(iemm.GetPosition()); if (rect.HasPoint(pos)) { hovered = true; OnHover(); } else { if (hovered) { hovered = false; OnHoverOff(); } } } }
protected List <BaseEntity> GetCurrentEntitiesOnScreen() { var rect = new Rect2(GlobalPosition, 72, 48); var entities = GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("entity").Cast <BaseEntity>(); return(entities.Where(entity => rect.HasPoint(entity.GlobalPosition)).ToList()); }
public override void _Process(float delta) { if (Engine.EditorHint) { if (edgeColor.a != 0) { GetNode <TextureRect>("Edge").Modulate = edgeColor; } return; } // check if the mouse is over the button; ie, if we're being hovered hovered = origRect.HasPoint(GetLocalMousePosition()); if (hovered) { this.RectScale = origScale * enlargeFactor; var parent = GetParent(); var bigParent = GetParent().GetParent(); // move this node and parent node to bottom of the respective trees they are in // this ensures they are drawn on top of everything else // and the buttonRect thing we do ensures the hover detection is still accurate parent.MoveChild(this, parent.GetChildCount() - 1); bigParent.MoveChild(parent, bigParent.GetChildCount() - 1); } else { this.RectScale = origScale; } }
public static bool IsInRange(Vector2Int left, Vector2Int right, int range) { Rect2 rangeRect = new Rect2(left.ToVec2(), new Vector2(1, 1)); rangeRect = rangeRect.Grow(range); return(rangeRect.HasPoint(right.ToVec2())); }
public override void _Process(float delta) { DeleteSelf(); if (!_hideUntil.HasPoint(Position)) { Visible = true; } Position += _direction * delta; }
public override void _Process(float delta) { if (rect.HasPoint(GetGlobalMousePosition())) { Input.SetDefaultCursorShape(Input.CursorShape.PointingHand); } else { Input.SetDefaultCursorShape(); } }
public static bool IsPointOnGUI(this Node parent, Vector2 point) { List <Control> panels = GetAllControls(parent); foreach (Control panel in panels) { Rect2 rect = new Rect2(panel.RectGlobalPosition, panel.RectSize); if (rect.HasPoint(point)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Lookup direction from flow. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">Position</param> /// <returns>Direction vector</returns> public Vector2 Lookup(Vector2 position) { var rect = new Rect2(GlobalPosition, size); if (rect.HasPoint(position)) { var x = (int)Mathf.Clamp((position.x - GlobalPosition.x) / Resolution, 0, cols - 1); var y = (int)Mathf.Clamp((position.y - GlobalPosition.y) / Resolution, 0, rows - 1); return(field[x + (y * cols)].Direction); } else { return(Vector2.Zero); } }
private Stage GetStageAt(Vector2 globalPosition) { for (int i = 0; i < stages.GetChildCount(); i++) { Stage stage = stages.GetChildOrNull <Stage>(i); Rect2 global = stage.GetGlobalRect(); if (global.HasPoint(globalPosition)) { return(stage); } } return(null); }
public override void _Process(float delta) { if (!Enabled) { return; } if (_rect.HasPoint(_player.GlobalPosition)) { float zoomFactor; if (ZoomY) { if (Magnification < 1) { zoomFactor = 1 - Magnification * Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.y - _player.GlobalPosition.y) / Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.y - _rect.End.y); } else { zoomFactor = Mathf.Clamp(Magnification * Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.y - _player.GlobalPosition.y) / Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.y - _rect.End.y), DefaultZoom, Magnification); } } else { if (Magnification < 1) { zoomFactor = 1 - Magnification * Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.x - _player.GlobalPosition.x) / Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.x - _rect.End.x); } else { zoomFactor = Mathf.Clamp(Magnification * Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.x - _player.GlobalPosition.x) / Mathf.Abs(_rect.Position.x - _rect.End.x), DefaultZoom, Magnification); } } zoomFactor = (float)Math.Round(zoomFactor, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); if (Mathf.Abs(1 - zoomFactor - Magnification) <= 0.05) { zoomFactor = 1 - Magnification; } if (Mathf.Abs(zoomFactor - DefaultZoom) <= 0.05) { zoomFactor = DefaultZoom; } _currentZoomFactor = zoomFactor; if (_camera.Zoom == new Vector2(_currentZoomFactor, _currentZoomFactor)) { return; } _camera.Zoom = new Vector2(zoomFactor, zoomFactor); } }
public void activate() { var rect = new Rect2(GlobalPosition, GDKnyttAssetManager.TILE_WIDTH, GDKnyttAssetManager.TILE_HEIGHT); foreach (var layer in GDArea.Objects.Layers) { foreach (GDKnyttBaseObject knytt_object in layer.GetChildren()) { // TODO: delete by collision shape if (knytt_object != this && rect.HasPoint(knytt_object.Center)) { knytt_object.QueueFree(); } } } }
public FSM.State OnFollowing(float delta) { if (LockTarget) { Rect2 limits = GetLimits(); if (!limits.HasPoint(Target.Position)) { Target.Position = ClampToLimits(Target.Position); } } if (Target != null) { Position = Target.Position; } return(STATE_FOLLOWING); }
public override void _Process(float delta) { var rect = new Rect2(_animatee.RectGlobalPosition, _animatee.RectSize); var mousePosition = _animatee.GetGlobalMousePosition(); var entered = rect.HasPoint(mousePosition); if (entered == _entered) { return; } _entered = entered; if (_entered) { _tween.InterpolateProperty(this, "offset", Offset, new Vector2(), AnimationTime, Tween.TransitionType.Quad, Tween.EaseType.In); } else { _tween.InterpolateProperty(this, "offset", Offset, GetSlideInOffset(), AnimationTime, Tween.TransitionType.Quad, Tween.EaseType.In); } _tween.Start(); }
public override void _GuiInput(InputEvent ev) { if (!(ev is InputEventMouse)) { return; } InputEventMouse evM = (InputEventMouse)ev; Vector2 mousePos = evM.Position; Vector2 relCurvePos = mousePos; relCurvePos.x = Mathf.InverseLerp(MARGIN, RectSize.x - MARGIN, relCurvePos.x); relCurvePos.y = Mathf.InverseLerp(RectSize.y - MARGIN, MARGIN, relCurvePos.y); relCurvePos.x = Mathf.Clamp(relCurvePos.x, 0, 1); relCurvePos.y = Mathf.Clamp(relCurvePos.y, 0, 1); int handleIdx = -1; int handleTangentIdx = 0; int pointCount = curve.GetPointCount(); for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { Vector2 handlePos = GetHandlePos(i); Rect2 r = new Rect2(); r.Position = handlePos - Vector2.One * (HANDLE_SIZE / 2f); r.Size = Vector2.One * HANDLE_SIZE; if (r.HasPoint(mousePos)) { handleIdx = i; } if (i > 0) { Vector2 tangentPos = GetHandleLeftTangent(i); r.Position = tangentPos - Vector2.One * (TANGENT_HANDLE_SIZE / 2f); r.Size = Vector2.One * TANGENT_HANDLE_SIZE; if (r.HasPoint(mousePos)) { handleTangentIdx = -1; } } if (i < pointCount - 1) { Vector2 tangentPos = GetHandleRightTangent(i); r.Position = tangentPos - Vector2.One * (TANGENT_HANDLE_SIZE / 2f); r.Size = Vector2.One * TANGENT_HANDLE_SIZE; if (r.HasPoint(mousePos)) { handleTangentIdx = 1; } } } if (ev is InputEventMouseButton) { InputEventMouseButton evMB = ev as InputEventMouseButton; if (evMB.ButtonIndex == (int)ButtonList.Left) { if (evMB.Pressed) { if (handleTangentIdx != 0) { dragTangentIdx = handleTangentIdx; } else { if (handleIdx == -1) { handleIdx = curve.AddPoint(relCurvePos); selectedIdx = handleIdx; dragIdx = handleIdx; } else { selectedIdx = handleIdx; dragIdx = handleIdx; } } } else { dragTangentIdx = 0; dragIdx = -1; } } if (evMB.ButtonIndex == (int)ButtonList.Right) { if (evMB.Pressed) { if (handleIdx != -1) { curve.RemovePoint(handleIdx); if (selectedIdx == handleIdx) { selectedIdx = -1; } handleIdx = -1; } } } } if (ev is InputEventMouseMotion) { if (dragIdx != -1) { curve.SetPointOffset(dragIdx, relCurvePos.x); curve.SetPointValue(dragIdx, relCurvePos.y); } if (dragTangentIdx != 0) { Vector2 handlePos = GetHandlePos(selectedIdx); Vector2 dir = (mousePos - handlePos).Normalized(); float tangent; if (!Mathf.IsZeroApprox(dir.x)) { tangent = dir.y / dir.x; } else { tangent = 9999f * (dir.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1); } bool link = !Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.Shift); if (dragTangentIdx == 1) { curve.SetPointRightTangent(selectedIdx, -tangent); link &= selectedIdx > 0 && curve.GetPointLeftMode(selectedIdx) != Curve.TangentMode.Linear; if (link) { curve.SetPointLeftTangent(selectedIdx, -tangent); } } else { curve.SetPointLeftTangent(selectedIdx, -tangent); link &= selectedIdx < pointCount - 1 && curve.GetPointRightMode(selectedIdx) != Curve.TangentMode.Linear; if (link) { curve.SetPointRightTangent(selectedIdx, -tangent); } } } } if (dragIdx != -1) { hoverIdx = dragIdx; } hoverIdx = handleIdx; hoverTangentIdx = handleTangentIdx; Update(); }
public override void _Process(float delta) { float spawnZoneExtends = 640; Vector2 globalPosition = ((Node2D)Referer).GlobalPosition; Rect2 spawnZone = new Rect2(globalPosition, spawnZoneExtends, spawnZoneExtends); foreach (Node n in GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("EndPositions")) { Position2D pos = (Position2D)n; LavaBlock lb = (LavaBlock)pos.GetParent(); if (spawnZone.HasPoint(pos.GlobalPosition) && !lb.loadedNext) { PackedScene nextToSpawn = GD.Load <PackedScene>("tests/thibault/lava_blocks/" + lb.nexts[(int)(GD.Randi() % lb.nexts.Count)] + ".tscn"); LavaBlock nextBlock = (LavaBlock)nextToSpawn.Instance(); =; nextBlock.GlobalPosition = pos.GlobalPosition; Referer.GetParent().AddChild(nextBlock); lb.loadedNext = true; Array <LavaSurfaceBurn> nextLavas = new Array <LavaSurfaceBurn>(); foreach (Node n2 in GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("LavaBurn")) { LavaSurfaceBurn l = (LavaSurfaceBurn)n2; if (l.GetParent() == nextBlock) { nextLavas.Add(l); } } for (int i = 0; i < nextLavas.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 || lavaSurface.isInterrupted) { surfaces.Add(lavaSurface); lavaSurface = (LavaSurfaceBurn)lavaPacked.Instance(); GetTree().CurrentScene.AddChild(lavaSurface); } LavaSurfaceBurn nextLava = nextLavas[i]; Vector2 offset = nextLava.GlobalPosition; foreach (Vector2 p in nextLava.Points) { lavaSurface.AddPoint(p + offset); } lavaSurface.isInterrupted = nextLava.isInterrupted; nextLava.QueueFree(); } } else if ((pos.GlobalPosition.x - globalPosition.x) < -spawnZoneExtends) { lb.QueueFree(); while (surfaces.Count > 0) { LavaSurfaceBurn ls = surfaces[0]; float maxX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ls.Points.Length; i++) { maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, ls.GetPointPosition(i).x); } if (maxX - globalPosition.x < -spawnZoneExtends) { surfaces.RemoveAt(0); ls.QueueFree(); } else { break; } } } } }
public override void _Input(InputEvent @event) { if (@event is InputEventScreenTouch || @event is InputEventScreenDrag) { Vector2 position = @event is InputEventScreenTouch ? (@event as InputEventScreenTouch).Position : (@event as InputEventScreenDrag).Position; bool released = @event is InputEventScreenTouch && !(@event as InputEventScreenTouch).Pressed; if (released) { foreach (var p in allRectangles.Zip(actionNames, (a, b) => new { Rect = a, Name = b })) { if (p.Rect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionRelease(p.Name); } } if (leftRect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionRelease("right"); } if (rightRect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionRelease("left"); } } else if (@event is InputEventScreenDrag drag_event) { var speed = drag_event.Speed; var rel = drag_event.Relative; var old_position = drag_event.Position - drag_event.Relative; // Release action if the user lefts the button if ((leftRect.HasPoint(old_position) && !leftRect.HasPoint(position)) || (rightRect.HasPoint(old_position) && !rightRect.HasPoint(position))) { Input.ActionRelease(Input.IsActionPressed("left") ? "left" : "right"); } foreach (var p in allRectangles.Zip(actionNames, (a, b) => new { Rect = a, Name = b })) { if (p.Rect.HasPoint(old_position) && !p.Rect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionRelease(p.Name); } } // If user swipes left/right too fast, left/right action can be pressed in advance if (leftRect.HasPoint(position) || rightRect.HasPoint(position)) { if (speed.x > SPEED_TOO_FAST || rel.x > REL_TOO_FAST) { Input.ActionRelease("left"); Input.ActionPress("right"); } if (speed.x < -SPEED_TOO_FAST || rel.x < -REL_TOO_FAST) { Input.ActionRelease("right"); Input.ActionPress("left"); } } // If user swipes back after this, original direction should be restored // Swiping up/down (too slow on X) should not affect this if (leftRect.HasPoint(position) && !(Input.IsActionPressed("right") && rel.x >= -REL_TOO_SLOW)) { Input.ActionRelease("right"); Input.ActionPress("left"); } if (rightRect.HasPoint(position) && !(Input.IsActionPressed("left") && rel.x <= REL_TOO_SLOW)) { Input.ActionRelease("left"); Input.ActionPress("right"); } if (downRect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionPress("down"); } if (upRect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionPress("up"); } } else { foreach (var p in allRectangles.Zip(actionNames, (a, b) => new { Rect = a, Name = b })) { if (p.Rect.HasPoint(position)) { Input.ActionPress(p.Name); } } } ChangeOpacity(leftUpPanel, Input.IsActionPressed("left") && Input.IsActionPressed("up")); ChangeOpacity(rightUpPanel, Input.IsActionPressed("right") && Input.IsActionPressed("up")); ChangeOpacity(leftPanel, Input.IsActionPressed("left") && !Input.IsActionPressed("up")); ChangeOpacity(rightPanel, Input.IsActionPressed("right") && !Input.IsActionPressed("up")); ChangeOpacity(downPanel, Input.IsActionPressed("down")); foreach (var p in jumpPanels.Zip(jumpActionNames, (a, b) => new { Pan = a, Name = b })) { if (p.Name == "pause") { continue; } ChangeOpacity(p.Pan, Input.IsActionPressed(p.Name)); } } }
public static bool IsAdjacent(Vector2Int left, Vector2Int right) { Rect2 adjacency = new Rect2(left.x - 1, left.y - 1, 3, 3); return(adjacency.HasPoint(right.ToVec2())); }