public void Problem10() { // How many CERT values are above 20000 ? var result = Records.Count(r => int.Parse(r.GetItemWithKey("cert").Value) > 20000); Console.WriteLine(result); }
private void ApplyFilter() { //_Filters.Check1 = check; if (_Filters.Check1 == false && _Filters.Check2 == false && _Filters.Check3 == false && _Filters.Check4 == false && _Filters.Check5 == false) { dialogService.ShowMessage("Не задан ни один фильтр..."); return; } if (Records.Count() == 0) { dialogService.ShowMessage("Сначала обновите данные (Ctrl+R)"); return; } LoadDataForUsersList(); ObservableCollection <UserRecord> tmp = new ObservableCollection <UserRecord>(); tmp = _Filters.SetFilters2(Records, _Filters.Param1, _Filters.Param2, _Filters.Param3, _Filters.StartDateparam, _Filters.EndtDateparam, _Filters.StartDateparam2, _Filters.EndtDateparam2, _Filters.Check1, _Filters.Check2, _Filters.Check3, _Filters.Check4, _Filters.Check5); if (tmp.Count() == 0) { Records.Clear(); dialogService.ShowMessage("Совпадений не найдено"); return; } Records.Clear(); foreach (UserRecord item in tmp) { Records.Add(item); } }
public void Problem12() { // How many banks closed in the year 2008? var result = Records.Count(r => DateTime.Parse(r.GetItemWithKey("closing date").Value).Year == 2008); Console.WriteLine(result); }
public void Problem8() { // How many failed banks don't have the word \"Bank\" in their name? var result = Records.Count(r => !r.GetItemWithKey("bank name").Value.Contains("Bank")); Console.WriteLine(result); }
public void Problem9() { // How many bank names start with the letter 's' ? var result = Records.Count(r => r.GetItemWithKey("bank name").Value.StartsWith("S")); Console.WriteLine(result); }
protected override void CalculatePriorities(IEnumerable <TableRecord> records) { // If previous rules haven't solved any rows, the recursion must be stopped. if (records.Count() == Records.Count()) { return; } short tourneyId = records.First().tourneyId; IEnumerable <int> teamIds = records.Select(rg => rg.teamId); IEnumerable <Game> games = gameBll.GetGamesByTourneyBetweenTeams(tourneyId, teamIds); if (!games.Any()) { return; } TableBase table = new ClassicTable(); table.BuildFromGames(tourneyId, games); IRanking ranking = new Implementations.Components.Ranking(); ranking.CalculateTable(Rule, games); IEnumerable <TableRecord> prioritizedTable = ranking.CalculateTable(Rule, games); foreach (TableRecord record in records) { record.PointsVirtual = prioritizedTable.FirstOrDefault()?.PointsVirtual ?? 0; } }
public override void Sort() { Table.Sort(); log.Trace("Sorting table '{0}'.", Name); IEnumerable <IGrouping <short, TableRecord> > groupedRecords = GetGroupsByPointsVirtual(Table.Records); log.Trace("Groups count: {0}", groupedRecords.Count()); log.Trace("Groups: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", groupedRecords.Select(g => g.Key))); if (groupedRecords.Count() == Records.Count()) { return; } foreach (IGrouping <short, TableRecord> recordsGroup in groupedRecords) { if (recordsGroup.Key == ResolvedValue) { continue; } IEnumerable <TableRecord> virtualRecords = GetNewRecordsWithPriorities(recordsGroup); FillZeroVirtualPoints(virtualRecords); log.Trace("Virtual point applied to group with Key {0}:", recordsGroup.Key); log.Trace(virtualRecords.ToTextTable()); IEnumerable <IGrouping <short, TableRecord> > groupedRecordsInnner = GetGroupsByPointsVirtual(virtualRecords); log.Trace("Groups after virtual point applied: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", groupedRecordsInnner.Select(g => g.Key))); // No changes were applied, go to next group if (groupedRecordsInnner.Count() == 1) { log.Trace("Group with Key {0} cannot be resolved by '{1}'.", recordsGroup.Key, Name); continue; } // max position must be from real group. we don't know what happens with virtual records outside short maxPosition = recordsGroup.Max(g => g.Position); log.Trace("Max position: {0}", maxPosition); // If changes where applied, sort postions in the real table SetPositionsByFolowingPriorities(maxPosition, virtualRecords); // If changes where applied, set virtual points of single rows to -1 SetSingleGroupsAsResolved(groupedRecordsInnner); log.Trace("Table after group with key {0} changes applied:", recordsGroup.Key); log.Trace(Records.ToTextTable()); } SaveLog(); }
public void Update() { foreach (var setting in Settings) { var predicate = new Func <ValueHistoryRecord, bool>((r) => r.PropertyName == setting.PropertyName); while (Records.Count(predicate) > setting.Amount) { Records.Remove(Records.Where(predicate) .OrderBy(r => r.RecordDate) .First()); } } }
/*__________________________________________________________________________________________*/ private void MapPDL_xppLoanScheduleFromProperties() { foreach (var PDLRecord in PDLLoanList) { List <PDLoanXPPScheduleList> Records; Records = PDLRecord.GetPDLoanXPPScheduleList; for (int index = 0; index < Records.Count(); index++) { int gvIdx = DGVxxpPaySchedule.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewRow LineItem = DGVxxpPaySchedule.Rows[gvIdx]; LineItem.Cells["DgvColxppLineItem"].Value = "StartDate"; LineItem.Cells["DgvColxppPaymentSeqNumber"].Value = Records[index].xppPaymentSeqNumber.ToString(); LineItem.Cells["DgvColxppPaymentNumber"].Value = Records[index].xppPaymentNumber; LineItem.Cells["DgvColxppPaymentDate"].Value = Records[index].xppDate == DateTime.MaxValue ? "" : (Records[index].xppDate).FormatDate(); LineItem.Cells["DgvColxppPaymentAmt"].Value = Records[index].xppAmount.ToString(); } } }
public void Calculate() { if (Records.Count() > 0) { RecordsCount = Records.Count(); List <Record> SortedRecords = Records.OrderBy(r => r.Date).ToList(); TotalPayments = SumOfTopUps(); TotalCost = ((SortedRecords.First().Balance - SortedRecords.Last().Balance) + TotalPayments) - SortedRecords.First().TopUp; DailyCost = CalculateDailyAvg(SortedRecords); MonthlyCost = m_dailyCost * Properties.Settings.Default.DaysPerMonth; YearlyCost = m_dailyCost * Properties.Settings.Default.DaysPerYear; } else { RecordsCount = 0; TotalPayments = 0; TotalCost = 0; DailyCost = 0; MonthlyCost = 0; YearlyCost = 0; } }
private void ListMergeSort() // merges until only 1 list left { int totalRounds = Records.Count(); int round = totalRounds; int percent = split; int oldPercent = split; double logRounds = Math.Log(totalRounds); while (Records.Count > 1) { MergeFirstTwo(); round--; percent = (int)((split * Math.Log(totalRounds / round)) / logRounds) + split; if (oldPercent < percent) { oldPercent = percent; bgw.ReportProgress(percent); } } }
private void FilterCheckValidation()// us in ApplyFilter methode { if (_Filters.Check1 == false && _Filters.Check2 == false && _Filters.Check3 == false && _Filters.Check4 == false && _Filters.Check5 == false && _Filters.Check6 == false && _Filters.Check7 == false && _Filters.Check8 == false && _Filters.Check9 == false && _Filters.Check10 == false && _Filters.Check11 == false && _Filters.Check12 == false && _Filters.Check13 == false && _Filters.Check14 == false && _Filters.Check15 == false && _Filters.Check16 == false && _Filters.Check17 == false && _Filters.Check18 == false && _Filters.Check19 == false && _Filters.Check20 == false) { Records.Clear(); LoadData(); return; } if (Records.Count() == 0) { dialogService.ShowMessage("Сначала обновите данные (Ctrl+R)"); return; } }
protected Dictionary<string, object> ResultTypeColumnValues_NodalDisplacements(List<int> indices) { if (Records == null || Records.Count() == 0) { return new Dictionary<string, object>(); } var factors = GetFactors(SpeckleGSAResultsHelper.ResultUnitType.Length); var factorsRotation = GetFactors(SpeckleGSAResultsHelper.ResultUnitType.Angle); var retDict = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "ux", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Ux, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "uy", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Uy, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "uz", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Uz, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "|u|", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).U, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "rxx", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Rxx, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "ryy", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Ryy, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "rzz", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Rzz, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "|r|", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).R_Disp, factorsRotation)).Cast<object>().ToList() }, { "uxy", indices.Select(i => ApplyFactors(((CsvNode) Records[i]).Uxy, factors)).Cast<object>().ToList() } }; return retDict; }
public int GetRecordIndex(int stationAId, int stationBId) // returns index corresponding to record on line with these two stations { for (int i = 0; i < Records.Count(); i++) { if (Records[i].StationA.Id == stationAId) { if (Records[i].StationB.Id == stationBId) { return(i); } } else if (Records[i].StationB.Id == stationAId) { if (Records[i].StationA.Id == stationBId) { return(i); } } } return(-1); // error has occured }
private int FirstPass(StationDictionary stations) // reads in data and converts to numerical form { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(SourceFile); FinalLine f = new FinalLine(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(SourceFile); long size = fi.Length; //bytes in file long bytesRead = 0; int percent = 0; string line; const int bytesPerChar = 1; // UTF-8 while (!r.EndOfStream) { line = r.ReadLine(); if (f.TryInitialise(line, stations)) { Records.AddFirst(new List <FinalLine> { new FinalLine(f) }); } bytesRead += (line.Length + 2) * bytesPerChar; // +2 to account for return and new line if (percent < (bytesRead * split) / size) { percent++; bgw.ReportProgress(percent); } } r.Close(); return(Records.Count()); }
public int Num_unmatched_records() { return(Records.Count(x => !x.Matched)); }