コード例 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!studyComplete)
            switch (currentState)
            case studyState_t.Waiting4StudyContent:

                studyState.text        = "Study State: waiting for map study to start.";
                studyAction.text       = "Press 'space' to generate maps and setup study.";
                mapNumText.text        = "Map Num: " + currMapIndex.ToString();
                trialNumText.text      = "Trial Num: " + currTargetIndex.ToString();
                currentTargetText.text = "Target: ";

                // turn off mouse
                if (staticCondition)
                    ShapeCastObject.useMouse = false;

                // if space is pressed then get ready to start study
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    // Create data recorder element
                    mapRecorder = new RecordData(filename + "_mapFile" + "_mapNo_" + mapNum, mapRecorderCols);

                    // generate a map

                    // write map to file
                    foreach (GameObject obj in allObjects)
                        Vector3 objInWorkspacePos = workspace.transform.InverseTransformPoint(obj.transform.position);

                        mapRecorder.addData(currMapIndex.ToString(), obj.name,
                                            ((objInWorkspacePos.x * 1000.0f) + 26.0f).ToString(),
                                            ((objInWorkspacePos.y * 1000.0f) + 26.0f).ToString(),
                                            (objInWorkspacePos.z * 1000.0f).ToString());

                    // switch to waiting for trial
                    currentState = studyState_t.Waiting4Trial;

                    // reset trial counter
                    currTargetIndex = 0;

                    // increment map index counter

            case studyState_t.Waiting4Trial:

                currentTargetText.text = "";
                studyState.text        = "Study State: waiting for trial to start.";
                studyAction.text       = "Press 'space' to initiate trial.";

                //Debug.Log("Curr map index: " + currMapIndex + " | curr target index: " + currTargetIndex);

                // if space bar then get ready to start trial
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    // start timers
                    trialStartTime        = Time.time;
                    trialRecordingCounter = 0.0f;
                    // start trial recording list and file
                    trialPos    = new List <Vector2>();
                    posRecorder = new RecordData(filename + "_trialPosData" + "_mapNo_" + mapNum + "_trialNo_"
                                                 + currTargetIndex, posRecorderCols);
                    // start the map answers recorder
                    mapAnswersRecorder = new RecordData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Assets/Data/" +
                                                        filename + "_mapAnswers" + "_mapNo_" + mapNum +
                                                        ".txt", mapAnswersRecorderCols);

                    // set mouse on
                    if (staticCondition)
                        ShapeCastObject.useMouse = true;

                    // Set the target text
                    currentTargetText.text = "Target: " + targetObjects[currTargetIndex].name;
                    trialNumText.text      = "Trial Num: " + currTargetIndex.ToString();
                    // increment index for object
                    // change states to during trial
                    currentState = studyState_t.DuringTrial;

            case studyState_t.DuringTrial:

                studyState.text  = "Study State: trial in progress.";
                studyAction.text = "Press 'space' when target is reached.";

                // decrement recording counter
                trialRecordingCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                // if timer is over for recording
                if (trialRecordingCounter < 0.0f)
                    // record position data in mm
                    Vector3 shapeInWorkspacePos = workspace.transform.InverseTransformPoint(ShapeDisplayPosObject.transform.position);
                    trialPos.Add(new Vector2(shapeInWorkspacePos.x * 1000.0f,
                                             shapeInWorkspacePos.y * 1000.0f));
                // if space bar, then target has been reached
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    // change states to TargetReached
                    currentState = studyState_t.TargetReached;

                    // turn off mouse
                    if (staticCondition)
                        ShapeCastObject.useMouse = false;

            case studyState_t.TargetReached:

                trialElapsedTime = Time.time - trialStartTime;
                studyState.text  = "Study State: target reached. End of trial.";
                studyAction.text = "Press 'space' when answer selection has been made.";

                // show dropdown
                // targetSelection.gameObject.SetActive(true);
                // if dropdown selection has been made
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    currentTargetText.text = "";

                    Debug.Log("Please wait. Writing data to file.");

                    // save data for position and trial answer
                    foreach (Vector2 pos in trialPos)
                        posRecorder.addData(currMapIndex.ToString(), pos.x.ToString(), pos.y.ToString());
                    mapAnswersRecorder.addData((currMapIndex - 1).ToString(),
                                               targetObjects[currTargetIndex - 1].name,
                    // write to file for position and for answer

                    // if there are more trials
                    if (currTargetIndex < targetObjects.Count)
                        // go back to waiting for trial
                        currentState = studyState_t.Waiting4Trial;
                    // if there are more maps to see and trials are over
                    else if (currMapIndex < numOfMaps && currTargetIndex >= targetObjects.Count)
                        // go back to beginning of study
                        currentState = studyState_t.Waiting4StudyContent;
                    // else if its the last map
                    else if (currMapIndex >= numOfMaps)
                        // mark end of study
                        studyComplete = true;
                    // set the dropdown back to inactive
            } //endswitch
            studyState.text  = "Study State: end of study.";
            studyAction.text = "";