コード例 #1
ファイル: KDDTrack2.cs プロジェクト: zenogantner/MML-KDD
    // TODO add compute_fit again

    static void Usage(int exit_code)
MyMediaLite KDD Cup 2011 Track 2 tool


  use '-' for either TRAINING_FILE or TEST_FILE to read the data from STDIN

  methods (plus arguments and their defaults):");

        Console.Write("   - ");
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n   - ", Recommender.List("MyMediaLite.ItemRecommendation")));

        Console.WriteLine(@"method ARGUMENTS have the form name=value

  general OPTIONS have the form name=value
   - random_seed=N              set random seed to N
   - data_dir=DIR               load all files from DIR
   - save_model=FILE            save computed model to FILE
   - load_model=FILE            load model from FILE
   - prediction_file=FILE       write the predictions to  FILE ('-' for STDOUT)
   - sample_data=BOOL           assume the sample data set instead of the real one
   - predict_score=BOOL         predict scores (double precision) instead of 0/1 decisions
   - predict_rated=BOOL         instead of predicting what received a good rating, try to predict what received a rating at all
                                (implies predict_score)

  options for finding the right number of iterations (MF methods)
   - find_iter=N                give out statistics every N iterations
   - max_iter=N                 perform at most N iterations
   - epsilon=NUM                abort iterations if error is more than best result plus NUM
   - err_cutoff=NUM             abort if error is above NUM");

コード例 #2
    static void Usage(int exit_code)
        Version version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;

        Console.WriteLine("MyMediaLite Rating Prediction {0}.{1:00}", version.Major, version.Minor);
 usage:  RatingPrediction.exe --training-file=FILE --recommender=METHOD [OPTIONS]

  recommenders (plus options and their defaults):");

        Console.Write("   - ");
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n   - ", Recommender.List("MyMediaLite.RatingPrediction")));

        Console.WriteLine(@"  method ARGUMENTS have the form name=value

  general OPTIONS:
   --recommender=METHOD             set recommender method (default: BiasedMatrixFactorization)
   --recommender-options=OPTIONS    use OPTIONS as recommender options
   --training-file=FILE             read training data from FILE
   --test-file=FILE                 read test data from FILE

   --help                           display this usage information and exit
   --version                        display version information and exit

   --random-seed=N                        set random seed to N
   --data-dir=DIR                         load all files from DIR
   --user-attributes=FILE                 file containing user attribute information
   --item-attributes=FILE                 file containing item attribute information
   --user-relations=FILE                  file containing user relation information
   --item-relations=FILE                  file containing item relation information
   --save-model=FILE                      save computed model to FILE
   --load-model=FILE                      load model from FILE
   --prediction-file=FILE                 write the rating predictions to  FILE ('-' for STDOUT)
   --prediction-line=FORMAT               format of the prediction line; {0}, {1}, {2} refer to user ID, item ID,
                                          and predicted rating, respectively; default is {0}\\t{1}\\t{2}
   --rating-type=float|byte|double        store ratings as floats or bytes or doubles (default)
   --cross-validation=K                   perform k-fold crossvalidation on the training data
   --split-ratio=NUM                      use a ratio of NUM of the training data for evaluation (simple split)
   --online-evaluation                    perform online evaluation (use every tested rating for incremental training)
   --search-hp                            search for good hyperparameter values (experimental)

  options for finding the right number of iterations (iterative methods)
   --find-iter=N                  give out statistics every N iterations
   --max-iter=N                   perform at most N iterations
   --epsilon=NUM                  abort iterations if RMSE is more than best result plus NUM
   --rmse-cutoff=NUM              abort if RMSE is above NUM
   --mae-cutoff=NUM               abort if MAE is above NUM
   --compute-fit                  display fit on training data every find_iter iterations");

コード例 #3
    static void Usage(int exit_code)
        Version version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;

        Console.WriteLine("MyMediaLite Item Prediction from Implicit Feedback {0}.{1:00}", version.Major, version.Minor);
 usage:   ItemPrediction.exe --training-file=FILE --recommender=METHOD [OPTIONS]

   methods (plus arguments and their defaults):");

        Console.Write("   - ");
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n   - ", Recommender.List("MyMediaLite.ItemRecommendation")));

        Console.WriteLine(@"  method ARGUMENTS have the form name=value

  general OPTIONS:
   --recommender=METHOD             set recommender method (default: BiasedMatrixFactorization)
   --recommender-options=OPTIONS    use OPTIONS as recommender options
   --training-file=FILE             read training data from FILE
   --test-file=FILE                 read test data from FILE

   --help                           display this usage information and exit
   --version                        display version information and exit

   --data-dir=DIR               load all files from DIR
   --relevant-items=FILE        use the items in FILE (one per line) as candidate items, otherwise all items in the training set
   --relevant-users=FILE        predict items for users specified in FILE (one user per line)
   --user-attributes=FILE       file containing user attribute information
   --item-attributes=FILE       file containing item attribute information
   --user-relations=FILE        file containing user relation information
   --item-relations=FILE        file containing item relation information
   --save-model=FILE            save computed model to FILE
   --load-model=FILE            load model from FILE
   --prediction-file=FILE       write ranked predictions to FILE ('-' for STDOUT), one user per line
   --predict-items-number=N     predict N items per user (needs --predict-items-file)
   --test-ratio=NUM             evaluate by splitting of a NUM part of the feedback
   --online-evaluation          perform online evaluation (use every tested user-item combination for incremental training)
   --filtered-evaluation        perform evaluation filtered by item attribute (expects --item-attributes=FILE)

  options for finding the right number of iterations (iterative methods)
   --find-iter=N                give out statistics every N iterations
   --max-iter=N                 perform at most N iterations
   --auc-cutoff=NUM             abort if AUC is below NUM
   --prec5-cutoff=NUM           abort if prec@5 is below NUM
   --compute-fit                display fit on training data every find_iter iterations");
コード例 #4
    static void Usage(int exit_code)
MyMediaLite KDD Cup 2011 Track 1 tool


  use '-' for either TRAINING_FILE or TEST_FILE to read the data from STDIN

  methods (plus arguments and their defaults):");

        Console.Write("   - ");
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n   - ", Recommender.List("MyMediaLite.RatingPrediction")));

        Console.WriteLine(@"method ARGUMENTS have the form name=value

  general OPTIONS have the form name=value
   - random_seed=N              set random seed to N
   - data_dir=DIR               load all files from DIR
   - save_model=FILE            save computed model to FILE
   - load_model=FILE            load model from FILE
   - no_eval=BOOL               do not evaluate
   - prediction_file=FILE       write the predictions to  FILE ('-' for STDOUT)
   - cross_validation=K         perform k-fold crossvalidation on the training data
                                 (ignores the test data)
   - sample_data=BOOL           assume the sample data set instead of the real one
   - track2=BOOL                perform rating prediction on track 2 data
   - good_rating_prob=BOOL      try to predict the probability of a good rating (>= 80)

  options for finding the right number of iterations (MF methods)
   - find_iter=N                give out statistics every N iterations
   - max_iter=N                 perform at most N iterations
   - epsilon=NUM                abort iterations if RMSE is more than best result plus NUM
   - rmse_cutoff=NUM            abort if RMSE is above NUM
   - mae_cutoff=NUM             abort if MAE is above NUM
   - compute_fit=BOOL           display fit on training data every find_iter iterations");
