コード例 #1
        public void GetRecommendedMovies_testuser_StarWarsRecommended()
            new User("testuser");
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(12, "thumbsup");  // star wars movie
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(212, "thumbsup"); // star wars movie
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(73, "thumbsup");  // star wars movie
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(10, "thumbsup");  // fight club
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(13, "thumbsup");  // forrest gump
            MySqlCommands.RateMovie(22, "thumbsup");  // se7en

            Recommender.Update("genre", "directors", "actors");
            Recommender.AlgorithmMovieWeight(MySqlCommands.FindMovieFromId(new List <int> {
            // given user data with these 6 movies for the movieid 20, Star Wars(1997)
            // genre: action(0,5), adventure(0,5), fantasy(0,5), sci-fi(0,5)
            // director: george lucas(0)
            // actors: Mark(0,5), Harrison(0,5), Carrie(0,5), Peter C(0), Alec(0,1667), Anthony(0,3333), Kenny(0,1667), Peter M(0,3333), David(0,1667), Phil(0)

            // total director = 0
            // total actors = 0,5 + 0,5 + 0,5 + 0 + 0,1667 + 0,3333 + 0,1667 + 0,3333 + 0,1667 + 0 = 2,6667
            // total genre = 0,5 + 0,5/4 + 0,5/4 + 0,5/4 = 0,875

            // total weight = 0 + 2,6667 + 0,875 = 3,5417

            KeyValuePair <MovieMenuItem, double> movie = Recommender.MovieRatingsWeight.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(3.5417, 2), (Math.Round(movie.Value, 2))); // rounds down due to data is more preceise