コード例 #1
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: coman3/Experiments
        private void GenerateCubesButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Size > 256)
                MessageBox.Show("Size must not be larger than 128", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            Noise.SetSeed(RandomHelpers.Random(0, int.MaxValue));
            CubeItems = new CubeItem[Size, Size];
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    var noiseValue = Noise.GetValue(x, y).Map(-1, 1, 0, 1000);
                    CubeItems[x, y] = new CubeItem()
                        IsFull = noiseValue > NoiseFilter

コード例 #2
        // random utility, worth moving to Utilities.h?

        void RegenerateMap()
            // regenerate map: clear and add random "rocks"

            // draw fences for first two demo modes
            if (MapDriver.DemoSelect < 2)

            // randomize path widths
            if (MapDriver.DemoSelect == 2)
                int   count          = _vehicle.Path.PointCount;
                bool  upstream       = _vehicle.PathFollowDirection > 0;
                int   entryIndex     = upstream ? 1 : count - 1;
                int   exitIndex      = upstream ? count - 1 : 1;
                float lastExitRadius = _vehicle.Path.Radii[exitIndex];
                for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                    _vehicle.Path.Radii[i] = RandomHelpers.Random(4, 19);
                _vehicle.Path.Radii[entryIndex] = lastExitRadius;

            // mark path-boundary map cells as obstacles
            // (when in path following demo and appropriate mode is set)
            if (_usePathFences && (MapDriver.DemoSelect == 2))
                DrawPathFencesOnMap(_vehicle.Map, _vehicle.Path);
コード例 #3
        private void RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading()
            // randomize position on a ring between inner and outer radii
            // centered around the home base
            float   rRadius      = RandomHelpers.Random(10, 50);
            Vector3 randomOnRing = Vector3Helpers.RandomUnitVectorOnXZPlane() * rRadius;

            Position = (Globals.HomeBaseCenter + randomOnRing);
コード例 #4
        public void BoundedRandom()
            const int LOWER = -17;
            const int UPPER = 24;

            var rand = RandomHelpers.Random(LOWER, UPPER);

            Assert.IsTrue(LOWER <= rand);
            Assert.IsTrue(UPPER >= rand);
コード例 #5
        // xxx couldn't this be made more compact using localizePosition?
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for intersection of the given spherical obstacle with a
        /// volume of "likely future vehicle positions": a cylinder along the
        /// current path, extending minTimeToCollision seconds along the
        /// forward axis from current position.
        /// If they intersect, a collision is imminent and this function returns
        /// a steering force pointing laterally away from the obstacle's center.
        /// Returns a zero vector if the obstacle is outside the cylinder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="minTimeToCollision"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Vector3 SteerToAvoid(IVehicle v, float minTimeToCollision)
            // Capsule x Sphere collision detection

            var capStart = v.Position;
            var capEnd   = v.PredictFuturePosition(minTimeToCollision);

            var alongCap  = capEnd - capStart;
            var capLength = alongCap.Length();

            //If the vehicle is going very slowly then simply test vehicle sphere against obstacle sphere
            if (capLength <= 0.05)
                var distance = Vector3.Distance(Center, v.Position);
                if (distance < Radius + v.Radius)
                    return(v.Position - Center);

            var capAxis = alongCap / capLength;

            //Project vector onto capsule axis
            var b = Utilities.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(Center - capStart, capAxis), 0, capLength);

            //Get point on axis (closest point to sphere center)
            var r = capStart + capAxis * b;

            //Get distance from circle center to closest point
            var dist = Vector3.Distance(Center, r);

            //Basic sphere sphere collision about the closest point
            var inCircle = dist < Radius + v.Radius;

            if (!inCircle)

            //avoidance vector calculation
            Vector3 avoidance = Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(v.Position - Center, v.Forward);

            //if no avoidance was calculated this is because the vehicle is moving exactly forward towards the sphere, add in some random sideways deflection
            if (avoidance == Vector3.Zero)
                avoidance = -v.Forward + v.Side * 0.01f * RandomHelpers.Random();

            avoidance  = Vector3.Normalize(avoidance);
            avoidance *= v.MaxForce;
            avoidance += v.Forward * v.MaxForce * 0.75f;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MpPursuer.cs プロジェクト: chadng/SharpSteer2
        // reset position
        private void RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading()
            // randomize position on a ring between inner and outer radii
            // centered around the home base
            const float INNER        = 20;
            const float OUTER        = 30;
            float       radius       = RandomHelpers.Random(INNER, OUTER);
            Vector3     randomOnRing = Vector3Helpers.RandomUnitVectorOnXZPlane() * radius;

            Position = (_wanderer.Position + randomOnRing);

            // randomize 2D heading
コード例 #7
        public void ClipWithoutConeIsAlwaysWithoutCone()
            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                var vector = Vector3Helpers.RandomUnitVector();

                var basis    = Vector3Helpers.RandomUnitVector();
                var angle    = RandomHelpers.Random(0.1f, PiOver2);
                var cosAngle = (float)Math.Cos(angle);

                var result        = vector.LimitMinDeviationAngle(cosAngle, basis);
                var measuredAngle = (float)Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot(result, basis));
                Assert.IsTrue(measuredAngle >= angle - 0.0001f);
コード例 #8
        public void Random()
            // Arrange
            var hash = new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "Type", "Integer" },
                { "Min", 1000 },
                { "Max", 9999 }

            // Act
            var result = _sut.Random(hash);

            // Assert
            (result as int?).Should().BeInRange(1000, 9999);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Boid.cs プロジェクト: polytronicgr/SharpSteer2
        private static void AddOneObstacle()
            if (_obstacleCount >= MAX_OBSTACLE_COUNT)

            // pick a random center and radius,
            // loop until no overlap with other obstacles and the home base
            //float r = 15;
            //Vector3 c = Vector3.Up * r * (-0.5f * maxObstacleCount + obstacleCount);
            float   r = RandomHelpers.Random(0.5f, 2);
            Vector3 c = Vector3Helpers.RandomVectorInUnitRadiusSphere() * WORLD_RADIUS * 1.1f;

            // add new non-overlapping obstacle to registry
            AllObstacles.Add(new SphericalObstacle(r, c));
コード例 #10
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
            Speed = 0.0f;             // speed along Forward direction.

            // Place me on my part of the field, looking at oponnents goal
            Position = new Vector3(_imTeamA ? RandomHelpers.Random() * 20 : -RandomHelpers.Random() * 20, 0, (RandomHelpers.Random() - 0.5f) * 20);
            if (_myID < 9)
                Position = _imTeamA ? (Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID]) : (new Vector3(-Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].X, Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].Y, Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].Z));
            _home = Position;

            if (_trail == null)
                _trail = new Trail(10, 60);
            _trail.Clear();                // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
コード例 #11
        private void RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading()
            // randomize position on a ring between inner and outer radii
            // centered around the home base
            float   rRadius      = RandomHelpers.Random(Globals.MIN_START_RADIUS, Globals.MAX_START_RADIUS);
            Vector3 randomOnRing = Vector3Helpers.RandomUnitVectorOnXZPlane() * rRadius;

            Position = (Globals.HomeBaseCenter + randomOnRing);

            // are we are too close to an obstacle?
            if (MinDistanceToObstacle(Position) < Radius * 5)
                // if so, retry the randomization (this recursive call may not return
                // if there is too little free space)
                // otherwise, if the position is OK, randomize 2D heading
コード例 #12
        public static void AddOneObstacle(float radius)
            // pick a random center and radius,
            // loop until no overlap with other obstacles and the home base
            float   r;
            Vector3 c;
            float   minClearance;
            float   requiredClearance = Globals.Seeker.Radius * 4;           // 2 x diameter

                r            = RandomHelpers.Random(1.5f, 4);
                c            = Vector3Helpers.RandomVectorOnUnitRadiusXZDisk() * Globals.MAX_START_RADIUS * 1.1f;
                minClearance = AllObstacles.Aggregate(float.MaxValue, (current, t) => TestOneObstacleOverlap(current, r, t.Radius, c, t.Center));

                minClearance = TestOneObstacleOverlap(minClearance, r, radius - requiredClearance, c, Globals.HomeBaseCenter);
            }while (minClearance < requiredClearance);

            // add new non-overlapping obstacle to registry
            AllObstacles.Add(new SphericalObstacle(r, c));
コード例 #13
        // reset all instance state
        public override void Reset()
            // reset the vehicle

            // initially stopped
            Speed = 0;

            // size of bounding sphere, for obstacle avoidance, etc.
            Radius = 0.5f;             // width = 0.7, add 0.3 margin, take half

            // set the path for this Pedestrian to follow
            _path = Globals.GetTestPath();

            // set initial position
            // (random point on path + random horizontal offset)
            float   d            = _path.TotalPathLength * RandomHelpers.Random();
            float   r            = _path.Radius;
            Vector3 randomOffset = Vector3Helpers.RandomVectorOnUnitRadiusXZDisk() * r;

            Position = (_path.MapPathDistanceToPoint(d) + randomOffset);

            // randomize 2D heading

            // pick a random direction for path following (upstream or downstream)
            _pathDirection = RandomHelpers.Random() <= 0.5;

            // trail parameters: 3 seconds with 60 points along the trail
            _trail = new Trail(3, 60);

            // notify proximity database that our position has changed
            if (_proximityToken != null)
コード例 #14
        // compute combined steering force: move forward, avoid obstacles
        // or neighbors if needed, otherwise follow the path and wander
        private Vector3 DetermineCombinedSteering(float elapsedTime)
            // move forward
            Vector3 steeringForce = Forward;

            // probability that a lower priority behavior will be given a
            // chance to "drive" even if a higher priority behavior might
            // otherwise be triggered.
            const float LEAK_THROUGH = 0.1f;

            // determine if obstacle avoidance is required
            Vector3 obstacleAvoidance = Vector3.Zero;

            if (LEAK_THROUGH < RandomHelpers.Random())
                const float O_TIME = 6;                 // minTimeToCollision = 6 seconds
                obstacleAvoidance = SteerToAvoidObstacles(O_TIME, Globals.Obstacles);

            // if obstacle avoidance is needed, do it
            if (obstacleAvoidance != Vector3.Zero)
                steeringForce += obstacleAvoidance;
                // otherwise consider avoiding collisions with others
                Vector3     collisionAvoidance = Vector3.Zero;
                const float CA_LEAD_TIME       = 3;

                // find all neighbors within maxRadius using proximity database
                // (radius is largest distance between vehicles traveling head-on
                // where a collision is possible within caLeadTime seconds.)
                float maxRadius = CA_LEAD_TIME * MaxSpeed * 2;
                _proximityToken.FindNeighbors(Position, maxRadius, _neighbors);

                if (_neighbors.Count > 0 && LEAK_THROUGH < RandomHelpers.Random())
                    collisionAvoidance = SteerToAvoidNeighbors(CA_LEAD_TIME, _neighbors) * 10;

                // if collision avoidance is needed, do it
                if (collisionAvoidance != Vector3.Zero)
                    steeringForce += collisionAvoidance;
                    // add in wander component (according to user switch)
                    if (Globals.WanderSwitch)
                        steeringForce += SteerForWander(elapsedTime);

                    // do (interactively) selected type of path following
                    const float PF_LEAD_TIME = 3;
                    Vector3     pathFollow   =
                        (Globals.UseDirectedPathFollowing ?
                         SteerToFollowPath(_pathDirection, PF_LEAD_TIME, _path) :
                         SteerToStayOnPath(PF_LEAD_TIME, _path));

                    // add in to steeringForce
                    steeringForce += pathFollow * 0.5f;

            // return steering constrained to global XZ "ground" plane
            steeringForce.Y = 0;