public void RecieveNetwork(float calories, float water, float rad, float anti, float temp, float poison) { this.caloricLevel = calories; this.waterLevelLitre = water; this.radiationLevel = rad; this.antiRads = anti; this.coreTemperature = temp; this.poisonLevel = poison; if (temp >= 1f) { this._lastWarmTime = Time.time; } else if (temp < 0f) { this._lastWarmTime = -1000f; } RPOS.MetabolismUpdate(); }
public static void RecieveNetwork(Metabolism m, float cal, float water, float rad, float anti, float temp, float poison) { bool h = false; Fougerite.Player p = null; if (m.playerClient != null) { p = Fougerite.Server.Cache[m.playerClient.userID]; } if (float.IsNaN(cal) || cal > 3000) { m.caloricLevel = 600; if (p != null) { Logger.LogDebug("[CalorieHack] " + p.Name + " | " + p.SteamID + " is using calorie hacks! =)"); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Broadcast("CalorieHack Detected: " + p.Name); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().BanPlayer(p, "Console", "CalorieHack"); h = true; } } else { m.caloricLevel = cal; } if (rad > 5000) { m.radiationLevel = 0; h = true; if (p != null) { Logger.LogDebug("[RadiationHack] Someone tried to kill " + p.Name + " with radiation hacks."); } } else if (float.IsNaN(rad)) { m.radiationLevel = 0; h = true; if (p != null) { Logger.LogDebug("[RadiationHack] " + p.Name + " using radiation hacks."); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Broadcast("RadiationHack Detected: " + p.Name); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().BanPlayer(p, "Console", "RadiationHack"); } } else { m.radiationLevel = rad; } if (float.IsNaN(poison) || poison > 5000) { m.poisonLevel = 0; h = true; } else { m.poisonLevel = poison; } if (float.IsNaN(water) || water > 5000) { m.waterLevelLitre = 0; h = true; } else { m.waterLevelLitre = water; } if (float.IsNaN(anti) || anti > 5000) { m.antiRads = 0; h = true; } else { m.antiRads = anti; } if (float.IsNaN(temp) || temp > 5000) { m.coreTemperature = 0; h = true; } else { m.coreTemperature = temp; } if ((double)m.coreTemperature >= 1.0) { m._lastWarmTime = Time.time; } else if ((double)m.coreTemperature < 0.0) { m._lastWarmTime = -1000f; } if (OnRecieveNetwork != null) { OnRecieveNetwork(p, m, cal, water, rad, anti, temp, poison); } if (!h) { RPOS.MetabolismUpdate(); } }