public static void ClearRandomQuickSlot() { QuickSlots quickSlots = Inventory.main.quickSlots; // Find all slots which have items in them List <int> activeSlots = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < quickSlots.slotCount; i++) { if (quickSlots.GetSlotItem(i) != null) { activeSlots.Add(i); } } if (activeSlots.Count == 0) { // Prevent OutOfBounds errors return; } System.Random random = new System.Random(); int randomSlotID = activeSlots[random.Next(0, activeSlots.Count)]; quickSlots.Unbind(randomSlotID); }
public static bool Prefix(QuickSlots __instance) { if ((__instance._heldItem == null) || !DeathRun.config.firstAidQuickSlot) { return(true); } Pickupable item = __instance._heldItem.item; if (item.GetTechType() != TechType.FirstAidKit) { return(true); } Survival component = Player.main.GetComponent <Survival>(); if (component != null) { if (component.Use(item.gameObject)) { __instance.refillTechType = item.GetTechType(); __instance.refillSlot = __instance.GetSlotByItem(__instance._heldItem); __instance.desiredSlot = __instance.refillSlot; UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(item.gameObject); return(false); } } return(false); }
private static bool Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, InventoryItem item, ref int __result) { //check if there is a empty slot int firstEmpty = __instance.GetFirstEmpty(); if (firstEmpty == -1) { __result = -1; } else { //Checklogic //1. Check if Mod is active //2. true if user use the custom list AND the item is found //check using before checking item because && will increase performance when mod is not in use //- 1 OR 2 musst be true if ((ICM.Config_ModEnable == false) | (ICM.Config_AllowCustomList && PlayerAllowBind(item))) { __instance.Bind(firstEmpty, item); __result = firstEmpty; } else { //As i cannot stop the execute on a patch methode give back a result seperatly to skip the Slot Select on the calling function __result = -1; } } return(false); }
private static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance) { if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I) || uGUI_PDA.main.tabOpen != PDATab.None || DevConsole.instance.state || timeCheck != 0) { return; } var item = __instance.heldItem; var techType = item?.item?.GetTechType() ?? TechType.None; var tool = item?.item?.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerTool>(); if (GameOptions.GetVrAnimationMode() || tool == null || !tool.hasFirstUseAnimation) { return; } if (Player.main.usedTools.Contains(techType)) { Player.main.usedTools.Remove(techType); } var slot = __instance.GetSlotByItem(item); if (slot == -1) { return; } __instance.SelectImmediate(slot); timeCheck = Time.time + tool.holsterTime; CoroutineHost.StartCoroutine(SelectDelay(__instance, slot)); }
static void Postfix(Inventory __instance) { var slotCount = Mod.config.SlotCount; var player = __instance.GetComponent <Player>(); var newQuickSlots = new QuickSlots(__instance.gameObject, __instance.toolSocket, __instance.cameraSocket, __instance, player.rightHandSlot, slotCount); var setQuickSlots = __instance.GetType().GetMethod("set_quickSlots", BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); setQuickSlots.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { newQuickSlots }); }
public static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, int slotID, ref NitroxTechType __state) { InventoryItem item = ((InventoryItem[])bindingField.GetValue(__instance))[slotID]; if (item == null) { return; } __state = Player.main.IsToolUsed(item.item.GetTechType()) ? item.item.GetTechType().ToDto() : null; }
private static IEnumerator SelectDelay(QuickSlots quickSlots, int slot) { while (Time.time < timeCheck) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f)); } quickSlots.Select(slot); timeCheck = 0; }
static bool QuickSlots_SetAnimationState_Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, string toolName) { if (toolName != trfBuilderToolName) { return(true); } __instance.SetAnimationState("terraformer"); return(false); }
static bool patchAnimation(QuickSlots __instance, string toolName) { if (toolName != gravtrap) { return(true); } __instance.SetAnimationState("gravsphere"); return(false); }
public static void Postfix(QuickSlots __instance) { // TODO: The binding should only be send on a timer and/or on disconnect. But this functionality/framework is not implemented yet. string[] binding = __instance.SaveBinding(); for (int i = 0; i < binding.Length; i++) { binding[i] ??= "null"; // ProtoBuf can't handle null objects in Lists } player.BroadcastQuickSlotsBindingChanged(binding.ToList()); }
internal static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, GameObject owner, Transform toolSocket, Transform cameraSocket, Inventory inv, Transform slotTr, ref int slotCount) { if (isPatched) { return; } __instance.GetType().GetField("slotNames", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.SetField).SetValue(__instance, QuickSlotHelper.ExpandedQuickSlotNames); slotCount = Config.MAXSLOTS; isPatched = true; }
internal static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, GameObject owner, Transform toolSocket, Transform cameraSocket, Inventory inv, Transform slotTr, ref int slotCount) { if (Main.isPatched) { return; } __instance.SetPrivateField("slotNames", ExpandedQuickSlotNames, BindingFlags.Static); slotCount = QSEConfig.MAXSLOTS; SNLogger.Log("QuickSlots constructor Patched."); Main.isPatched = true; }
internal static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, GameObject owner, Transform toolSocket, Transform cameraSocket, Inventory inv, Transform slotTr, ref int slotCount) { if (isPatched) { return; } __instance.GetType().GetField("slotNames", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.SetField).SetValue(__instance, ExpandedQuickSlotNames); slotCount = QSEConfig.MAXSLOTS; isPatched = true; SNLogger.Log($"[{QSEConfig.PROGRAM_NAME}] QuickSlots Constructor patched!"); }
static void Postfix(Inventory __instance) { int slotCount = Mod.config.SlotCount; string[] newSlotNames = new string[slotCount]; for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { newSlotNames[i] = "QuickSlot" + i; } typeof(QuickSlots).GetField("slotNames", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(null, newSlotNames); Player player = __instance.GetComponent <Player>(); QuickSlots newQuickSlots = new QuickSlots(__instance.gameObject, __instance.toolSocket, __instance.cameraSocket, __instance, player.rightHandSlot, slotCount); var setQuickSlots = __instance.GetType().GetMethod("set_quickSlots", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); setQuickSlots.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { newQuickSlots }); Logger.Log("Inventory Quick Modified, new slot count: {0}", __instance.quickSlots.slotCount); }
private static bool Prefix(QuickSlots __instance, InventoryItem item, ref int __result) { //ICM.Load(); int num = -1; for (int i = 0; i < __instance.binding.Length; i++) { if (__instance.binding[i] == null) { num = i; break; } } if (num == -1) { __result = -1; } /* * //Check if intro is running * if(IntroVignette.isIntroActive == true) * { * Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Warn, "Intro true"); * } * else * { * Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Warn, "Intro false"); * } */ if ((ICM.Config_ModEnable == false) | (IntroVignette.isIntroActive == true) | (ICM.Config_AllowCustomList && PlayerAllowBind(item))) //If the mod is disabled or the intro is runing run the original Code. After all check if the User allow adding to improve performance check if Allow is enabled before checking the item. { __instance.Bind(num, item); } __result = num; return(false); }
static void Prefix(QuickSlots __instance) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I) && timeCheck == 0) { InventoryItem item = __instance.heldItem; TechType techType = item?.item?.GetTechType() ?? TechType.None; PlayerTool tool = item?.item?.gameObject?.GetComponent <PlayerTool>(); if (!GameOptions.GetVrAnimationMode() && tool != null && tool.hasFirstUseAnimation) { if (Player.main.usedTools.Contains(techType)) { Player.main.usedTools.Remove(techType); } int slot = __instance.GetSlotByItem(item); if (slot != -1) { __instance.SelectImmediate(slot); timeCheck = Time.time + tool.holsterTime; CoroutineHost.StartCoroutine(SelectDelay(__instance, slot)); } } } }
public static void RandomizeQuickSlots() { QuickSlots quickSlots = Inventory.main.quickSlots; // Make a list of all slots (including empty slots) List <InventoryItem> allSlots = new List <InventoryItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < quickSlots.slotCount; i++) { allSlots.Add(quickSlots.GetSlotItem(i)); } // Shuffle the list System.Random random = new System.Random(); int n = allSlots.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = random.Next(n + 1); InventoryItem value = allSlots[k]; allSlots[k] = allSlots[n]; allSlots[n] = value; } // Set the quick slots for (int i = 0; i < quickSlots.slotCount; i++) { quickSlots.binding[i] = allSlots[i]; } // Notify the game that the slots have changed for (int i = 0; i < quickSlots.slotCount; i++) { quickSlots.NotifyBind(i, allSlots[i] != null); } }
/// <summary> /// Save Game /// </summary> public static void Save(GameObject plants, GameObject chests, Inventory inventory, QuickSlots quickSlots) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Create(saveGamePath); savegameData = new SavegameData(); // Save Plants foreach (Plant plant in plants.GetComponentsInChildren <Plant>()) { savegameData.plants.Add(; } // Save Inventory savegameData.inventorySize = inventory.availableSize; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.availableSize; i++) { savegameData.inventoryItems[i] = inventory.uiItems[i].ToData(); } // Save QuickSlots and References to inventory for (int i = 0; i < QuickSlots.SIZE; i++) { savegameData.inventoryQuickSlotRef[i] = quickSlots.inventoryReference[i]; } // Save Chests foreach (Chest chest in chests.GetComponentsInChildren <Chest>()) { savegameData.chests.Add(; } bf.Serialize(file, savegameData); file.Close(); Debug.Log("File Saved"); }