private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } #region populate all arrays/lists using our .json files _questionJson = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Text/AllQuestions.json"; //find location of AllQuestions.json string allQuestionText = File.ReadAllText(_questionJson); //read all the text in that .json file questionData = QuestionData.CreatFromJson(allQuestionText); //convert text in that .json file into something that Unity can read //(in this case, an object containing a List of strings) questionPool = questionData.questionPool.questions; //initialize our List variable as the List of strings in our .json file _answerJson = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Text/AllAnswers.json"; //find location of AllAnswers.json string allAnswerText = File.ReadAllText(_answerJson); //read all the text in that .json file characterData = CharacterData.CreateFromJson(allAnswerText); //convert text in that .json file into something that Unity can read //(in this case, an array of objects, each containing a string name, and a List of string answers) _endingJson = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Text/AllEndings.json"; //find location of AllEndings.json string allEndingText = File.ReadAllText(_endingJson); //read all the text in that .json file endingData = EndingData.CreateFromJson(allEndingText); //convert text in that .json file into something that Unity can read //(in this case, an array of objects, each containing a string name, and an array of string parings) #endregion }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _questionJson = Application.dataPath + "/Text/AllQuestions.json"; string allQuestionText = File.ReadAllText(_questionJson); questions = QuestionData.CreatFromJson(allQuestionText); questionPool = questions.questionPool.questions; _answerJson = Application.dataPath + "/Text/AllAnswers.json"; string allAnswerText = File.ReadAllText(_answerJson); characterData = AllResponses.CreateFromJson(allAnswerText); UpdateUI(); //WriteNewJson(fileLocation); //use to creat new Json file, if file does not already exist. }