public void AddSFTable() { this.Title = "增加新字段向导"; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaption("<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'>增加新字段向导</a> - 增加外键字段 - <a href='SFTable.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' > 新建表</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号(点击增加到表单)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("类别"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("描述/编辑"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编辑数据"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); BP.Sys.SFTables ens = new SFTables(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), pageSize, this.PageIdx, "Do.aspx?DoType=AddSFTable&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=&GroupField"); qo.DoQuery("No", pageSize, this.PageIdx); bool is1 = false; int Idx = 0; foreach (BP.Sys.SFTable sem in ens) { Idx++; //is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(Idx); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:AddSFTable('" + this.MyPK + "','" + this.Idx + "','" + sem.No + "')\" >" + sem.No + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.Name); if (sem.IsClass) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=" + sem.No + "','sg')\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' border=0/>" + sem.TableDesc + "</a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFTable.aspx?DoType=Edit&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "&RefNo=" + sem.No + "','sg')\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' border=0/>" + sem.TableDesc + "</a>"); } if (sem.No.Contains(".")) { this.Pub1.AddTD(" "); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + sem.No + "');\" >编辑</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GEEntitys rpts = (GEEntitys)BP.DA.ClassFactory.GetEns(this.EnsName); GEEntity rpt = (GEEntity)rpts.GetNewEntity; Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); Button btn = (Button)sender; if (btn.ID == "Btn_Excel") { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(rpts); qo.AddWhere(WorkAttr.Rec, WebUser.No); qo.addAnd(); if (BP.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.Access) { qo.AddWhere("Mid(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND Mid(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); } else { qo.AddWhere("" + BP.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND " + BP.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); } this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&EnsName=" + this.EnsName); qo.DoQuery(); try { //this.ExportDGToExcel(ens.ToDataTableDescField(), this.HisEn.EnDesc); this.ExportDGToExcel(rpts.ToDataTableDesc(), fl.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { try { this.ExportDGToExcel(rpts.ToDataTableDescField(), fl.Name); } catch { this.ToErrorPage("数据没有正确导出可能的原因之一是:系统管理员没正确的安装Excel组件,请通知他,参考安装说明书解决。@系统异常信息:" + ex.Message); } } return; } this.Session["DF"] = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_F").Text; this.Session["DT"] = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_T").Text; this.Response.Redirect("FlowSearchMyWork.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&EnsName=" + this.EnsName, true); }
public void AddSFWS() { this.Title = "增加新WebService接口向导"; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaption("<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Back.gif' /> 返回</a> - WebService接口列表 - <a href='SFWS.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' >新建WebService接口</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号(点击增加到表单)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称(点击名称编辑属性)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编码表类型"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("查看数据"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); BP.Sys.SFTables ens = new SFTables(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo.AddWhere(BP.Sys.SFTableAttr.SrcType, (int)SrcType.WebServices); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), pageSize, this.PageIdx, "Do.aspx?DoType=AddSFWS&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=&GroupField"); qo.DoQuery("No", pageSize, this.PageIdx); if (ens.Count == 0) { //string html = "<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Back.gif' /> 返回</a> - 增加外键字段 - <a href='SFTable.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' >新建表</a>"; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBigDoc("colspan=5", "注册到ccform的WebService接口为空,点击上面的新建表,进入创建向导。"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); return; } bool is1 = false; int idx = 0; foreach (BP.Sys.SFTable sem in ens) { idx++; is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx); this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.No); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFWS.aspx?DoType=Edit&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "&RefNo=" + sem.No + "','sg')\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' border=0/>" + sem.Name + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.CodeStructT); //编码表类型. this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + sem.No + "');\" >查看</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public void AddFEnum() { this.Title = "增加新字段向导"; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'>增加新字段向导</a> - <a href='SysEnum.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' ><img src='../Img/Btn/New.gif' />新建枚举</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号(点击增加到表单)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("操作"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); BP.Sys.SysEnumMains sems = new SysEnumMains(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(sems); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), pageSize, this.PageIdx, "Do.aspx?DoType=AddSysEnum&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=&GroupField"); qo.DoQuery("No", pageSize, this.PageIdx); bool is1 = false; int Idx = 0; foreach (BP.Sys.SysEnumMain sem in sems) { BP.Web.Controls.DDL ddl = null; try { ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum(sem.No); } catch { sem.Delete(); } Idx++; is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(Idx); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:AddEnum('" + this.MyPK + "','" + this.Idx + "','" + sem.No + "')\" >" + sem.No + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.Name); this.Pub1.AddTD("[<a href='SysEnum.aspx?DoType=Edit&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "&RefNo=" + sem.No + "' >编辑</a>]"); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取ens数据 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string GetEnsGridData() { Entity en = GetEntityByEnName(EnsName); Entities ens = en.GetNewEntities; //string GetDelOid=getUTF8ToString("GetDelOid"); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetDelOid)) //{ // en.Delete(en.PKField, GetDelOid); //} //总行数 int RowCount = 0; try { //当前页 string pageNumber = getUTF8ToString("pageNumber"); int iPageNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageNumber) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(pageNumber); //每页多少行 string pageSize = getUTF8ToString("pageSize"); int iPageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSize) ? 9999 : Convert.ToInt32(pageSize); QueryObject obj = new QueryObject(ens); obj = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); RowCount = obj.GetCount(); //查询 obj.DoQuery(en.PK, iPageSize, iPageNumber); return(Entitis2Json.ConvertEntitis2GridJsonAndData(ens, RowCount)); } catch { try { en.CheckPhysicsTable(); } catch (Exception wx) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError(wx.Message); } } return("{[]}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //变量定义: 第几页. int currPageIdx = this.PageIdx; int pageSize = 12; //页面记录条数. //实体查询. BP.WF.Nodes ens = new BP.WF.Nodes(); BP.En.QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo.AddWhere(BP.WF.Template.NodeAttr.NodePosType, "1"); // 设置查询条件. //把代码放到表格尾部, 形成 第1,2,3,4,5 页 ....... this.Pub2.Clear(); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), pageSize, currPageIdx, "DemoTurnPage.aspx?1=2&3=xx"); //每页有15条数据,取第2页的数据. qo.DoQuery("NodeID", pageSize, currPageIdx); this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("节点编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("节点名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("操作"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 0; foreach (BP.WF.Node en in ens) { idx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx); this.Pub1.AddTD(en.NodeID); this.Pub1.AddTD(en.Name); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='" + en.NodeID + "' >打开</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)sender; if (btn.ID == "Btn_Excel") { Node nd = new Node(this.FK_Node); Works wks = nd.HisWorks; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(wks); qo.AddWhere(WorkAttr.Rec, WebUser.No); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(BP.Sys.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND " + BP.Sys.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "FlowSearch.aspx?FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node); qo.DoQuery(); try { //this.ExportDGToExcel(ens.ToDataTableDescField(), this.HisEn.EnDesc); this.ExportDGToExcel(wks.ToDataTableDesc(), nd.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { try { this.ExportDGToExcel(wks.ToDataTableDescField(), nd.Name); } catch (Exception ex1) { this.ToErrorPage("数据没有正确导出可能的原因之一是:系统管理员没正确的安装Excel组件,请通知他,参考安装说明书解决。@系统异常信息:" + ex.Message + ex1.Message); } } return; } this.Session["DF"] = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_F").Text; this.Session["DT"] = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_T").Text; this.Response.Redirect("FlowSearch.aspx?FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node, true); }
/// <summary> /// 获取列表数据 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string GetEnsGridData() { int totalRows = 0; //配置的列名 FrmReportFields rePortFields = new FrmReportFields(); QueryObject objFields = new QueryObject(rePortFields); objFields.AddWhere(FrmReportFieldAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); objFields.addOrderBy(FrmReportFieldAttr.Idx); objFields.DoQuery(); if (rePortFields.Count == 0) { return(""); } //实体列名 Attrs mdAttrs = HisEns.GetNewEntity.EnMap.Attrs; //返回字符串 StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder(); append.Append("{"); //整理列名 append.Append("columns:["); foreach (FrmReportField field in rePortFields) { foreach (Attr mdAttr in mdAttrs) { if (field.KeyOfEn == mdAttr.Key) { if (field.UIVisible == false) { append.Append("{"); append.Append(string.Format("field:'{0}',title:'{1}',width:{2},hidden: true", field.KeyOfEn + "Text", field.Name, field.UIWidth)); append.Append("},"); continue; } if (mdAttr.IsRefAttr || mdAttr.IsFK || mdAttr.IsEnum) { append.Append("{"); append.Append(string.Format("field:'{0}',title:'{1}',width:{2},sortable:true", field.KeyOfEn + "Text", field.Name, field.UIWidth)); append.Append("},"); continue; } append.Append("{"); append.Append(string.Format("field:'{0}',title:'{1}',width:{2},sortable:true", mdAttr.Key, field.Name, field.UIWidth)); append.Append("},"); } } } if (append.Length > 10) { append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); } append.Append("]"); //整理数据 bool bHaveData = false; append.Append(",data:{rows:["); //获取数据 MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = this.FK_MapData; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() > 0) { //当前页 string pageNumber = getUTF8ToString("pageNumber"); int iPageNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageNumber) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(pageNumber); //每页多少行 string pageSize = getUTF8ToString("pageSize"); int iPageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSize) ? 9999 : Convert.ToInt32(pageSize); QueryObject obj = new QueryObject(HisEns); obj = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(HisEns, HisEns.GetNewEntity); totalRows = obj.GetCount(); //查询 obj.DoQuery(HisEns.GetNewEntity.PK, iPageSize, iPageNumber); foreach (Entity en in HisEns) { bHaveData = true; append.Append("{"); foreach (Attr attr in mdAttrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr || attr.IsFK || attr.IsEnum) { append.Append(attr.Key + "Text:'" + en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key) + "',"); continue; } append.Append(attr.Key + ":'" + en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key) + "',"); } append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); append.Append("},"); } } if (append.Length > 11 && bHaveData) { append = append.Remove(append.Length - 1, 1); } append.Append("],total:" + totalRows + "}"); append.Append("}"); return(ReplaceIllgalChart(append.ToString())); }
public void BindSFTable() { SFTable sf = new SFTable(this.RefNo); var canEdit = sf.FK_SFDBSrc == "local"; //todo:此处判断不准确,需更加精确的判断?? this.Title = (canEdit ? "编辑:" : "查看:") + sf.Name; this.Pub1.AddTable("class='table' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("style='width:80px;text-align:center'", "编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("名称"); if (canEdit) { this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("style='width:80px'", "操作"); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); GENoNames ens = new GENoNames(sf.No, sf.Name); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); try { this.Pub2.BindPageIdxEasyUi(qo.GetCount(), "SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo, this.PageIdx); } catch { sf.CheckPhysicsTable(); this.Pub2.BindPageIdxEasyUi(qo.GetCount(), "SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo, this.PageIdx); } qo.DoQuery("No", 10, this.PageIdx, false); foreach (GENoName en in ens) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(en.No); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + en.No; tb.Text = en.Name; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.ReadOnly = !canEdit; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); if (canEdit) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:Del('" + this.RefNo + "','" + this.PageIdx + "','" + en.No + "')\" class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-delete'\" >删除</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } if (canEdit) { GENoName newen = new GENoName(sf.No, sf.Name); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx("新记录"); TextBox tb1 = new TextBox(); tb1.ID = "TB_Name"; tb1.Text = newen.Name; tb1.Style.Add("width", "99%"); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Save, "保存"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD(btn); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); //this.Pub3.AddTable(); //this.Pub3.AddTRSum(); //this.Pub3.AddTD("编号"); //this.Pub3.AddTD("名称"); //this.Pub3.AddTD(""); //this.Pub3.AddTREnd(); //GENoName newen = new GENoName(sf.No, sf.Name); //this.Pub3.AddTRSum(); //this.Pub3.AddTD(newen.GenerNewNo); //TextBox tbn = new TextBox(); //tbn.ID = "TB_Name"; //this.Pub3.AddTD(tbn); //Button btn = new Button(); //btn.Text = "增加"; //btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); //this.Pub3.AddTD(btn); //this.Pub3.AddTREnd(); //this.Pub3.AddTableEnd(); }
public Entities SetDGData(int pageIdx) { Entities ens = this.HisEns; Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); if (this.DoType == "My") { qo.AddWhere(BillAttr.FK_Emp, WebUser.No); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(BillAttr.FK_Flow, this.FK_Flow); } else { qo = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(BillAttr.FK_Flow, this.FK_Flow); } this.Pub2.Clear(); int maxPageNum = this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx, "Search.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&DoType=" + this.DoType); if (maxPageNum > 1) { this.Pub2.Add("翻页键:← → PageUp PageDown"); } qo.DoQuery(en.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx); if (this.DoType == "Dept" && en.EnMap.IsShowSearchKey) { string keyVal = this.ToolBar1.GetTBByID("TB_Key").Text.Trim(); if (keyVal.Length >= 1) { Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Entity myen in ens) { foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsFKorEnum) { continue; } if (attr.IsPK) { continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppRate: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppBoolean: continue; default: break; } myen.SetValByKey(attr.Key, myen.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key).Replace(keyVal, "<font color=red>" + keyVal + "</font>")); } } } } this.BindEns(ens, null); #region 生成js int ToPageIdx = this.PageIdx + 1; int PPageIdx = this.PageIdx - 1; this.UCSys1.Add("<SCRIPT language=javascript>"); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n document.onkeydown = chang_page;"); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n function chang_page() { "); if (this.PageIdx == 1) { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 33) alert('已经是第一页');"); } else { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) "); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='Search.aspx?DoType=" + this.DoType + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&PageIdx=" + PPageIdx + "';"); } if (this.PageIdx == maxPageNum) { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) alert('已经是最后一页');"); } else { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) "); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='Search.aspx?DoType=" + this.DoType + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&PageIdx=" + ToPageIdx + "';"); } this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n } "); this.UCSys1.Add("</SCRIPT>"); #endregion 生成js return(ens); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); this.Page.Title = fl.Name; GEEntitys rpts = (GEEntitys)BP.DA.ClassFactory.GetEns(this.EnsName); GEEntity rpt = (GEEntity)rpts.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(rpts); try { qo.AddWhere(GERptAttr.FlowEmps, " LIKE ", "'%@" + WebUser.No + "%'"); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere("" + BP.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND " + BP.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "FlowSearchMyWork.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow); qo.DoQuery("OID", this.PageSize, this.PageIdx); } catch (Exception ex) { if (this.Request.QueryString["error"] == null) { fl.CheckRpt(); this.Response.Redirect(this.Request.RawUrl + "&error=1", true); return; } throw ex; } // this.Response.Write(qo.SQL); // 生成页面数据。 Attrs attrs = BP.WF.Glo.AttrsOfRpt; // rpt.EnMap.Attrs; int colspan = 2; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } colspan++; } this.Pub1.AddTable("width='100%' align=left "); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("流程查询:" + fl.Name); this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.Add("<TD colspan=" + colspan + " class=ToolBar><b>发生日期 从:</b>"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_F"; tb.Columns = 10; tb.Text = this.DT_F; tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddB(" 到:"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_T"; tb.Text = this.DT_T; tb.Columns = 10; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddB(" "); Button btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "查询"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Search"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "导出Excel"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Excel"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); this.Pub1.Add(" </TD>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("nowarp=true", attr.Desc); } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("nowarp=true", "操作"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 0; bool is1 = false; foreach (GEEntity en in rpts) { idx++; is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTD(idx); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.Key == "Title") { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"./../WF/WFRpt.aspx?WorkID=" + en.GetValIntByKey("OID") + "&FID=" + en.GetValByKey("FID") + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "\" target=bk >" + en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key) + "</a>"); continue; } if (attr.Key == "WFState") { switch (en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)) { case 0: this.Pub1.AddTD("进行中"); break; case 1: this.Pub1.AddTD("完成"); break; } continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppBoolean: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValBoolStrByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValFloatByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key)); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)); } break; case DataType.AppMoney: this.Pub1.AddTDMoney(en.GetValDecimalByKey(attr.Key)); break; default: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key)); break; } } this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"./../WF/WFRpt.aspx?WorkID=" + en.GetValIntByKey("OID") + "&FID=" + en.GetValByKey("FID") + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "\" target=bk >报告</a>-<a href=\"./../WF/Chart.aspx?WorkID=" + en.GetValIntByKey("OID") + "&FID=" + en.GetValByKey("FID") + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "\" target=bk >轨迹</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTD(); continue; } this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public string Search_Init() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); #region 查询显示的列 MapAttrs mapattrs = new MapAttrs(); mapattrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, this.FrmID, MapAttrAttr.Idx); DataRow row = null; DataTable dt = new DataTable("Attrs"); dt.Columns.Add("KeyOfEn", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("Width", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("UIContralType", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("LGType", typeof(int)); //设置标题、单据号位于开始位置 foreach (MapAttr attr in mapattrs) { string searchVisable = attr.atPara.GetValStrByKey("SearchVisable"); if (searchVisable == "0") { continue; } if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } row = dt.NewRow(); row["KeyOfEn"] = attr.KeyOfEn; row["Name"] = attr.Name; row["Width"] = attr.UIWidthInt; row["UIContralType"] = attr.UIContralType; row["LGType"] = attr.LGType; dt.Rows.Add(row); } ds.Tables.Add(dt); #endregion 查询显示的列 #region 查询语句 MapData md = new MapData(this.FrmID); //取出来查询条件. BP.Sys.UserRegedit ur = new UserRegedit(); ur.MyPK = WebUser.No + "_" + this.FrmID + "_SearchAttrs"; ur.RetrieveFromDBSources(); GEEntitys rpts = new GEEntitys(this.FrmID); Attrs attrs = rpts.GetNewEntity.EnMap.Attrs; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(rpts); #region 关键字字段. string keyWord = ur.SearchKey; if (md.GetParaBoolen("IsSearchKey") && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord) == false && keyWord.Length >= 1) { Attr attrPK = new Attr(); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsPK) { attrPK = attr; break; } } int i = 0; string enumKey = ","; //求出枚举值外键. foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { switch (attr.MyFieldType) { case FieldType.Enum: enumKey = "," + attr.Key + "Text,"; break; case FieldType.FK: continue; default: break; } if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppString) { continue; } //排除枚举值关联refText. if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) { if (enumKey.Contains("," + attr.Key + ",") == true) { continue; } } if (attr.Key == "FK_Dept") { continue; } i++; if (i == 1) { /* 第一次进来。 */ qo.addLeftBracket(); if (SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr == "@" || SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr == "?") { qo.AddWhere(attr.Key, " LIKE ", SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.MySQL ? (" CONCAT('%'," + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey,'%')") : (" '%'+" + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey+'%'")); } else { qo.AddWhere(attr.Key, " LIKE ", " '%'||" + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey||'%'"); } continue; } qo.addOr(); if (SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr == "@" || SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr == "?") { qo.AddWhere(attr.Key, " LIKE ", SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.MySQL ? ("CONCAT('%'," + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey,'%')") : ("'%'+" + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey+'%'")); } else { qo.AddWhere(attr.Key, " LIKE ", "'%'||" + SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "SKey||'%'"); } } qo.MyParas.Add("SKey", keyWord); qo.addRightBracket(); } else { qo.AddHD(); } #endregion 关键字段查询 #region 时间段的查询 if (md.GetParaInt("DTSearchWay") != (int)DTSearchWay.None && DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(ur.DTFrom) == false) { string dtFrom = ur.DTFrom; // this.GetTBByID("TB_S_From").Text.Trim().Replace("/", "-"); string dtTo = ur.DTTo; // this.GetTBByID("TB_S_To").Text.Trim().Replace("/", "-"); //按日期查询 if (md.GetParaInt("DTSearchWay") == (int)DTSearchWay.ByDate) { qo.addAnd(); qo.addLeftBracket(); dtTo += " 23:59:59"; qo.SQL = md.GetParaString("DTSearchKey") + " >= '" + dtFrom + "'"; qo.addAnd(); qo.SQL = md.GetParaString("DTSearchKey") + " <= '" + dtTo + "'"; qo.addRightBracket(); } if (md.GetParaInt("DTSearchWay") == (int)DTSearchWay.ByDateTime) { //取前一天的24:00 if (dtFrom.Trim().Length == 10) //2017-09-30 { dtFrom += " 00:00:00"; } if (dtFrom.Trim().Length == 16) //2017-09-30 00:00 { dtFrom += ":00"; } dtFrom = DateTime.Parse(dtFrom).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 24:00"; if (dtTo.Trim().Length < 11 || dtTo.Trim().IndexOf(' ') == -1) { dtTo += " 24:00"; } qo.addAnd(); qo.addLeftBracket(); qo.SQL = md.GetParaString("DTSearchKey") + " >= '" + dtFrom + "'"; qo.addAnd(); qo.SQL = md.GetParaString("DTSearchKey") + " <= '" + dtTo + "'"; qo.addRightBracket(); } } #endregion 时间段的查询 #region 外键或者枚举的查询 //获得关键字. AtPara ap = new AtPara(ur.Vals); foreach (string str in ap.HisHT.Keys) { var val = ap.GetValStrByKey(str); if (val.Equals("all")) { continue; } qo.addAnd(); qo.addLeftBracket(); qo.AddWhere(str, ap.GetValStrByKey(str)); qo.addRightBracket(); } #endregion 外键或者枚举的查询 #endregion 查询语句 //获得行数. ur.SetPara("RecCount", qo.GetCount()); ur.Save(); qo.DoQuery("OID", this.PageSize, this.PageIdx); DataTable mydt = rpts.ToDataTableField(); mydt.TableName = "DT"; ds.Tables.Add(mydt); //把数据加入里面. return(BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ds)); }
public Entities SetDGData(int pageIdx, bool isSearch) { // this.BPToolBar1.SaveSearchState(this.EnsName, this.Key); this.ToolBar1.SaveSearchState(this.EnsName, this.Key); Entities ens = this.HisEns; Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); string url = this.Request.RawUrl; if (url.IndexOf("PageIdx") != -1) { url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("PageIdx") - 1); } this.UCSys2.Clear(); int maxPageNum = 0; try { maxPageNum = this.UCSys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx, "Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName); } catch (Exception ex) { en.CheckPhysicsTable(); throw ex; } if (isSearch) { return(null); } if (maxPageNum > 1) { this.UCSys2.Add("翻页键:← → PageUp PageDown"); } qo.DoQuery(en.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx); this.UCSys1.DataPanelDtlCheckBox(ens); //if (this.IsS == false) // this.UCSys3.Add("[<a href='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + this.PageIdx + "&IsS=1'>选择全部</a>] "); //else // this.UCSys3.Add("[<a href='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + this.PageIdx + "&IsS=0'>全不选</a>] "); RefMethods rms = en.EnMap.HisRefMethods; foreach (RefMethod rm in rms) { if (rm.IsCanBatch == false) { continue; } Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_" + rm.Index; btn.Text = rm.Title; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; if (rm.Warning == null) { btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; } else { btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('" + rm.Warning + "');"; } this.UCSys3.Add(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); } UAC uac = en.HisUAC; if (uac.IsDelete) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Attributes["class"] = "Button"; this.UCSys3.Add(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); } MoveToShowWay showWay = (MoveToShowWay)ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyInt("MoveToShowWay"); // 执行移动. if (showWay != MoveToShowWay.None) { string MoveTo = en.GetCfgValStr("MoveTo"); if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains(MoveTo) == false) { this.Alert("Moveto 字段设置错误,实体不包含字段:" + MoveTo); return(null); } Attr attr = en.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(MoveTo); if (showWay == MoveToShowWay.DDL) { Button btnM = new Button(); btnM.ID = "Btn_Move"; btnM.CssClass = "Btn"; btnM.Text = "移动到"; btnM.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要移动吗?');"; this.UCSys3.Add(" "); this.UCSys3.Add(btnM); btnM.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_MoveTo1"; if (attr.IsEnum) { ddl.BindSysEnum(attr.Key); ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("选择" + "=>" + attr.Desc, "all")); } else { EntitiesNoName ens1 = attr.HisFKEns as EntitiesNoName; ens1.RetrieveAll(); ddl.BindEntities(ens1); ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("选择" + "=>" + attr.Desc, "all")); } this.UCSys3.Add(ddl); } if (showWay == MoveToShowWay.Panel) { if (attr.IsEnum) { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.Key); foreach (SysEnum se in ses) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Move_" + se.IntKey; btn.Text = "设置" + ":" + se.Lab; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要执行设置[" + se.Lab + "]吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); this.UCSys3.Add(btn); this.UCSys3.Add(" "); } } else { EntitiesNoName ens1 = attr.HisFKEns as EntitiesNoName; ens1.RetrieveAll(); foreach (EntityNoName en1 in ens1) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Move_" + en1.No; btn.Text = "设置:" + en1.Name; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要设置[" + en1.Name + "]吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); this.UCSys3.Add(btn); this.UCSys3.Add(" "); } } } } int ToPageIdx = this.PageIdx + 1; int PPageIdx = this.PageIdx - 1; this.UCSys3.Add("<SCRIPT language=javascript>"); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n document.onkeydown = chang_page;"); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n function chang_page() {"); // this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n alert(event.keyCode); "); if (this.PageIdx == 1) { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 33) alert('已经是第一页');"); } else { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) "); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n location='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + PPageIdx + "';"); } if (this.PageIdx == maxPageNum) { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) alert('已经是最后一页');"); } else { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) "); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n location='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + ToPageIdx + "';"); } this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n } "); this.UCSys3.Add("</SCRIPT>"); return(ens); }
public void Bind() { #region 生成标题 Entity en = this.HisEn; Map map = this.HisEn.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; bool isFJ = false; if (attrs.Contains("MyFileName")) { isFJ = true; } this.ucsys1.AddTable(); this.ucsys1.AddTR(); this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(); string str1 = "<INPUT id='checkedAll' onclick='SelectAll(this);' type='checkbox' name='checkedAll'>"; this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(str1); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(attr.Desc); } if (isFJ) { this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(); } this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成标题 this.Page.Title = en.EnDesc; Entities dtls = this.HisEns; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(dtls); qo.AddWhere(this.RefKey, this.RefVal); #region 生成翻页 this.ucsys2.Clear(); try { this.ucsys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), BP.SystemConfig.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "Dtl.aspx?EnName=" + this.EnName + "&PK=" + this.RefVal + "&EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&RefVal=" + this.RefVal + "&RefKey=" + this.RefKey + "&MainEnsName=" + this.MainEnsName); qo.DoQuery(en.PK, this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, false); } catch { dtls.GetNewEntity.CheckPhysicsTable(); // this.Response.Redirect("Ens.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&RefPKVal=" + this.RefPKVal, true); return; } #endregion 生成翻页 UAC uac = en.HisUAC; if (uac.IsDelete == false) { this.ToolBar1.GetBtnByID(NamesOfBtn.Delete).Enabled = false; } if (uac.IsInsert) { en.PKVal = "0"; dtls.AddEntity(en); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); bool is1 = false; #region 生成数据 int i = 0; foreach (Entity dtl in dtls) { i++; if (dtl.PKVal == "0" || dtl.PKVal == "") { this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); this.ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", "<b>*</B>"); } else { // is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1, "ondblclick=\"WinOpen( 'UIEn.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PK=" + dtl.PKVal + "', 'cd' )\""); is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1); // is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1); this.ucsys1.AddTDIdx(i); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + dtl.PKVal; this.ucsys1.AddTD(cb); } foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.Key == "OID") { continue; } string val = dtl.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString(); switch (attr.UIContralType) { case UIContralType.TB: TB tb = new TB(); this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); tb.LoadMapAttr(attr); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border-width:0px;"; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppRate: tb.TextExtMoney = decimal.Parse(val); break; case DataType.AppDate: tb.Text = val.ToString(); tb.ShowType = TBType.Date; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; } break; case DataType.AppDateTime: tb.Text = val.ToString(); tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; } break; default: tb.Text = val; break; } if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) { if (tb.Enabled) { // OnKeyPress="javascript:return VirtyNum(this);" // tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyNum(this);"; // tb.Attributes["onkeyup"] += "javascript:C" + dtl.PKVal + "();C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { // tb.Attributes["onpropertychange"] += "C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; } } break; case UIContralType.DDL: ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key), val)); ddl.Enabled = false; } else { if (attr.IsEnum) { ddl.BindSysEnum(attr.UIBindKey); } else { ddl.BindEntities(attr.HisFKEns, attr.UIRefKeyValue, attr.UIRefKeyText); } } this.ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); ddl.SetSelectItem(val); break; case UIContralType.CheckBok: cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; cb.Text = attr.Desc; if (val == "1") { cb.Checked = true; } else { cb.Checked = false; } this.ucsys1.AddTD("nowarp=true", cb); break; default: break; } } if (isFJ) { string ext = dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileExt"); if (ext != "") { this.ucsys1.AddTD("<img src='../Images/FileType/" + ext + ".gif' border=0/>" + dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileName")); } } this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); } #region 生成合计 //this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); //this.ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", "合计"); //foreach (Attr attr in attrs) //{ // if (attr.UIVisible == false) // continue; // if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) // { // TB tb = new TB(); // tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key; // tb.Text = attr.DefaultVal.ToString(); // tb.ShowType = attr.HisTBType; // tb.ReadOnly = true; // tb.Font.Bold = true; // tb.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName("infobackground"); // switch (attr.MyDataType) // { // case DataType.AppRate: // case DataType.AppMoney: // tb.TextExtMoney = dtls.GetSumDecimalByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppInt: // tb.TextExtInt = dtls.GetSumIntByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppFloat: // tb.TextExtFloat = dtls.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key); // break; // default: // break; // } // this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); // } // else // { // this.ucsys1.AddTD(); // } //} //this.ucsys1.AddTD(); //this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成合计 #endregion 生成数据 this.ucsys1.AddTableEnd(); }
private void BindSearch() { Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); var gwfs = new GenerWorkFlows(); var qo = new QueryObject(gwfs); qo.AddWhere(GenerWorkFlowAttr.FK_Flow, FK_Flow); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Depts)) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhereIn(GenerWorkFlowAttr.FK_Dept, "(" + Depts + ")"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Emps)) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhereIn(GenerWorkFlowAttr.Starter, "(" + Emps.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Aggregate(string.Empty, (curr, next) => curr + "'" + next + "',").TrimEnd(',') + ")"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DateFrom)) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(GenerWorkFlowAttr.RDT, ">", DateFrom); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DateTo)) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(GenerWorkFlowAttr.RDT, "<=", DateTo); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Keywords)) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(GenerWorkFlowAttr.Title, "LIKE", "%" + Keywords + "%"); } qo.addOrderBy(GenerWorkFlowAttr.RDT); var url = string.Format("FlowDB.aspx?FK_Flow={0}&WorkID={1}&IsSearch=1&Depts={2}&DeptsText={3}&Emps={4}&EmpsText={5}&DateFrom={6}&DateTo={7}&Keywords={8}", FK_Flow, WorkID, Depts, DeptsText, Emps, EmpsText, DateFrom, DateTo, Keywords); Pub2.BindPageIdxEasyUi(qo.GetCount(), url, this.PageIdx, SystemConfig.PageSize); qo.DoQuery(gwfs.GetNewEntity.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, this.PageIdx); this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' style='width:100%'"); Pub1.AddTR(); Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("colspan='8'", fl.Name); Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("style='text-align:center'", "序号"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("部门"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("发起人"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("发起时间"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("当前停留节点"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("标题"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("处理人"); this.Pub1.AddTDGroupTitle("操作"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 0; foreach (GenerWorkFlow item in gwfs) { idx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(SystemConfig.PageSize * (this.PageIdx - 1) + idx); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.DeptName); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.StarterName); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.RDT); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.NodeName); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.Title); this.Pub1.AddTD(item.TodoEmps); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('./../../WFRpt.aspx?WorkID=" + item.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&FID=" + item.FID + "','ds'); \" class='easyui-linkbutton'>轨迹</a> "); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../../../WFRpt.aspx?WorkID=" + item.WorkID + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&FID=" + item.FID + "&FK_Node=" + item.FK_Node + "','ds'); \" >报告</a>-"); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:DelIt('" + item.FK_Flow + "','" + item.WorkID + "');\" class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-delete'\" onclick=\"return confirm('您确定要删除吗?');\">删除</a> "); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:FlowShift('" + item.FK_Flow + "','" + item.WorkID + "');\" class='easyui-linkbutton'>移交</a> "); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:FlowSkip('" + item.FK_Flow + "','" + item.WorkID + "');\" class='easyui-linkbutton'>跳转</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public Entities SetDGData(int pageIdx) { Entities ens = this.HisEns; Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); int maxPageNum = 0; try { this.UCSys2.Clear(); maxPageNum = this.UCSys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx, "Search.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName); if (maxPageNum > 1) { this.UCSys2.Add("翻页键:← → PageUp PageDown"); } } catch { try { en.CheckPhysicsTable(); } catch (Exception wx) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError(wx.Message); } maxPageNum = this.UCSys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx, "Search.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName); } qo.DoQuery(en.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx); if (en.EnMap.IsShowSearchKey) { string keyVal = this.ToolBar1.GetTBByID("TB_Key").Text.Trim(); if (keyVal.Length >= 1) { Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Entity myen in ens) { foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsFKorEnum) { continue; } if (attr.IsPK) { continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppRate: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppBoolean: continue; default: break; } myen.SetValByKey(attr.Key, myen.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key).Replace(keyVal, "<font color=red>" + keyVal + "</font>")); } } } } // string groupkey = this.DDL_GroupKey.SelectedItemStringVal; // string groupkey2 = "None"; this.UCSys1.DataPanelDtl(ens, null); int ToPageIdx = this.PageIdx + 1; int PPageIdx = this.PageIdx - 1; this.UCSys1.Add("<SCRIPT language=javascript>"); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n document.onkeydown = chang_page;"); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n function chang_page() { "); // this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n alert(event.keyCode); "); if (this.PageIdx == 1) { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 33) alert('已经是第一页');"); } else { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) "); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='Search.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + PPageIdx + "';"); } if (this.PageIdx == maxPageNum) { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) alert('已经是最后一页');"); } else { this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) "); this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='Search.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + ToPageIdx + "';"); } this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n } "); this.UCSys1.Add("</SCRIPT>"); return(ens); }
public Entities SetDGData(int pageIdx) { #region 执行数据分页查询,并绑定分页控件. Entities ens = this.HisEns; Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); //if (qo.MyParas.COntinckey("WFSta") == false) //{ // qo.addAnd(); // try // { // qo.AddWhere("WFSta", "!=", "0"); // } // catch // { // BP.WF.Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); // fl.CheckRpt(); // qo.AddWhere("WFSta", "!=", "0"); // } //} this.Pub2.Clear(); this.Pub2.BindPageIdxEasyUi(qo.GetCount(), this.PageID + ".aspx?RptNo=" + this.RptNo + "&EnsName=" + this.RptNo + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow, pageIdx, SystemConfig.PageSize); qo.DoQuery(en.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx); #endregion 执行数据分页查询,并绑定分页控件. #region 检查是否显示按关键字查询,如果是就把关键标注为红色. if (en.EnMap.IsShowSearchKey) { string keyVal = this.ToolBar1.GetTBByID("TB_Key").Text.Trim(); if (keyVal.Length >= 1) { Attrs attrs = en.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Entity myen in ens) { foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsFKorEnum) { continue; } if (attr.IsPK) { continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppRate: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppBoolean: continue; default: break; } myen.SetValByKey(attr.Key, myen.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key).Replace(keyVal, "<font color=red>" + keyVal + "</font>")); } } } } #endregion 检查是否显示按关键字查询,如果是就把关键标注为红色. // 处理entity的GuestNo 列的问题。 // if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains(NDXRptBaseAttr.ex //foreach (Entity en in ens) //{ //} //绑定数据. this.BindEns(ens, null); #region 生成翻页的js,暂不用 //int ToPageIdx = this.PageIdx + 1; //int PPageIdx = this.PageIdx - 1; //this.UCSys1.Add("<SCRIPT language=javascript>"); //this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n document.onkeydown = chang_page;"); //this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n function chang_page() { "); //if (this.PageIdx == 1) //{ // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 33) alert('已经是第一页');"); //} //else //{ // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) "); // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='" + this.PageID + ".aspx?RptNo=" + this.RptNo + "&FK_Flow=" + this.currMapRpt.FK_Flow + "&PageIdx=" + PPageIdx + "';"); //} //if (this.PageIdx == maxPageNum) //{ // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) alert('已经是最后一页');"); //} //else //{ // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) "); // this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n location='" + this.PageID + ".aspx?RptNo=" + this.RptNo + "&FK_Flow=" + this.currMapRpt.FK_Flow + "&PageIdx=" + ToPageIdx + "';"); //} //this.UCSys1.Add("\t\n } "); //this.UCSys1.Add("</SCRIPT>"); #endregion 生成翻页的js return(ens); }
public void BindSFTable() { SFTable sf = new SFTable(this.RefNo); this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("编辑:" + sf.Name); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("操作"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); GENoNames ens = new GENoNames(sf.No, sf.Name); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); try { this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), 10, this.PageIdx, "SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo); } catch { sf.CheckPhysicsTable(); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), 10, this.PageIdx, "SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo); } qo.DoQuery("No", 10, this.PageIdx, false); foreach (GENoName en in ens) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(en.No); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + en.No; tb.Text = en.Name; tb.Attributes["width"] = "500px"; tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:Del('" + this.RefNo + "','" + this.PageIdx + "','" + en.No + "')\" >删除</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } GENoName newen = new GENoName(sf.No, sf.Name); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDDesc("新记录"); TextBox tb1 = new TextBox(); tb1.ID = "TB_Name"; tb1.Text = newen.Name; tb1.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb1); Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "Save"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD(btn); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); //this.Pub3.AddTable(); //this.Pub3.AddTRSum(); //this.Pub3.AddTD("编号"); //this.Pub3.AddTD("名称"); //this.Pub3.AddTD(""); //this.Pub3.AddTREnd(); //GENoName newen = new GENoName(sf.No, sf.Name); //this.Pub3.AddTRSum(); //this.Pub3.AddTD(newen.GenerNewNo); //TextBox tbn = new TextBox(); //tbn.ID = "TB_Name"; //this.Pub3.AddTD(tbn); //Button btn = new Button(); //btn.Text = "增加"; //btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); //this.Pub3.AddTD(btn); //this.Pub3.AddTREnd(); //this.Pub3.AddTableEnd(); }
public void BindSearch() { Node nd = new Node(this.FK_Node); Works wks = nd.HisWorks; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(wks); qo.AddWhere(WorkAttr.Rec, WebUser.No); qo.addAnd(); if (BP.Sys.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType == DBType.Access) { qo.AddWhere("Mid(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND Mid(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); } else { qo.AddWhere("" + BP.Sys.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) >='" + this.DT_F + "' AND " + BP.Sys.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBSubstringStr + "(RDT,1,10) <='" + this.DT_T + "' "); } this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "FlowSearch.aspx?FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node); qo.DoQuery("OID", this.PageSize, this.PageIdx); // 生成页面数据。 Attrs attrs = nd.HisWork.EnMap.Attrs; int colspan = 2; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } colspan++; } this.Pub1.AddTable("width='100%' align=center "); this.Pub1.AddCaption("<img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/EmpWorks.gif' > <b><a href=FlowSearch.aspx >" + "流程查询" + "</a>-<a href='FlowSearch.aspx?FK_Flow=" + nd.FK_Flow + "'>" + nd.FlowName + "</a>-" + nd.Name + "</b>"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.Add("<TD colspan=" + colspan + " class=TD>发生日期从:"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_F"; tb.Columns = 10; tb.Text = this.DT_F; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.Add("到:"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_T"; tb.Text = this.DT_T; tb.Columns = 10; this.Pub1.Add(tb); Button btn = new Button(); btn.Text = " 查询 "; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Search"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "导出Excel"; btn.ID = "Btn_Excel"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); this.Pub1.Add("</TD>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(attr.Desc); } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("操作"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 0; bool is1 = false; foreach (Entity en in wks) { idx++; is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTD(idx); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppBoolean: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValBoolStrByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppDouble: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValFloatByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppInt: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key)); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)); } break; case DataType.AppMoney: this.Pub1.AddTDMoney(en.GetValDecimalByKey(attr.Key)); break; default: this.Pub1.AddTD(en.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); break; } } this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"./../WF/WFRpt.aspx?WorkID=" + en.GetValIntByKey("OID") + "&FID=" + en.GetValByKey("FID") + "&FK_Flow=" + nd.FK_Flow + "\" target=bk >报告</a>-<a href=\"./../WF/WorkOpt/OneWork/ChartTrack.aspx?WorkID=" + en.GetValIntByKey("OID") + "&FID=" + en.GetValByKey("FID") + "&FK_Flow=" + nd.FK_Flow + "\" target=bk >轨迹</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppDouble: this.Pub1.AddTDB(wks.GetSumDecimalByKey(attr.Key).ToString()); break; case DataType.AppMoney: this.Pub1.AddTDB(wks.GetSumDecimalByKey(attr.Key).ToString("0.00")); break; default: this.Pub1.AddTD(); break; } } this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public void Bind() { #region 生成标题 Entity en = this.HisEn; Map map = this.HisEn.EnMap; EnCfg cfg = new EnCfg(en.ToString()); UIConfig uicfg = new UIConfig(en); Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; if (attrs.Count >= 4) { this.ucsys1.Add("<table border=0 cellpadding='0' style='border-collapse: collapse;width:100%' cellspacing='0' >"); } else { this.ucsys1.Add("<table border=0 cellpadding='0' style='border-collapse: collapse;width:50%' cellspacing='0' >"); } this.ucsys1.AddTR(); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); string str1 = "<INPUT id='checkedAll' onclick='SelectAll()' type='checkbox' name='checkedAll'>"; this.ucsys1.AddTDGroupTitle(str1); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.ucsys1.AddTDGroupTitle(attr.Desc); } if (map.IsHaveFJ) { this.ucsys1.AddTDGroupTitle("附件"); } this.ucsys1.AddTDGroupTitle(); this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成标题 this.Title = en.EnDesc; Entities ens = this.HisEns; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); #region 用户界面属性设置- del //BP.Web.Comm.UIRowStyleGlo tableStyle = (UIRowStyleGlo)ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyInt("UIRowStyleGlo"); // 界面风格。 //bool IsEnableDouclickGlo = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyBoolen("IsEnableDouclickGlo"); // 是否启用双击 //bool IsEnableRefFunc = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyBoolen("IsEnableRefFunc"); // 是否显示相关功能。 //bool IsEnableFocusField = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyBoolen("IsEnableFocusField"); //是否启用焦点字段。 //bool isShowOpenICON = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyBoolen("IsEnableOpenICON"); //是否启用 OpenICON 。 //string FocusField = null; //if (IsEnableFocusField) // FocusField = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyString("FocusField"); //int WinCardH = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyInt("WinCardH"); // 弹出窗口高度 //int WinCardW = ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyInt("WinCardW"); // 弹出窗口宽度. #endregion 用户界面属性设置 #region 生成翻页 try { this.ucsys2.Clear(); this.ucsys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), BP.Sys.SystemConfig.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "Ens.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName); qo.DoQuery(en.PK, BP.Sys.SystemConfig.PageSize, this.PageIdx, false); } catch (Exception ex) { //自动创建表. Log.DebugWriteInfo(ex.Message); ens.GetNewEntity.CheckPhysicsTable(); return; } #endregion 生成翻页 en.PKVal = "0"; ens.AddEntity(en); DDL ddl = new DDL(); bool is1 = false; #region 生成数据 int i = 0; foreach (Entity dtl in ens) { string urlExt = "\"javascript:ShowEn('./RefFunc/UIEn.aspx?EnsName=" + ens.ToString() + "&PK=" + dtl.PKVal + "', 'cd');\""; i++; if (Equals(dtl.PKVal, "0")) { this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); this.ucsys1.AddTDIdx("<b>*</b>"); } else { is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1, "ondblclick=" + urlExt); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "IDX_" + dtl.PKVal; cb.Text = i.ToString(); this.ucsys1.AddTDIdx(cb); } foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.Key == "OID") { continue; } string val = dtl.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString(); switch (attr.UIContralType) { case UIContralType.TB: TB tb = new TB(); tb.LoadMapAttr(attr); this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppRate: tb.TextExtMoney = decimal.Parse(val); break; default: tb.Text = val; break; } if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) { if (tb.Enabled) { // OnKeyPress="javascript:return VirtyNum(this);" // tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyNum(this);"; // tb.Attributes["onkeyup"] += "javascript:C" + dtl.PKVal + "();C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { // tb.Attributes["onpropertychange"] += "C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; } } break; case UIContralType.DDL: if (attr.UIIsReadonly) { ddl = new DDL(); ddl.LoadMapAttr(attr); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; // this.ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); this.ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); ddl.SetSelectItem(val); } else { this.ucsys1.AddTD(dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key)); } break; case UIContralType.CheckBok: cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; //cb.Text = attr.Name; if (val == "1") { cb.Checked = true; } else { cb.Checked = false; } this.ucsys1.AddTDCenter(cb); break; default: break; } } if (map.IsHaveFJ) { string ext = dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileExt"); if (ext == null || ext.Length > 1) { this.ucsys1.AddTD("<a href='" + cfg.FJWebPath + "/" + dtl.PKVal + "." + ext + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Images/FileType/" + dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileExt") + ".gif' border=0/>" + dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileName") + "</a>"); } else { this.ucsys1.AddTD(); } } if (uicfg.IsEnableOpenICON) { this.ucsys1.Add("<TD class='TD' style='cursor:hand;' nowrap=true><a href=" + urlExt + " ><img src='../Img/Btn/Open.gif' border=0/></a></TD>"); } else { this.ucsys1.AddTD(); } this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); } #region 生成合计,屏蔽 //if (false) //{ // this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); // this.ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=1", "合计"); // foreach (Attr attr in attrs) // { // if (attr.UIVisible == false) // continue; // if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) // { // TB tb = new TB(); // tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key; // tb.Text = attr.DefaultVal.ToString(); // tb.ShowType = attr.HisTBType; // tb.ReadOnly = true; // tb.Font.Bold = true; // tb.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName("#FFFFFF"); // switch (attr.MyDataType) // { // case DataType.AppRate: // case DataType.AppMoney: // tb.TextExtMoney = ens.GetSumDecimalByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppInt: // tb.TextExtInt = ens.GetSumIntByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppFloat: // tb.TextExtFloat = ens.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key); // break; // default: // break; // } // this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); // } // else // { // this.ucsys1.AddTD(); // } // } // if (map.IsHaveFJ) // this.ucsys1.AddTD(); // this.ucsys1.AddTD(); // this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); //} #endregion 生成合计 #endregion 生成数据 this.ucsys1.AddTableEnd(); }
public void AddSFTable() { BP.Sys.SFTables ens = new SFTables(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo.AddWhere(BP.Sys.SFTableAttr.SrcType, (int)SrcType.TableOrView); this.Pub2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), pageSize, this.PageIdx, "Do.aspx?DoType=AddSFTable&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=&GroupField"); qo.DoQuery("No", pageSize, this.PageIdx); this.Title = "增加新字段向导"; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaption("<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Back.gif' /> 返回</a> - 外键列表 - <a href='SFTable.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' >新建表</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号(点击增加到表单)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称(点击修改属性)"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("描述"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编码表类型"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编辑数据"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); if (ens.Count == 0) { //string html = "<a href='Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Back.gif' /> 返回</a> - 增加外键字段 - <a href='SFTable.aspx?DoType=New&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "' >新建表</a>"; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBigDoc("colspan=5", "注册到ccform的表为空,点击上面的新建表,进入创建向导。"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); return; } bool is1 = false; int Idx = 0; foreach (BP.Sys.SFTable sem in ens) { Idx++; //is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(Idx); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:AddSFTable('" + this.MyPK + "','" + this.Idx + "','" + sem.No + "')\" >" + sem.No + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFTable.aspx?DoType=Edit&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "&Idx=" + this.Idx + "&RefNo=" + sem.No + "','sg')\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' border=0/>" + sem.Name + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.TableDesc); //描述. //编码表类型. this.Pub1.AddTD(sem.CodeStructT); if (sem.No.Contains(".")) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=" + sem.No + "');\" >编辑数据</a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('SFTableEditData.aspx?RefNo=" + sem.No + "');\" >编辑数据</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }