コード例 #1
ファイル: FlxObject.cs プロジェクト: fusspawn/X-flixel
        private void constructor1(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height)
            x      = X;
            y      = Y;
            width  = Width;
            height = Height;

            exists  = true;
            active  = true;
            visible = true;
            _solid  = true;
            _fixed  = false;
            moves   = true;

            collideLeft   = true;
            collideRight  = true;
            collideTop    = true;
            collideBottom = true;

            _origin = Vector2.Zero;

            velocity     = Vector2.Zero;
            acceleration = Vector2.Zero;
            drag         = Vector2.Zero;
            maxVelocity  = new Vector2(10000, 10000);

            angle               = 0;
            angularVelocity     = 0;
            angularAcceleration = 0;
            angularDrag         = 0;
            maxAngular          = 10000;

            thrust = 0;

            scrollFactor  = new Vector2(1, 1);
            _flicker      = false;
            _flickerTimer = -1;
            health        = 1;
            dead          = false;
            _point        = Vector2.Zero;
            _rect         = Rectangle.Empty;
            _flashPoint   = Vector2.Zero;

            colHullX  = FlxRect.Empty;
            colHullY  = FlxRect.Empty;
            colVector = Vector2.Zero;
            _group = false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FlxU.cs プロジェクト: ratalaika/Flixel-Monogame
         * This quad tree callback function can be used externally as well.
         * Takes two objects and separates them along their Y axis (if possible/reasonable).
         * @param	Object1		The first object or group you want to check.
         * @param	Object2		The second object or group you want to check.
        static public bool solveYCollision(object sender, FlxSpriteCollisionEvent e)
            //Avoid messed up collisions ahead of time
            float o1 = e.Object1.colVector.Y;
            float o2 = e.Object2.colVector.Y;

            if (o1 == o2)

            //Give the objects a heads up that we're about to resolve some collisions

            //Basic resolution variables
            bool  f1;
            bool  f2;
            float overlap;
            bool  hit = false;
            bool  p1hn2;

            //Directional variables
            bool obj1Stopped = o1 == 0;
            bool obj1MoveNeg = o1 < 0;
            bool obj1MovePos = o1 > 0;
            bool obj2Stopped = o2 == 0;
            bool obj2MoveNeg = o2 < 0;
            bool obj2MovePos = o2 > 0;

            //Offset loop variables
            int            i1;
            int            i2;
            FlxRect        obj1Hull = e.Object1.colHullY;
            FlxRect        obj2Hull = e.Object2.colHullY;
            List <Vector2> co1      = e.Object1.colOffsets;
            List <Vector2> co2      = e.Object2.colOffsets;
            int            l1       = co1.Count;
            int            l2       = co2.Count;
            float          ox1;
            float          oy1;
            float          ox2;
            float          oy2;
            float          r1;
            float          r2;
            float          sv1;
            float          sv2;

            //Decide based on object's movement patterns if it was a top or bottom collision
            p1hn2 = ((obj1Stopped && obj2MoveNeg) || (obj1MovePos && obj2Stopped) || (obj1MovePos && obj2MoveNeg) || //the obvious cases
                     (obj1MoveNeg && obj2MoveNeg && (((o1 > 0)?o1:-o1) < ((o2 > 0)?o2:-o2))) ||                      //both moving up, obj2 overtakes obj1
                     (obj1MovePos && obj2MovePos && (((o1 > 0)?o1:-o1) > ((o2 > 0)?o2:-o2))));                       //both moving down, obj1 overtakes obj2

            //Check to see if these objects allow these collisions
            if (p1hn2 ? (!e.Object1.collideBottom || !e.Object2.collideTop) : (!e.Object1.collideTop || !e.Object2.collideBottom))

            //this looks insane, but we're just looping through collision offsets on each object
            i1 = 0;
            while (i1 < l1)
                ox1         = co1[i1].X;
                oy1         = co1[i1].Y;
                obj1Hull.x += ox1;
                obj1Hull.y += oy1;
                i2          = 0;
                while (i2 < l2)
                    ox2         = co2[i2].X;
                    oy2         = co2[i2].Y;
                    obj2Hull.x += ox2;
                    obj2Hull.y += oy2;

                    //See if it's a actually a valid collision
                    if ((obj1Hull.x + obj1Hull.width < obj2Hull.x + roundingError) ||
                        (obj1Hull.x + roundingError > obj2Hull.x + obj2Hull.width) ||
                        (obj1Hull.y + obj1Hull.height < obj2Hull.y + roundingError) ||
                        (obj1Hull.y + roundingError > obj2Hull.y + obj2Hull.height))
                        obj2Hull.x = obj2Hull.x - ox2;
                        obj2Hull.y = obj2Hull.y - oy2;

                    //Calculate the overlap between the objects
                    if (p1hn2)
                        if (obj1MoveNeg)
                            r1 = obj1Hull.y + e.Object1.colHullX.height;
                            r1 = obj1Hull.y + obj1Hull.height;
                        if (obj2MoveNeg)
                            r2 = obj2Hull.y;
                            r2 = obj2Hull.y + obj2Hull.height - e.Object2.colHullX.height;
                        if (obj2MoveNeg)
                            r1 = -obj2Hull.y - e.Object2.colHullX.height;
                            r1 = -obj2Hull.y - obj2Hull.height;
                        if (obj1MoveNeg)
                            r2 = -obj1Hull.y;
                            r2 = -obj1Hull.y - obj1Hull.height + e.Object1.colHullX.height;
                    overlap = r1 - r2;
                    //if (overlap > -0.00008f && overlap < 0.00008f)
                    //    i2++;
                    //    continue;

                    //Slightly smarter version of checking if objects are 'fixed' in space or not
                    f1 = e.Object1.@fixed;
                    f2 = e.Object2.@fixed;
                    if (f1 && f2)
                        f1 &= (e.Object1.colVector.X == 0) && (o1 == 0);
                        f2 &= (e.Object2.colVector.X == 0) && (o2 == 0);

                    //Last chance to skip out on a bogus collision resolution
                    if ((overlap == 0) ||
                        ((!f1 && ((overlap > 0)?overlap:-overlap) > obj1Hull.height * 0.8)) ||
                        ((!f2 && ((overlap > 0)?overlap:-overlap) > obj2Hull.height * 0.8)))
                        obj2Hull.x = obj2Hull.x - ox2;
                        obj2Hull.y = obj2Hull.y - oy2;
                    hit = true;

                    //Adjust the objects according to their flags and stuff
                    sv1 = e.Object2.velocity.Y;
                    sv2 = e.Object1.velocity.Y;
                    if (!f1 && f2)
                        if (e.Object1._group)
                            e.Object1.reset(e.Object1.x, (e.Object1.y - overlap));
                            e.Object1.y = e.Object1.y - overlap;
                    else if (f1 && !f2)
                        if (e.Object2._group)
                            e.Object2.reset(e.Object2.x, (e.Object2.y + overlap));
                            e.Object2.y += overlap;
                    else if (!f1 && !f2)
                        overlap /= 2;
                        if (e.Object1._group)
                            e.Object1.reset(e.Object1.x, (e.Object1.y - overlap));
                            e.Object1.y = e.Object1.y - overlap;
                        if (e.Object2._group)
                            e.Object2.reset(e.Object2.x, (e.Object2.y + overlap));
                            e.Object2.y += overlap;
                        sv1 *= 0.5f;
                        sv2 *= 0.5f;
                    if (p1hn2)
                        e.Object1.hitBottom(e.Object2, sv1);
                        e.Object2.hitTop(e.Object1, sv2);
                        e.Object1.hitTop(e.Object2, sv1);
                        e.Object2.hitBottom(e.Object1, sv2);

                    //Adjust collision hulls if necessary
                    if (!f1 && (overlap != 0))
                        if (p1hn2)
                            obj1Hull.y = obj1Hull.y - overlap;

                            //This code helps stuff ride horizontally moving platforms.
                            if (f2 && e.Object2.moves)
                                sv1                   = e.Object2.colVector.X;
                                e.Object1.x          += sv1;
                                obj1Hull.x           += sv1;
                                e.Object1.colHullX.x += sv1;
                            obj1Hull.y       = obj1Hull.y - overlap;
                            obj1Hull.height += overlap;
                    if (!f2 && (overlap != 0))
                        if (p1hn2)
                            obj2Hull.y     += overlap;
                            obj2Hull.height = obj2Hull.height - overlap;
                            obj2Hull.height += overlap;

                            //This code helps stuff ride horizontally moving platforms.
                            if (f1 && e.Object1.moves)
                                sv2                   = e.Object1.colVector.X;
                                e.Object2.x          += sv2;
                                obj2Hull.x           += sv2;
                                e.Object2.colHullX.x += sv2;
                    obj2Hull.x = obj2Hull.x - ox2;
                    obj2Hull.y = obj2Hull.y - oy2;
                obj1Hull.x = obj1Hull.x - ox1;
                obj1Hull.y = obj1Hull.y - oy1;

コード例 #3
ファイル: FlxObject.cs プロジェクト: konamicode/X-flixel
        private void constructor1(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height)
            x = X;
            y = Y;
            width = Width;
            height = Height;

            exists = true;
            active = true;
            visible = true;
            _solid = true;
            _fixed = false;
            moves = true;

            collideLeft = true;
            collideRight = true;
            collideTop = true;
            collideBottom = true;

            _origin = Vector2.Zero;

            velocity = Vector2.Zero;
            acceleration = Vector2.Zero;
            drag = Vector2.Zero;
            maxVelocity = new Vector2(10000, 10000);

            angle = 0;
            angularVelocity = 0;
            angularAcceleration = 0;
            angularDrag = 0;
            maxAngular = 10000;

            thrust = 0;

            scrollFactor = new Vector2(1, 1);
            _flicker = false;
            _flickerTimer = -1;
            health = 1;
            dead = false;
            _point = Vector2.Zero;
            _rect = Rectangle.Empty;
            _flashPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            colHullX = FlxRect.Empty;
            colHullY = FlxRect.Empty;
            colVector = Vector2.Zero;
            _group = false;