コード例 #1
ファイル: ProfileTable.cs プロジェクト: JinKitamura/learn
        public ProfileTable(TreeViewState state, MultiColumnHeader multicolumnHeader, ProfileAnalysis model, ProfileAnalyserWindow profileAnalyserWindow) : base(state, multicolumnHeader)
            m_model = model;
            m_profileAnalyserWindow = profileAnalyserWindow;

            Assert.AreEqual(m_SortOptions.Length, Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyColumns)).Length, "Ensure number of sort options are in sync with number of MyColumns enum values");

            // Custom setup
            rowHeight = kRowHeights;
            showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true;
            showBorder           = true;
            customFoldoutYOffset = (kRowHeights - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight) * 0.5f; // center foldout in the row since we also center content. See RowGUI
            // extraSpaceBeforeIconAndLabel = 0;
            multicolumnHeader.sortingChanged        += OnSortingChanged;
            multicolumnHeader.visibleColumnsChanged += OnVisibleColumnsChanged;
