コード例 #1
        private async Task <ProcessedContent> StartTheCache(PlexSettings plexSettings, bool recentlyAddedSearch)
            var processedContent = new ProcessedContent();

            foreach (var servers in plexSettings.Servers ?? new List <PlexServers>())
                    Logger.LogInformation("Starting to cache the content on server {0}", servers.Name);

                    if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                        // If it's recently added search then we want the results to pass to the metadata job
                        // This way the metadata job is smaller in size to process, it only need to look at newly added shit
                        return(await ProcessServer(servers, true));
                        await ProcessServer(servers, false);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.PlexContentCacher, e, "Exception thrown when attempting to cache the Plex Content in server {0}", servers.Name);

コード例 #2
ファイル: DataUtil.cs プロジェクト: sgdc/sgdc-old
 public static bool SaveContent(string file, ProcessedContent content)
     ContentTypes type = ContentTypes.Unknown;
     if (content is Game)
         type = ContentTypes.Game;
     return new SGDEProcessor().Write(new Content(null, type, SGDEImport.MAX_VERSION), content, file);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PlexContentSync.cs プロジェクト: itzfk0/ombi
        public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            JobDataMap dataMap             = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        recentlyAddedSearch = dataMap.GetBooleanValueFromString("recentlyAddedSearch");

            var plexSettings = await Plex.GetSettingsAsync();

            if (!plexSettings.Enable)
            if (!ValidateSettings(plexSettings))
                Logger.LogError("Plex Settings are not valid");
            var processedContent = new ProcessedContent();

            Logger.LogInformation("Starting Plex Content Cacher");
                if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                    processedContent = await StartTheCache(plexSettings, true);
                    await StartTheCache(plexSettings, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.PlexContentCacher, e, "Exception thrown when attempting to cache the Plex Content");

            if (!recentlyAddedSearch)
                Logger.LogInformation("Starting EP Cacher");

                await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IPlexEpisodeSync), "Plex");

            if ((processedContent?.HasProcessedContent ?? false) && recentlyAddedSearch)
                // Just check what we send it
                await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IRefreshMetadata), "System");

            if ((processedContent?.HasProcessedContent ?? false) && recentlyAddedSearch)
                await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IPlexAvailabilityChecker), "Plex");

            Logger.LogInformation("Finished Plex Content Cacher, with processed content: {0}, episodes: {0}", processedContent.Content.Count(), processedContent.Episodes.Count());
コード例 #4
        public async Task CacheContent(bool recentlyAddedSearch = false)
            var plexSettings = await Plex.GetSettingsAsync();

            if (!plexSettings.Enable)
            if (!ValidateSettings(plexSettings))
                Logger.LogError("Plex Settings are not valid");
            var processedContent = new ProcessedContent();

            Logger.LogInformation("Starting Plex Content Cacher");
                if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                    processedContent = await StartTheCache(plexSettings, true);
                    await StartTheCache(plexSettings, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.PlexContentCacher, e, "Exception thrown when attempting to cache the Plex Content");

            if (!recentlyAddedSearch)
                Logger.LogInformation("Starting EP Cacher");
                BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => EpisodeSync.Start());

            if ((processedContent?.HasProcessedContent ?? false) && recentlyAddedSearch)
                // Just check what we send it
                BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Metadata.ProcessPlexServerContent(processedContent.Content));

            if ((processedContent?.HasProcessedEpisodes ?? false) && recentlyAddedSearch)
                BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Checker.Start());
コード例 #5
        private async Task <ProcessedContent> ProcessServer(PlexServers servers, bool recentlyAddedSearch)
            var retVal            = new ProcessedContent();
            var contentProcessed  = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var episodesProcessed = new List <int>();

            Logger.LogDebug("Getting all content from server {0}", servers.Name);
            var allContent = await GetAllContent(servers, recentlyAddedSearch);

            Logger.LogDebug("We found {0} items", allContent.Count);

            // Let's now process this.
            var contentToAdd = new HashSet <PlexServerContent>();

            var allEps = Repo.GetAllEpisodes();

            foreach (var content in allContent)
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Episode.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogDebug("Found some episodes, this must be a recently added sync");
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var epInfo in content.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] {})
                        var grandParentKey = epInfo.grandparentRatingKey;
                        // Lookup the rating key
                        var showMetadata = await PlexApi.GetMetadata(servers.PlexAuthToken, servers.FullUri, grandParentKey);

                        var show = showMetadata.MediaContainer.Metadata.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (show == null)

                        await ProcessTvShow(servers, show, contentToAdd, contentProcessed);

                        if (contentToAdd.Any())
                            await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd, false);

                            if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                                foreach (var plexServerContent in contentToAdd)
                                    contentProcessed.Add(plexServerContent.Id, plexServerContent.Key);
                        if (count > 200)
                            await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // Save just to make sure we don't leave anything hanging
                    await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                    if (content.Metadata != null)
                        var episodesAdded = await EpisodeSync.ProcessEpsiodes(content.Metadata, allEps);

                        episodesProcessed.AddRange(episodesAdded.Select(x => x.Id));
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Show.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Process Shows
                    Logger.LogDebug("Processing TV Shows");
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var show in content.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] { })
                        await ProcessTvShow(servers, show, contentToAdd, contentProcessed);

                        if (contentToAdd.Any())
                            await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd, false);

                            if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                                foreach (var plexServerContent in contentToAdd)
                                    contentProcessed.Add(plexServerContent.Id, plexServerContent.Key);
                        if (count > 200)
                            await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Movie.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogDebug("Processing Movies");
                    foreach (var movie in content?.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] { })
                        // Let's check if we have this movie

                            var existing = await Repo.GetFirstContentByCustom(x => x.Title == movie.title &&
                                                                              x.ReleaseYear == movie.year.ToString() &&
                                                                              x.Type == PlexMediaTypeEntity.Movie);

                            // The rating key keeps changing
                            //var existing = await Repo.GetByKey(movie.ratingKey);
                            if (existing != null)
                                Logger.LogDebug("We already have movie {0}", movie.title);

                            var hasSameKey = await Repo.GetByKey(movie.ratingKey);

                            if (hasSameKey != null)
                                await Repo.Delete(hasSameKey);

                            Logger.LogDebug("Adding movie {0}", movie.title);
                            var metaData = await PlexApi.GetMetadata(servers.PlexAuthToken, servers.FullUri,

                            var providerIds = PlexHelper.GetProviderIdFromPlexGuid(metaData.MediaContainer.Metadata

                            var item = new PlexServerContent
                                AddedAt     = DateTime.Now,
                                Key         = movie.ratingKey,
                                ReleaseYear = movie.year.ToString(),
                                Type        = PlexMediaTypeEntity.Movie,
                                Title       = movie.title,
                                Url         = PlexHelper.GetPlexMediaUrl(servers.MachineIdentifier, movie.ratingKey),
                                Seasons     = new List <PlexSeasonsContent>(),
                                Quality     = movie.Media?.FirstOrDefault()?.videoResolution ?? string.Empty
                            if (providerIds.Type == ProviderType.ImdbId)
                                item.ImdbId = providerIds.ImdbId;
                            if (providerIds.Type == ProviderType.TheMovieDbId)
                                item.TheMovieDbId = providerIds.TheMovieDb;
                            if (providerIds.Type == ProviderType.TvDbId)
                                item.TvDbId = providerIds.TheTvDb;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.PlexContentCacher, e, "Exception when adding new Movie {0}",

                        if (contentToAdd.Count > 500)
                            await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd);

                            foreach (var c in contentToAdd)
                                contentProcessed.Add(c.Id, c.Key);
                if (contentToAdd.Count > 500)
                    await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd);

                    foreach (var c in contentToAdd)
                        contentProcessed.Add(c.Id, c.Key);

            if (contentToAdd.Any())
                await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd);

                foreach (var c in contentToAdd)
                    contentProcessed.Add(c.Id, c.Key);

            retVal.Content  = contentProcessed.Values;
            retVal.Episodes = episodesProcessed;
コード例 #6
        public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            JobDataMap dataMap             = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        recentlyAddedSearch = dataMap.GetBooleanValueFromString(JobDataKeys.RecentlyAddedSearch);

            var plexSettings = await Plex.GetSettingsAsync();

            if (!plexSettings.Enable)
            await NotifyClient(recentlyAddedSearch? "Plex Recently Added Sync Started" : "Plex Content Sync Started");

            if (!ValidateSettings(plexSettings))
                Logger.LogError("Plex Settings are not valid");
                await NotifyClient(recentlyAddedSearch? "Plex Recently Added Sync, Settings Not Valid" : "Plex Content, Settings Not Valid");

            var processedContent = new ProcessedContent();

                ? "Starting Plex Content Cacher Recently Added Scan"
                : "Starting Plex Content Cacher");
                if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                    processedContent = await StartTheCache(plexSettings, true);
                    await StartTheCache(plexSettings, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                await NotifyClient(recentlyAddedSearch? "Plex Recently Added Sync Errored" : "Plex Content Sync Errored");

                Logger.LogWarning(LoggingEvents.PlexContentCacher, e, "Exception thrown when attempting to cache the Plex Content");

            if (!recentlyAddedSearch)
                await NotifyClient("Plex Sync - Starting Episode Sync");

                Logger.LogInformation("Starting EP Cacher");
                await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IPlexEpisodeSync), "Plex");

            if ((processedContent?.HasProcessedContent ?? false) && recentlyAddedSearch)
                await NotifyClient("Plex Sync - Checking if any requests are now available");

                Logger.LogInformation("Kicking off Plex Availability Checker");
                await _mediaCacheService.Purge();

                await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IPlexAvailabilityChecker), "Plex");
            var processedCont = processedContent?.Content?.Count() ?? 0;
            var processedEp   = processedContent?.Episodes?.Count() ?? 0;

            Logger.LogInformation("Finished Plex Content Cacher, with processed content: {0}, episodes: {1}. Recently Added Scan: {2}", processedCont, processedEp, recentlyAddedSearch);

            await NotifyClient(recentlyAddedSearch?$"Plex Recently Added Sync Finished, We processed {processedCont}, and {processedEp} Episodes" : "Plex Content Sync Finished");
コード例 #7
        private async Task <ProcessedContent> ProcessServer(PlexServers servers, bool recentlyAddedSearch)
            var retVal            = new ProcessedContent();
            var contentProcessed  = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var episodesProcessed = new List <int>();

            Logger.LogDebug("Getting all content from server {0}", servers.Name);
            var allContent = await GetAllContent(servers, recentlyAddedSearch);

            Logger.LogDebug("We found {0} items", allContent.Count);

            // Let's now process this.
            var contentToAdd = new HashSet <PlexServerContent>();

            var allEps = Repo.GetAllEpisodes();

            foreach (var content in allContent.OrderByDescending(x => x.viewGroup))
                Logger.LogDebug($"Got type '{content.viewGroup}' to process");
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Episode.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogDebug("Found some episodes, this must be a recently added sync");
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var epInfo in content.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] { })
                        var grandParentKey = epInfo.grandparentRatingKey;
                        // Lookup the rating key
                        var showMetadata = await PlexApi.GetMetadata(servers.PlexAuthToken, servers.FullUri, grandParentKey);

                        var show = showMetadata.MediaContainer.Metadata.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (show == null)

                        await ProcessTvShow(servers, show, contentToAdd, contentProcessed);

                        if (contentToAdd.Any())
                            await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd, recentlyAddedSearch?true : false);

                            if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                                foreach (var plexServerContent in contentToAdd)
                                    if (plexServerContent.Id <= 0)
                                        Logger.LogInformation($"Item '{plexServerContent.Title}' has an Plex ID of {plexServerContent.Id} and a Plex Key of {plexServerContent.Key}");
                                    contentProcessed.Add(plexServerContent.Id, plexServerContent.Key);
                        if (count > 30)
                            await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                            count = 0;

                    // Save just to make sure we don't leave anything hanging
                    await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                    if (content.Metadata != null)
                        var episodesAdded = await EpisodeSync.ProcessEpsiodes(content.Metadata, allEps);

                        episodesProcessed.AddRange(episodesAdded.Select(x => x.Id));
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Show.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Process Shows
                    Logger.LogDebug("Processing TV Shows");
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var show in content.Metadata ?? new Metadata[] { })
                        await ProcessTvShow(servers, show, contentToAdd, contentProcessed);

                        if (contentToAdd.Any())
                            await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd, false);

                            if (recentlyAddedSearch)
                                foreach (var plexServerContent in contentToAdd)
                                    contentProcessed.Add(plexServerContent.Id, plexServerContent.Key);
                        if (count > 30)
                            await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await Repo.SaveChangesAsync();
                if (content.viewGroup.Equals(PlexMediaType.Movie.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    await MovieLoop(servers, content, contentToAdd, contentProcessed);
                if (contentToAdd.Count > 500)
                    await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd);

                    foreach (var c in contentToAdd)
                        contentProcessed.Add(c.Id, c.Key);

            if (contentToAdd.Any())
                await Repo.AddRange(contentToAdd);

                foreach (var c in contentToAdd)
                    contentProcessed.Add(c.Id, c.Key);

            retVal.Content  = contentProcessed.Values;
            retVal.Episodes = episodesProcessed;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GameProcessor.cs プロジェクト: sgdc/sgdc-old
        public static bool Write(double version, XmlNode parent, ProcessedContent content)
            SGDeContent.DataTypes.Game game = content as SGDeContent.DataTypes.Game;
            if (game == null)
                return false;
            //Write out the game resources
            XmlElement element1 = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ContentTagManager.GetTagValue("IMPORT_GAME_ELEMENT", version));


            //Write out the game settings
            element1 = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ContentTagManager.GetTagValue("GAME_SETTINGS", version));


            return true;