private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selectedBlog = (string)comboBox1.SelectedItem; int blogId; //check validation using (var ctx = new BlogContext()) { blogId = (from b in ctx.Blogs where b.Name == selectedBlog select b.BlogId).FirstOrDefault(); if (blogId == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You've not selected any blogs."); return; } } if (textBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("There is no title"); return; } if (richTextBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No content"); return; } var post = new Post(); post.BlogId = blogId; post.Content = richTextBox1.Text; post.Title = textBox1.Text; //add and save post using (var ctx = new BlogContext()) { ctx.Posts.Add(post); ctx.SaveChanges(); } Hide(); DestroyHandle(); }
private void BlogForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bContext = new BlogContext(); bContext.Blogs.Load(); bContext.Posts.Load(); this.blogBindingSource.DataSource = bContext.Blogs.Local.ToBindingList(); this.postsBindingSource.DataSource = bContext.Posts.Local.ToBindingList(); }
static void countPosts(BlogContext bc) { var query = from post in bc.Posts group post by post.BlogId into BlogGroup select new { BlogID = BlogGroup.Key, PostCount = BlogGroup.Count() }; foreach (var b in query) { Console.WriteLine("BlogID: {0} PostCount: {1}", b.BlogID, b.PostCount ); } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ctx = new BlogContext()) { label2.Text = (from b in ctx.Blogs from p in ctx.Posts where (b.BlogId == p.BlogId && b.Name == comboBox1.SelectedItem) select b.Posts).ToList().Count().ToString(); label2.Update(); } }
static void listBlogsAndPostsNav(BlogContext bc) { var blogs = bc.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts).ToList(); foreach (var b in blogs) { Console.WriteLine("BlogID: {0} BlogName: {1} Posts: ", b.BlogId, b.Name); foreach (var p in b.Posts) { Console.WriteLine("title: {0} id: {1}", p.Title, p.PostId); } } }
private void StatisticsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.Items.Add("Blogs to choose:"); comboBox1.SelectedItem = comboBox1.Items[0]; using (var ctx = new BlogContext()) { var blogs = ctx.Blogs.Select(s => s.Name); foreach (var blog in blogs) { if (blog!= null) comboBox1.Items.Add(blog); } } }
private void AddPostForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox1.Items.Add("Blogs to choose:"); using (var context = new BlogContext()) { var blogs = from blog in context.Blogs orderby blog.Name select blog.Name; foreach (var blog in blogs) { if (blog != null) comboBox1.Items.Add(blog); } } comboBox1.SelectedItem = comboBox1.Items[0]; }
static void listBlogsAndPostsQuery(BlogContext blogContext) { DbSet<Blog> blogs = blogContext.Blogs; DbSet<Post> posts = blogContext.Posts; var query = from blog in blogs join post in posts on blog.BlogId equals post.BlogId select new { BlogID = blog.BlogId, BlogName = blog.Name, PostTitle = post.Title }; foreach (var postItem in query) { Console.WriteLine("BlogID: {0} BlogName: {1} Post: {2}", postItem.BlogID, postItem.BlogName, postItem.PostTitle); } }
static void listBlogsAndPostsNavQuery(BlogContext bc) { var blogs = from b in bc.Blogs select new { BlogName = b.Name, BlogID = b.BlogId, Posts = b.Posts }; //bc.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts).ToList(); foreach (var b in blogs) { Console.WriteLine("BlogID: {0} BlogName: {1} Posts: ", b.BlogID, b.BlogName); foreach (var p in b.Posts) { Console.WriteLine("title: {0} id: {1}", p.Title, p.PostId); } } }
static void listBlogsAndPosts(BlogContext blogContext) { DbSet<Blog> blogs = blogContext.Blogs; DbSet<Post> posts = blogContext.Posts; var query = blogs.Join( posts, post => post.BlogId, blog => blog.BlogId, (blog, post) => new { BlogID = blog.BlogId, BlogName = blog.Name, PostTitle = post.Title }); foreach (var postItem in query) { Console.WriteLine("BlogID: {0} BlogName: {1} Post: {2}", postItem.BlogID, postItem.BlogName, postItem.PostTitle); } }
static void printBlogs(BlogContext blogContext) { Console.WriteLine("Blogi w projekcie: "); IQueryable<string> blogNames = blogContext.Blogs.Select(b => b.Name).OrderByDescending(name => name); foreach (String name in blogNames) { Console.WriteLine(name); } }
static void printBlogImm(BlogContext blogContext) { Console.WriteLine("Blogi w projekcie: "); String[] blogNames = blogContext.Blogs.Select(b => b.Name).OrderByDescending(name => name).ToArray(); foreach (String name in blogNames) { Console.WriteLine(name); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Podaj nazwę bloga: "); String blogName = Console.ReadLine(); Blog firstBlog = new Blog { Name = blogName }; BlogContext blogContext = new BlogContext(); blogContext.Blogs.Add(firstBlog); blogContext.SaveChanges(); printBlogs(blogContext); //listBlogsAndPosts(blogContext); //listBlogsAndPostsNav(blogContext); listBlogsAndPostsNavQuery(blogContext); countPosts(blogContext); BlogForm form = new BlogForm(); form.ShowDialog(); Console.ReadLine(); }