public static List <HitData> ReadInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { List <HitData> hits = new List <HitData>(); int count = p.readC(); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { HitData hit = new HitData { _hitInfo = p.readUD(), _weaponInfo = p.readUH(), _weaponSlot = p.readC(), _unk = p.readUH(), _eixoX = p.readUH(), _eixoY = p.readUH(), _eixoZ = p.readUH() }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("P: " + hit._eixoX + ";" + hit._eixoY + ";" + hit._eixoZ); Printf.warning("[" + k + "] 16384: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer())); } hits.Add(hit); } return(hits); }
private static Struct BaseReadInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool OnlyBytes, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _weaponInfo = p.readUH(), _weaponSlot = p.readC(), _unk = p.readUH(), _objPos_x = p.readUH(), _objPos_y = p.readUH(), _objPos_z = p.readUH(), _unk5 = p.readUH(), _unk6 = p.readUH(), _unk7 = p.readUH(), _grenadesCount = p.readUH() }; //id do item do mapa info._unk8 = p.readB(6); //Null 1.15.37 /* * 1.15.42 - p.readB(6); */ if (!OnlyBytes) { info.WeaponNumber = (info._weaponInfo >> 6); info.WeaponClass = (info._weaponInfo & 47); } if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[code1_GrenadeSync] " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer())); Printf.warning("[code1_GrenadeSync] wInfo: " + info._weaponInfo + "; wSlot: " + info._weaponSlot + "; u: " + info._unk + "; obpX: " + info._objPos_x + "; obpY: " + info._objPos_y + "; obpZ: " + info._objPos_z + "; u5: " + info._unk5 + "; u6: " + info._unk6 + "; u7: " + info._unk7 + "; u8: " + info._unk8); } return(info); }
public override void run() { try { Printf.warning("3329 Received"); Account p = _client._player; if (p == null) { return; } Room room = p._room; SaveLog.warning("BATTLE_3329_REC. (PlayerID: " + p.player_id + "; Name: " + p.player_name + "; Room: " + (p._room != null ? p._room._roomId : -1) + "; Channel: " + p.channelId + ")"); if (room != null) { SaveLog.warning("Room3329; BOT: " + room.isBotMode()); SLOT slot = room.getSlot(p._slotId); if (slot != null) { SaveLog.warning("SLOT Id: " + slot._id + "; State: " + slot.state); } } p.SendPacket(new SERVER_MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_PAK("Voce usou uma função que estamos investigando, entre em contato com os administradores!")); _client.SendPacket(new A_3329_PAK()); } catch (Exception ex) { SaveLog.fatal(ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[] Erro fatal!"); } }
public void SendCompletePacket(byte[] data) { try { if (data.Length < 4) { return; } if (ConfigGA.debugMode) { ushort opcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 2); string debugData = ""; foreach (string str2 in BitConverter.ToString(data).Split('-', ',', '.', ':', '\t')) { debugData += " " + str2; } Printf.warning("[" + opcode + "]" + debugData); } _client.BeginSend(data, 0, data.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), _client); } catch { Close(true); } }
public void SendPacket(byte[] data) { try { if (data.Length < 2) { return; } ushort size = Convert.ToUInt16(data.Length - 2); List <byte> list = new List <byte>(data.Length + 2); list.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(size)); list.AddRange(data); byte[] result = list.ToArray(); if (ConfigGA.debugMode) { ushort opcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); string debugData = ""; foreach (string str2 in BitConverter.ToString(result).Split('-', ',', '.', ':', '\t')) { debugData += " " + str2; } Printf.warning("[" + opcode + "]" + debugData); } if (result.Length > 0) { _client.BeginSend(result, 0, result.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), _client); } list.Clear(); } catch { Close(true); } }
private static List <HitData> BaseReadInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool OnlyBytes, bool genLog) { List <HitData> hits = new List <HitData>(); int count = p.readC(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HitData hit = new HitData { _hitInfo = p.readUD(), _weaponInfo = p.readUH(), _weaponSlot = p.readC(), PlayerPos = p.readUHVector() }; if (!OnlyBytes) { hit.WeaponClass = (ClassType)((hit._weaponInfo >> 32) & 63); //Funcional? Antigo = >> 32) & 31 | Novo = >> 32) & 63 hit.WeaponId = (hit._weaponInfo >> 6); } if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[" + i + "] Committed suicide: hitinfo,weaponinfo,weaponslot,camX,camY,camZ (" + hit._hitInfo + ";" + hit._weaponInfo + ";" + hit._weaponSlot + ";" + hit.PlayerPos.X + ";" + hit.PlayerPos.Y + ";" + hit.PlayerPos.Z + ")"); } hits.Add(hit); } return(hits); }
private static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult result) { Socket clientSocket = (Socket)result.AsyncState; try { Socket handler = clientSocket.EndAccept(result); if (handler != null) { LoginClient client = new LoginClient(handler); AddSocket(client); if (client == null) { Printf.warning("LoginClient destruído após falha ao adicionar na lista."); } Thread.Sleep(5); } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveLog.fatal(ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[LoginManager.AcceptCallback] [Failed a LC connection] Erro fatal!"); } mainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), mainSocket); }
public bool CheckSeed(byte[] decryptedData, bool isTheFirstPacket) { int hashReceive = (int)BitConverter.ToUInt16(decryptedData, 2); if (hashReceive == GetNextSessionSeed()) { return(true); } if (_player != null) { SaveLog.warning("[Seed] Seed invalida recebida após login. [Recebido: " + hashReceive + "; Esperava-se: " + NextSessionSeed + "] [Id: " + _player.player_id + "; Login: "******"; TotalPks: " + CountReceivedpackets + "] - " + GetIPAddress()); Printf.warning("[Invalid Seed] Client valido enviou seed invalida [pId:" + _player.player_id + "; Login: "******"] "); } else { SaveLog.warning("[Seed] Recebido: " + hashReceive + "; Esperava-se: " + NextSessionSeed + " - " + GetIPAddress() + ""); Printf.warning("[Invalid Seed] Receive: " + hashReceive + " - " + GetIPAddress()); } Firewall.sendBlock(GetIPAddress(), "[Auth] Seed invalida", 1); Close(true); if (isTheFirstPacket) { new Thread(read).Start(); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Reseta as informações da sala, caso a rodada seja válida. /// </summary> /// <param name="round">Rodada</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RoundResetRoomF1(int round) { lock (_lock) { if (LastRound != round) { if (Config.isTestMode) { Printf.warning("Reseting room. [Last: " + LastRound + "; New: " + round + "]"); } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; LastRound = round; _hasC4 = false; BombPosition = new Half3(); _dropCounter = 0; _objsSyncRound = 0; _sourceToMap = _mapId; if (!_isBotMode) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Player player = _players[i]; player._life = player._maxLife; } LastPlayersSync = now; Map = MappingXML.getMapById(_mapId); List <ObjModel> objsm = Map != null ? Map._objects : null; if (objsm != null) { for (int i = 0; i < objsm.Count; i++) { ObjModel ob = objsm[i]; ObjectInfo obj = _objects[ob._id]; obj._life = ob._life; if (!ob._noInstaSync) { ob.GetARandomAnim(this, obj); } else { obj._anim = new AnimModel { _nextAnim = 1 }; obj._useDate = now; } obj._model = ob; obj.DestroyState = 0; MappingXML.SetObjectives(ob, this); } } LastObjsSync = now; _objsSyncRound = round; } return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Reseta as informações da sala, caso a rodada seja válida. /// </summary> /// <param name="round">Rodada</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RoundResetRoomS1(int round) { lock (_lock) { if (LastRound != round) { if (Config.isTestMode) { Printf.warning("Reseting room. [Last: " + LastRound + "; New: " + round + "]"); } LastRound = round; _hasC4 = false; _dropCounter = 0; BombPosition = new Half3(); if (!_isBotMode) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Player player = _players[i]; player._life = player._maxLife; } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; LastPlayersSync = now; for (int i = 0; i < _objects.Length; i++) { ObjectInfo obj = _objects[i]; ObjModel ob = obj._model; if (ob != null) { obj._life = ob._life; if (!ob._noInstaSync) { ob.GetARandomAnim(this, obj); } else { obj._anim = new AnimModel { _nextAnim = 1 }; obj._useDate = now; } obj.DestroyState = 0; } } LastObjsSync = now; _objsSyncRound = round; if ((stageType == 3 || stageType == 5)) { _bar1 = _default1; _bar2 = _default2; } } return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int roomId = p.readH(); int channelId = p.readH(); byte killerIdx = p.readC(); byte deathtype = p.readC(); byte hitEnum = p.readC(); int damage = p.readH(); if (p.getBuffer().Length > 11) { Printf.warning("Invalid hitMaker"); SaveLog.warning("[Invalid MARKER: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); return; // teste } Channel ch = ChannelsXML.getChannel(channelId); if (ch == null) { return; } Room room = ch.getRoom(roomId); if (room != null && room._state == RoomState.Battle) { Account player = room.getPlayerBySlot(killerIdx); if (player != null) { string warn = ""; if (deathtype == 10) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("LifeRestored", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 0) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker1", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 1) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker2", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 2) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker3"); } else if (hitEnum == 3) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker4"); } player.SendPacket(new LOBBY_CHATTING_PAK(Translation.GetLabel("HitMarkerName"), player.getSessionId(), 0, true, warn)); } } }
protected internal void Advance(int bytes) { _offset += bytes; if (_offset > _buffer.Length) { Printf.warning("[ReceivePacket.Advance] - Offset passou do limite!"); SaveLog.warning("[ReceivePacket.Advance] - Offset passou do limite!"); throw new Exception("Offset ultrapassou o valor do buffer."); } }
public static Struct readSyncInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _spaceFlags = (CharaMoves)p.readC(), _objId = p.readUH() }; if (genLog) Printf.warning("Slot " + ac._slot + " action 8: (" + info._spaceFlags + ";" + info._objId + ")"); return info; }
public static Struct readSyncInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _unk = p.readB(9) }; //160 existe no mapa OUTPOST if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[code13_ControledObj] " + BitConverter.ToString(info._unk)); } return(info); }
private static void LoadBox(int id) { string path = "data/cupons/" + id + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path, id); } else { Printf.warning("[RandomBoxXML] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
public static void Load() { string path = "data/battle/exceptions.xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path); } else { Printf.warning("[MeleeExceptionsXML] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
public static void Load() { string path = "data/ranktemplate/rankplayertemplate.xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path); } else { Printf.warning("[RankXML] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
private static void Load(string file, int type) { string path = "data/missions/" + file + ".mqf"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path, file, type); } else { Printf.warning("[MissionCardXML] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
public static Struct ReadInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _portal = p.readUH() }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("Slot " + ac._slot + " passed on the portal [" + info._portal + "]"); } return(info); }
public static Struct readSyncInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _isDestroyed = p.readC() //0=Normal|1=Quebrado }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[code9_StageInfoObjStatic] u: " + info._isDestroyed); } return(info); }
public static void Load() { string path = "data/titles/title_awards2.xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path); } else { Printf.warning("[TitleAwards] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
public static void Load() { string path = "data/cards/MissionAwards.xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { parse(path); } else { Printf.warning("[MissionAwards] Não existe o arquivo: " + path); } }
public static Struct ReadInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _unkV = p.readUH() }; //? if (genLog) { Printf.warning("Slot " + ac._slot + " is moving the crosshair position: posV (" + info._unkV + ")"); } return(info); }
public override void run() { try { Account player = _client._player; if (player == null) { return; } Room room = player._room; if (room == null || room.round.Timer != null || room._state < RoomState.Battle) { return; } bool isBotMode = room.isBotMode(); SLOT killer = room.getSlot(kills.killerIdx); if (killer == null || !isBotMode && (killer.state < SLOT_STATE.BATTLE || killer._id != player._slotId)) { return; } int score; Net_Room_Death.RegistryFragInfos(room,killer,out score,isBotMode,isSuicide,kills); if (isBotMode) { killer.Score += killer.killsOnLife + room.IngameAiLevel + score; if (killer.Score > 65535) { _client.SendPacket(new AUTH_ACCOUNT_KICK_PAK(0)); killer.Score = 65535; Printf.warning("O jogador " + player.player_name + " ultrapassou 65535 pontos no modo Bot"); SaveLog.LogAbuse("[Bot Mode] Score máximo atingido [Nick: " + player.player_name + "; Id: " + _client.player_id + "]"); } kills.Score = killer.Score; } else { killer.Score += score; AllUtils.CompleteMission(room,player,killer,kills,MISSION_TYPE.NA,0); kills.Score = score; } using (BATTLE_DEATH_PAK packet = new BATTLE_DEATH_PAK(room,kills,killer,isBotMode)) room.SendPacketToPlayers(packet,SLOT_STATE.BATTLE,0); Net_Room_Death.EndBattleByDeath(room,killer,isBotMode,isSuicide); } catch (Exception ex) { SaveLog.fatal(ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[] Erro fatal!"); _client.Close(0); } }
private static void parse(string path) { XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { if (fileStream.Length == 0) { Printf.warning("[WelcomeXML] O arquivo está vazio: " + path); } else { try { xmlDocument.Load(fileStream); for (XmlNode xmlNode1 = xmlDocument.FirstChild; xmlNode1 != null; xmlNode1 = xmlNode1.NextSibling) { if ("list".Equals(xmlNode1.Name)) { for (XmlNode xmlNode2 = xmlNode1.FirstChild; xmlNode2 != null; xmlNode2 = xmlNode2.NextSibling) { if ("msg".Equals(xmlNode2.Name)) { XmlNamedNodeMap xml = xmlNode2.Attributes; WelcomeModel ev = new WelcomeModel { _title = xml.GetNamedItem("title").Value, _txt = xml.GetNamedItem("text").Value, _color = short.Parse(xml.GetNamedItem("color").Value) }; _welcome.Add(ev); } } } } if (_welcome.Count == 0) { Printf.warning("[Aviso] Não existe mensagem de boas vindas"); } } catch (XmlException ex) { SaveLog.fatal(ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[WelcomeXML.Parse] Erro fatal!"); } } fileStream.Dispose(); fileStream.Close(); } }
public static Struct readSyncInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _radioId = p.readC(), _areaId = p.readC() }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("Slot " + ac._slot + " released a radio chat: radId, areaId [" + info._radioId + ";" + info._areaId + "]"); } return(info); }
public static Struct ReadInfo(ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { Life = p.readUH(), DestroyedBySlot = p.readC() }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[code3_ObjectStatic] Life: " + info.Life + "; DestroyedBy: " + info.DestroyedBySlot); } return(info); }
public static Struct readSyncInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _unkV = p.readC(), _unkV2 = p.readC() }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("Slot " + ac._slot + " action 16: unk (" + info._unkV + ";" + info._unkV2 + ")"); } return(info); }
public static Struct ReadInfo(ActionModel ac, ReceivePacket p, bool genLog) { Struct info = new Struct { _hitEffects = p.readC(), //&15 = Qm deu o dano | >>4 = Tipo do dano (CHARA_DEATH) _hitPart = p.readC() //Número do efeito?? }; if (genLog) { Printf.warning("[1] Effect: " + (info._hitEffects >> 4) + "; By slot: " + (info._hitEffects & 15)); Printf.warning("[2] Slot " + ac._slot + " action 524288: " + info._hitEffects + ";" + info._hitPart); } return(info); }
/// <summary> /// Checa se a data de ínicio da partida é válida. Caso seja válida, reseta as informações da sala, como objetos, informações de drop.. /// </summary> /// <param name="newvalue">Nova data</param> /// <param name="gen2">Informações da sala (Mapa/Tipo)</param> public void ResyncTick(long startTick, int gen2) { if (startTick > LastStartTick) { _startTime = new DateTime(startTick); if (LastStartTick > 0) { ResetRoomInfo(gen2); } LastStartTick = startTick; if (Config.isTestMode) { Printf.warning("[New tick is defined]"); } } }