public void StartFireMinigame(int numFires = 8)//starts the minigame. recommended number of fires to spawn is 8 { if (minigameIsFinished) { return;//don't let them start the minigame if they've already completed it } if (minigameIsRunning) { return;//don't let them start the fire minigame while it's already running } canSpawnFire = true; totalFires = numFires; popupText.DisplayPopupText("Put out the fires before the office burns down!"); minigameIsRunning = true; }
private IEnumerator DisplayErrorForSeconds(string text, float speechTime) { _pauseTyping = true; errorPopup.DisplayPopupText(text); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(speechTime)); _pauseTyping = false; errorPopup.HidePopupText(); }
private IEnumerator DisplayPopupAfterSeconds(PopupText popup, string text, float speechTime) { var popupTime = Time.time + speechTime; while (popupTime > Time.time) { if (_skipPresentation) { break; } yield return(null); } popup.DisplayPopupText(text); }