コード例 #1
        public RelateComputer(GeometryGraph[] arg)
            li            = new RobustLineIntersector();
            ptLocator     = new PointLocator();
            nodes         = new NodeMap(new RelateNodeFactory());
            isolatedEdges = new EdgeCollection();

            this.arg = arg;
コード例 #2
        public void testPointLocator()
            var pointLocator = new PointLocator();
            var polygon      = reader.Read("POLYGON ((70 340, 430 50, 70 50, 70 340))");

            Assert.AreEqual(Location.Exterior, pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(420, 340), polygon));
            Assert.AreEqual(Location.Boundary, pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(350, 50), polygon));
            Assert.AreEqual(Location.Boundary, pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(410, 50), polygon));
            Assert.AreEqual(Location.Interior, pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(190, 150), polygon));
コード例 #3
ファイル: LineBuilder.cs プロジェクト: spacefan/iGeospatial
        public LineBuilder(OverlayOp op, GeometryFactory geometryFactory,
                           PointLocator ptLocator)
            lineEdgesList  = new ArrayList();
            resultLineList = new GeometryList();

            this.op = op;
            this.geometryFactory = geometryFactory;
            this.ptLocator       = ptLocator;
コード例 #4
        public void TestPolygon()
            var pointLocator = new PointLocator();
            var polygon      = reader.Read("POLYGON ((70 340, 430 50, 70 50, 70 340))");

            Assert.That(pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(420, 340), polygon), Is.EqualTo(Location.Exterior));
            Assert.That(pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(350, 50), polygon), Is.EqualTo(Location.Boundary));
            Assert.That(pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(410, 50), polygon), Is.EqualTo(Location.Boundary));
            Assert.That(pointLocator.Locate(new Coordinate(190, 150), polygon), Is.EqualTo(Location.Interior));
コード例 #5
            public void run(int lookups)
                double s = 0;

                s += Traverse();

                pointlocator = new PointLocator <int>(ugly);

                LookUp(lookups, 567);
コード例 #6
 public string GetDistrics(Coordinate coordinate)
     foreach (var item in Streets)
         var pointLocator = new PointLocator();
         if (pointLocator.Intersects(coordinate, item.BasicGeometry as IGeometry))
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether any representative of the target geometry intersects the test geometry.
        /// This is useful in A/A, A/L, A/P, L/P, and P/P cases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testGeom">The test geometry</param>
        /// <returns>true if any component intersects the areal test geometry</returns>
        public bool IsAnyTargetComponentInTest(Geometry testGeom)
            var locator = new PointLocator();

            foreach (var representativePoint in RepresentativePoints)
                if (locator.Intersects(representativePoint, testGeom))
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether any representative point of the test Geometry intersects
        /// the target geometry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only handles test geometries which are Puntal (dimension 0)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="testGeom">A Puntal geometry to test</param>
        /// <returns>true if any point of the argument intersects the prepared geometry</returns>
        protected bool IsAnyTestPointInTarget(IGeometry testGeom)
             * This could be optimized by using the segment index on the lineal target.
             * However, it seems like the L/P case would be pretty rare in practice.
            var locator = new PointLocator();
            var coords  = ComponentCoordinateExtracter.GetCoordinates(testGeom);

            foreach (var p in coords)
                if (locator.Intersects(p, prepLine.Geometry))
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="DistanceOp"/> class
        /// that computes the distance and closest points between the
        /// two specified geometries.
        /// </summary>
        public DistanceOp(Geometry g0, Geometry g1)
            if (g0 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g0");
            if (g1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g1");

            ptLocator   = new PointLocator();
            minDistance = Double.MaxValue;

            this.geom    = new Geometry[2];
            geom[0]      = g0;
            geom[1]      = g1;
            m_objFactory = g0.Factory;
            if (m_objFactory == null)
                m_objFactory = g1.Factory;
コード例 #10
ファイル: OverlayOp.cs プロジェクト: spacefan/iGeospatial
        public OverlayOp(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) : base(g0, g1)
            if (g0 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g0");
            if (g1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g1");

            ptLocator       = new PointLocator();
            edgeList        = new EdgeList();
            resultPolyList  = new GeometryList();
            resultLineList  = new GeometryList();
            resultPointList = new GeometryList();

			graph = new PlanarGraph(new OverlayNodeFactory());
			// Use factory of primary geometry.
			// Note that this does NOT handle mixed-precision arguments
			// where the second arg has greater precision than the first.
			geomFact = g0.Factory;
コード例 #11
        public Geometry Union()
            var locater = new PointLocator();
            // use a set to eliminate duplicates, as required for union
            var exteriorCoords = new HashSet <Coordinate>();

            foreach (Point point in PointExtracter.GetPoints(_pointGeom))
                var coord = point.Coordinate;
                var loc   = locater.Locate(coord, _otherGeom);

                if (loc == Location.Exterior)

            // if no points are in exterior, return the other geom
            if (exteriorCoords.Count == 0)

            // make a puntal geometry of appropriate size
            var exteriorCoordsArray = new Coordinate[exteriorCoords.Count];

            exteriorCoords.CopyTo(exteriorCoordsArray, 0);
            var coords = _geomFact.CoordinateSequenceFactory.Create(exteriorCoordsArray);
            var ptComp = coords.Count == 1
                ? (Geometry)_geomFact.CreatePoint(coords)
                : _geomFact.CreateMultiPoint(coords);

            // add point component to the other geometry
            return(GeometryCombiner.Combine(ptComp, _otherGeom));
コード例 #12
        public IGeometry Union()
            PointLocator locater = new PointLocator();

            // use a set to eliminate duplicates, as required for union
#if Goletas
            HashSet <ICoordinate> exteriorCoords = new HashSet <ICoordinate>();
            TreeSet exteriorCoords = new TreeSet();

            foreach (IPoint point in PointExtracter.GetPoints(_pointGeom))
                ICoordinate coord = point.Coordinate;
                Locations   loc   = locater.Locate(coord, _otherGeom);

                if (loc == Locations.Exterior)

            // if no points are in exterior, return the other geom
            if (exteriorCoords.Count == 0)

            // make a puntal geometry of appropriate size
            IGeometry           ptComp = null;
            ICoordinateSequence coords = _geomFact.CoordinateSequenceFactory.Create(exteriorCoords.ToArray());
            ptComp = coords.Count == 1 ? (IGeometry)_geomFact.CreatePoint(coords.GetCoordinate(0)) : _geomFact.CreateMultiPoint(coords);

            // add point component to the other geometry
            return(GeometryCombiner.Combine(ptComp, _otherGeom));
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="op"></param>
 /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param>
 /// <param name="ptLocator"></param>
 public LineBuilder(OverlayOp op, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, PointLocator ptLocator)
     this.op = op;
     this.geometryFactory = geometryFactory;
     this.ptLocator       = ptLocator;
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="op"></param>
 /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param>
 /// <param name="ptLocator"></param>
 public LineBuilder(OverlayOp op, GeometryFactory geometryFactory, PointLocator ptLocator)
     _op = op;
     _geometryFactory = geometryFactory;
     _ptLocator       = ptLocator;
コード例 #15
        public ImageProcessingResults3D Process(List <HImage> images, List <PointSettingViewModel> pointSettings,
                                                ISnackbarMessageQueue messageQueue)
            var    bottomImage = images[0];
            var    leftImage = images[1];
            var    rightImage = images[2];
            HTuple imageWidth, imageHeight;

            rightImage.GetImageSize(out imageWidth, out imageHeight);

            HObject leftImageAligned, bottomImageAligned, rightImageAligned, contours, imageComposed, regionB;
            HTuple  rowB, colB, rowC, colC;

            _halconScripts.get_location(leftImage, rightImage, bottomImage, out leftImageAligned, out rightImageAligned, out bottomImageAligned, out contours, out imageComposed, out regionB, _shapeModelHandleRight, out rowB, out colB, out rowC, out colC);

            // Translate base
            var lineB = new Line(colB.DArr[0], rowB.DArr[0], colB.DArr[1], rowB.DArr[1], true).SortLeftRight();
            var lineC = new Line(colC.DArr[0], rowC.DArr[0], colC.DArr[1], rowC.DArr[1], true).SortUpDown().InvertDirection();

            var xAxis = lineB.Translate(1.0 / _yCoeff * -6.788);

            xAxis.IsVisible = true;
            var yAxis = lineC.Translate(1.0 / _xCoeff * -19.605);

            yAxis.IsVisible = true;

            // Record debugging data
            var recordings = new List <ICsvColumnElement>();

            recordings.Add(new AngleItem()
                Name  = "BC",
                Value = lineB.AngleWithLine(lineC)
            recordings.Add(new AngleItem()
                Name  = "C",
                Value = lineC.AngleWithLine(new Line(1, 0, 2, 0))

            var imageB = bottomImageAligned.HobjectToHimage().ConvertImageType("real").ScaleImage(0.001, 0);
            var imageL = leftImageAligned.HobjectToHimage().ConvertImageType("real").ScaleImage(0.001, 0);
            var imageR = rightImageAligned.HobjectToHimage().ConvertImageType("real").ScaleImage(0.001, 0);

            imageB.GetImageSize(out imageWidth, out imageHeight);
            imageL.GetImageSize(out imageWidth, out imageHeight);
            imageR.GetImageSize(out imageWidth, out imageHeight);

            var visualBR = VisualizeAlignment(imageR, imageB);
            var visualLR = VisualizeAlignment(imageR, imageL);

            var pointLocator = new PointLocator(xAxis, yAxis, _xCoeff, -_yCoeff);
            var pointMarkers = pointLocator.LocatePoints(pointSettings, new List <HImage>()
                imageB, imageL, imageR

            var output = new ImageProcessingResults3D()
                Images = new List <HImage>()
                    imageB, imageL, imageR, visualBR, visualLR
                PointMarkers      = pointMarkers,
                RecordingElements = recordings,
                ChangeOfBaseInv   = MathUtils.GetChangeOfBaseInv(xAxis, yAxis, 1 / _xCoeff, 1 / _yCoeff),
                Edges             = regionB


コード例 #16
ファイル: PointBuilder.cs プロジェクト: klosejay/Gisoft.Map
 public PointBuilder(OverlayOp op, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, PointLocator ptLocator = null)
     : this(op, geometryFactory)
コード例 #17
        //private PointLocator _ptLocator;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="op"></param>
        /// <param name="geometryFactory"></param>
        /// <param name="ptLocator"></param>
        public PointBuilder(OverlayOp op, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, PointLocator ptLocator)
            _op = op;
            _geometryFactory = geometryFactory;
            //_ptLocator = ptLocator;