コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluates the board, looking for the best position for the AI Actor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="playfield">The board in question</param>
    /// <param name="IsOpponentsMove">Is the player playing right now the AI actor or the opponent, Defaults to it being the AI actor</param>
    /// <param name="depth">remaining depth to evaluate. Defaults to 0</param>
    /// <param name="alphaValue">alpha of the current best move. Needed for A/B pruning. Defaults to the AI actor is player 0</param>
    /// <returns>returns the evaluation of the board position for player 0</returns>
    private float EvaluatePositionNoOptimizations(Playfield playfield, bool IsOpponentsMove = false, int depth = 0)
        //check to see if we've reached the bottom of the evaluation tree. If we have evaluate that position
        if (depth < 1)

        float LocalAlpha; //LocalAlpha is the value "best" move found so far for the players whose move it is, defaults to the worst value.
        float CurrentMoveAlpha = 0;

        if (playfield.WhoseTurnIsIt() == 0)
            LocalAlpha = float.MinValue;
            LocalAlpha = float.MaxValue;

        bool[] IsALegalMove = playfield.LegalMoves();

        for (int i = 0; i < playfield.Width; i++)
            if (IsALegalMove[i])
                if (playfield.MakeMoveNoErrorChecking(i)) //returns true if the game is over (draw or win)
                    if (playfield.Status == PlayStatus.Win)
                        if (playfield.WhoseTurnIsIt() == 0)
                    else if (playfield.Status == PlayStatus.Draw)
                        CurrentMoveAlpha = 0;                                           //draws return 0
                    CurrentMoveAlpha = EvaluatePositionNoOptimizations(playfield, true, depth - 1);

                playfield.UndoMove(); //reset the board to its original condition

                if ((playfield.WhoseTurnIsIt() == 0 && CurrentMoveAlpha > LocalAlpha) || (playfield.WhoseTurnIsIt() != 0 && CurrentMoveAlpha < LocalAlpha))
                    LocalAlpha = CurrentMoveAlpha;