コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the resolution of the play-services aars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="svcSupport">Svc support.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDirectory">Destination directory.</param>
        /// <param name="handleOverwriteConfirmation">Handle overwrite confirmation.</param>
        /// <param name="resolutionComplete">Delegate called when resolution is complete.</param>
        public override void DoResolution(PlayServicesSupport svcSupport, string destinationDirectory,
                                          PlayServicesSupport.OverwriteConfirmation handleOverwriteConfirmation,
                                          System.Action resolutionComplete)
            string targetSdkVersion  = UnityCompat.GetAndroidPlatform().ToString();
            string minSdkVersion     = UnityCompat.GetAndroidMinSDKVersion().ToString();
            string buildToolsVersion = UnityCompat.GetAndroidBuildToolsVersion();

            var config = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "app_id", UnityCompat.ApplicationId },
                { "sdk_version", targetSdkVersion },
                { "min_sdk_version", minSdkVersion },
                { "build_tools_version", buildToolsVersion },
                { "android_sdk_dir", svcSupport.SDK }

            // This creates an enumerable of strings with the json lines for each dep like this:
            // "[\"namespace\", \"package\", \"version\"]"
            var dependencies = svcSupport.LoadDependencies(true, true, false);
            var depLines     = from d in dependencies
                               select "[" + ToJSONList(DepsVersionAsArray(d.Value)) + "]";
            // Get a flattened list of dependencies, excluding any with the "$SDK" path variable,
            // since those will automatically be included in the gradle build.
            var repoLines = new HashSet <string>(
                dependencies.SelectMany(d => d.Value.Repositories)
                .Where(s => !s.Contains(PlayServicesSupport.SdkVariable)));

            var proguard_config_paths = new List <string>()

            // Build the full json config as a string.
            string json_config = @"{{
""config"": {{
""project_deps"": [
""extra_m2repositories"": [
""extra_proguard_configs"": [

            json_config = String.Format(json_config, ToJSONDictionary(config),
                                        ToJSONList(depLines, ",\n", 4, true),
                                        ToJSONList(repoLines, ",\n", 4),
                                        ToJSONList(proguard_config_paths, ",\n", 4));

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH, json_config);

                " -c \"" + GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH + "\"" +
                " -b \"" + GENERATE_GRADLE_BUILD_PATH + "\"" +
                " -o \"" + Path.Combine(destinationDirectory, GENERATE_GRADLE_OUTPUT_DIR) + "\"");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the resolution and the exploding/cleanup as needed.
        /// </summary>
        public override void DoResolution(
            PlayServicesSupport svcSupport, string destinationDirectory,
            PlayServicesSupport.OverwriteConfirmation handleOverwriteConfirmation,
            System.Action resolutionComplete)
            System.Action resolve = () => {
                DoResolutionNoAndroidPackageChecks(svcSupport, destinationDirectory,

            // Set of packages that need to be installed.
            Dictionary <string, bool> installPackages = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            // Retrieve the set of required packages and whether they're installed.
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> > requiredPackages =
                new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, bool> >();

            foreach (Dependency dependency in
                     svcSupport.LoadDependencies(true, keepMissing: true).Values)
                if (dependency.PackageIds != null)
                    foreach (string packageId in dependency.PackageIds)
                        Dictionary <string, bool> dependencySet;
                        if (!requiredPackages.TryGetValue(packageId, out dependencySet))
                            dependencySet = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
                        dependencySet[dependency.Key] = false;
                        requiredPackages[packageId]   = dependencySet;
                        // If the dependency is missing, add it to the set that needs to be
                        // installed.
                        if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(dependency.BestVersionPath))
                            installPackages[packageId] = false;

            // If no packages need to be installed or Android SDK package installation is disabled.
            if (installPackages.Count == 0 || !AndroidPackageInstallationEnabled())
                // Report missing packages as warnings and try to resolve anyway.
                foreach (string pkg in requiredPackages.Keys)
                    string depString = System.String.Join(
                        ", ", CollectionToArray(requiredPackages[pkg].Keys));
                    if (installPackages.ContainsKey(pkg) && depString.Length > 0)
                        Debug.LogWarning(pkg + " not installed or out of date!  This is " +
                                         "required by the following dependencies " + depString);
                // Attempt resolution.

            // Find the Android SDK manager.
            string sdkPath     = svcSupport.SDK;
            string androidTool = FindAndroidSdkTool(svcSupport, "android");

            if (androidTool == null || sdkPath == null || sdkPath == "")
                Debug.LogError("Unable to find the Android SDK manager tool.  " +
                               "Required Android packages (" +
                               System.String.Join(", ", CollectionToArray(installPackages.Keys)) +
                               ") can not be installed.  " +

            // Get the set of available and installed packages.
                androidTool, svcSupport,
                (Dictionary <string, bool> packageInfo) => {
                if (packageInfo == null)

                // Filter the set of packages to install by what is available.
                foreach (string pkg in requiredPackages.Keys)
                    bool installed   = false;
                    string depString = System.String.Join(
                        ", ", CollectionToArray(requiredPackages[pkg].Keys));
                    if (packageInfo.TryGetValue(pkg, out installed))
                        if (!installed)
                            installPackages[pkg] = false;
                            Debug.LogWarning(pkg + " not installed or out of date!  " +
                                             "This is required by the following " +
                                             "dependencies " + depString);
                        Debug.LogWarning(pkg + " referenced by " + depString +
                                         " not available in the Android SDK.  This " +
                                         "package will not be installed.");

                if (installPackages.Count == 0)

                // Start installation.
                string installPackagesString = System.String.Join(
                    ",", CollectionToArray(installPackages.Keys));
                string packagesCommand   = "update sdk -a -u -t " + installPackagesString;
                CommandLineDialog window = CommandLineDialog.CreateCommandLineDialog(
                    "Install Android SDK packages");
                window.summaryText   = "Retrieving licenses...";
                window.modal         = false;
                window.progressTitle = window.summaryText;
                    androidTool, packagesCommand,
                    (CommandLine.Result getLicensesResult) => {
                    // Get the start of the license text.
                    int licenseTextStart = getLicensesResult.stdout.IndexOf("--------");
                    if (getLicensesResult.exitCode != 0 || licenseTextStart < 0)
                        Debug.LogError("Unable to retrieve licenses for packages " +

                    // Remove the download output from the string.
                    string licenseText = getLicensesResult.stdout.Substring(
                    window.summaryText = ("License agreement(s) required to install " +
                                          "Android SDK packages");
                    window.bodyText = licenseText;
                    window.yesText  = "agree";
                    window.noText   = "decline";
                    window.result   = false;
                    window.buttonClicked = (TextAreaDialog dialog) => {
                        if (!dialog.result)

                        window.summaryText        = "Installing Android SDK packages...";
                        window.bodyText           = "";
                        window.yesText            = "";
                        window.noText             = "";
                        window.buttonClicked      = null;
                        window.progressTitle      = window.summaryText;
                        window.autoScrollToBottom = true;
                        // Kick off installation.
                            androidTool, packagesCommand,
                            (CommandLine.Result updateResult) => {
                            if (updateResult.exitCode == 0)
                                Debug.LogError("Android SDK update failed.  " +
                                               updateResult.stderr + "(" +
                                               updateResult.exitCode.ToString() + ")");
                            ioHandler: (new LicenseResponder(true)).AggregateLine,
                            maxProgressLines: 500);
                    ioHandler: (new LicenseResponder(false)).AggregateLine,
                    maxProgressLines: 250);
コード例 #3
        // Private method to avoid too deeply nested code in "DoResolution".
        private void GradleResolve(AndroidSdkPackageCollection packages,
                                   PlayServicesSupport svcSupport, string destinationDirectory,
                                   System.Action resolutionComplete)
            string errorOutro = "make sure you have the latest version of this plugin and if you " +
                                "still get this error, report it in a a bug here:\n" +
            string errorIntro = null;

            int    targetSdkVersion  = UnityCompat.GetAndroidTargetSDKVersion();
            string buildToolsVersion = null;

            if (targetSdkVersion < 0)
                // A value of -1 means the targetSDK Version enum returned "Auto"
                // instead of an actual version, so it's up to us to actually figure it out.
                targetSdkVersion = GetLatestInstalledAndroidPlatformVersion(packages);
                    String.Format("TargetSDK is set to Auto-detect, and the latest Platform has been " +
                                  "detected as: android-{0}", targetSdkVersion),
                    level: PlayServicesSupport.LogLevel.Info, verbose: true);

                errorIntro = String.Format("The Target SDK is set to automatically pick the highest " +
                                           "installed platform in the Android Player Settings, which appears to be " +
                                           "\"android-{0}\". This requires build-tools with at least the same version, " +
                                           "however ", targetSdkVersion);
                errorIntro = String.Format("The target SDK version is set in the Android Player " +
                                           "Settings to \"android-{0}\" which requires build tools with " +
                                           "at least the same version, however ", targetSdkVersion);

            // You can use a higher version of the build-tools than your compileSdkVersion, in order
            // to pick up new/better compiler while not changing what you build your app against. --Xav
            // https://stackoverflow.com/a/24523113
            // Implicitly Xav is also saying, you can't use a build tool version less than the
            // platform level you're building. This is backed up from testing.
            if (targetSdkVersion > TESTED_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_MAJOR)
                buildToolsVersion = GetLatestMinorBuildToolsVersion(packages, targetSdkVersion);

                if (buildToolsVersion == null)
                    PlayServicesSupport.Log(errorIntro + String.Format("no build-tools are available " +
                                                                       "at this level in the sdk manager. This plugin has been tested with " +
                                                                       "platforms up to android-{0} using build-tools {0}.{1}.{2}. You can try " +
                                                                       "selecting a lower targetSdkVersion in the Android Player Settings.  Please ",
                                                                       TESTED_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_MAJOR, TESTED_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_MINOR,
                                                                       TESTED_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_REV) + errorOutro,
                                            level: PlayServicesSupport.LogLevel.Error);
                    PlayServicesSupport.Log(errorIntro + String.Format("this plugin has only been " +
                                                                       "tested with build-tools up to version {0}.{1}.{2}. Corresponding " +
                                                                       "build-tools version {3} will be used, however this is untested with this " +
                                                                       "plugin and MAY NOT WORK! If you have trouble, please select a target SDK " +
                                                                       "version at or below \"android-{0}\". If you need to get this working with " +
                                                                       "the latest platform, please ",
                                                                       buildToolsVersion) + errorOutro, level: PlayServicesSupport.LogLevel.Warning);

            if (buildToolsVersion == null)
                // Use the tested build tools version, which we know will be able to handle
                // this targetSDK version.
                buildToolsVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", TESTED_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_MAJOR,
                // We don't have to bother with checking if it's installed because gradle actually
                // does that for us.

            string minSdkVersion = UnityCompat.GetAndroidMinSDKVersion().ToString();

            var config = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "app_id", UnityCompat.ApplicationId },
                { "sdk_version", targetSdkVersion.ToString() },
                { "min_sdk_version", minSdkVersion },
                { "build_tools_version", buildToolsVersion },
                { "android_sdk_dir", svcSupport.SDK }

            // This creates an enumerable of strings with the json lines for each dep like this:
            // "[\"namespace\", \"package\", \"version\"]"
            var dependencies = svcSupport.LoadDependencies(true, true, false);
            var depLines     = from d in dependencies
                               select "[" + ToJSONList(DepsVersionAsArray(d.Value)) + "]";
            // Get a flattened list of dependencies, excluding any with the "$SDK" path variable,
            // since those will automatically be included in the gradle build.
            var repoLines = new HashSet <string>(
                dependencies.SelectMany(d => d.Value.Repositories)
                .Where(s => !s.Contains(PlayServicesSupport.SdkVariable)));

            var proguard_config_paths = new List <string>()

            // Build the full json config as a string.
            string json_config = @"{{
""config"": {{
""project_deps"": [
""extra_m2repositories"": [
""extra_proguard_configs"": [

            json_config = String.Format(json_config, ToJSONDictionary(config),
                                        ToJSONList(depLines, ",\n", 4, true),
                                        ToJSONList(repoLines, ",\n", 4),
                                        ToJSONList(proguard_config_paths, ",\n", 4));

            // Escape any literal backslashes (such as those from paths on windows), since we want to
            // preserve them when reading the config as backslashes and not interpret them
            // as escape characters.
            json_config = json_config.Replace(@"\", @"\\");

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH, json_config);
            var outDir = Path.Combine(destinationDirectory, GENERATE_GRADLE_OUTPUT_DIR);

                " -c \"" + GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH + "\"" +
                " -b \"" + GENERATE_GRADLE_BUILD_PATH + "\"" +
                " -o \"" + outDir + "\"",
                (result) => {
                if (result.exitCode == 0)
                    var currentAbi = PlayServicesResolver.AndroidTargetDeviceAbi;
                    var activeAbis = GetSelectedABIDirs(currentAbi);
                    var libsDir    = Path.Combine(outDir, "libs");
                    if (Directory.Exists(libsDir))
                        foreach (var directory in Directory.GetDirectories(libsDir))
                            var abiDir = Path.GetFileName(directory).ToLower();
                            if (!activeAbis.Contains(abiDir))
                                    directory, includeMetaFiles: true);
                    if (Directory.Exists(outDir))
                        PlayServicesResolver.LabelAssets(new [] { outDir }, true, true);