private void UpdatePosition() { if (_previousPin != null) { _map.Pins.Remove(_previousPin); } else { _previousPin = new Pin(); } _map.Pins.Clear(); var zoomLat = _map.VisibleRegion == null ? 6.0 : _map.VisibleRegion.LatitudeDegrees; var zoomLon = _map.VisibleRegion == null ? 6.0 : _map.VisibleRegion.LongitudeDegrees; var zoomRad = _map.VisibleRegion == null ? 6.0 : _map.VisibleRegion.Radius.Miles; _map.MoveToRegion(new MapSpan(_mapViewModel.UserPosition, zoomLat, zoomLon )); // _map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(_mapViewModel.UserPosition, Distance.FromMiles(zoomRad))); MapSpan temp = _map.VisibleRegion; GetWeb(); //Add the pin. Position pinPos = new Position(_mapViewModel.UserPosition.Latitude, _mapViewModel.UserPosition.Longitude); _previousPin.Position = pinPos; _previousPin.Label = "My Location"; _previousPin.Type = PinType.Generic; _map.Pins.Add(_previousPin); UpdateServerUser(); }
public MapPageCS () { var customMap = new CustomMap { MapType = MapType.Street, WidthRequest = App.ScreenWidth, HeightRequest = App.ScreenHeight }; var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position (37.79752, -122.40183), Label = "Xamarin San Francisco Office", Address = "394 Pacific Ave, San Francisco CA" }; var position = new Position (37.79752, -122.40183); customMap.Circle = new CustomCircle { Position = position, Radius = 1000 }; customMap.Pins.Add (pin); customMap.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (position, Distance.FromMiles (1.0))); Content = customMap; }
private async Task FetchData() { var apiService = new FatSubsService (); var apiResult = await apiService.GetDetailsAsync (); if (apiResult != null) { Model = apiResult; var coder = new Geocoder (); var portlandPositions = await coder.GetPositionsForAddressAsync ("Portland, Oregon"); if (portlandPositions.Any()) { Portland = portlandPositions.ElementAt (0); } var positions = await coder.GetPositionsForAddressAsync (Model.Location.Address); foreach (var pos in positions) { var location = new Pin () { Position = pos, Address = Model.Location.Address, Type = PinType.Place, Label = Model.Location.Name }; if (UpdateMapCommand != null) { UpdateMapCommand.Execute (location); } } } }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (FContextDirty) { if (FInFullHouseContext[0] == null) FInFullHouseContext = null; else { FContext = FInFullHouseContext[0].FullHouseNode; } } if (FInDo[0]) FContext.Update += OnUpdate; if (FCornersDirty) { lock(FWorldCorners) { FOutWorld.SliceCount = FWorldCorners.Count; for (int i = 0; i < FWorldCorners.Count; i++) FOutWorld[i] = FWorldCorners[i]; } lock (FDepthCorners) { FOutDepth.SliceCount = FDepthCorners.Count; for (int i = 0; i < FDepthCorners.Count; i++) FOutDepth[i] = FDepthCorners[i]; } } }
public GetGeoXaml() { InitializeComponent(); map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(centerPosition, Distance.FromKilometers(4d))); button.Clicked += async (sender, e) => { var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current; locator.DesiredAccuracy = 50; var location = await locator.GetPositionAsync(10000); LatLabel.Text = "Lat: " + location.Latitude.ToString("N6"); LonLabel.Text = "Lon: " + location.Longitude.ToString("N6"); var addr = await getAddress.GetJsonAsync(location.Latitude, location.Longitude) ?? "取得できませんでした"; AddrLabel.Text = "Address: " + addr; // Map を移動させてピン打ち map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude), Distance.FromKilometers(4d))); if (map.Pins.Count() > 0) map.Pins.Clear(); pin = new Pin { Position = new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude), Label = addr, }; map.Pins.Add(pin); }; }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); Set.Clicked += async (sender, e) => { double latitude = MyMap.VisibleRegion.Center.Latitude; double longitude = MyMap.VisibleRegion.Center.Longitude; var weather = await weatherService.GetCurrentWeather(latitude, longitude); var position = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(latitude, longitude); var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Generic, Position = position, Label = $"{weather.main.temp}°C", Address = $"{weather.description}", }; MyMap.Pins.Add(pin); }; Cancel.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (MyMap.Pins.Count > 0) { MyMap.Pins.Remove(MyMap.Pins.Last()); } }; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new TristatePort object /// </summary> /// <param name="pin"> /// A <see cref="Pin"/> type representing a pin /// </param> /// <exception cref="ActivatePinException"></exception> public TristatePort(Pin pin) { this._p = pin; bool export = this._Export(_p); if(!export) throw new ActivatePinException("Pin is working, stop first!"); }
public static LedGraphicDisplay GetMax7219GraphicLedDisplay(Spi port, Pin latch, int numDevices) { IEnumerable<Led> finalList = new List<Led>(); for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { Max7219 driver; driver = new Max7219(port, latch, i); var tempList = new List<Led>(); // We have to re-order the LEDs from the Max7219 { for (int k = 62; k >= 56; k--) { for (int m = k; m >= 0; m -= 8) { tempList.Add(driver.Leds[m]); } } for (int k = 63; k >= 0; k -= 8) { tempList.Add(driver.Leds[k]); } } finalList = finalList.Concat(tempList); } var display = new LedGraphicDisplay(finalList.ToList(), 8 * numDevices, 8); return display; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new analog feedback servo from an analog pin and a speed controller /// </summary> /// <param name="analogIn">The analog in pin to use for position feedback</param> /// <param name="Controller">The speed controller to use to control the motor</param> public AnalogFeedbackServo(Pin analogIn, MotorSpeedController Controller) { this.analogIn = analogIn; this.controller = Controller; analogIn.Mode = PinMode.AnalogInput; isRunning = true; controlLoopTask = new Task(async() => { while (isRunning) { var oldPosition = ActualPosition; var newPosition = analogIn.AnalogValue; ActualPosition = newPosition; var error = GoalPosition - ActualPosition; if (Math.Abs(error) > ErrorThreshold) controller.Speed = Utilities.Constrain(K * error, -1.0, 1.0); else { controller.Speed = 0; //Debug.WriteLine("goal achieved"); } await Task.Delay(10); } }); controlLoopTask.Start(); }
public MapController(Entity entity) { try { Entity = entity; Title = Entity.EntityTypeName; _map = new MKMapView (); _pin = new Pin(Entity); _map.Frame = View.Bounds; _map.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight; _map.AddAnnotation(_pin); _map.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion (_pin.Coordinate, new MKCoordinateSpan (0.01, 0.01)); View.AddSubview (_map); _map.SelectAnnotation(_pin, true); } catch (Exception error) { Log.Error (error); } }
private void Locate() { if (vm != null) { var position = new XLabs.Platform.Services.Geolocation.Position(); //default position position.Longitude = vm.Longitude; position.Latitude = vm.Latitude; var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position(vm.Latitude, vm.Longitude), Label = "Accident Location", Address = "" }; map.Circle = new CustomCircle { Position = position, Radius = 800 }; map.Pins.Add(pin); map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(vm.Latitude, vm.Longitude ), Distance.FromMiles(0.9))); } }
public void NodeDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { try { string MName = e.Node.Name + "_NodeDoubleClick"; MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethods().Where(n => n.Name.Equals(MName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (methodInfo != null) { SENDER = sender; TNMCEA = e; TREENODE = e.Node; if (e.Node.Tag is Pin) { PIN = e.Node.Tag as Pin; NdataBaseHelper.DBFullName = PIN.DataBasePath; } methodInfo.Invoke(this, new object[] { });//调用MName名字的函数 DoubleClick_OK = true; } else { DoubleClick_OK = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public MapPage () { NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar (this, true); Title = "Austin, Texas"; /* DON'T FORGET * Xamarin.QuickUIMaps.Init (); */ var map = new Map(new MapSpan(new Position(30.26535, -97.738613), 0.05, 0.05)) { MapType = MapType.Street, HeightRequest = 508 }; map.BackgroundColor = Color.White; Pin pin; map.Pins.Add(pin = new Pin() { Label = "Evolve 2013", Position = new Position(30.26535, -97.738613), Type = PinType.Place }); Content = new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, Children = { map } }; }
public TeamMembers() { InitializeComponent(); this.Title = PageResources.DefaultPageTitle; // CJP TODO, need to move team member service to ioc container TeamMemberService service = new TeamMemberService(); var teamMemberList = service.GetTestData(); MyMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(32.8946723, -96.9774144), Distance.FromMiles(1))); foreach (var teamMember in teamMemberList) { var position = new Position(teamMember.UserLocation.Latitude, teamMember.UserLocation.Longitude); // Latitude, Longitude var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.SearchResult, Position = position, Label = teamMember.User.Name, Address = teamMember.UserLocation.AddressName }; MyMap.Pins.Add(pin); // CJP TODO, need add MediaPlayer for pop sound playback foreach teamMember } }
public SevenSegSpi(Spi SPIModule, Pin csPin, int numDevices = 1) { this.SPIModule = SPIModule; SPIModule.Start(SPIMode.Mode00, 1); this.csPin = csPin; if(numDevices<=0 || numDevices>8 ) throw new Exception("This library supports 1 to 8 displays."); this.numDevices = numDevices; this.csPin.DigitalValue = true; spiData = new byte[numDevices*2]; for(int i=0; i<numDevices; i++) { spiTransfer(OP_DISPLAYTEST, 0, i); //scanlimit is set to max on startup setScanLimit(7, i); //decode is done in source spiTransfer(OP_DECODEMODE, 0, i); clearDisplay(i); //we go into shutdown-mode on startup shutdown(false, i); setIntensity(10, i); } }
public Wire(Pin pin) { if (pin == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pin"); Input = pin; }
public StoreMapPage() { var map = new Map ( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius ( new Position (30.0219504, -89.8830829), Distance.FromMiles (0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; // pin first address var positionA = new Position (30.517174,-90.463322); var pinA = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = positionA, Label = "Store A (HQ)", Address = "100 Janes Lane, \n Hammond, LA, \n 70401" }; map.Pins.Add (pinA); // pin second address var positionB = new Position (37.42565,-122.13535); var pinB = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = positionB, Label = "Store B", Address = "Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, CA, \n 94025" }; map.Pins.Add (pinB); // pin third address var positionC = new Position (42.360091,-71.09416); var pinC = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = positionC, Label = "Store C", Address = "Boston, MA, \n 02481" }; map.Pins.Add (pinC); // add the slider var slider = new Slider (1, 18, 1); slider.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { var zoomLevel = e.NewValue; // between 1 and 18 var latlongdegrees = 360 / (Math.Pow (2, zoomLevel)); //Debug.WriteLine(zoomLevel + " -> " + latlongdegrees); if (map.VisibleRegion != null) map.MoveToRegion (new MapSpan (map.VisibleRegion.Center, latlongdegrees, latlongdegrees)); }; var stackLayout = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stackLayout.Children.Add (map); stackLayout.Children.Add (slider); Content = stackLayout; }
public async Task<Pin> LoadPin() { Position p = _GeoCodingService.NullPosition; var address = Lead.AddressString; //Lookup Lat/Long all the time. //TODO: Only look up if no value, or if address properties have changed. //if (Contact.Latitude == 0) if (true) { p = await _GeoCodingService.GeoCodeAddress(address); //p = p == null ? Utils.NullPosition : p; Lead.Latitude = p.Latitude; Lead.Longitude = p.Longitude; } var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = p, Label = Lead.DisplayName, Address = address }; return pin; }
internal DHTTemperatureAndHumiditySensor(GrovePi device, Pin pin, DHTModel model) { if (device == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device)); _device = device; _pin = pin; _model = model; }
internal TemperatureSensor(IGrovePi device, Pin pin, TemperatureSensorModel model) { if (device == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device)); _device = device; _pin = pin; _model = model; }
internal RotaryAngleSensor(GrovePi device, Pin pin) { if (device == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device)); device.PinMode(_pin, PinMode.Input); _device = device; _pin = pin; }
public void AnalogWrite(Pin pin, byte value) { lock (deviceLock) { var buffer = new byte[] { (byte)Command.AnalogWrite, (byte)pin, value, Constants.Unused }; DirectAccess.Write(buffer); } }
public override void setupPins() { pins = new Pin[3]; pins[0] = new Pin("I1"); pins[1] = new Pin("I2"); pins[2] = new Pin("O"); pins[2].output = true; }
public override void setupPins() { pins = new Pin[3]; pins[0] = new Pin("X"); pins[0].output = true; pins[1] = new Pin("Y"); pins[2] = new Pin("Z"); }
public PinSchedule(DateTime date, Pin pin, int value, ScheduleTypes type = ScheduleTypes.Once, int interval = 0) { _date = date; _pin = pin; _value = value; _type = type; _interval = interval; }
public int AnalogRead(Pin pin) { var buffer = new[] {(byte) Commands.DigitalRead, (byte) Commands.AnalogRead, (byte) pin, Constants.Unused, Constants.Unused}; DirectAccess.Write(buffer); DirectAccess.Read(buffer); return buffer[1] * 256 + buffer[2]; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new InputPort object /// </summary> /// <param name="pin"> /// A <see cref="Pin"/> type representing a pin /// </param> /// <exception cref="ActivatePinException"></exception> public InputPort(Pin pin) { this._p = pin; bool export = this._Export(_p); if (!export) throw new ActivatePinException("Pin is working, stop first!"); File.WriteAllText(GPIO_PATH + _p.ToString().Split('_')[1] + "/direction", Direction.IN.ToString().ToLower()); }
private Pin _rs_pin; // LOW: command. HIGH: character. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Adafruit292CharacterLcd(byte address = 0x20) { _i2c = new MCP23008(address, null); _rs_pin = Pin.GP1; _enable_pin = Pin.GP2; _data_pins[0] = Pin.GP3; _data_pins[1] = Pin.GP4; _data_pins[2] = Pin.GP5; _data_pins[3] = Pin.GP6; _data_mask = _data_pins[0] | _data_pins[1] | _data_pins[2] | _data_pins[3]; _displayFunction = LCD_4BITMODE | LCD_2LINE | LCD_5x8DOTS; // turn on backlight _i2c.PinDirection(Pin.GP7, Direction.Output); _i2c.WritePin(Pin.GP7, true); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { _i2c.PinDirection(_data_pins[i], Direction.Output); } _i2c.PinDirection(_rs_pin, Direction.Output); _i2c.PinDirection(_enable_pin, Direction.Output); Thread.Sleep(50); // minimum 40ms post-power-up delay _i2c.WritePin(_rs_pin, false); _i2c.WritePin(_enable_pin, false); // Send function set command sequence SendCommand((byte)(LCD_FUNCTIONSET | (byte)0x03)); Thread.Sleep(5); // wait more than 4.1ms SendCommand((byte)(LCD_FUNCTIONSET | (byte)0x03)); Thread.Sleep(5); SendCommand((byte)(LCD_FUNCTIONSET | (byte)0x03)); Thread.Sleep(1); SendCommand((byte)(LCD_FUNCTIONSET | (byte)0x02)); Thread.Sleep(1); // finally, set # lines, font size, etc. SendCommand((byte)(LCD_FUNCTIONSET | _displayFunction)); Thread.Sleep(1); _displayControl = LCD_DISPLAYON | LCD_CURSOROFF | LCD_BLINKOFF; EnableDisplay(true); // Initialize to default text direction (for romance languages) _displayMode = LCD_ENTRYLEFT | LCD_ENTRYSHIFTDECREMENT; // set the entry mode SendCommand((byte)(LCD_ENTRYMODESET | _displayMode)); Thread.Sleep(100); Backlight(true); Clear(); }
public BaseDX11RenderStateSimple(IPluginHost host,IIOFactory iofactory) { this.FHost = host; this.FIOFactory = iofactory; InputAttribute attr = this.GetEnumPin(); attr.CheckIfChanged = true; this.FInPreset = this.FIOFactory.CreatePin<EnumEntry>(attr); }
public LamanPin () { peta = new Map { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand }; peta.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(-6.1949718, 106.8208304), Distance.FromKilometers(1))); var posisi = new Position(-6.1949718, 106.8208304); var pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = posisi, Label = "Hotel Indonesia", Address = "apa ya?" }; peta.Pins.Add(pin); var pinLagi = new Button {Text = "Pin Lagi."}; pinLagi.Clicked += (sender, e) => { peta.Pins.Add(new Pin { Position = new Position(-6.2279962, 106.6528529), Label = "Jalan NN no 75." }); peta.Pins.Add(new Pin { Position = new Position(-6.2266733, 106.6554782), Label = "Jalan Haji Jali." }); peta.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(-6.2257428, 106.6548106), Distance.FromKilometers(2))); }; var balikLagi = new Button {Text = "Kembali Ke HI."}; balikLagi.Clicked += (sender, e) => { peta.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(-6.1949718, 106.8208304), Distance.FromKilometers(2))); }; var butts = new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = {pinLagi, balikLagi} }; Content = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, Children = {peta, butts} }; }
internal PinClickedEventArgs(Pin pin, Position point, int numOfTaps) { Pin = pin; Point = point; NumOfTaps = numOfTaps; }
private async void OnSearchEntryCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.SearchEntry.Unfocus(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SearchEntry.Text) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SearchEntry.Text)) { return; } if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { DependencyService.Get <IMessageHelper>().LongAlert($"Gagal memuat. Periksa kembali koneksi internet anda."); return; } AutoCompleteLocationResult results = null; try { results = await AutoCompleteLocationService.GetPlaces(this.SearchEntry.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { await this.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "OK"); return; } if (results == null) { await this.DisplayAlert("Lokasi Tidak Ditemukan", "Geocoder tidak dapat menemukan lokasi yang anda tuju.", "OK"); return; } this.MyMap.Pins.Clear(); Location location = await AutoCompleteLocationService.GetPlace(results.AutoCompletePlaces.First().Place_ID); Position position = new Position( location.Latitude, location.Longitude); Pin locatedPin = new Pin() { Type = PinType.Place, Label = this.SearchEntry.Text, Address = this.SearchEntry.Text, Position = position, Flat = true }; this.MyMap.Pins.Add(locatedPin); this.MyMap.MoveToRegion( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( position, Distance.FromMeters( MAP_SPAN_RADIUS))); var pins = await CreatePins(position); foreach (Pin pin in pins) { this.MyMap.Pins.Add(pin); } }
protected override void OnUpdateZIndex(Pin outerItem, PushPin nativeItem) { //not implemented }
public SliceRenderer(int slice, Pin <DX11Resource <DX11Layer> > layer) { this.slice.Add(slice); this.FLayerIn = layer; }
private async void StartActuator() { try { Log.Informational("Starting application."); SimpleXmppConfiguration xmppConfiguration = SimpleXmppConfiguration.GetConfigUsingSimpleConsoleDialog("xmpp.config", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty), // Default user name. Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty), // Default password. FormSignatureKey, FormSignatureSecret, typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); Log.Informational("Connecting to XMPP server."); xmppClient = xmppConfiguration.GetClient("en", typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, false); xmppClient.AllowRegistration(FormSignatureKey, FormSignatureSecret); if (xmppConfiguration.Sniffer && MainPage.Sniffer != null) { xmppClient.Add(MainPage.Sniffer); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.Events)) { Log.Register(new XmppEventSink("XMPP Event Sink", xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.Events, false)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.ThingRegistry)) { thingRegistryClient = new ThingRegistryClient(xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.ThingRegistry); thingRegistryClient.Claimed += (sender, e) => { ownerJid = e.JID; Log.Informational("Thing has been claimed.", ownerJid, new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Public", e.IsPublic)); this.RaiseOwnershipChanged(); }; thingRegistryClient.Disowned += (sender, e) => { Log.Informational("Thing has been disowned.", ownerJid); ownerJid = string.Empty; this.Register(); // Will call this.OwnershipChanged() after successful registration. }; thingRegistryClient.Removed += (sender, e) => { Log.Informational("Thing has been removed from the public registry.", ownerJid); }; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.Provisioning)) { provisioningClient = new ProvisioningClient(xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.Provisioning); } Timer ConnectionTimer = new Timer((P) => { if (xmppClient.State == XmppState.Offline || xmppClient.State == XmppState.Error || xmppClient.State == XmppState.Authenticating) { try { Log.Informational("Reconnecting."); xmppClient.Reconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Critical(ex); } } }, null, 60000, 60000); xmppClient.OnStateChanged += (sender, NewState) => { Log.Informational(NewState.ToString()); switch (NewState) { case XmppState.Connected: connected = true; if (!registered && this.thingRegistryClient != null) { this.Register(); } break; case XmppState.Offline: immediateReconnect = connected; connected = false; if (immediateReconnect) { xmppClient.Reconnect(); } break; } }; xmppClient.OnPresenceSubscribe += (sender, e) => { Log.Informational("Subscription request received from " + e.From + "."); e.Accept(); // TODO: Provisioning RosterItem Item = xmppClient.GetRosterItem(e.FromBareJID); if (Item == null || Item.State == SubscriptionState.None || Item.State == SubscriptionState.From) { xmppClient.RequestPresenceSubscription(e.FromBareJID); } xmppClient.SetPresence(Availability.Chat); }; xmppClient.OnPresenceUnsubscribe += (sender, e) => { Log.Informational("Unsubscription request received from " + e.From + "."); e.Accept(); }; xmppClient.OnRosterItemUpdated += (sender, e) => { if (e.State == SubscriptionState.None && e.PendingSubscription != PendingSubscription.Subscribe) { xmppClient.RemoveRosterItem(e.BareJid); } }; gpio = GpioController.GetDefault(); if (gpio != null) { int c = gpio.PinCount; int i; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (gpio.TryOpenPin(i, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive, out GpioPin Pin, out GpioOpenStatus Status) && Status == GpioOpenStatus.PinOpened) { gpioPins[i] = new KeyValuePair <GpioPin, KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> >(Pin, MainPage.Instance.AddPin("GPIO" + i.ToString(), Pin.GetDriveMode(), Pin.Read().ToString())); Pin.ValueChanged += async(sender, e) => { if (!this.gpioPins.TryGetValue(sender.PinNumber, out KeyValuePair <GpioPin, KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> > P)) { return; } PinState Value = e.Edge == GpioPinEdge.FallingEdge ? PinState.LOW : PinState.HIGH; if (this.sensorServer.HasSubscriptions(ThingReference.Empty)) { DateTime TP = DateTime.Now; string s = "GPIO" + sender.PinNumber.ToString(); this.sensorServer.NewMomentaryValues( new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, Value, FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } await P.Value.Value.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => P.Value.Value.Text = Value.ToString()); }; } } } DeviceInformationCollection Devices = await Microsoft.Maker.Serial.UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync(); foreach (DeviceInformation DeviceInfo in Devices) { if (DeviceInfo.IsEnabled && DeviceInfo.Name.StartsWith("Arduino")) { Log.Informational("Connecting to " + DeviceInfo.Name); arduinoUsb = new UsbSerial(DeviceInfo); arduinoUsb.ConnectionEstablished += () => { Log.Informational("USB connection established."); }; arduino = new RemoteDevice(arduinoUsb); arduino.DeviceReady += async() => { Log.Informational("Device ready."); Dictionary <int, bool> DisabledPins = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <Enum, string> > Values = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <Enum, string> >(); PinMode Mode; PinState State; string s; ushort Value; foreach (byte PinNr in arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.DisabledPins) { DisabledPins[PinNr] = true; } foreach (byte PinNr in arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.AnalogPins) { if (DisabledPins.ContainsKey(PinNr)) { continue; } s = "A" + (PinNr - arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.AnalogOffset).ToString(); if (arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.isAnalogSupported(PinNr)) { arduino.pinMode(s, PinMode.ANALOG); } Mode = arduino.getPinMode(s); Value = arduino.analogRead(s); Values[s] = new KeyValuePair <Enum, string>(Mode, Value.ToString()); } foreach (byte PinNr in arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.DigitalPins) { if (DisabledPins.ContainsKey(PinNr) || (PinNr > 6 && PinNr != 13)) // Not sure why this limitation is necessary. Without it, my Arduino board (or the Microsoft Firmata library) stops providing me with pin update events. { continue; } if (PinNr == 13) { arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT); // Onboard LED. arduino.digitalWrite(13, PinState.HIGH); } else { if (arduino.DeviceHardwareProfile.isDigitalInputSupported(PinNr)) { arduino.pinMode(PinNr, PinMode.INPUT); } } s = "D" + PinNr.ToString(); Mode = arduino.getPinMode(PinNr); State = arduino.digitalRead(PinNr); Values[s] = new KeyValuePair <Enum, string>(Mode, State.ToString()); } await MainPage.Instance.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { lock (arduinoPins) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <Enum, string> > P in Values) { arduinoPins[P.Key] = MainPage.Instance.AddPin(P.Key, P.Value.Key, P.Value.Value); } } }); this.SetupControlServer(); }; arduino.AnalogPinUpdated += async(pin, value) => { KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> P; DateTime TP = DateTime.Now; lock (this.arduinoPins) { if (!this.arduinoPins.TryGetValue(pin, out P)) { return; } } if (this.sensorServer.HasSubscriptions(ThingReference.Empty)) { this.sensorServer.NewMomentaryValues( new Int32Field(ThingReference.Empty, TP, pin + ", Raw", value, FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout), new QuantityField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, pin, value / 10.24, 2, "%", FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } await P.Value.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => P.Value.Text = value.ToString()); }; arduino.DigitalPinUpdated += async(pin, value) => { KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> P; DateTime TP = DateTime.Now; string s = "D" + pin.ToString(); lock (this.arduinoPins) { if (!this.arduinoPins.TryGetValue("D" + pin.ToString(), out P)) { return; } } if (this.sensorServer.HasSubscriptions(ThingReference.Empty)) { this.sensorServer.NewMomentaryValues( new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, value, FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } await P.Value.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => P.Value.Text = value.ToString()); }; arduinoUsb.ConnectionFailed += message => { Log.Error("USB connection failed: " + message); }; arduinoUsb.ConnectionLost += message => { Log.Error("USB connection lost: " + message); }; arduinoUsb.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1); break; } } sensorServer = new SensorServer(xmppClient, provisioningClient, true); sensorServer.OnExecuteReadoutRequest += (Sender, Request) => { DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; LinkedList <Field> Fields = new LinkedList <Field>(); DateTime TP = DateTime.Now; string s; bool ReadMomentary = Request.IsIncluded(FieldType.Momentary); bool ReadStatus = Request.IsIncluded(FieldType.Status); Log.Informational("Readout requested", string.Empty, Request.Actor); foreach (KeyValuePair <GpioPin, KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> > Pin in gpioPins.Values) { if (ReadMomentary && Request.IsIncluded(s = "GPIO" + Pin.Key.PinNumber.ToString())) { Fields.AddLast(new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, Pin.Key.Read(), FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } if (ReadStatus && Request.IsIncluded(s = "GPIO" + Pin.Key.PinNumber.ToString() + ", Mode")) { Fields.AddLast(new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, Pin.Key.GetDriveMode(), FieldType.Status, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } } if (arduinoPins != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <TextBlock, TextBlock> > Pin in arduinoPins) { byte i; if (ReadMomentary && Request.IsIncluded(s = Pin.Key)) { if (s.StartsWith("D") && byte.TryParse(s.Substring(1), out i)) { Fields.AddLast(new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, arduino.digitalRead(i), FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } else { ushort Raw = arduino.analogRead(s); double Percent = Raw / 10.24; Fields.AddLast(new Int32Field(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s + ", Raw", Raw, FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); Fields.AddLast(new QuantityField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, Percent, 2, "%", FieldType.Momentary, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } } if (ReadStatus && Request.IsIncluded(s = Pin.Key + ", Mode")) { if (s.StartsWith("D") && byte.TryParse(s.Substring(1), out i)) { Fields.AddLast(new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, arduino.getPinMode(i), FieldType.Status, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } else { Fields.AddLast(new EnumField(ThingReference.Empty, TP, s, arduino.getPinMode(s), FieldType.Status, FieldQoS.AutomaticReadout)); } } } } Request.ReportFields(true, Fields); }; if (arduino == null) { this.SetupControlServer(); } xmppClient.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Emergency(ex); MessageDialog Dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Error"); await Dialog.ShowAsync(); } }
public void CardChargeSucceeded() { _creditCard.GetBalance(Pin.From("1234")).Should().Be(Money.From(45)); }
private async Task populateMap(List <Person> people) { mapLocsProperties.Clear(); mapRef.Pins.Clear(); double avgLat = 0; double avgLong = 0; double minLat = 90; double maxLat = -90; double minLong = 180; double maxLong = -180; foreach (Person person in people) { //Person person = await DataStore.GetItemAsync(ids[0]); //Person person = people.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); string address = person.Address.ToString(); try { Location location = await GeocodeThis(address); locs.Add(location); Pin apin = new Pin() { Position = new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude), Label = person.Name }; if (location.Latitude > maxLat) { maxLat = location.Latitude; } if (location.Latitude < minLat) { minLat = location.Latitude; } if (location.Longitude > maxLong) { maxLong = location.Longitude; } if (location.Longitude < minLong) { minLong = location.Longitude; } //avgLat += location.Latitude; //avgLong += location.Longitude; mapRef.Pins.Add(apin); mapLocsProperties.Add(new MapLocation(address, person.Name, new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude))); //TODO Map by name } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception:{ex} Outside Geocoding"); } } var dist = Location.CalculateDistance(maxLat, maxLong, minLat, minLong, DistanceUnits.Kilometers) / 2; avgLat = (maxLat - minLat) / 2 + minLat; avgLong = (maxLong - minLong) / 2 + minLong; Console.WriteLine("{maxLat}, {minLat}, {maxLong}, {minLong}, {dist}, {avgLat}, {avgLong}"); Console.WriteLine($"{maxLat}, {minLat}, {maxLong}, {minLong}, {dist}, {avgLat}, {avgLong}"); //avgLat /= mapLocsProperties.Count; //avgLong /= mapLocsProperties.Count; Console.WriteLine($"{avgLat}, {avgLong}, {mapLocsProperties.Count}"); //new Position(avgLat, avgLong);mapLocsProperties[0].Position mapRef.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(avgLat, avgLong), Distance.FromKilometers(dist > 20?dist:20))); //Console.WriteLine($"Check Formating: \n{address}"); }
/// <summary> /// Writes VerilogWrite object to a verilog file /// </summary> /// <param name="circuit">CircuitRec object to be written to /// Verilog</param> /// <param name="filename">String containing the desired verilog filename</param> public Boolean write(CircuitRec.CircuitRec circuit, String filename) { String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); String modName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); // Calls VerilogWriter to write the .v file // Module Name Module M = new Module(modName); // Inputs to Module List <Pin> inputs = new List <Pin>(); List <Pin> outputs = new List <Pin>(); List <Pin> wires = new List <Pin>(); Pin temp; //Loops through each superwire and pulls out the inputs //and outputs foreach (Mesh new_wire in circuit.Meshes) { if (new_wire.IOType.Equals(WirePolarity.Input)) { temp = new Pin(PinPolarity.Input, new_wire.Name, new_wire.Bussize); inputs.Add(temp); } else if (new_wire.IOType.Equals(WirePolarity.Output)) { temp = new Pin(PinPolarity.Ouput, new_wire.Name, new_wire.Bussize); outputs.Add(temp); } else { temp = new Pin(PinPolarity.Wire, new_wire.Name, new_wire.Bussize); wires.Add(temp); } } M.addInputs(inputs); M.addOutputs(outputs); M.addWires(wires); // Outputs of Symbols String output_name = ""; int symbolSize = 1; //Loops through each symbol, determines the superwire name //of the inputs and outputs and add them to the module foreach (BaseSymbol new_symb in circuit.Symbols) { List <Pin> symbInputs = new List <Pin>(); List <Pin> symbOutputs = new List <Pin>(); Pin temporary; //Look at the wires connected to the symbol foreach (Wire symb_wire in new_symb.InputWires) { //Loop through each superwire attached to the gate to determine //which the inputwire belongs to. Add it to the gate's input foreach (Mesh sup in new_symb.ConMeshes) { if (sup.AllConnectedWires.Contains(symb_wire)) { temporary = new Pin(PinPolarity.Input, sup.Name, sup.Bussize); symbInputs.Add(temporary); break; } } } //Look at the output wires of the sympol foreach (Wire symb_wire in new_symb.OutputWires) { //Figure out which superwire each output is attacked to and add it //to the list of outputs foreach (Mesh sup in new_symb.ConMeshes) { if (sup.AllConnectedWires.Contains(symb_wire)) { temporary = new Pin(PinPolarity.Ouput, sup.Name, sup.Bussize); symbOutputs.Add(temporary); break; } } } M.addGate(new_symb.Name, new_symb.SymbType, symbOutputs, symbInputs); } //Writes the verilog module return(M.printModule(dir, modName)); }
public PinsPage() { InitializeComponent(); Pin pinTokyo = null; Pin pinNewYork = null; // Tokyo pin buttonAddPinTokyo.Clicked += (sender, e) => { pinTokyo = new Pin() { Type = PinType.Place, Label = "Tokyo SKYTREE", Address = "Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan", Position = new Position(35.71d, 139.81d), Rotation = 33.3f, Tag = "id_tokyo" }; map.Pins.Add(pinTokyo); map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(pinTokyo.Position, Distance.FromMeters(5000))); ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; buttonRemovePinTokyo.IsEnabled = true; }; buttonRemovePinTokyo.Clicked += (sender, e) => { map.Pins.Remove(pinTokyo); pinTokyo = null; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; buttonAddPinTokyo.IsEnabled = true; }; buttonRemovePinTokyo.IsEnabled = false; // New York pin buttonAddPinNewYork.Clicked += (sender, e) => { pinNewYork = new Pin() { Type = PinType.Place, Label = "Central Park NYC", Address = "New York City, NY 10022", Position = new Position(40.78d, -73.96d), Tag = "id_new_york" }; map.Pins.Add(pinNewYork); map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(pinNewYork.Position, Distance.FromMeters(5000))); ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; buttonRemovePinNewYork.IsEnabled = true; }; buttonRemovePinNewYork.Clicked += (sender, e) => { map.Pins.Remove(pinNewYork); pinNewYork = null; ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false; buttonAddPinNewYork.IsEnabled = true; }; buttonRemovePinNewYork.IsEnabled = false; // Clear Pins buttonClearPins.Clicked += (sender, e) => { map.Pins.Clear(); pinTokyo = null; pinNewYork = null; buttonAddPinTokyo.IsEnabled = true; buttonAddPinNewYork.IsEnabled = true; buttonRemovePinTokyo.IsEnabled = false; buttonRemovePinNewYork.IsEnabled = false; }; // Select New York Pin buttonSelectPinNewYork.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (pinNewYork == null) { DisplayAlert("Error", "New York is not added.", "Close"); return; } map.SelectedPin = pinNewYork; }; // Clear Pin Selection buttonClearSelection.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (map.SelectedPin == null) { DisplayAlert("Error", "Pin is not selected.", "Close"); return; } map.SelectedPin = null; }; map.PinClicked += Map_PinClicked;; // Selected Pin changed map.SelectedPinChanged += SelectedPin_Changed; map.InfoWindowClicked += InfoWindow_Clicked; }
public static void OnPinRemoved(Pin pin) { Interface.CallHook(nameof(OnPinRemoved), pin); }
public IUltrasonicRangerSensor BuildUltraSonicSensor(Pin pin) { return(DoBuild(x => new UltrasonicRangerSensor(x, pin))); }
public ILed BuildLed(Pin pin) { return(DoBuild(x => new Led(x, pin))); }
private Business GetBusinessFromPin(Pin pin) { Position pos = pin.Position; return((Application.Current as App).CachedBusinesses.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Longitude == pos.Longitude && b.Latitude == pos.Latitude)); }
/// <summary> /// Call when after marker delete. /// You can override your custom renderer for customize marker. /// </summary> /// <param name="outerItem">the pin.</param> /// <param name="innerItem">thr marker.</param> protected virtual void OnMarkerDeleted(Pin outerItem, Marker innerItem) { }
/// <summary> /// Call when before marker create. /// You can override your custom renderer for customize marker. /// </summary> /// <param name="outerItem">the pin.</param> /// <param name="innerItem">the marker options.</param> protected virtual void OnMarkerCreating(Pin outerItem, MarkerOptions innerItem) { }
protected override async void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); if (this.appeared) { return; } this.LoadingLayout.IsVisible = true; try { await Task.Delay(100); // workaround for #30 [Android]Map.Pins.Add doesn't work when page OnAppearing var myLocation = await LocationService.GetCurrentLocation(this.ViewModel); if (myLocation == null) { return; } Position position = new Position( myLocation.Latitude, myLocation.Longitude); await this.MyMap.AnimateCamera( CameraUpdateFactory.NewCameraPosition( new CameraPosition( position, 15d, 0d, 0d)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); this.MyMap.Pins.Clear(); Pin locatedPin = new Pin() { Type = PinType.Place, Label = "Lokasi saya", Position = position, Flat = true }; this.MyMap.Pins.Add(locatedPin); var pins = await CreatePins(position); this.LoadingLayout.IsVisible = true; foreach (Pin pin in pins) { this.MyMap.Pins.Add(pin); } } catch { } this.appeared = true; this.LoadingLayout.IsVisible = false; }
public WhenHadEnoughMoneyOnCard() { Given(() => _creditCard = new CreditCard(Money.From(50), Pin.From("1234"))); When(() => Subject.Charge(_creditCard, Pin.From("1234"), Money.From(5))); }
async Task GetAllEquipmentList() { loading.IsVisible = true; var content = await CommonFunction.CallWebService(0, null, Ultis.Settings.SessionBaseURI, ControllerUtil.getAllEqURL(), this); clsResponse equipment_response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <clsResponse>(content); if (equipment_response.IsGood) { equipmentList = JObject.Parse(content)["Result"].ToObject <List <clsTruckingModel> >(); var latitudes = new List <double>(); var longitudes = new List <double>(); foreach (clsTruckingModel equipment in equipmentList) { if (equipment.Latitude != "") { var pin = new Pin { Position = new Position(Convert.ToDouble(equipment.Latitude), Convert.ToDouble(equipment.Longitude)), Label = equipment.TruckId + "/" + equipment.BackColor.ToUpper() }; latitudes.Add(Convert.ToDouble(equipment.Latitude)); longitudes.Add(Convert.ToDouble(equipment.Longitude)); string detail = ""; foreach (clsCaptionValue details in equipment.Details) { if (details.Caption.Equals("Engine") || details.Caption.Equals("Speed (Km)")) { detail += details.Caption + ": " + details.Value + "\r\n"; } else if (details.Caption.Equals("Odometer")) { detail += details.Caption + ": " + details.Value; } } pin.Address = detail; pin.Clicked += Pin_Clicked2; pins.Add(pin); } } GoogleMap.MapPins = pins; foreach (Pin pin in pins) { GoogleMap.Pins.Add(pin); } double lowestLat = latitudes.Min(); double highestLat = latitudes.Max(); double lowestLong = longitudes.Min(); double highestLong = longitudes.Max(); double finalLat = (lowestLat + highestLat) / 2; double finalLong = (lowestLong + highestLong) / 2; double distance = DistanceCalculation.GeoCodeCalc.CalcDistance(lowestLat, lowestLong, highestLat, highestLong, DistanceCalculation.GeoCodeCalcMeasurement.Kilometers); GoogleMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(finalLat, finalLong), Distance.FromKilometers(distance))); } loading.IsVisible = false; }
protected override void OnUpdateAddress(Pin outerItem, ClusteredMarker nativeItem) => nativeItem.Snippet = outerItem.Address;
void Initialize() { // Initialize shader code. vertexShaderCode = new ShaderCode(BindingStage.VertexShader); { // We register inputs. vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.Position, PinFormat.Floatx2); //< Position. vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.TexCoord0, PinFormat.Floatx2); //< Texture coordinate. vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.User0, PinFormat.Floatx4); //< Custom attribute 0. vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.User1, PinFormat.UInteger); //< Fill ID. // Position transform array (dynamically sized). ConstantOperation positionTransformOp = vertexShaderCode.CreateConstant("PositionTransform", PinFormat.Float4x4, Pin.NotArray, null); // Texture transform array (dynamically sized). ConstantOperation textureTransformOp = vertexShaderCode.CreateConstant("TextureTransform", PinFormat.Float4x4, Pin.NotArray, null); // We expand the position. ExpandOperation expandPos = new ExpandOperation(PinFormat.Floatx4, ExpandType.AddOnesAtW); expandPos.BindInputs(vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.Position)); // We transform position by matrix. MultiplyOperation multiply = new MultiplyOperation(); multiply.BindInputs(positionTransformOp.Outputs[0], expandPos.Outputs[0]); Pin position = multiply.Outputs[0]; // We expand texture coordinate. ExpandOperation expandTex = new ExpandOperation(PinFormat.Floatx4, ExpandType.AddOnesAtW); expandTex.BindInputs(vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.TexCoord0)); // We transform by matrix. MultiplyOperation multiply2 = new MultiplyOperation(); multiply2.BindInputs(textureTransformOp.Outputs[0], expandTex.Outputs[0]); Pin texcoord = multiply2.Outputs[0]; // We register outputs. vertexShaderCode.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.Position, position); vertexShaderCode.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.TexCoord0, texcoord); vertexShaderCode.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.User0, vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.User0)); vertexShaderCode.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.User1, vertexShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.User1)); } vertexShaderCode.Immutable = true; pixelShaderCode = new ShaderCode(BindingStage.PixelShader); { // We register inputs. pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.Position, PinFormat.Floatx4); //< Position. pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.TexCoord0, PinFormat.Floatx4); //< Texture coordinate. pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.User0, PinFormat.Floatx4); //< Custom attribute 0. pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.User1, PinFormat.UInteger); //< Fill ID. // We resgister interface constants. ConstantOperation interfaceConstant = pixelShaderCode.CreateConstant("Fills", PinFormat.Interface, Pin.DynamicArray, null); // TODO: distance from border must be "evaluated". // We convert position/tex coordinate. SwizzleOperation swizzlePos = new SwizzleOperation(SwizzleMask.XY); swizzlePos.BindInputs(pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.Position)); Pin position = swizzlePos.Outputs[0]; SwizzleOperation swizzleTex = new SwizzleOperation(SwizzleMask.XY); swizzleTex.BindInputs(pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.TexCoord0)); Pin texcoord = swizzleTex.Outputs[0]; // We now add the fill operation. FillElementOperation fillOperation = new FillElementOperation(); fillOperation.BindInputs(position, texcoord, pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.User0), pixelShaderCode.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.User1), interfaceConstant.Outputs[0]); // The output is colour. pixelShaderCode.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.RenderTarget0, fillOperation.Outputs[0]); } pixelShaderCode.Immutable = true; // Depth-stencil state. depthStencilState = new DepthStencilState(); depthStencilState.DepthTestEnabled = false; depthStencilState.DepthWriteEnabled = false; // Blend state blendState = new BlendState(); blendState.AlphaBlendDestination = BlendOperand.One; blendState.AlphaBlendSource = BlendOperand.Zero; blendState.AlphaBlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add; blendState.BlendDestination = BlendOperand.SrcAlphaInverse; blendState.BlendSource = BlendOperand.SrcAlpha; blendState.BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add; // We enable blending. blendState[0] = true; // Rasterization state. rasterizationState = new RasterizationState(); rasterizationState.FrontFacing = Facing.CCW; rasterizationState.CullMode = CullMode.None; rasterizationState.FillMode = FillMode.Solid; rasterizationState.MultiSamplingEnabled = true; //< May change that in future. // We intern all states. depthStencilState = StateManager.Intern(depthStencilState); blendState = StateManager.Intern(blendState); rasterizationState = StateManager.Intern(rasterizationState); }
private void MapPinsSet(Pin pin) { _partyLocation.Pins.Add(pin); }
protected override void OnUpdateLabel(Pin outerItem, ClusteredMarker nativeItem) => nativeItem.Title = outerItem.Label;
protected override void OnUpdateTransparency(Pin outerItem, PushPin nativeItem) { //not implemented }
protected override void OnUpdateType(Pin outerItem, ClusteredMarker nativeItem) { }
internal GPIO(Pin pin, Transport transport, int period = 0) : base(pin, transport, period) { this.OnGetContinuousDatacb += OnGetButtonSensorData; }
private async void TrackMeAsync() { var current = await CrossGeolocator.Current.GetPositionAsync(); current.Accuracy = 30; float bearing = float.Parse(current.Heading.ToString()); var pinsUsuario = new Pin { Label = "Eu estou aqui", IsDraggable = true, Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBundle("pinManopla.png"), Transparency = 3 / 10f, Flat = true }; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { pinsUsuario.Position = new Position(current.Latitude, current.Longitude); pinsUsuario.Rotation = bearing; lstRotaFuga = new List <RotaFuga>(); lstRotaFuga = new RestRotaFuga().RestGet(); foreach (var item in lstRotaFuga) { var pins = new Pin { Label = item.Endereco, Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBundle("pinPontoEncontro.png"), Transparency = 3 / 10f, Flat = true }; pins.Position = new Position(double.Parse(item.Latitude), double.Parse(item.Longitude)); pins.Rotation = bearing; //pins.Clicked += new EventHandler(ChamarCuidador); map.Pins.Add(pins); } //foreach (var item in lstEnfermeiras) //{ // var pins = new Pin // { // Label = item.Nome, // Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBundle("pinEnfermagem.png"), // Transparency = 3 / 10f, // Flat = true // }; // pins.Position = new Position(double.Parse(item.Latitude.Replace(".", ",")), double.Parse(item.Longitude.Replace(".", ","))); // pins.Rotation = bearing; // pins.Clicked += new EventHandler(ChamarEnfermagem); // map.Pins.Add(pins); //} map.Pins.Add(pinsUsuario); map.IsTrafficEnabled = true; map.IsShowingUser = true; map.IsIndoorEnabled = true; map.MyLocationEnabled = true; map.MoveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewPosition(new Position(current.Latitude, current.Longitude))); }); }
protected override void OnUpdateInfoWindowAnchor(Pin outerItem, PushPin nativeItem) { //not implemented }
public CustomMapPage() { InitializeComponent(); var map = new Map(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(49.619335, 20.698595), Distance.FromMiles(0.75))) { IsShowingUser = true, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; var position1 = new Position(49.625150, 20.692775); var position2 = new Position(49.625247, 20.690861); var position3 = new Position(49.628702, 20.689008); var position4 = new Position(49.628726, 20.690247); var position5 = new Position(49.620495, 20.694799); var position6 = new Position(49.616928, 20.704588); var position7 = new Position(49.606776, 20.702306); //Pkp var position8 = new Position(49.626263, 20.690385); //Rezydencja var position9 = new Position(49.627790, 20.690492); //synagoga var position10 = new Position(49.625014, 20.693392); //dom gotycki var position11 = new Position(49.623370, 20.692184); //kapliczka var position12 = new Position(49.622277, 20.695019); //Sokół var pin1 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position1, Label = "Bazylika", Address = "", }; var pin2 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position2, Label = "Ratusz", Address = "" }; var pin3 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position3, Label = "Ruiny Zamku Królewskiego", Address = "" }; var pin4 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position4, Label = "Zegar kwiatowy", Address = "" }; var pin5 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position5, Label = "Planty", Address = "Planty " }; var pin6 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position6, Label = "Cmentarz Komunalny", Address = "" }; var pin7 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position7, Label = "Dworzec PKP", Address = "", }; var pin8 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position8, Label = "Rezydencja Lubomirskich", Address = "" }; var pin9 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position9, Label = "Dawna Synagoga", Address = "" }; var pin10 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position10, Label = "Dom Gotycki", Address = "" }; var pin11 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position11, Label = "Kapliczka Szwedzka", Address = "Planty " }; var pin12 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = position12, Label = "Sokół", Address = "" }; map.Pins.Add(pin1); map.Pins.Add(pin2); map.Pins.Add(pin3); map.Pins.Add(pin4); map.Pins.Add(pin5); map.Pins.Add(pin6); map.Pins.Add(pin7); map.Pins.Add(pin8); map.Pins.Add(pin9); map.Pins.Add(pin10); map.Pins.Add(pin11); map.Pins.Add(pin12); Content = map; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ internal LightSensor(Pin pin, Transport transport, int period = 0) : base(pin, transport, period) { this.OnGetContinuousDatacb += OnGetLightSensorData; }
/// <summary> /// Construction with generator. /// </summary> internal PinBinder([NotNull] CodeGenerator g, [NotNull] Pin p) { generator = g; pin = p; }