public Ship( LifeSpan lifeTime, MassInertia massInfo, PhysicsState physicsState, BodyFlags flags, ICollidableBodyPart[] collidableParts, ShipMovementInfo movementInfo, ShipState shipState, ControlableSounds controlableSounds, ShipSounds shipSounds, ActionList actions, IShip[] subShips) : base( lifeTime, massInfo, physicsState, flags, collidableParts, movementInfo, shipState, controlableSounds) { this.UQMFlags |= ContFlags.CanDoGravityWhip; this.shipSounds = shipSounds; this.subShips = subShips; this.actions = actions; this.controlableType = ControlableType.Ship; }
public Ship( LifeSpan lifeTime, PhysicsState physicsState, BodyFlags flags, RigidBodyTemplate template, ShipMovementInfo movementInfo, ShipState shipState, ControlableSounds controlableSounds, ShipSounds shipSounds, ActionList actions, IShip[] subShips) : base( lifeTime, physicsState, flags, template, movementInfo, shipState, controlableSounds) { this.UQMFlags |= ContFlags.CanDoGravityWhip; this.shipSounds = shipSounds; this.subShips = subShips; this.actions = actions; this.controlableType = ControlableType.Ship; }
public virtual void HandlePossibleIntersections(float dt, List <ICollidableBody> collidables) { if (collidables != null) { PhysicsState before = null; RemoveUnEffectable(collidables); int length = ray2DEffects.Count; for (int pos = 0; pos < length; ++pos) { RayICollidableBodyPair pair = GetIntersection(ray2DEffects[pos].RaySegment, collidables); if (pair != null && pair.BestIntersectInfo.Intersects) { if (pair.ICollidableBody.CollisionState.GenerateRayEvents) { before = new PhysicsState(pair.ICollidableBody.Current); } ray2DEffects[pos].ApplyEffect(dt, pair); if (pair.ICollidableBody.CollisionState.GenerateRayEvents) { pair.ICollidableBody.CollisionState.InterferenceInfos.Add( new InterferenceInfo(new RayCollidableInterferenceInfo(this, pair.RaySegment2D, pair.BestIntersectInfo, before, new PhysicsState(pair.ICollidableBody.Current), pair.ICollidableBody))); } } } } }
void CreateBody(Window window) { lock (lockPhysicsLoop) { double angle = window.Angle; Rectangle position = window.Position; if (position.Width > 0 && position.Height > 0) { PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(angle, position.Left + position.Width / 2, position.Top + position.Height / 2)); IShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(position.Height, position.Width), 2); MassInfo mass = MassInfo.FromPolygon(shape.Vertexes, 1); Body body = new Body(state, shape, mass, new Coefficients(0, 1), new Lifespan()); body.LinearDamping = 0.95; body.AngularDamping = 0.95; body.IsCollidable = false; body.Tag = window; engine.AddBody(body); windowToBody.Add(window, body); try { dwm.SetWindowMatrix(window.HWnd.ToInt32(), 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 0f); } catch (Exception e) { HandleDwmCrash(e); } } } }
public override GeneralChange RemoveEffectTypes(EffectTypes types) { GeneralChange returnvalue = new GeneralChange(); PhysicsState psc = PhysicsStateChange; bool filtered = false; if (((int)types * (int)EffectTypes.Position) != 0) { if (returnvalue.PhysicsChange == null) { returnvalue.PhysicsChange = new PhysicsState(); } returnvalue.PhysicsChange.Position += psc.Position; psc.Position = ALVector2D.Zero; filtered = true; } if (((int)types * (int)EffectTypes.Velocity) != 0) { if (returnvalue.PhysicsChange == null) { returnvalue.PhysicsChange = new PhysicsState(); } returnvalue.PhysicsChange.Velocity += psc.Velocity; psc.Velocity = ALVector2D.Zero; filtered = true; } if (filtered) { PhysicsStateChange = psc; } return(returnvalue); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldContent">The old value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property.</param> /// <param name="newContent">The new value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content"/> property.</param> protected override void OnContentChanged(object oldContent, object newContent) { timer.IsRunning = false; if (Body != null) { Body.Lifetime.IsExpired = true; } base.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent); PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, 0, 0)); IShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(5, 5), 1); MassInfo mass = MassInfo.FromPolygon(shape.Vertexes, 1); Body = new Body(state, shape, mass, new Coefficients(0, 1), new Lifespan()); Body.LinearDamping = LinearDumping; Body.Mass.MomentOfInertia = double.PositiveInfinity; Body.Tag = newContent; engine.AddBody(Body); if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) { timer.IsRunning = true; } }
protected void SpawnWeapon(GameResult gameResult, IControlable collider) { if (spawned) { return; } spawned = true; PhysicsState physicsState = new PhysicsState(this.Good); physicsState.ForceAccumulator = ALVector2D.Zero; physicsState.Acceleration = ALVector2D.Zero; if (collider != null) { physicsState.Velocity.Linear = collider.Good.Velocity.Linear; } else { physicsState.Velocity.Linear = this.current.Velocity.Linear; } ISolidWeapon newWeapon = (ISolidWeapon)spawn.Clone(); newWeapon.Current.Set(physicsState); newWeapon.SetAllPositions(); newWeapon.OnCreation(gameResult, this.weaponInfo); if (diesOnSpawn) { this.Kill(gameResult); } }
public ControlableWave( LifeSpan lifeTime, float mass, PhysicsState physicsState, float initialRadius, float expansionRate, int[] colors, int primaryColor, ShipMovementInfo movementInfo, ShipState shipState, FactionInfo factionInfo, ControlableSounds controlableSounds) : base( lifeTime, mass, physicsState, initialRadius, expansionRate) { this.shipState = shipState; this.movementInfo = movementInfo; this.factionInfo = factionInfo; this.controlableSounds = controlableSounds; this.attachedEffectCollection = new EffectCollection(); this.CollisionState.GenerateRayEvents = true; this.colors = colors; this.primaryColor = primaryColor; }
public ControlableWave( LifeSpan lifeTime, float mass, PhysicsState physicsState, float initialRadius, float expansionRate, int[] colors, int primaryColor, ShipMovementInfo movementInfo, ShipState shipState, ControlableSounds controlableSounds, IWeaponsLogic weaponInfo) : this( lifeTime, mass, physicsState, initialRadius, expansionRate, colors, primaryColor, movementInfo, shipState, null, controlableSounds) { this.weaponInfo = weaponInfo; this.CollisionState.GenerateCollisionEvents = true; this.CollisionState.GenerateContactEvents = true; this.controlableType = ControlableType.Weapon; }
IEnumerator JumpWork(float duration) { state = PhysicsState.Jumping; col.enabled = false; var jumpingTime = 0f; Vector3 newPos =; var a = jumpHeight / (duration * duration / 4); var t = 0f; do { jumpingTime += Time.deltaTime; newPos = transform.position; t = jumpingTime - duration / 2; newPos.z = -a * t * t + jumpHeight; transform.position = newPos; yield return(null); } while (jumpingTime < duration); var posForReset = transform.position; posForReset.z = 0; transform.position = posForReset; col.enabled = true; state = PhysicsState.OnFloor; yield break; }
public Controlable( LifeSpan lifeTime, MassInertia massInfo, PhysicsState physicsState, BodyFlags flags, ICollidableBodyPart[] collidableParts, ShipMovementInfo movementInfo, ShipState shipState, ControlableSounds controlableSounds, IWeaponsLogic weaponInfo) : this( lifeTime, massInfo, physicsState, flags, collidableParts, movementInfo, shipState, controlableSounds) { this.CollisionState.GenerateCollisionEvents = true; this.CollisionState.GenerateContactEvents = true; this.weaponInfo = weaponInfo; this.controlableType = ControlableType.Weapon; }
public override void OnTargetAttachment(EffectAttachmentResult attachmentResult, IControlable attachie) { diff = new PhysicsState(); diff.Position.Linear = attachie.DirectionVector * -distance;; diff.Velocity.Linear = -attachie.Current.Velocity.Linear; base.OnTargetAttachment(attachmentResult, attachie); }
public static Asteroid CreateAsteroid(GameResult gameResult, PhysicsState state) { Asteroid roid = new Asteroid(Templates[rand.Next(Templates.Length)], state); roid.OnCreation(gameResult, new FactionInfo(AsteroidFaction)); return(roid); }
/// <summary> /// Is called when the effect is created. /// </summary> /// <param name="weaponInfo"></param> public override void OnCreation(IWeaponsLogic weaponInfo) { diff = new PhysicsState(); // sets a random Linear displacement. diff.Position.Linear = Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle((float)rand.NextDouble() * maxDistance, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 * MathHelper.PI); base.OnCreation(weaponInfo); }
public void PhysicsChange(PhysicsState nextPhysicsState) { if (physicsState == nextPhysicsState) { return; } physicsState = nextPhysicsState; switch (physicsState) { case PhysicsState.NORMAL: this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Limb"); thisCollider.isTrigger = false; break; case PhysicsState.FLYINGON: this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Projectile"); thisCollider.isTrigger = false; break; case PhysicsState.FLYINGOFF: this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Projectile"); thisCollider.isTrigger = true; break; } }
private void CreateWalls() { var wallCoff = new Coefficients(0.8f, 0.95f); var wallLife = new Lifespan(); var flrState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, ((float)ActualWidth) * ((float)0.5), (float)ActualHeight + 100.0)); var flrShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(ActualWidth, 200), 2); var bdyFloor = new Body(flrState, flrShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife); var ceiState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, ((float)ActualWidth) * ((float)0.5), -100.0)); var ceiShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(ActualWidth, 200), 2); var bdyCeiling = new Body(ceiState, ceiShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife); var lwlState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, -100.0, ((float)ActualHeight) * ((float)0.5))); var lwlShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(200, ActualHeight), 2); var bdyLeftWall = new Body(lwlState, lwlShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife); var rwlState = new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D((float)0.0, (float)ActualWidth + 100.0, ((float)ActualHeight) * ((float)0.5))); var rwlShape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(200, ActualHeight), 2); var bdyRightWall = new Body(rwlState, rwlShape, float.PositiveInfinity, wallCoff, wallLife); engine.AddBody(bdyFloor); engine.AddBody(bdyCeiling); engine.AddBody(bdyLeftWall); engine.AddBody(bdyRightWall); }
private void FragmentationThread(object param) { try { lock (this.container.voxels) { if (this.tensionCalculation) { StructurePhysicsUpdate(null); } this.physicsAggregatedList = this.GetAggregations((VoxelIngameBuildTask)param); } this.OrderAggregatedListByAltitude(); this.lastVoxelCount = this.container.voxels.Count; this.currentState = PhysicsState.ObjectCreation; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Voxel Physics error: " + e.Message); } /*finally * { * // this.currentState = PhysicsState.ObjectCreation; * } */ }
private void UpdateEnginePropulsion() { // Obtain acceleration from input source float inputAcceleration = m_InputSrc.ForwardAcceleration; // Check there is some input if (Mathf.Abs(inputAcceleration) < 1e-6) { CurrentPhysicsState = Mathf.Abs(ForwardSpeed) < 0.1f ? PhysicsState.Idle : ForwardSpeed > 0 ? PhysicsState.Loose_forward : PhysicsState.Loose_backward; // No propulsion needed return; } // Force is in the local z axis var force = transform.forward; // Adjust acceleration according to framerate force *= Time.fixedDeltaTime; // Apply input acceleration force *= inputAcceleration; // Check if we are accelerating in the same direction as we're going if (Math.Sign(inputAcceleration) == Math.Sign(ForwardSpeed)) { // Choose the right propulsion direction VehicleProperties.PropulsionProperties propulsion; if (inputAcceleration > 0) { CurrentPhysicsState = PhysicsState.Accelerating_forward; propulsion = m_VehicleProperties.Engine.ForwardPropulsion; } else { CurrentPhysicsState = PhysicsState.Accelerating_backward; propulsion = m_VehicleProperties.Engine.BackwardPropulsion; } // Set engine power according to direction force *= propulsion.Power; // Reduce engine power the closer we are to the max speed in this direction // TODO: add a velocity bias to TopSpeedProgression to reduce wobble in speed force *= Mathf.Pow(1 - TopSpeedProgression, propulsion.DecayFactor); } else { CurrentPhysicsState = PhysicsState.Braking; force *= m_VehicleProperties.BrakesPower; } // Add final force to rigidbody GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(force); }
public Bullet() { id = instantiationCounter++; phy = new PhysicsState(1); off = true; t = 0; affectedByGravity = true; }
public static void Call(Level lvl, PhysicsState state) { if (handlers.Count == 0) { return; } CallCommon(pl => pl(lvl, state)); }
public override void ApplyEffect(GameResult gameResult, float dt) { PhysicsState psc = PhysicsStateChange; this.attachie.Current.Position += psc.Position; this.attachie.Current.Velocity += psc.Velocity; Exhausted = true; }
public GameMessageSetState(WorldObject worldObject, PhysicsState state) : base(GameMessageOpcode.SetState, GameMessageGroup.Group0A) { Writer.WriteGuid(worldObject.Guid); Writer.Write((uint)state); Writer.Write(worldObject.Sequences.GetCurrentSequence(Sequence.SequenceType.ObjectInstance)); Writer.Write(worldObject.Sequences.GetNextSequence(Sequence.SequenceType.ObjectState)); }
public void DoFragmentation() { this.currentState = PhysicsState.Fragmanatation; VoxelIngameBuildTask ingameBuildTask = container.ingameBuildTask; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(FragmentationThread, ingameBuildTask); }
public GameMessageSetState(ObjectGuid guid, PhysicsState state, uint logins, uint portals) : base(GameMessageOpcode.SetState, GameMessageGroup.Group0A) { Writer.WriteGuid(guid); Writer.Write((uint)state); Writer.Write((ushort)logins); Writer.Write((ushort)portals); }
public void Respawn() { transform.position = respawnPos; state = PhysicsState.OnFloor; body.velocity =; rend.enabled = true; mover.enabled = true; col.enabled = true; }
private void ResetPrim (PhysicsObject physicsObject, PhysicsState physicsState, float direction) { physicsObject.Position = physicsState.Position; physicsObject.Orientation = physicsState.Rotation; physicsObject.RotationalVelocity = physicsState.AngularVelocity * direction; physicsObject.Velocity = physicsState.LinearVelocity * direction; physicsObject.ForceSetVelocity (physicsState.LinearVelocity * direction); physicsObject.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate (); }
private void ResetPrim(PhysicsObject physicsObject, PhysicsState physicsState, float direction) { physicsObject.Position = physicsState.Position; physicsObject.Orientation = physicsState.Rotation; physicsObject.RotationalVelocity = physicsState.AngularVelocity * direction; physicsObject.Velocity = physicsState.LinearVelocity * direction; physicsObject.ForceSetVelocity(physicsState.LinearVelocity * direction); physicsObject.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); }
private void DoMoveDataToObjects() { this.currentState = PhysicsState.MovingDataToObjects; if (showDebugMessages) { Debug.Log("VoxelMax Physics: Move data to objects"); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.MoveAggregatedVoxelsIntoNewContainers, physicsBuildTask); }
public void AddAvatar (PhysicsCharacter prm) { PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState (); state.Position = prm.Position; state.AngularVelocity = prm.RotationalVelocity; state.LinearVelocity = prm.Velocity; state.Rotation = prm.Orientation; m_activePrims[prm.UUID] = state; }
private void DoFinalization() { if ((physicsBuildTask != null) && (physicsBuildTask.isReady)) { if (physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList.Count; i++) { physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].enabled = true; physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass = physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].voxels.Count; physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].CreateBoxColliders(physicsBuildTask.colliders[i]); ///physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().drag = physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].voxels.Count; MeshRenderer meshRenderer = physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); meshRenderer.enabled = true; physicsBuildTask.voxelContainerList[i].mustRebuildBeforeUpdate = true; } } this.container.CreateBoxColliders(physicsBuildTask.mainBodyCollider); physicsBuildTask = null; return; } if (physicsBuildTask == null) { if ((!this.container.mustRebuildBeforeUpdate) && (this.IsAllFragmentsRebuilded())) { if (showDebugMessages) { Debug.Log("VoxelMax Physics: Reenabling modules"); } this.container.mustRebuildBeforeUpdate = true; foreach (VoxelContainer voxContainer in this.fragmentContainers) { Rigidbody rigidBody = voxContainer.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); MeshCollider meshCollider = voxContainer.GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); VoxelPhysics voxelPhysics = voxContainer.GetComponent <VoxelPhysics>(); rigidBody.useGravity = true; if (meshCollider != null) { meshCollider.enabled = true; } voxelPhysics.enabled = true; } // this.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().enabled = true; if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() != null) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true; } this.currentState = PhysicsState.WaitingForTask; } } }
/*public static ShipInfo GetShipInfo() * { * return new ShipInfo("Orz Nemesis", new CreateShipDelegate(Create)); * }*/ protected static IShip[] GetSubShips(PhysicsState state, FactionInfo factionInfo) { IShip[] returnvalue = new IShip[1]; returnvalue[0] = (IShip)DefaultSubShips[0].Clone(); returnvalue[0].IgnoreInfo.IsCollidable = false; returnvalue[0].Current.Set(state); returnvalue[0].SetAllPositions(); //returnvalue[0].FactionInfo = new FactionInfo(factionInfo); return(returnvalue); }
public void Switch(PhysicsState state) { if (CurrentPhysicsState == state) { return; } CurrentPhysicsState = state; UpdatePhysicsState(); }
public void ChangeState(PhysicsStateType toState) { _currentState.Exit(); ExitStateCallback(_currentStateType); _currentStateType = toState; _currentState = _stateMap[_currentStateType]; _currentState.Enter(); EnterStateCallback(_currentStateType); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if(other.gameObject.tag == "Geometry") { if( < { m_state = PhysicsState.Grounded; m_velocity.y = 0.0f; float y = other.bounds.max.y + m_collider.bounds.extents.y; transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y, transform.position.z); } else { if( < other.bounds.max.y && > other.bounds.min.y) { if( > m_collider.bounds.max.y && m_velocity.x > 0.0f) { m_velocity.x = 0.0f; } } } if(other.bounds.min.y > { m_velocity.y = 0.0f; } // Find the position of the geometry relative to the physics object, then halt progress in that direction } if(other.gameObject.tag == "Bounds") { Debug.Log("Bounds hit"); transform.position = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f); } }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if(other.gameObject.tag == "Geometry") { if( < { m_state = PhysicsState.Grounded; float y = other.bounds.max.y + m_collider.bounds.extents.y; transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y, transform.position.z); } else { if(other.bounds.min.y > m_collider.bounds.max.y) { if(m_velocity.y > 0.0f) { m_velocity.y = 0.0f; } } if( < other.bounds.max.y && > other.bounds.min.y) { if( > m_collider.bounds.max.x && m_velocity.x > 0.0f) { m_velocity.x = 0.0f; } } if( < other.bounds.max.y && > other.bounds.min.y) { if( < m_collider.bounds.max.x && m_velocity.x < 0.0f) { m_velocity.x = 0.0f; } } } } }
public void AddPrim(PhysicsObject prm) { PhysicsState state = new PhysicsState { Position = prm.Position, AngularVelocity = prm.RotationalVelocity, LinearVelocity = prm.Velocity, Rotation = prm.Orientation }; m_activePrims[prm.UUID] = state; }
public void Update(double delta, Game game) { Vector2f accel = v2f(0, 0); if (Math.Abs(Velocity.X) < MAX_WALK_SPEED) { if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.A)) { accel.X -= (float)Player.SPEED_X * HorizontalInfluence; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.D)) { accel.X += (float)Player.SPEED_X * HorizontalInfluence; } } if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Space) && NearGround) { state = PhysicsState.Midair; accel.Y -= (float) (Player.JUMP_SPEED_Y); } if (state == PhysicsState.Midair) accel += game.level.Gravity; // apply unproblematic amount of gravity to facilitate // detection of "standing on the ground" state else accel += DETECTION_GRAVITY; // capping if (Velocity.Len() > Consts.MAX_VEL) { Velocity = Velocity.Norm() * Consts.MAX_VEL; } Level.CollidedWith flags; Box = game.level.ResolveCollision(Box, out flags).Check(); if ((flags & Level.CollidedWith.Bottom) == Level.CollidedWith.Bottom) { Velocity.Y = Math.Min(0, Velocity.Y); state = PhysicsState.Ground; } if ((flags & Level.CollidedWith.Left) == Level.CollidedWith.Left) { Velocity.X = 0; } if ((flags & Level.CollidedWith.Right) == Level.CollidedWith.Right) { Velocity.X = 0; } if ((flags & Level.CollidedWith.Top) == Level.CollidedWith.Top) { Velocity.Y = Math.Max(0, Velocity.Y); state = PhysicsState.Midair; } if ((int) flags == 0) { // No collision, assuming midair state = PhysicsState.Midair; } switch (state) { case PhysicsState.Midair: HorizontalInfluence = 0.3F; LastTouchedGround += delta; anim.Speed = 0.3; break; case PhysicsState.Ground: Block below = game.level[(int) Math.Floor(Box.Center.X), (int) Math.Ceiling(Box.Center.Y)]; var friction = below.Type == null ? 32 : below.Type.Friction; // If we're not walking, apply additional friction if (Math.Abs(accel.X) < 0.1) Velocity.X *= (float)(1 - delta * friction).Clamp(0, 1); Velocity.Y = 0; HorizontalInfluence = 1F; LastTouchedGround = 0; anim.Speed = 1; break; } // Verlet integration Box.Position += (float)delta * (Velocity + (float)delta * accel / 2); Velocity += (float)delta * accel; if (Math.Abs(Velocity.X) < 1) anim.Reset(); anim.Flipped = Velocity.X < 0; anim.Update(delta * (Velocity.X / 4)); }
void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if(other.gameObject.tag == "Geometry") { if(other.gameObject.transform.position.y < transform.position.y) { m_state = PhysicsState.Falling; } } }
public void RegisterState(PhysicsStateType state, PhysicsState method) { if (_stateMap.ContainsKey(state)) { _stateMap[state] = method; } else { _stateMap.Add(state, method); } }