public Settings() { InitializeComponent(); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateInactive); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateActive); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateSWLAN); viewMode.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_ModeClassic); viewMode.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_ModeModern); viewMode.SelectedItem = Cache.InClassicStyle() ? Strings.Settings_ModeClassic : Strings.Settings_ModeModern; var version = PhoneHelper .GetAppAttribute("Version"); lblVersion.Text = string.Format(lblVersion.Text, version); Array.ForEach(cultures, item => { var lang = new LanguageProxy(item); listpickerLanguage.Items.Add(lang); if (lang.Name == Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name) { listpickerLanguage.SelectedItem = lang; } }); }
public HelpPage() { InitializeComponent(); #region Paid version Check if (App.isPaidVersion == true) { // disables ads adControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; //adControl.IsAutoRefreshEnabled = false; adControl.IsEnabled = false; adControl.IsAutoCollapseEnabled = false; svHelp.Height = 605; svHelp.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 549); } else { // enable ads adControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; //adControl.IsAutoRefreshEnabled = true; adControl.IsEnabled = true; adControl.IsAutoCollapseEnabled = false; } #endregion txtAppName.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + " by " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); txtVersion.Text = "version " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); txtDescription.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Description"); }
// use task to open app public AppInfoPage() { InitializeComponent(); MainPivot.Title = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title").ToUpper(); // txtHelp.Text = "We will continue to roll out new features and your suggestions."; txtAppName.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + " v" + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); //" by " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); // txtVersion.Text = "version " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); txtDescription.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Description"); if (App.isPaidVersion == true) { adControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; //HelpScrollViewer.Height = 535; AppsListBox.Height = 535; AboutScrollViewer.Height = 535; } else { AdvertiseInfo adInfo = new AdvertiseInfo(); adControl = new Microsoft.Advertising.Mobile.UI.AdControl(adInfo.ApplicationID, adInfo.AdUnitID, true); //HelpScrollViewer.Height = 454; AppsListBox.Height = 454; AboutScrollViewer.Height = 454; } }
public AboutViewModel() { Version = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); Title = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title"); Author = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); Publisher = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Publisher"); AboutMenuItem[] aboutMenuItems = new AboutMenuItem[] { new AboutMenuItem("rate", AppResources.AboutAboutRateHeader, "post a 5-star rating in the windows phone store", "/Assets/Images/heart.png"), new AboutMenuItem("feedback", AppResources.AboutAboutFeedbackHeader, "tech support, feature requests, and suggestions", "/Assets/Images/feedback.png"), new AboutMenuItem("apps", AppResources.AboutAboutAppsHeader, "more apps by this developer", "/Assets/Images/windows.png"), }; AboutMenuItems = new ObservableCollection <AboutMenuItem>(aboutMenuItems); HistoryMenuItem[] historyMenuItem = new HistoryMenuItem[] { new HistoryMenuItem("", "Initial public release."), }; HistoryMenuItems = new ObservableCollection <HistoryMenuItem>(historyMenuItem.Reverse()); CreditsMenuItem[] creditsMenuItems = new CreditsMenuItem[] { new CreditsMenuItem("", "Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit"), new CreditsMenuItem("", "Board Game Geek"), new CreditsMenuItem("", "HtmlAgilityPack"), new CreditsMenuItem("", "Telerik"), new CreditsMenuItem("", "Coding4Fun Toolkit"), new CreditsMenuItem("", "taropuff", "Thanks for the images."), }; CreditsMenuItems = new ObservableCollection <CreditsMenuItem>(creditsMenuItems); }
private void IsAcceptBtnEnable() { AcceptButton.IsEnabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhoneTB.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassTB.Text) && (PhoneHelper.ValidPhoneNumber(PhoneTB.Text) != null); }
/// <summary> /// Arrange the popup. /// <param name="finalSize">The <see cref="T:Size"/> from <see cref="M:AutoCompleteBox.ArrangeOverride"/>.</param> /// </summary> public void Arrange(Size?finalSize) { if (Popup == null || PopupChild == null || Application.Current == null || OutsidePopupCanvas == null || Application.Current.Host == null || Application.Current.Host.Content == null) { return; } PhoneApplicationFrame frame; if (!PhoneHelper.TryGetPhoneApplicationFrame(out frame)) { return; } Size frameSize = frame.GetUsefulSize(); Thickness margin = GetMargin(); Size controlSize = GetControlSize(margin, finalSize); MatrixTransform matrixTransform = GetControlMatrixTransform(); if (matrixTransform == null) { return; } Point controlPoint = MatrixTransformPoint(matrixTransform, margin); Size displaySize = frame.GetSipUncoveredSize(); bool isChildAbove = IsChildAbove(displaySize, controlSize, controlPoint); Size childSize = isChildAbove ? AboveChildSize(controlSize, controlPoint) : BelowChildSize(displaySize, controlSize, controlPoint); if (frameSize.Width == 0 || frameSize.Height == 0 || childSize.Height == 0) { return; } Point childPoint = isChildAbove ? AboveChildPoint(margin) : BelowChildPoint(margin, controlSize); Popup.HorizontalOffset = 0; Popup.VerticalOffset = 0; PopupChild.Width = PopupChild.MaxWidth = PopupChild.MinWidth = controlSize.Width; PopupChild.MinHeight = 0; PopupChild.MaxHeight = childSize.Height; PopupChild.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; PopupChild.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; Canvas.SetLeft(PopupChild, childPoint.X); Canvas.SetTop(PopupChild, childPoint.Y); OutsidePopupCanvas.Width = controlSize.Width; OutsidePopupCanvas.Height = frameSize.Height; Matrix fromFrameToControl = matrixTransform.Matrix; Matrix fromControlToFrame; fromFrameToControl.Invert(out fromControlToFrame); matrixTransform.Matrix = fromControlToFrame; OutsidePopupCanvas.RenderTransform = matrixTransform; }
public static Phone GivePhone(Player sender, Player target) { if (!sender.AccountData.HavePerm("")) { throw new Exception("Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour cela."); } Phone phone = PhoneHelper.CreatePhone(); if (PhoneHelper.GetDefaultPhone(target.ActiveCharacter) == null) { phone.DefaultPhone = true; } try { InventoryHelper.AddItemToCharacter(target.ActiveCharacter, phone); ServerDbContext dbContext = ((GameMode)GameMode.Instance).DbContext; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(phone); } catch { PhoneHelper.DeletePhone(phone); throw new Exception("Le téléphone n'a pas pu être ajouté à l'utilisateur."); } }
private void appbar_button_MarketplaceSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MarketplaceSearchTask _marketplaceSearch = new MarketplaceSearchTask(); _marketplaceSearch.SearchTerms = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); _marketplaceSearch.Show(); }
private static void AddAppInfo(StringBuilder sb) { sb.AppendLine("WinPass info:"); sb.Append("Version: "); sb.AppendLine(PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version")); }
public void Sure() { try { if (!PhoneHelper.ValidateMobile(UserName)) { SendMsg("resetPassWord", "userNameError"); return; } if (CheckCode == "") { SendMsg("resetPassWord", "checkCodeError"); return; } if (Password == "") { SendMsg("resetPassWord", "passWordError"); return; } var result = new LoginLogic().ResetPassWord(InterfacePath.Default.ResetPassWord, CheckCode, UserName, Password); SendMsg("resetPassWord", result.code.ToString()); Log4Helper.Info(this.GetType(), $"手机号:{UserName},找回密码:{result.msg}"); } catch (Exception ex) { SendMsg("resetPassWord", "Error"); Log4Helper.Error(this.GetType(), ex); } }
async void AcceptButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { AcceptButton.IsEnabled = false; var phone = PhoneHelper.ValidPhoneNumber(PhoneTB.Text); if (phone == 0) { return; } AppBusyPage.Show("Авторизация..."); App.ClearTestLog(); var res = await ApiService.Auth(PhoneTB.Text, PassTB.Text); await App.ShowTestLog(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { AppBusyPage.Close(); await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", res, "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } if (autoLogin) { //AppData.Crew.Online = lastOnline; AppData.Crew.CrewTypeId = lastCrewTypeId; } AppBusyPage.Show("Получение списка типов бригад..."); App.ClearTestLog(); res = await ApiService.GetCrewTypes(); await App.ShowTestLog(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { AppBusyPage.Close(); await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", res, "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } if ((AppData.CrewTypes?.Count ?? 0) == 0) { AppBusyPage.Close(); await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", "Не удалось получить список типов бригад", "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } AppBusyPage.Close(); sctPage = new SelectCrewTypePage(); sctPage.Disappearing += CrewTypePopup_Disappearing; await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(sctPage, true); }
/// <summary> /// 重发 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void BtnRepeat_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (!PhoneHelper.ValidateMobile(PhoneNo.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("手机号格式不正确!"); return; } else { //发短信 LoginLogic logic = new LoginLogic(); ResultModel model = logic.SendMessage(InterfacePath.Default.SendMessage, PhoneNo.Text, CheckCodeTypeEnum.RESET_PASSWORD.ToString()); if (model.code == 200) { secondCount = 59; BtnRepeat.Content = "重发"; this.timer.Start(); } else { string result = ((MessageStateEnum)model.code).ToString(); Log4Helper.Error(this.GetType(), $"手机号:{PhoneNo.Text}发送重置密码短信失败!原因:{result}"); MessageBox.Show(result); } } }
/// <summary> /// 确定 /// </summary> public void Sure() { try { if (!PhoneHelper.ValidateMobile(UserName)) { SendMsg("register", "userNameError"); return; } if (CheckCode == "") { SendMsg("register", "checkCodeError"); return; } if (Password == "") { SendMsg("register", "passWordError"); return; } LoginLogic loginLogic = new LoginLogic(); ResultModel <Token> result = loginLogic.Register(InterfacePath.Default.Register, CheckCode, UserName, NickName, Password, "", ""); SendMsg("register", result.code.ToString()); Log4Helper.Info(this.GetType(), $"手机号:{UserName},注册:{result.msg}"); } catch (Exception ex) { SendMsg("register", "Error"); Log4Helper.Error(this.GetType(), ex); } }
public HelpPage() { InitializeComponent(); txtAppName.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + " by " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); txtVersion.Text = "version " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); txtDescription.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Description"); }
private void appbar_button_ContactUs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EmailComposeTask _emailComposeTask = new EmailComposeTask(); _emailComposeTask.To = "*****@*****.**"; _emailComposeTask.Subject = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + "v" + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version") + " Feedback"; _emailComposeTask.Show(); }
public InfoPage() { InitializeComponent(); txtHelp.Text = "We will continue to roll out new features and your suggestions."; txtAppName.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + " by " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Author"); txtVersion.Text = "version " + PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version"); txtDescription.Text = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Description"); }
/// <summary> /// Call to DB API REST to get the Company list /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of Company objects</returns> public static List <Company> GetCompanies(int id = 0) { List <Company> companies = new List <Company>(); string request = Properties.Resources.base_url + "company/list"; //Properties.Settings.Default.base_url + "/Company/list"; if (id > 0) { request += "?id_company=" + id; } string response = Functions.readRequest(request); if (id > 0) { JObject resp = JObject.Parse(response); Company company = parseCompany(resp.GetValue("0").ToString()); List <Phone> phones = new List <Phone>(); List <string> emails = new List <string>(); List <Address> addresses = new List <Address>(); foreach (JObject item in resp.GetValue(DBKeys.Company.PHONE_LIST)) { phones.Add(PhoneHelper.parsePhone(item.ToString())); } foreach (JObject item in resp.GetValue(DBKeys.Company.EMAIL_LIST)) { emails.Add(item.GetValue(DBKeys.CompanyHasEmail.ADDRESS).ToString()); } foreach (JObject item in resp.GetValue(DBKeys.Company.ADDRESS_LIST)) { addresses.Add(AddressHelper.parseAddress(item.ToString())); } company.phones = phones; company.emails = emails; company.addresses = addresses; companies.Add(company); } else { JArray jsonArray = JArray.Parse(response); foreach (JObject item in jsonArray) { string str = item.ToString(); Company newCompany = parseCompany(str); if (newCompany != null) { companies.Add(newCompany); } } companies.Sort(); } return(companies); }
private void OnAboutButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_aboutMsgBoxLock) { _aboutMsgBoxLock = true; Version version = new Version(PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Version")); MessageBox.Show(String.Format(FileLanguage.VERSION, version.Major, version.Minor, version.Revision)); _aboutMsgBoxLock = false; } }
protected internal void email_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e) { var email = new EmailComposeTask { To = EmailAddress, Subject = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title") + " Feedback" }; email.Show(); }
private void appbar_button_Share_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask(); ShareInfo appInfo = new ShareInfo(); shareLinkTask.Title = PhoneHelper.GetAppAttribute("Title"); shareLinkTask.LinkUri = new Uri(appInfo.LinkUri, UriKind.Absolute); shareLinkTask.Message = appInfo.LinkMessage; shareLinkTask.Show(); }
public About() { InitializeComponent(); var version = PhoneHelper .GetAppAttribute("Version"); lblVersion.Text = string.Format( lblVersion.Text, version); }
private static void SendSMS(Player sender, string number, string message) { try { PhoneHelper.SendSMS(sender, number, message); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.ErrorChat(sender, "Le sms n'a pas pu être envoyé : " + e.Message); } }
async void CrewTypePopup_Disappearing(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sctPage.SelectedCrewType?.Id == null) { await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", "Не выбран тип бригады", "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } AppBusyPage.Show("Сохранение данных на сервер..."); App.ClearTestLog(); var res = await ApiService.SetCrewType(sctPage.SelectedCrewType); await App.ShowTestLog(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { AppBusyPage.Close(); await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", res, "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } AppData.Crew.CrewTypeId = sctPage.SelectedCrewType.Id; AppBusyPage.Show("Получение активного заказа..."); App.ClearTestLog(); res = await ApiService.GetActiveOrder(); await App.ShowTestLog(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { AppBusyPage.Close(); await DisplayAlert("Ошибка", res, "ОК"); AcceptButton.IsEnabled = true; return; } Settings.AppState.LastPhone = PhoneHelper.ValidPhoneNumber(PhoneTB.Text); Settings.AppState.LastPin = PassTB.Text; Settings.AppState.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now; Settings.AppState.Save(); AppBusyPage.Close(); App.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(PageType.ActiveOrder); /*if (AppData.Crew.ActiveOrder != null) * App.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(PageType.ActiveOrder); * else * App.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(PageType.FreeOrders);*/ }
private static void Call(Player sender, string number) { try { PhoneHelper.Call(sender, number); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.ErrorChat(sender, "L'appel a échoué : " + e.Message); } }
private static void HangUp(Player sender) { try { PhoneHelper.HangUp(sender); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.ErrorChat(sender, "Le raccrochage a échoué : " + e.Message); } }
private static void Number(Player sender) { try { PhoneHelper.DisplayPhoneNumber(sender); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.ErrorChat(sender, "Le numéro n'a pas pu être affiché : " + e.Message); } }
private void btnAddPhone_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Phone phone = new Phone(textBoxPhoneNumber.Text, textBoxPhoneArea.Text, ((PhoneType)comboBoxPhoneType.SelectedItem).id, comboBoxPhoneType.Text); textBoxPhoneNumber.Text = ""; textBoxPhoneArea.Text = ""; phones.Add(phone); PhoneHelper.setPhoneGrid(dataGridPhones, phones); }
public Settings() { InitializeComponent(); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateInactive); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateActive); lstAutoSyncSettings.Items.Add(Strings.Settings_AutoUpdateSWLAN); var version = PhoneHelper .GetAppAttribute("Version"); lblVersion.Text = string.Format(lblVersion.Text, version); }
/// <summary> /// 获取验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="uniacid">商户ID</param> /// <param name="phoneNumber">手机号码</param> /// <returns></returns> public IActionResult GetSmsVerifyCode(string uniacid, string phoneNumber) { var filter = Builders <VerifyCodeModel> .Filter; var mongo = new MongoDBTool(); var company = mongo.GetMongoCollection <CompanyModel>().Find(x => x.uniacid.Equals(uniacid)).FirstOrDefault(); if (company == null || company.YTX == null) { var em = new ExceptionModel() { Content = "商户未设置云通信信息" }; em.Save(); return(this.JsonErrorStatus()); } var collection = mongo.GetMongoCollection <VerifyCodeModel>(); var date = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(VerifyTimeOut); collection.DeleteMany(filter.Lt(x => x.CreateTime, date) & filter.Eq(x => x.uniacid, uniacid)); var filterSum = filter.Eq(x => x.PhoneNumber, phoneNumber) & filter.Gt(x => x.CreateTime, date); VerifyCodeModel vcm = collection.FindOneAndDelete(filterSum); if (vcm == null) { vcm = new VerifyCodeModel() { PhoneNumber = phoneNumber, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, uniacid = uniacid }; } string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SMSModel() { appid = company.YTX.AppID, mobile = vcm.PhoneNumber, datas = new string[] { vcm.VerifyCode, VerifyTimeOut + "" } }); string url = "/sms/TemplateSMS.wx"; string result = new PhoneHelper(company.YTX).SendRequest(url, jsonData); var jObj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result); JToken statuscode; bool hasVal = jObj.TryGetValue("statusCode", out statuscode); if (hasVal && statuscode.ToString().Equals("0")) { collection.InsertOne(vcm); return(this.JsonErrorStatus()); } return(this.JsonErrorStatus()); }
public string SendSms(string phone, string body) { try { phone = PhoneHelper.NormalizePhone(phone); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidPhoneException(e); } if (!FakeMode) { var url = ""; var parameters = string.Format("api_id={0}&to={1}&text={2}&from={3}", ApiId, phone, body, From); var request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.Method = "POST"; var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parameters); request.ContentLength = bytes.Length; using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); requestStream.Close(); } string answer; using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { answer = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Trim(); } } var lines = answer.Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); var resultCode = Convert.ToInt32(lines[0]); if (resultCode != 100) { throw new SendSmsException(resultCode); } var externalId = lines[1]; return(externalId); } else { return(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } }