コード例 #1
    //The main function! This EXACT coroutine will be executed, even across frames.
    //See GameAction.cs for more information on how this function should work!
    public override IEnumerator TakeAction()
        if (goals.Count == 0)
            if (caller != Player.player)
                Debug.LogError("Monster should never take movement action with NO goals!");
                caller.energy -= 10;
            yield break;

        Path path = Pathfinding.CreateDjikstraPath(caller.location, goals);

        if (path.Cost() < 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Monster cannot find path to location! Aborting");
            yield break;

        while (path.Count() > 0)
            Vector2Int next = path.Pop();
            MoveAction act  = new MoveAction(next);


            if (caller.view.visibleMonsters.FindAll(x => (x.faction & caller.faction) == 0).Count > 0)
                Debug.Log($"Monster came into sight, so don't auto move!");
                yield break;

            while (act.action.MoveNext())
                yield return(act.action.Current);

            yield return(GameAction.StateCheck);
コード例 #2
    //The main function! This EXACT coroutine will be executed, even across frames.
    //See GameAction.cs for more information on how this function should work!
    public override IEnumerator TakeAction()
        while (true)
            if (caller.view.visibleMonsters.FindAll(x => x.IsEnemy(caller)).Count > 0)
                Debug.Log("Console: You cannot auto-explore while enemies are in sight.");
                yield break;

            //TODO: Rest action first!

            //Build up the points we need!
            List <Vector2Int> goals = new List <Vector2Int>();
            for (int i = 1; i < Map.current.width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < Map.current.height - 1; j++)
                    Vector2Int pos = new Vector2Int(i, j);
                    if (Map.current.NeedsExploring(pos))

            if (goals.Count == 0)
                Debug.Log("Nothing left to explore!");
                yield break;

            Path path = Pathfinding.CreateDjikstraPath(caller.location, goals.ToArray());

            if (path.Count() == 0)
                Debug.Log("Can't reach anymore spaces!");
                yield break;

            while (path.Count() > 0)
                Vector2Int next = path.Pop();
                MoveAction act  = new MoveAction(next);


                if (caller.view.visibleMonsters.FindAll(x => x.IsEnemy(caller)).Count > 0)
                    Debug.Log($"Monster came into sight, stopping auto explore!");
                    yield break;

                while (act.action.MoveNext())
                    yield return(act.action.Current);

                yield break;

                yield return(GameAction.StateCheck);