public bodypart(ClassTypes ty, PartTypes pt, string name = " ",double str = 0, double def = 0, double intel = 0, double agil = 0, double end = 0) { Name = name; Abilities = new List<ability>(); Class = ty; Part = pt; ClassPart = (ClassPartTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ClassPartTypes),Class.ToString() + Part.ToString()); if (str + agil + def + intel + end != 0) { ability tempAbility = new ability("Base", new List<effect>() { new effect(Stats.statsType.STRENGTH, str, -1, false, true, " ", this.ClassPart), new effect(Stats.statsType.AGILITY, agil, -1, false, true, " ", this.ClassPart), new effect(Stats.statsType.INTELLIGENCE, intel, -1, false, true, " ", this.ClassPart), new effect(Stats.statsType.ENDURANCE, end, -1, false, true, " ", this.ClassPart), new effect(Stats.statsType.DEFENCE, def, -1, false, true, " ",this.ClassPart) }, true, true, new mastery(), new Stats()); this.AddAbility(tempAbility); } }
public void ChangePart(string partName) { // Debug.Log ("Part changed to " + partName); pathName = "Part Database/" + partType.ToString() + "s/" + partName; partTitle.text = partName; if (partDisplay != null) { Destroy(partDisplay); } if (partType == PartTypes.Hull) { hData = Resources.Load <HullData> (pathName); if (hData == null) { Debug.LogError("No data found for " + partName); } //get all variables and add to statPanel partDisplay = Instantiate(hData.partVisuals); partDisplay.transform.SetParent(displayParent, false); partStats.text = "Integrity = " + hData.maxIntegrity + "\nEnergy = " + hData.maxEnergy + "\nMass = " + hData.mass + "\nPairs = " + hData.maxPairs; } else if (partType == PartTypes.Weapon) { wData = Resources.Load <WeaponData> (pathName); if (wData == null) { Debug.LogError("No data found for " + partName); } //get all variables and add to statPanel partDisplay = Instantiate(wData.partVisuals); partDisplay.transform.SetParent(displayParent, false); partStats.text = "Integrity = " + wData.integrityMultiplier * 100 + "%\nDamage = " + wData.damage + "\nRate of Fire = " + wData.RoF + "\nRange = " + wData.range; if (wData.force > 0) { partStats.text += "\nForce = " + wData.force; } if (wData.projectileSpeed > 0) { partStats.text += "\nProjectile Speed = " + wData.projectileSpeed; } } else if (partType == PartTypes.Movement) { mData = Resources.Load <MovementData> (pathName); if (mData == null) { Debug.LogError("No data found for " + partName); } //get all variables and add to statPanel partDisplay = Instantiate(mData.partVisuals); partDisplay.transform.SetParent(displayParent, false); string capacityText; if (mData.capacity > 0) { capacityText = mData.capacity.ToString(); } else { capacityText = "Infinte"; } partStats.text = "Integrity = " + mData.integrityMultiplier * 100 + "%\nCapacity = " + capacityText + "\nPower = " + mData.power + "\nJump = " + mData.jumpPower + "\nMax Speed = " + mData.maxSpeed.z; } else if (partType == PartTypes.Gadget) { gData = Resources.Load <GadgetData> (pathName); if (gData == null) { Debug.LogError("No data found for " + partName); } //get all variables and add to statPanel partStats.text = "TEST"; } }
public void ChangePartType() { cam.ChangeCameraView(camPosNum); botSaver.ChangeActivePartType(partType.ToString()); }