コード例 #1
    bool GetCurrentAndCompatibleChangeLists(string P4ProjectFilePath, out int OutCurrentChangeList, out int OutCompatibleChangeList)
        OutCurrentChangeList    = 0;
        OutCompatibleChangeList = 0;

        string[] CurrentChangeListPaths =

        string[] CompatibleChangeListPaths =

        string P4ProjectRoot = null;

        if (P4ProjectFilePath.IndexOf(".uproject", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) < 0)
            throw new AutomationException("P4ProjectFilePath should end in .uproject");

        P4WhereRecord Record = P4.Where(P4ProjectFilePath, AllowSpew: false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.DepotFile != null && !x.bUnmap);

        P4ProjectRoot = Record.DepotFile.Substring(0, Record.DepotFile.LastIndexOf("/"));

        // assume for now that if the project is in //depot/<some_path> that the engine is in //Engine;
        string P4EngineRoot = "//" + P4ProjectRoot.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First() + "/Engine";

        // Transform the compatible changelist paths queries with the now-known project and engine paths
        CompatibleChangeListPaths = CompatibleChangeListPaths.Select(S => {
            string Result = S.Replace("<project>", P4ProjectRoot);
            Result        = Result.Replace("<engine>", P4EngineRoot);

        // Transform the current changelist paths queries with the now-known project and engine paths
        CurrentChangeListPaths = CurrentChangeListPaths.Select(S =>
            string Result = S.Replace("<project>", P4ProjectRoot);
            Result        = Result.Replace("<engine>", P4EngineRoot);

        // get the most recent changes for all the compatible paths
        List <P4Connection.ChangeRecord> ChangeRecords;
        string CompatiblePathArg = string.Join(" ", CompatibleChangeListPaths);

        P4.Changes(out ChangeRecords, "-m1 " + CompatiblePathArg);

        if (ChangeRecords.Any() == false)
            throw new AutomationException("No changes returned for P4 paths {0}", CompatiblePathArg);

        int SortRecordsDescending(P4Connection.ChangeRecord lhs, P4Connection.ChangeRecord rhs)
            return(lhs.CL.CompareTo(rhs.CL) * -1);

        // sort descending to get the most recent CL first

        // this is the CL we need for compatibility
        OutCompatibleChangeList = ChangeRecords.First().CL;

        // get records for the entire project and engine paths
        string CurrentPathArg = string.Join(" ", CurrentChangeListPaths);

        P4.Changes(out ChangeRecords, "-m1 " + CurrentPathArg);

        if (ChangeRecords.Any() == false)
            throw new AutomationException("No changes returned for P4 paths {0}", CurrentPathArg);

        OutCurrentChangeList = ChangeRecords.First().CL;

        return(OutCompatibleChangeList != 0 && OutCurrentChangeList != 0);
コード例 #2
    public override ExitCode Execute()
        LogInformation("************************* SyncProject");

        // These are files that should always be synced because tools update them
        string[] ForceSyncFiles = new string[]

        // Parse the project filename (as a local path)
        string ProjectArg = ParseParamValue("Project", null);

        // Parse the changelist to sync to. -1 will sync to head.
        int  CL          = ParseParamInt("CL", -1);
        int  Threads     = ParseParamInt("threads", 2);
        bool ForceSync   = ParseParam("force");
        bool PreviewOnly = ParseParam("preview");

        bool ProjectOnly = ParseParam("projectonly");

        int  Retries     = ParseParamInt("retries", 3);
        bool Unversioned = ParseParam("unversioned");

        bool BuildProject    = ParseParam("build");
        bool OpenProject     = ParseParam("open");
        bool GenerateProject = ParseParam("generate");

        string PathArg = ParseParamValue("paths", "");

        IEnumerable <string> ExplicitPaths = PathArg.Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(S => S.Trim());

        if (CL == 0)
            if (!ForceSync)
                throw new AutomationException("If using 0 CL to remove files -force must also be specified");

            // Cannot unsync the engine folder
            ProjectOnly = true;
        else if (CL == -1)
            // find most recent change
            List <P4Connection.ChangeRecord> Records;

            string Cmd = string.Format("-s submitted -m1 //{0}/...", P4Env.Client);
            if (!P4.Changes(out Records, Cmd, false))
                throw new AutomationException("p4 changes failed. Cannot find most recent CL");

            CL = Records.First().CL;

        bool EngineOnly = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectArg);

        // Will be the full local path to the project file once resolved
        FileReference ProjectFile = null;

        // Will be the full workspace path to the project in P4 (if a project was specified)
        string P4ProjectPath = null;

        // Will be the full workspace path to the engine in P4 (If projectonly wasn't specified);
        string P4EnginePath = null;

        // If we're syncing a project find where it is in P4
        if (!EngineOnly)
            ProjectFile = ProjectUtils.FindProjectFileFromName(ProjectArg);

            if (ProjectFile != null)
                // get the path in P4
                P4WhereRecord Record = P4.Where(ProjectFile.FullName, AllowSpew: false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.DepotFile != null && !x.bUnmap);
                P4ProjectPath = Record.ClientFile;
                // if they provided a name and not a path then find the file (requires that it's synced).
                string RelativePath = ProjectArg;

                if (Path.GetExtension(RelativePath).Length == 0)
                    RelativePath = Path.ChangeExtension(RelativePath, "uproject");

                if (!RelativePath.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) && !RelativePath.Contains(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
                    RelativePath = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RelativePath), RelativePath);

                Log.TraceInformation("{0} not on disk. Searching P4 for {1}", ProjectArg, RelativePath);

                List <string> SearchPaths = new List <string>();
                string ProjectDirsFile = Directory.EnumerateFiles(CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot), "*.uprojectdirs").FirstOrDefault();
                if (ProjectDirsFile != null)
                    foreach (string FilePath in File.ReadAllLines(ProjectDirsFile))
                        string Trimmed = FilePath.Trim();
                        if (!Trimmed.StartsWith("./", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                            !Trimmed.StartsWith(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                            Trimmed.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) < 0)

                // Get the root of the branch containing the selected file
                foreach (string SearchPath in SearchPaths)
                    string P4Path = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.ClientRoot, SearchPath, RelativePath);

                    if (P4.FileExistsInDepot(P4Path))
                        P4WhereRecord Record = P4.Where(P4Path, AllowSpew: false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.DepotFile != null && !x.bUnmap);
                        // make sure to sync with //workspace/path as it cleans up files if the user has stream switched
                        P4ProjectPath = Record.ClientFile;
                        Log.TraceInformation("Found project at {0}", P4ProjectPath);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(P4ProjectPath))
                throw new AutomationException("Could not find project file for {0} locally or in P4. Provide a full path or check the subdirectory is listed in UE4Games.uprojectdirs", ProjectArg);

            Log.TraceVerbose("Resolved {0} to P4 Path {1}", ProjectArg, P4ProjectPath);

        // Build the list of paths that need syncing
        List <string> SyncPaths = new List <string>();

        if (ExplicitPaths.Any())
            // Add all explicit paths as <root>/Path/...
            ExplicitPaths.ToList().ForEach(P => SyncPaths.Add(CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.ClientRoot, P, "...")));
            // See if the engine is in P4 too by checking the p4 location of a local file
            string        LocalEngineFile = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Source", "UE4Editor.target.cs");
            P4WhereRecord EngineRecord    = P4.Where(LocalEngineFile, AllowSpew: false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.DepotFile != null && !x.bUnmap);

            if (!ProjectOnly && P4.FileExistsInDepot(EngineRecord.DepotFile))
                // make sure to sync with //workspace/path as it cleans up files if the user has stream switched
                P4EnginePath = EngineRecord.ClientFile.Replace("Engine/Source/UE4Editor.target.cs", "");
                SyncPaths.Add(CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4EnginePath + "*"));
                SyncPaths.Add(CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4EnginePath, "Engine", "..."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(P4ProjectPath))
                string P4ProjectDir = Regex.Replace(P4ProjectPath, @"[^/]+\.uproject", "...", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        // Force these files as they can be overwritten by tools
        if (!PreviewOnly && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(P4EnginePath) && !ProjectOnly)
            IEnumerable <string> ForceSyncList = ForceSyncFiles.Select(F => CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4EnginePath, F));

            foreach (var F in ForceSyncList)
                LogInformation("Force-updating {0}", F);

                string SyncCommand = string.Format("-f {0}@{1}", F, CL);

                // sync with retries
                P4.Sync(SyncCommand, true, false, Retries);

        // Sync all the things
        foreach (string SyncPath in SyncPaths)
            string SyncCommand = "";

            if (Threads > 1)
                SyncCommand = string.Format(" --parallel \"threads={0}\" {1}", Threads, SyncCommand);

            if (ForceSync)
                SyncCommand = SyncCommand + " -f";

            SyncCommand += string.Format(" {0}@{1}", SyncPath, CL);

            if (!PreviewOnly)
                // sync with retries
                P4.Sync(SyncCommand, true, false, Retries);
                LogInformation("sync {0}", SyncCommand);

        // P4 utils don't return errors :(
        ExitCode ExitStatus = ExitCode.Success;

        // Sync is complete so do the actions
        if (!PreviewOnly && CL > 0)
            // Argument to pass to the editor (could be null with no project).
            string ProjectArgForEditor = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectArg))
                // If we synced the project from P4 we couldn't resolve this earlier
                if (ProjectFile == null)
                    ProjectFile = ProjectUtils.FindProjectFileFromName(ProjectArg);

                ProjectArgForEditor = ProjectFile.FullName;

            if (GenerateProject)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Generating project files for {0}", ProjectArgForEditor);

                if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 ||
                    BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32)
                    CommandUtils.Run("GenerateProjectFiles.bat", ProjectArgForEditor);
                    CommandUtils.Run("GenerateProjectFiles.sh", ProjectArgForEditor);

            UE4Build Build = new UE4Build(this);
            if (!Unversioned && !ProjectOnly)
                Build.UpdateVersionFiles(ActuallyUpdateVersionFiles: true, ChangelistNumberOverride: CL, IsPromotedOverride: false);

            // Build everything
            if (BuildProject && ExitStatus == ExitCode.Success)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Building Editor for {0}", ProjectArgForEditor);

                BuildEditor BuildCmd = new BuildEditor();
                BuildCmd.Clean       = ParseParam("clean");
                BuildCmd.ProjectName = ProjectArgForEditor;
                ExitStatus           = BuildCmd.Execute();

            if (OpenProject && ExitStatus == ExitCode.Success)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Opening Editor for {0}", ProjectArgForEditor);

                OpenEditor OpenCmd = new OpenEditor();
                OpenCmd.ProjectName = ProjectArgForEditor;
                ExitStatus          = OpenCmd.Execute();

コード例 #3
 protected P4WhereRecord GetP4RecordForPath(string FilePath)
     return(P4.Where(FilePath, AllowSpew: false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.DepotFile != null && !x.bUnmap));