コード例 #1
    public override ExitCode Execute()
        // Parse the project filename (as a local path)
        ProjectArg = ParseParamValue("Project", ProjectArg);
        Preview    = Preview || ParseParam("Preview");

        // Will be the full local path to the project file once resolved
        FileReference ProjectFile = ProjectUtils.FindProjectFileFromName(ProjectArg);

        if (ProjectFile == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find project file for {0}. Provide a full path or check the subdirectory is listed in UE4Games.uprojectdirs", ProjectArg);

        // Will be the full workspace path to the project in P4
        P4WhereRecord ProjectRecord = GetP4RecordForPath(ProjectFile.FullName);

        if (ProjectRecord == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find a P4 record for {0} with the current workspace settings. use RunUAT P4WriteConfig to write a config file with the relevant info", ProjectFile.FullName);

        // get the path to binaries in the depot
        string DepotBinaryPath = GetZippedBinaryPathFromUGSConfig(ProjectFile.Directory, ProjectRecord.DepotFile);

        // get the CL
        int CompatibleChangeList = 0;
        int CurrentChangeList    = 0;

        GetCurrentAndCompatibleChangeLists(ProjectRecord.DepotFile, out CurrentChangeList, out CompatibleChangeList);

        LogInformation("Current CL: {0}, Required Compatible CL: {1}", CurrentChangeList, CompatibleChangeList);

        List <P4Connection.ChangeRecord> BinaryChanges;

        P4.Changes(out BinaryChanges, DepotBinaryPath, AllowSpew: false);

        // changes will be in ascending order, so pull out the CL's they were submitted for and return the first CL that is greater than
        // the change we need. This lets people regress issues if needed.
        int CheckedInBinaryCL = BinaryChanges.Where(R => {
            // use a regex to pull the CL the binaries were built from. The description will be something like "[CL 21611] Updated..",
            // where 21611 is the change they were generated from
            Match M = Regex.Match(R.Summary, @"\[CL\s+(\d+)\]");

            if (M == null)
                LogWarning("Change description for {0} did not include expected format of [CL xxxx]", R.CL);

            int SourceCL = Convert.ToInt32(M.Groups[1].ToString());

            // Only interested in records greater than the code CL
            return(SourceCL >= CompatibleChangeList);
                                .Select(R => R.CL) // We want the CL of that record
                                .FirstOrDefault(); // And we only care about the first match

        if (CheckedInBinaryCL == 0)
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find a submitted CL for {0} that was for source code >= CL {1}", DepotBinaryPath, CompatibleChangeList);

        string VersionedFile = string.Format("{0}@{1}", DepotBinaryPath, CheckedInBinaryCL);

        LogInformation("Will sync and extract binaries from {0}", VersionedFile);

        if (!Preview)
            string TmpFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "UGS.zip");

                P4.PrintToFile(VersionedFile, TmpFile);

                LogInformation("Unzipping to {0}", CommandUtils.RootDirectory);

                // we can't use helpers as unlike UGS we don't want to extract anything for UAT, since that us running us....
                // That should be fine since we are either being run from the source CL that has already been syned to, or the
                // next time UAT is run we'll be rebuilt with that CL...

                int    FileCount    = 0;
                string UATDirectory = "Engine/Binaries/DotNET";

                using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile Zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(TmpFile))
                    foreach (Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry Entry in Zip.Entries.Where(x => !x.IsDirectory))
                        string OutputFileName = Path.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory.FullName, Entry.FileName);

                        if (Entry.FileName.Replace("\\", "/").StartsWith(UATDirectory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            LogInformation("Skipping {0} as UAT is running", OutputFileName);
                            using (FileStream OutputStream = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                            LogInformation("Extracted {0}", OutputFileName);

                LogInformation("Unzipped {0} files", FileCount);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to uinzip files: {0}", Ex.Message);
                    if (File.Exists(TmpFile))
                    LogInformation("Failed to remove tmp file {0}", TmpFile);

            // Update version files with our current and compatible CLs
            LogInformation("Updating Version files to CL: {0} CompatibleCL: {1}", CurrentChangeList, CompatibleChangeList);
            UE4Build Build = new UE4Build(this);
            Build.UpdateVersionFiles(ActuallyUpdateVersionFiles: true, ChangelistNumberOverride: CurrentChangeList, CompatibleChangelistNumberOverride: CompatibleChangeList, IsPromotedOverride: false);
