コード例 #1
ファイル: BasicWarehouse.cs プロジェクト: II01/i2MFCSv2.TAI
        public void OnOtherTelegrams(Telegram t)
                if (t is TelegramPalletRemoved)
                    using (MFCSEntities dc = new MFCSEntities())
                        string loc;
                        int    idx = (t as TelegramPalletRemoved).Location;
                        //                        int idxp = ((int)((idx - 1) / 4) + 1) * 10 + (idx - 1) % 4 + 1;
                        int idxp = idx;
                        if (idx % 10 == 0) // button pressed at the end of ramp
                            using (WMSToMFCSClient client = new WMSToMFCSClient())
                                idx = idx / 10;
                                loc = $"W:32:{idx:D2}";
                                bool canDelete;
                                    canDelete = false; // !client.OrderForRampActive(loc);
                                    canDelete = true;
                                if (canDelete && dc.Places.Any(p => p.Place1.StartsWith(loc))) // ramp is full, remove pallets
                                    var pallets = (from p in dc.Places
                                                   where p.Place1.StartsWith(loc)
                                                   select p).ToList();
                                    foreach (var pal in pallets)
                                        DBService.MaterialDelete(pal.Place1, pal.Material);
                                        OnMaterialMove?.Invoke(pal, EnumMovementTask.Delete);
                                        //DBService.MaterialMove(pal.Material, pal.Place1, "W:out");
                                        //Place pl = new Place { Material = pal.Material, Place1 = "W:out", Time = DateTime.Now };
                                        //OnMaterialMove?.Invoke(pl, EnumMovementTask.Move);
//                                else // release ramp
//                                    client.DestinationEmptied(loc);
                        else // sensor detected removal
                            loc = $"W:32:{idxp:D3}:1:1";
                            Place place = dc.Places.Where(p => p.Place1 == loc).OrderBy(pp => pp.Time).FirstOrDefault();
                                DBService.MaterialDelete(place.Place1, place.Material);
                                OnMaterialMove?.Invoke(place, EnumMovementTask.Delete);
                                //DBService.MaterialMove(place.Material, loc, "W:out");
                                //Place pl = new Place { Material = place.Material, Place1 = "W:out", Time = DateTime.Now };
                                //OnMaterialMove?.Invoke(pl, EnumMovementTask.Move);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddEvent(Event.EnumSeverity.Error, Event.EnumType.Exception, ex.Message);
                AddEvent(Event.EnumSeverity.Error, Event.EnumType.Exception, String.Format("{0} BasicWarehouse.OnOtherTelegrams failed", Name));
コード例 #2
ファイル: BasicWarehouse.cs プロジェクト: II01/i2MFCSv2.TAI
        public void CreateMaterial(UInt32 material, string place, int?mfcs_id, bool ignoreMaterialExsists, bool ignorePlaceExsists)
                SimpleCommand c = null;

                DBService.FindMaterialID((int)material, true);
                Place   pm  = DBService.FindMaterial((int)material);
                Place   pp  = DBService.FindPlace(place);
                PlaceID pid = DBService.FindPlaceID(place);

                //if(pm != null && pm.Place1 == "W:out")
                //    DBService.MaterialDelete(pm.Place1, (int)material);
                //    pm = null;

                if (!ignoreMaterialExsists && pm != null) // material exists
                    if (mfcs_id.HasValue)
                        Command cmd = DBService.FindCommandByID(mfcs_id.Value);
                        cmd.Reason = Command.EnumCommandReason.MFCS;
                        cmd.Status = Command.EnumCommandStatus.Canceled;
                else if (!ignorePlaceExsists && pp != null && pid.Size != 999) // place is full
                    if (mfcs_id.HasValue)
                        Command cmd = DBService.FindCommandByID(mfcs_id.Value);
                        cmd.Reason = Command.EnumCommandReason.LocationFull;
                        cmd.Status = Command.EnumCommandStatus.Canceled;
                    LPosition loc = LPosition.FromString(place);
                    if (!loc.IsWarehouse())
                        ConveyorBasic cb = FindConveyorBasic(place);
                        if (cb is Conveyor)
                            DBService.AddSimpleCommand(c = new SimpleConveyorCommand
                                Command_ID = mfcs_id,
                                Material   = (int)material,
                                Source     = place,
                                Status     = SimpleCommand.EnumStatus.NotActive,
                                Target     = place,
                                Task       = SimpleCommand.EnumTask.Create,
                                Time       = DateTime.Now
                        else if (cb is Crane)
                            DBService.AddSimpleCommand(c = new SimpleCraneCommand
                                Command_ID = mfcs_id,
                                Material   = (int)material,
                                Source     = place,
                                Status     = SimpleCommand.EnumStatus.NotActive,
                                Task       = SimpleCommand.EnumTask.Create,
                                Time       = DateTime.Now,
                                Unit       = cb.Name
                        DBService.MaterialCreate(place, (int)material, true);
                        OnMaterialMove?.Invoke(new Place {
                            Place1 = place, Material = (int)material
                        }, EnumMovementTask.Create);
                        if (mfcs_id.HasValue)
                            Command cmd = DBService.FindCommandByID(mfcs_id.Value);
                            cmd.Status = Command.EnumCommandStatus.Finished;
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddEvent(Event.EnumSeverity.Error, Event.EnumType.Exception, String.Format("BasicWarehouse.CreateMaterial material({0}),place({1}) failed. Reason :{2}", material, place, ex.Message));