コード例 #1
        public void UpdateGoal()
            //List3D<OCChunk> chunks = _map.GetChunks ();

            // Since this is probably bogging down the gameplay, switch it to block creation only.

            Vector3 sourcePos   = gameObject.transform.position;
            Vector3 distanceVec = ((Vector3)GoalBlockPos) - sourcePos;

            float integrityChange = _goalNameToChangeRatePerSecond["Integrity"] / (distanceVec.magnitude * _distanceAttenuation);

            integrityChange = integrityChange / 10;

            UnityEngine.GameObject[] agiArray = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("OCAGI");

            if (integrityChange > 0.04)
                for (int iAGI = 0; iAGI < agiArray.Length; iAGI++)
                    UnityEngine.GameObject agiObject = agiArray[iAGI];

                    OpenCog.Embodiment.OCPhysiologicalModel agiPhysModel = agiObject.GetComponent <OpenCog.Embodiment.OCPhysiologicalModel>();

                    OpenCog.Embodiment.OCPhysiologicalEffect nearHomeEffect = OCPhysiologicalEffect.CreateInstance <OCPhysiologicalEffect>();
                    nearHomeEffect.CostLevelProp = OpenCog.Embodiment.OCPhysiologicalEffect.CostLevel.NONE;

                    nearHomeEffect.FitnessChange = integrityChange;

                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Increasing Integrity by '" + integrityChange.ToString() + "'");


            if (GoalBlockPos != Vector3i.zero && _map.GetBlock(GoalBlockPos).IsEmpty())
                OpenCog.Utility.Console.Console console = OpenCog.Utility.Console.Console.Instance;
                console.AddConsoleEntry("I perceive no more " + _goalBlockType.GetName() + " blocks in my world.", "AGI Robot", OpenCog.Utility.Console.Console.ConsoleEntry.Type.SAY);
                System.Console.WriteLine(OCLogSymbol.RUNNING + "No more " + _goalBlockType.GetName() + " are reported");

                GoalBlockPos = Vector3i.zero;

                OCAction[] actions = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OCAction>();

                foreach (OCAction action in actions)
                    if (action.EndTarget != null)
                        action.EndTarget.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
                    if (action.StartTarget != null)
                        action.StartTarget.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
コード例 #2
    public static void DrawBlockEditor(OCBlock block, OCBlockSet blockSet)
            string name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", block.GetName());

            if (block is OCGlassBlock)
                OCGlassBlock           glass    = (OCGlassBlock)block;
                UnityEngine.GameObject interior = (UnityEngine.GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Interior", glass.GetInterior(), typeof(UnityEngine.GameObject), true, null);

            int atlas = BlockEditorUtils.Popup("Atlas", block.AtlasID, blockSet.Atlases);
            block.AtlasID = atlas;

            int light = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Light", block.GetLight());

        UnityEngine.Texture texture = block.GetTexture();
        if (texture != null)
            FieldInfo field = DrawFacesList(block, texture);
            int       face  = (int)field.GetValue(block);
            DrawFaceEditor(ref face, block.Atlas, ref atlasMatrix);
            field.SetValue(block, face);
コード例 #3
        private static bool DrawItem(Rect position, OCBlock block, bool selected, int index)
            Rect texturePosition = position;

            texturePosition.height = texturePosition.width;
            Rect labelPosition = position;

            labelPosition.yMin += texturePosition.height;

            if (selected)
                EditorGUIUtils.FillRect(labelPosition, new Color(61 / 255f, 128 / 255f, 223 / 255f));
            if (block != null)
                GUI.Label(labelPosition, block.GetName());
                EditorGUIUtils.FillRect(texturePosition, Color.grey);
                GUI.Label(labelPosition, "Null");

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
コード例 #4



        #region Private Member Functions


        private void FindGoalBlockPositionInChunks(List3D <OCChunk> chunks)
            Vector3 sourcePos   = gameObject.transform.position;
            Vector3 distanceVec = ((Vector3)GoalBlockPos) - sourcePos;

//		//		if(distanceVec.y < -1.0f + 0.5f && distanceVec.y > -1.0f - 0.5f)
//		if(distanceVec.sqrMagnitude < 2.25f)
//		{
//			Debug.Log("We've arrived at our goal TNT block...");
//			map.SetBlockAndRecompute(new OCBlockData(), TargetBlockPos);
//			TargetBlockPos = Vector3i.zero;
//			OCAction[] actions = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OCAction>();
//			foreach(OCAction action in actions)
//			{
//				action.EndTarget.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
//				action.StartTarget.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
//			}
//		}

            bool doesGoalExist = false;

            //distanceVec = new Vector3(1000,1000,1000);
            for (int cx = chunks.GetMinX(); cx < chunks.GetMaxX(); ++cx)
                for (int cy = chunks.GetMinY(); cy < chunks.GetMaxY(); ++cy)
                    for (int cz = chunks.GetMinZ(); cz < chunks.GetMaxZ(); ++cz)
                        Vector3i chunkPos = new Vector3i(cx, cy, cz);
                        OCChunk  chunk    = chunks.SafeGet(chunkPos);
                        if (chunk != null)
                            for (int z = 0; z < OCChunk.SIZE_Z; z++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < OCChunk.SIZE_X; x++)
                                    for (int y = 0; y < OCChunk.SIZE_Y; y++)
                                        Vector3i    localPos     = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
                                        OCBlockData blockData    = chunk.GetBlock(localPos);
                                        Vector3i    candidatePos = OCChunk.ToWorldPosition(chunk.GetPosition(), localPos);
                                        Vector3     candidateVec = ((Vector3)candidatePos) - sourcePos;
                                        if (!blockData.IsEmpty() && blockData.block.GetName() == _goalBlockType.GetName())
                                            doesGoalExist = true;
                                            if (candidateVec.sqrMagnitude < distanceVec.sqrMagnitude)
                                                GoalBlockPos = candidatePos;
                                                distanceVec  = candidateVec;

                                                if (_ShouldMoveTargets)
                                                    OCAction[] actions = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OCAction>();

                                                    foreach (OCAction action in actions)
                                                        action.EndTarget.transform.position   = new Vector3(GoalBlockPos.x, GoalBlockPos.y, GoalBlockPos.z);
                                                        action.StartTarget.transform.position = gameObject.transform.position;

                                                Debug.Log("We found some " + _goalBlockType.GetName() + " nearby: " + GoalBlockPos + "!");

            if (GoalBlockPos != Vector3i.zero && (!doesGoalExist || _map.GetBlock(GoalBlockPos).IsEmpty()))
                Debug.Log("No more " + _goalBlockType.GetName() + "... :(");

                GoalBlockPos = Vector3i.zero;

                OCAction[] actions = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OCAction>();

                foreach (OCAction action in actions)
                    action.EndTarget.transform.position   = Vector3.zero;
                    action.StartTarget.transform.position = Vector3.zero;