/// <summary>Retrieves simulation timing parameters. </summary> /// <param name="maxTimestep">Maximum size to divide a substep into. Range: (0,inf) </param> /// <param name="maxIter">Maximum number of iterations to divide a timestep into. </param> /// <param name="method">Method to use for timestep (either variable time step or fixed). See NxTimeStepMethod. </param> /// <param name="numSubSteps">The number of sub steps the time step will be divided into.</param> public virtual void getTiming(ref float maxTimestep, ref uint maxIter, ref NxTimeStepMethod method) { if (doSetFunctionPointers) { throw new System.NotSupportedException("Cannot call abstract base member"); } NxCompartment_getTiming_1_INVOKE(ClassPointer, doSetFunctionPointers, ref maxTimestep, ref maxIter, ref method); }
private extern static void set_NxSceneDesc_timeStepMethod_INVOKE(HandleRef classPointer, NxTimeStepMethod newvalue);
private extern static void NxCompartment_getTiming_1_INVOKE(HandleRef classPointer, System.Boolean call_explicit, [In()][Out()] ref System.Single maxTimestep, [In()][Out()] ref System.UInt32 maxIter, [In()][Out()] ref NxTimeStepMethod method);
private extern static void NxCompartment_setTiming_INVOKE(HandleRef classPointer, System.Boolean call_explicit, System.Single maxTimestep, System.UInt32 maxIter, NxTimeStepMethod method);
private void getTiming_virtual([In()][Out()] ref float maxTimestep, [In()][Out()] ref uint maxIter, [In()][Out()] ref NxTimeStepMethod method) { getTiming(ref maxTimestep, ref maxIter, ref method); }
private void setTiming_virtual(float maxTimestep, uint maxIter, NxTimeStepMethod method) { setTiming(maxTimestep, maxIter, method); }