public void DeleteCategory(string Id) { // Need to figure out if this is a comms block category or a doco block category. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Category news = null; try { news = NewsManager.GetCategory(Id); } catch (NewsCategoryNotFoundException) { } if (news != null) { NewsManager.DeleteCategory(news); } else { BusiBlocks.DocoBlock.Category doco = null; try { doco = DocoManager.GetCategory(Id); } catch (DocoCategoryNotFoundException) { } if (doco != null) { DocoManager.DeleteCategory(doco); } } } }
public bool DeleteCategory(string categoryids) { using (NewsManager _newsManager = new NewsManager()) { return(_newsManager.DeleteCategory(categoryids)); } }
public void DeleteCategory(string Id, string treeViewName) { switch (treeViewName) { case "News": BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Category newsCategory = NewsManager.GetCategory(Id); NewsManager.DeleteCategory(newsCategory); break; case "Doco": BusiBlocks.DocoBlock.Category docoCategory = DocoManager.GetCategory(Id); DocoManager.DeleteCategory(docoCategory); break; default: break; } }
public object DeleteCategory(string id) { bool deleted; try { string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; Category newsCategory = NewsManager.GetCategory(id); NewsManager.DeleteCategory(newsCategory); deleted = true; } catch (Exception) { deleted = false; } return(deleted); }
protected void DeleteCategoryClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string categoryName = string.Empty; string categoryId = popDeleteCategory.ReferrerId; string categoryTypeName = string.Empty; string parentCategoryName = string.Empty; bool deleteFailure = false; // Need to figure out if this is a comms block category or a doco block category. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryId)) { BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Category news = null; try { news = NewsManager.GetCategory(categoryId); } catch (NewsCategoryNotFoundException) { } if (news != null) { categoryTypeName = news.GetType().Name; categoryName = news.Name; // Don't allow the root category to be deleted. if (news.ParentCategory == null) { ((IFeedback)this.Page.Master).ShowFeedback( BusiBlocksConstants.Blocks.Administration.LongName, news.Name, Feedback.Actions.Error, "Cannot delete the highest level category" ); return; } parentCategoryName = news.ParentCategory.Name; IList <BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Item> newsItems = NewsManager.GetItems(news, true); IList <BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Category> newsSubCategories = NewsManager.GetCategories(news.Id, true); // NewsManager.GetCategories returns the root category, so it will always have at least one item if (newsSubCategories.Count <= 1 && newsItems.Count == 0) { NewsManager.DeleteCategory(news); PopulateTreeView <BusiBlocks.CommsBlock.News.Category>(NewsManager.GetViewableCategories(Page.User.Identity.Name), true, false, string.Empty); } else { deleteFailure = true; } } else { BusiBlocks.DocoBlock.Category doco = null; try { doco = DocoManager.GetCategory(categoryId); } catch (DocoCategoryNotFoundException) { } if (doco != null) { categoryTypeName = doco.GetType().Name; categoryName = doco.DisplayName; parentCategoryName = doco.ParentCategory.DisplayName; IList <Article> docoItems = DocoManager.GetArticles(doco, ArticleStatus.All, true); IList <BusiBlocks.DocoBlock.Category> docoSubCategories = DocoManager.GetAllCategoriesBelow(doco.Id); if (docoSubCategories.Count == 0 && docoItems.Count == 0) { DocoManager.DeleteCategory(doco); this.PopulateTreeView <BusiBlocks.DocoBlock.Category>(DocoManager.GetAllCategories(), true, false, string.Empty); } else { deleteFailure = true; } } } RadTreeView1.DataBind(); } //Displaying feedback. if (deleteFailure) { ((IFeedback)this.Page.Master).ShowFeedback( BusiBlocksConstants.Blocks.Administration.LongName, categoryTypeName, Feedback.Actions.Error, ErrorCategoryNotEmpty ); RadTreeView1.FindNodeByText(categoryName).ExpandParentNodes(); RadTreeView1.FindNodeByText(categoryName).Selected = true; } else { ((IFeedback)this.Page.Master).ShowFeedback( BusiBlocksConstants.Blocks.Administration.LongName, categoryTypeName, Feedback.Actions.Deleted, categoryName ); RadTreeView1.FindNodeByText(parentCategoryName).ExpandParentNodes(); RadTreeView1.FindNodeByText(parentCategoryName).Selected = true; } }