public void PostBulk(List <Uri> uris, string indexName, IEnumerable <logEvent> items) { if (_elasticClient == null) { CreateElasticClient(uris); } var elasticResponse = _elasticClient.Bulk(b => b.Index(indexName).IndexMany(items)); if (!elasticResponse.IsValid) { throw new Exception($"Logging in Bulk to ElasticSearch failed. Response: {elasticResponse}"); } }
public override void Execute() { // Update Security Protocol ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; // Get logger Relativity.API.IAPILog _logger = this.Helper.GetLoggerFactory().GetLogger().ForContext <Agent>(); // Get current Agent ID int agentArtifactId = this.AgentID; _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, current Agent ID: {agentArtifactId}", agentArtifactId.ToString()); // Display initial message this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Getting Instance Settings.", 10); // Get ES URI Instance Settings List <Uri> elasticUris = new List <Uri>(); try { string[] uris = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetString("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchUris").Split(';'); foreach (string uri in uris) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(uri, UriKind.Absolute)) { elasticUris.Add(new Uri(uri)); } else { _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchUri), single URI error ({uri})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), uri); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchUri), single URI error ({0}).", uri), 1); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchUri)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchUri).", 1); return; } // Get ES authentication API Key Instance Settings string[] elasticApiKey = new string[] { "", "" }; try { string apiKey = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetString("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchApiKey"); if (apiKey.Length > 0) { if (apiKey.Split(':').Length == 2) { elasticApiKey = apiKey.Split(':'); } else { _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchApiKey), API Key format error ({apiKey})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), apiKey); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchApiKey), API Key format error ({0}).", apiKey), 1); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchApiKey)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchApiKey).", 1); return; } // Get ES index prefix Instance Settings (must by lowercase) string elasticIndexPrefix = ""; try { elasticIndexPrefix = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetString("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchIndexPrefix").ToLower(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexPrefix)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexPrefix).", 1); return; } // Get ES index number of replicas Instance Settings int elasticIndexReplicas = 1; try { elasticIndexReplicas = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetInt("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchIndexReplicas").Value; if (elasticIndexReplicas < 0) { elasticIndexReplicas = 1; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexReplicas)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexReplicas).", 1); return; } // Get ES index number of shards Instance Settings int elasticIndexShards = 1; try { elasticIndexShards = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetInt("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchIndexShards").Value; if (elasticIndexShards < 0) { elasticIndexShards = 1; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexShards)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchIndexShards).", 1); return; } // Get ES synchronization threshold for one agent run int elasticSyncSize = 1000; try { elasticSyncSize = this.Helper.GetInstanceSettingBundle().GetInt("Relativity.AuditLogElasticSearch", "ElasticSearchSyncSize").Value; if (elasticSyncSize < 1000) { elasticSyncSize = 1000; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchSyncSize)", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Instance Settings error (ElasticSearchSyncSize).", 1); return; } // Get database context of the instance IDBContext instanceContext = Helper.GetDBContext(-1); // Check if management table exists try { int exists = instanceContext.ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <int>("IF OBJECT_ID('[eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + "]', 'U') IS NOT NULL SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0"); _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table " + (exists == 1 ? "exists" : "does not exist"), agentArtifactId.ToString()); if (exists != 1) { _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table does not exist", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Application management table does not exist.", 1); return; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table existence check error", agentArtifactId.ToString()); } _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), selecting Workspace", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Selecting Workspace.", 10); // Check what needs to be done int workspaceId = -1; long auditRecordId = -1; int status = -1; instanceContext.BeginTransaction(); try { // Get workspace that was synchronized latest DataTable dataTable = instanceContext.ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable(@" SELECT TOP(1) [CaseArtifactID], [AuditRecordID], [Status] FROM [eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + @"] WHERE [AgentArtifactID] IS NULL ORDER BY [Status] ASC, [LastUpdated] ASC "); // If there is no workspace check if table is empty and if it is, delete it _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Workspace selection row count: {count}", agentArtifactId.ToString(), dataTable.Rows.Count.ToString()); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { int count = instanceContext.ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + "]"); _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table row count: {count}", agentArtifactId.ToString(), count.ToString()); // If there are no rows in the application management table better to drop it if (count == 0) { instanceContext.ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement("DROP TABLE [eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + "]"); _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table was deleted", agentArtifactId.ToString()); } } // Else we have workspace to work with else { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; workspaceId = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["CaseArtifactID"]); auditRecordId = Convert.ToInt64(dataRow["AuditRecordID"]); status = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["Status"]); // Update the application management table with Agent ID lock SqlParameter agentArtifactIdParam = new SqlParameter("@agentArtifactId", agentArtifactId); SqlParameter workspaceIdParam = new SqlParameter("@workspaceId", workspaceId); instanceContext.ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement("UPDATE [eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + "] SET [AgentArtifactID] = @agentArtifactId WHERE [CaseArtifactID] = @workspaceId", new SqlParameter[] { agentArtifactIdParam, workspaceIdParam }); } instanceContext.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { instanceContext.RollbackTransaction(); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table querying error", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Application management table querying error.", 1); return; } // If we have Workspace ID we have to do something if (workspaceId > 0) { // Construct ES index name string elasticIndexName = elasticIndexPrefix + workspaceId.ToString(); // Construct connector to ES cluster Nest.ElasticClient elasticClient = null; try { Elasticsearch.Net.StaticConnectionPool pool = new Elasticsearch.Net.StaticConnectionPool(elasticUris, true); elasticClient = new Nest.ElasticClient(new Nest.ConnectionSettings(pool).DefaultIndex(elasticIndexName).ApiKeyAuthentication(elasticApiKey[0], elasticApiKey[1]).EnableHttpCompression()); } catch (Exception e) { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}) Elastic Search connection call error ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search connection call error ({0}, {1}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName), 1); return; } // Check ES cluster connection Nest.PingResponse pingResponse = elasticClient.Ping(); if (pingResponse.IsValid) { _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Ping succeeded ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); } else { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Ping failed, check cluster health and connection settings ({elasticUris}, {indexName}, {elasticError})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName, pingResponse.DebugInformation); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search ping failed, check cluster health and connection settings ({0}, {1}, {2}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName, pingResponse.DebugInformation), 1); return; } switch (status) { // If the status is 0 we will be deleting ES index case 0: _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), deleting ES index ({indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Deleting ES index ({0}).", elasticIndexName), 10); // Delete ES index try { Nest.DeleteIndexResponse deleteIndexResponse = elasticClient.Indices.Delete(elasticIndexName); if (deleteIndexResponse.Acknowledged) { _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Elastic Search index deleted ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); } else { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Elastic Search index deletion error ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search index deletion error ({0}, {1}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName), 1); return; } } catch (Exception e) { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}) Elastic Search deletion call error ({indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search deletion call error ({0}).", elasticIndexName), 1); return; } // Delete related row from the application management table try { SqlParameter workspaceIdParam = new SqlParameter("@workspaceId", workspaceId); instanceContext.ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement("DELETE FROM [eddsdbo].[" + this.tableName + "] WHERE [Status] = 0 AND [CaseArtifactID] = @workspaceId", new SqlParameter[] { workspaceIdParam }); } catch (Exception e) { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), application management table delete error", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Application management table delete error.", 1); return; } break; // If the status is 1 we will be synchronizing Audit Log with ES index case 1: _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), synchronizing Audit Log of Workspace ({workspaceId}) to ES index ({indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), workspaceId.ToString(), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Synchronizing Audit Log of Workspace ({0}) to ES index ({1})", workspaceId.ToString(), elasticIndexName), 10); // If there is no records synchronized yet, we have to create ES index first if (auditRecordId == 0) { // Create ES index try { Nest.CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse = elasticClient.Indices.Create(elasticIndexName, c => c.Settings(s => s.NumberOfShards(elasticIndexShards).NumberOfReplicas(elasticIndexReplicas)).Map <AuditRecord>(m => m.AutoMap())); if (createIndexResponse.Acknowledged) { _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Elastic Search index created ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); } else { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Elastic Search index creation error ({elasticUris}, {indexName}, {serverError})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName, createIndexResponse.ServerError.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search index creation error ({0}, {1}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName), 1); return; } } catch (Exception e) { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}) Elastic Search index creation call error ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search index creation call error ({0}, {1}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName), 1); return; } } // Get database context of the given workspace IDBContext workspaceContext = Helper.GetDBContext(workspaceId); // Synchronize until threshold is reached int syncCount = 0; while (syncCount < elasticSyncSize) { try { // Get Audit Log to synchronize SqlParameter auditRecordIdParam = new SqlParameter("@auditRecordId", auditRecordId); DataTable dataTable = workspaceContext.ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable(@" SELECT TOP (1000) [AuditRecord].[ID], [AuditRecord].[TimeStamp], [AuditRecord].[ArtifactID], [AuditRecord].[Action] AS [ActionID], [AuditAction].[Action], [AuditRecord].[UserID], [AuditUser].[FullName] AS [User], [AuditRecord].[ExecutionTime], [AuditRecord].[Details], [AuditRecord].[RequestOrigination], [AuditRecord].[RecordOrigination] FROM [EDDSDBO].[AuditRecord] WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN [EDDSDBO].[AuditUser] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [AuditRecord].[UserID] = [AuditUser].[UserID] JOIN [EDDSDBO].[AuditAction] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [AuditRecord].[Action] = [AuditAction].[AuditActionID] WHERE [AuditRecord].[ID] > @auditRecordId ORDER BY [AuditRecord].[ID] ASC ", new SqlParameter[] { auditRecordIdParam }); // If there is nothing to synchronize end _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Audit Log row count to synchronize: {count}", agentArtifactId.ToString(), dataTable.Rows.Count.ToString()); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) { // Log end of Agent execution this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), completed, nothing to synchronize", agentArtifactId.ToString()); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging("Completed.", 10); return; } // Else synchronize workspace Audit Log with ES index else { // Synchronizing workspace Audit Log with ES index List <AuditRecord> auditRecords = new List <AuditRecord>(); long newAuditRecordId = auditRecordId; for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { // Read Audit Log data AuditRecord auditRecord = new AuditRecord(); DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[i]; auditRecord.AuditRecordId = Convert.ToInt64(dataRow["ID"]); auditRecord.TimeStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow["TimeStamp"]); auditRecord.ArtifactId = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ArtifactID"]); auditRecord.ActionId = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ActionID"]); auditRecord.Action = Convert.ToString(dataRow["Action"]); auditRecord.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["UserID"]); auditRecord.User = Convert.ToString(dataRow["User"]); auditRecord.ExecutionTime = dataRow["ExecutionTime"] is DBNull ? default : Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["ExecutionTime"]); auditRecord.Details = dataRow["Details"] is DBNull ? default : Convert.ToString(dataRow["Details"]); auditRecord.RequestOrigination = dataRow["RequestOrigination"] is DBNull ? default : Convert.ToString(dataRow["RequestOrigination"]); auditRecord.RecordOrigination = dataRow["RecordOrigination"] is DBNull ? default : Convert.ToString(dataRow["RecordOrigination"]); auditRecords.Add(auditRecord); // Record last Audit Log ID if (newAuditRecordId < auditRecord.AuditRecordId) { newAuditRecordId = auditRecord.AuditRecordId; } // Index data in threshold is reached or we are at the last row if (auditRecords.Count >= 500 || i + 1 >= dataTable.Rows.Count) { try { Nest.BulkResponse bulkResponse = elasticClient.Bulk(b => b.Index(elasticIndexName).IndexMany(auditRecords, (descriptor, s) => descriptor.Id(s.AuditRecordId.ToString()))); if (!bulkResponse.Errors) { auditRecords.Clear(); _logger.LogDebug("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), documents synchronized to Elastic Serach index ({indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), elasticIndexName); } else { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); foreach (Nest.BulkResponseItemBase itemWithError in bulkResponse.ItemsWithErrors) { _logger.LogError("Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}), Elastic Serach bulk index error to index {indexName} ({elasticUris}) on document {docIs}:{docError}", agentArtifactId.ToString(), elasticIndexName, string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), itemWithError.Id, itemWithError.Error.ToString()); } this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Serach bulk index error to index {0} ({1}).", elasticIndexName, string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())), 1); return; } } catch (Exception e) { this.releaseAgentLock(agentArtifactId, auditRecordId, workspaceId); _logger.LogError(e, "Audit Log Elastic Search, Agent ({agentArtifactId}) Elastic Search bulk index call error ({elasticUris}, {indexName})", agentArtifactId.ToString(), string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName); this.RaiseMessageNoLogging(string.Format("Elastic Search bulk index call error ({0}, {1}).", string.Join(";", elasticUris.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), elasticIndexName), 1); return; } } } // After successful indexing assign new Audit Log ID auditRecordId = newAuditRecordId; } }