コード例 #1
ファイル: NIInputInspector.cs プロジェクト: mauromina/Ensayo
 /// utility method to fix the index of gestures after changes (assuming the string is always
 /// fine while the index might change because of changes done to the GestureManager).
 /// @param axis the axis to fix.
 protected void fixGestureIndex(NIAxis axis)
     if (axis.m_gestureIndex < m_gestureStrings.Length && m_gestureStrings[axis.m_gestureIndex].CompareTo(axis.m_gestureString) == 0)
         return; // we match
     // if we are not a "gesture" type, lets just make it the "none" gesture
     if (axis.m_Type != NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture)
         axis.m_gestureIndex  = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1;
         axis.m_gestureString = m_gestureStrings[axis.m_gestureIndex];
     // we now know we are a gesture type so lets look for a match
     for (int i = 0; i < m_gestureStrings.Length; i++)
         if (m_gestureStrings[i].CompareTo(axis.m_gestureString) == 0)
             axis.m_gestureIndex = i;
             return; // we found a match
     // if we are here, the gesture no longer exist. We therefore will set ourselves  to not be a gesture
     // anymore but instead a hand movement type.
     axis.m_gestureIndex  = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1;
     axis.m_Type          = NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovementFromStartingPoint;
     axis.m_gestureString = m_gestureStrings[axis.m_gestureIndex];
コード例 #2
ファイル: NIInput.cs プロジェクト: mauromina/Ensayo
    /// This method takes one axis and calculates its value
    /// @param axis the axis we calculate on
    /// @param raw true if raw input is used, false if smooth input is used
    /// @return the axis value
    protected float CalcNumberForAxis(NIAxis axis, bool raw)
        switch (axis.m_Type)
        case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture:
            float val = axis.m_sourceGesture.GestureInProgress();
            if (axis.m_invert)
                val = -val;
            return(val * axis.m_sensitivity);

        case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovement:
            Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPos;
            // now we need the relevant axis
            float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
            return(NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, axis.m_maxMovement, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone));

        case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovementFromStartingPoint:
            Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosFromStartRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosFromStart;
            // now we need the relevant axis
            float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
            return(NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, axis.m_maxMovement, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone));

        case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.DeltaHandMovement:
            Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurDeltaPosRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurDeltaPos;
            // now we need the relevant axis
            float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
            // we use -1 for the range because we never normalize the delta values
            return(NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, -1, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone));

            throw (new System.Exception("" + axis.m_Type + " not implemented yet"));
コード例 #3
ファイル: NIInputInspector.cs プロジェクト: mauromina/Ensayo
 /// utility method to fix the index of point trackers after changes (assuming the string is always
 /// fine while the index might change because of changes done to the pointsTrackingManager).
 /// @param axis the axis to fix.
 protected void fixTrackerIndex(NIAxis axis)
     if (axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex < m_pointTrackerStrings.Length && m_pointTrackerStrings[axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex].CompareTo(axis.m_sourceTrackerString) == 0)
         return; // we match
     for (int i = 0; i < m_pointTrackerStrings.Length; i++)
         if (m_pointTrackerStrings[i].CompareTo(axis.m_sourceTrackerString) == 0)
             axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex = i;
             return; // we found a match
     // if we are here, the tracker no longer exist. We therefore will set ourselves
     // the "none" tracker
     axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex  = m_pointTrackerStrings.Length - 1;
     axis.m_sourceTrackerString = m_pointTrackerStrings[axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex];
コード例 #4
 /// utility method to fix the index of point trackers after changes (assuming the string is always
 /// fine while the index might change because of changes done to the pointsTrackingManager).
 /// @param axis the axis to fix.
 protected void fixTrackerIndex(NIAxis axis)
     if (axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex < m_pointTrackerStrings.Length && m_pointTrackerStrings[axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex].CompareTo(axis.m_sourceTrackerString) == 0)
         return; // we match
     for (int i = 0; i < m_pointTrackerStrings.Length; i++)
         if (m_pointTrackerStrings[i].CompareTo(axis.m_sourceTrackerString) == 0)
             axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex = i;
             return; // we found a match
     // if we are here, the tracker no longer exist. We therefore will set ourselves
     // the "none" tracker
     axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex = m_pointTrackerStrings.Length - 1;
     axis.m_sourceTrackerString = m_pointTrackerStrings[axis.m_sourceTrackerIndex];
コード例 #5
 /// utility method to fix the index of gestures after changes (assuming the string is always
 /// fine while the index might change because of changes done to the GestureManager).
 /// @param axis the axis to fix.
 protected void fixGestureIndex(NIAxis axis)
     if(axis.m_gestureIndex<m_gestureStrings.Length && m_gestureStrings[axis.m_gestureIndex].CompareTo(axis.m_gestureString)==0)
         return; // we match
     // if we are not a "gesture" type, lets just make it the "none" gesture
     if(axis.m_Type != NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture)
     // we now know we are a gesture type so lets look for a match
     for (int i = 0; i < m_gestureStrings.Length; i++)
         if (m_gestureStrings[i].CompareTo(axis.m_gestureString) == 0)
             axis.m_gestureIndex = i;
             return; // we found a match
     // if we are here, the gesture no longer exist. We therefore will set ourselves  to not be a gesture
     // anymore but instead a hand movement type.
     axis.m_gestureIndex = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1;
     axis.m_Type = NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovementFromStartingPoint;
     axis.m_gestureString = m_gestureStrings[axis.m_gestureIndex];
コード例 #6
    /// implementation of the Editor inspector GUI (this is what is called to see the inspector).
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        NIInput inp = target as NIInput;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
        m_myContent.text = "Hand trackers manager";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "The hands tracker manager which holds which hand tracking source we have";
        inp.m_pointsTrackingManager = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_myContent, inp.m_pointsTrackingManager, typeof(NIPointTrackerManager), true) as NIPointTrackerManager;
        m_myContent.text = "Gestures manager";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "The gestures manager which holds which gestures we can use";
        inp.m_gestureManager = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_myContent, inp.m_gestureManager, typeof(NIGestureManager), true) as NIGestureManager;

        m_myContent.text = "Axes";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "All the axes to use for Natural Interactions";
        inp.m_foldAllAxes = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(inp.m_foldAllAxes, m_myContent);
        if (inp.m_foldAllAxes == false)
        EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
        if (arraySize < 0)
            arraySize = inp.m_axisList.Count;
        m_myContent.text = "Size";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "The number of axes used";
        int numElements = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_myContent, arraySize);
        arraySize = numElements;
        Event e = Event.current;
        if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)
            if (numElements == 0)
                numElements = inp.m_axisList.Count; // don't allow to make it into 0 to avoid "deleting" to change something.
                arraySize = numElements;
            if (numElements != inp.m_axisList.Count)
                if (numElements < inp.m_axisList.Count)
                    while (numElements < inp.m_axisList.Count)
                        inp.m_axisList.RemoveAt(inp.m_axisList.Count - 1);
                    for (int i = inp.m_axisList.Count; i < numElements; i++)
                        NIAxis newAxis = new NIAxis();
                        newAxis.m_gestureIndex = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1; // initialize to none
                List<bool> newFoldout = new List<bool>();
                int size = inp.m_foldAxisElement.Count;
                if (size > inp.m_axisList.Count)
                    size = inp.m_axisList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                for (int i = size; i < inp.m_axisList.Count; i++)
                inp.m_foldAxisElement = newFoldout;

        for (int i = 0; i < inp.m_foldAxisElement.Count; i++)
            inp.m_foldAxisElement[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(inp.m_foldAxisElement[i], inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
            m_myContent.text = "Name";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Change the name of the current axis";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName);
            m_myContent.text = "NIInput axis?";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "if checked, the axis is used only by NIInput, if not, it is also used by the input manager";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_NIInputAxisOnly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_NIInputAxisOnly);
            m_myContent.text = "Descriptive Name";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Name presented to the user if relevant";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_descriptiveName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_descriptiveName);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Gesture", inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex,m_gestureStrings);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureString = m_gestureStrings[inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex];
            if (inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex != m_gestureStrings.Length - 1)
                inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type = NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture; // to make sure we use either
            m_myContent.text = "Dead";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Movement of less than this value (when changes are used) will be ignored and considered 0";
            float deadZone=EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent,inp.m_axisList[i].m_deadZone);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_deadZone = deadZone < NIAxis.m_minDeadZone ? NIAxis.m_minDeadZone : deadZone;
            m_myContent.text = "Sensitivity";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "A scaling factor";
            float sensitivity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_sensitivity);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sensitivity = sensitivity < NIAxis.m_minSensitivity ? NIAxis.m_minSensitivity : sensitivity;
            m_myContent.text = "Invert";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Flip the values between positive and negative";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_invert = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_invert);
            m_myContent.text = "Type";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "The type of movement to do";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type = (NIAxis.NIInputTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_myContent, (System.Enum)inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type);
            if (inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type != NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture)
                inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1; // make it a "none" gesture
            m_myContent.text = "Normalization";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Defines a transformation of the hand's axis to [-1,1] range (clipped).";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " -1 is anything smaller than the center minus m_maxMovement,";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " +1 is anything larger than the center plus m_maxMovement";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " and the values in between are a linear change.";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " The center is defined based on the type (0 for HandMovement, focus point";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " for HandMovementFromFocusPoint etc.). If m_maxMovement is 0 or negative";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " then there will be no  transformation. \n";
            m_myContent.tooltip += "Note the actual value is still multiplied by the sensitivity, ";
            m_myContent.tooltip += " changed to 0 in the dead zone and can base inverted. ";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_maxMovement = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_maxMovement);

            m_myContent.text = "Axis";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Axis to use";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisUsed = (NIAxis.AxesList)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_myContent, (System.Enum)inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisUsed);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Tracker to use", inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex, m_pointTrackerStrings);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerString = m_pointTrackerStrings[inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex];
            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: NIInputInspector.cs プロジェクト: mauromina/Ensayo
    /// implementation of the Editor inspector GUI (this is what is called to see the inspector).
    override public void OnInspectorGUI()
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
        NIInput inp = target as NIInput;

        EditorGUI.indentLevel       = 0;
        m_myContent.text            = "Hand trackers manager";
        m_myContent.tooltip         = "The hands tracker manager which holds which hand tracking source we have";
        inp.m_pointsTrackingManager = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_myContent, inp.m_pointsTrackingManager, typeof(NIPointTrackerManager), true) as NIPointTrackerManager;
        m_myContent.text            = "Gestures manager";
        m_myContent.tooltip         = "The gestures manager which holds which gestures we can use";
        inp.m_gestureManager        = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_myContent, inp.m_gestureManager, typeof(NIGestureManager), true) as NIGestureManager;

        m_myContent.text    = "Axes";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "All the axes to use for Natural Interactions";
        inp.m_foldAllAxes   = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(inp.m_foldAllAxes, m_myContent);
        if (inp.m_foldAllAxes == false)
        EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
        if (arraySize < 0)
            arraySize = inp.m_axisList.Count;
        m_myContent.text    = "Size";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "The number of axes used";
        int numElements = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_myContent, arraySize);

        arraySize = numElements;
        Event e = Event.current;

        if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)
            if (numElements == 0)
                numElements = inp.m_axisList.Count; // don't allow to make it into 0 to avoid "deleting" to change something.
                arraySize   = numElements;
            if (numElements != inp.m_axisList.Count)
                if (numElements < inp.m_axisList.Count)
                    while (numElements < inp.m_axisList.Count)
                        inp.m_axisList.RemoveAt(inp.m_axisList.Count - 1);
                    for (int i = inp.m_axisList.Count; i < numElements; i++)
                        NIAxis newAxis = new NIAxis();
                        newAxis.m_gestureIndex = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1; // initialize to none
                List <bool> newFoldout = new List <bool>();
                int         size       = inp.m_foldAxisElement.Count;
                if (size > inp.m_axisList.Count)
                    size = inp.m_axisList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                for (int i = size; i < inp.m_axisList.Count; i++)
                inp.m_foldAxisElement = newFoldout;

        for (int i = 0; i < inp.m_foldAxisElement.Count; i++)
            inp.m_foldAxisElement[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(inp.m_foldAxisElement[i], inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName);
            if (inp.m_foldAxisElement[i] == false)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel              += 2;
            m_myContent.text                    = "Name";
            m_myContent.tooltip                 = "Change the name of the current axis";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName        = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisName);
            m_myContent.text                    = "NIInput axis?";
            m_myContent.tooltip                 = "if checked, the axis is used only by NIInput, if not, it is also used by the input manager";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_NIInputAxisOnly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_NIInputAxisOnly);
            m_myContent.text                    = "Descriptive Name";
            m_myContent.tooltip                 = "Name presented to the user if relevant";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_descriptiveName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_descriptiveName);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex  = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Gesture", inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex, m_gestureStrings);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureString = m_gestureStrings[inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex];
            if (inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex != m_gestureStrings.Length - 1)
                inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type = NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture; // to make sure we use either
            m_myContent.text    = "Dead";
            m_myContent.tooltip = "Movement of less than this value (when changes are used) will be ignored and considered 0";
            float deadZone = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_deadZone);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_deadZone = deadZone < NIAxis.m_minDeadZone ? NIAxis.m_minDeadZone : deadZone;
            m_myContent.text             = "Sensitivity";
            m_myContent.tooltip          = "A scaling factor";
            float sensitivity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_sensitivity);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sensitivity = sensitivity < NIAxis.m_minSensitivity ? NIAxis.m_minSensitivity : sensitivity;
            m_myContent.text           = "Invert";
            m_myContent.tooltip        = "Flip the values between positive and negative";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_invert = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_invert);
            m_myContent.text           = "Type";
            m_myContent.tooltip        = "The type of movement to do";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type   = (NIAxis.NIInputTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_myContent, (System.Enum)inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type);
            if (inp.m_axisList[i].m_Type != NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture)
                inp.m_axisList[i].m_gestureIndex = m_gestureStrings.Length - 1; // make it a "none" gesture
            m_myContent.text                = "Normalization";
            m_myContent.tooltip             = "Defines a transformation of the hand's axis to [-1,1] range (clipped).";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " -1 is anything smaller than the center minus m_maxMovement,";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " +1 is anything larger than the center plus m_maxMovement";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " and the values in between are a linear change.";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " The center is defined based on the type (0 for HandMovement, focus point";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " for HandMovementFromFocusPoint etc.). If m_maxMovement is 0 or negative";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " then there will be no  transformation. \n";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += "Note the actual value is still multiplied by the sensitivity, ";
            m_myContent.tooltip            += " changed to 0 in the dead zone and can base inverted. ";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_maxMovement = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_myContent, inp.m_axisList[i].m_maxMovement);

            m_myContent.text             = "Axis";
            m_myContent.tooltip          = "Axis to use";
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisUsed = (NIAxis.AxesList)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_myContent, (System.Enum)inp.m_axisList[i].m_axisUsed);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex  = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Tracker to use", inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex, m_pointTrackerStrings);
            inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerString = m_pointTrackerStrings[inp.m_axisList[i].m_sourceTrackerIndex];
            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel  = 0;
        if (GUI.changed)
コード例 #8
ファイル: NIInput.cs プロジェクト: znjRoLS/RUISAircraftGunner
 /// This method takes one axis and calculates its value
 /// @param axis the axis we calculate on
 /// @param raw true if raw input is used, false if smooth input is used
 /// @return the axis value
 protected float CalcNumberForAxis(NIAxis axis,bool raw)
     switch (axis.m_Type)
         case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.Gesture:
                 float val = axis.m_sourceGesture.GestureInProgress();
                 if (axis.m_invert)
                     val = -val;
                 return val * axis.m_sensitivity;
         case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovement:
                 Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPos;
                 // now we need the relevant axis
                 float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
                 return NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, axis.m_maxMovement, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone);
         case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.HandMovementFromStartingPoint:
                 Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosFromStartRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurPosFromStart;
                 // now we need the relevant axis
                 float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
                 return NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, axis.m_maxMovement, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone);
         case NIAxis.NIInputTypes.DeltaHandMovement:
                 Vector3 pos = raw ? axis.m_sourceTracker.CurDeltaPosRaw : axis.m_sourceTracker.CurDeltaPos;
                 // now we need the relevant axis
                 float axisValue = GetAxisFromPos(pos, axis.m_axisUsed);
                 // we use -1 for the range because we never normalize the delta values
                 return NormalizeAxisPos(axisValue, -1, axis.m_invert, axis.m_sensitivity, axis.m_deadZone);
                 throw (new System.Exception("" + axis.m_Type + " not implemented yet"));
コード例 #9
ファイル: NIInput.cs プロジェクト: znjRoLS/RUISAircraftGunner
 /// utility function, chooses the correct axis from a vector
 /// @param vec the vector we got
 /// @param axis the axis we want from the vector
 /// @return the value of the relevant vector
 protected float GetAxisFromPos(Vector3 vec, NIAxis.AxesList axis)
     switch (axis)
         case NIAxis.AxesList.xAxis:
             return vec.x;
         case NIAxis.AxesList.yAxis:
             return vec.y;
         case NIAxis.AxesList.zAxis:
             return vec.z;
     throw (new System.Exception("unimplemented axis type "+axis));        