コード例 #1
        private static int GameProjection(NFLGame g, string playerTeamCode, string playerCategory, string playerRole)
            var projection = 0;

            if (playerRole == Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER)
                switch (playerCategory)
                case Constants.K_QUARTERBACK_CAT:
                    projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode) ? g.ProjectedHomeTdp : g.ProjectedAwayTdp;

                case Constants.K_RUNNINGBACK_CAT:
                    projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode) ? g.ProjectedHomeTdr : g.ProjectedAwayTdr;

                case Constants.K_RECEIVER_CAT:
                    projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode) ? g.ProjectedHomeTdp / 2 : g.ProjectedAwayTdp / 2;

                case Constants.K_KICKER_CAT:
                    projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode) ? g.ProjectedHomeFg : g.ProjectedAwayFg;
コード例 #2
        public int PredictSteals(NflTeam team, string season, int week)
            //  Predict the number of Interceptions the team will make
            int ints = 0;
            //  who are the opponents
            NflTeam opponent = team.OpponentFor(season, week);

            if (opponent != null)
                //  not on a bye
                int pdInts = ConvertRating(team.PrRating());
                int poInts = ConvertRating(opponent.PpRating());
                ints += (pdInts - poInts) - 1; //  will range from 3 to -5

            //  What is the Game
            NFLGame game = team.GameFor(season, week);

            if (game != null)
                if (game.IsHome(team.TeamCode))
                    ints += 1;

            if (ints < 0)
                ints = 0;

コード例 #3
        public Int32 PredictTDc(NFLPlayer plyr, string season, int week)
            //  Predict the number of FGs this player will kick
            int tdc = 0;

            //  starters only
            if (plyr.IsStarter() && (plyr.PlayerCat == RosterLib.Constants.K_RECEIVER_CAT))
                if (plyr.CurrTeam.Ratings.Equals("CCCCCC"))

                //  who are the opponents
                NflTeam opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(season, week);
                if (opponent != null)
                    if (opponent.Ratings.Equals("CCCCCC"))
                        opponent.SetRecord(season);                                // Incase not initialised
                    //  not on a bye
                    tdc = 1;
                    int diff = ConvertRating(plyr.CurrTeam.PoRating()) - ConvertRating(opponent.PdRating());
                    if (diff > 0)
                        tdc += 1;
                    if (diff > 2)
                        tdc += 1;
                    if (diff < -2)
                        tdc -= 1;

                //  What is the Game
                NFLGame game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(season, week);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.IsHome(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode))
                        tdc += 1;
                    if (game.IsBadWeather())
                        tdc -= 1;
                tdc = plyr.IsTe() ? Convert.ToInt32(tdc * .25M) : Convert.ToInt32(tdc * .5M);
コード例 #4
        private int RankPoints(NFLPlayer player, NFLGame game)
            decimal points = 0;

            points = PlayerSpread(game.GetSpread(), game.IsHome(player.CurrTeam.TeamCode));
            if (player.PlayerRole.Equals(RosterLib.Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER))
                points += 14;                 //  get 2 TD if you are a starter
コード例 #5
        public Int32 PredictTDr(NFLPlayer plyr, string season, int week)
            //  Predict the number of FGs this player will kick
            int tDr = 0;

            //  starters only
            if (plyr.IsStarter() && (plyr.PlayerCat == RosterLib.Constants.K_RUNNINGBACK_CAT) && plyr.IsRusher())
                if (plyr.CurrTeam.Ratings.Equals("CCCCCC"))
                    plyr.CurrTeam.SetRecord(season, skipPostseason: false);

                //  who are the opponents
                NflTeam opponent = plyr.CurrTeam.OpponentFor(season, week);
                if (opponent != null)
                    if (opponent.Ratings.Equals("CCCCCC"))
                        opponent.SetRecord(season, skipPostseason: false);                                // Incase not initialised
                    //  not on a bye
                    tDr = 1;
                    int diff = ConvertRating(plyr.CurrTeam.RoRating()) - ConvertRating(opponent.RdRating());
                    if (diff > 1)
                        tDr += 1;
                    if (diff > 3)
                        tDr += 1;
                    if (diff < -1)
                        tDr -= 1;

                //  What is the Game
                NFLGame game = plyr.CurrTeam.GameFor(season, week);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.IsHome(plyr.CurrTeam.TeamCode))
                        tDr += 1;
                    if (game.IsBadWeather())
                        tDr -= 1;
コード例 #6
        public int GameProjection(
            NFLGame g,
            string playerTeamCode,
            string playerCategory,
            string playerRole)
            var projection = 0;

            if (playerRole != Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER)

            //  is a starter
            switch (playerCategory)
            case Constants.K_QUARTERBACK_CAT:
                projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode)
                                                ? g.ProjectedHomeTdp : g.ProjectedAwayTdp;

            case Constants.K_RUNNINGBACK_CAT:
                projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode)
                                                ? g.ProjectedHomeTdr : g.ProjectedAwayTdr;

            case Constants.K_RECEIVER_CAT:
                projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode)
                                                ? g.ProjectedHomeTdp / 2 : g.ProjectedAwayTdp / 2;

            case Constants.K_KICKER_CAT:
                projection = g.IsHome(playerTeamCode)
                                                ? g.ProjectedHomeFg : g.ProjectedAwayFg;
            Announce($"Game {g.GameKey()} projection for {playerTeamCode} {playerCategory} {playerRole} is {projection}");
コード例 #7
        public Int32 PredictSacks(
            NflTeam team,
            string season,
            int week)
            //  Predict the number of Sacks the team will make
            int sacks = 0;
            //  who are the opponents
            NflTeam opponent = team.OpponentFor(

            if (opponent != null)
                //  not on a bye
                sacks += 1;
                int prSacks = ConvertRating(team.PrRating());
                int ppSacks = ConvertRating(opponent.PpRating());
                sacks += (prSacks - ppSacks);

            //  What is the Game
            NFLGame game = team.GameFor(season, week);

            if (game != null)
                if (game.IsHome(team.TeamCode))
                    sacks += 1;
                if (game.IsBadWeather())
                    sacks += 1;

            if (sacks < 0)
                sacks = 0;

コード例 #8
        public Int32 PredictFGs(NFLPlayer plyr, string season, int week)
            //  Predict the number of FGs this player will kick
            int fg = 0;

            //  starters only
            if (plyr.IsStarter())
                //  who does he play for
                NflTeam kickersTeam = plyr.CurrTeam;

                //  who are the opponents
                NflTeam opponent = kickersTeam.OpponentFor(season, week);
                if (opponent != null)
                    //  not on a bye
                    fg += 1;
                    if (opponent.IsGoodDefence())
                        fg += 1;

                //  What is the Game
                NFLGame game = kickersTeam.GameFor(season, week);
                if (game != null)
                    if (game.IsHome(kickersTeam.TeamCode))
                        fg += 1;
                    if (game.IsDomeGame())
                        fg += 1;
                    if (game.IsBadWeather())
                        fg -= 1;
コード例 #9
        private void LoadTeam(NflTeam team, string teamCode)
            var ep        = new EpMetric();
            var metricsHt = new Hashtable();

            var dg    = _tflWs.GetAllGames(teamCode, Season);
            var games = dg.Tables["sched"];

            foreach (DataRow drg in games.Rows)
                var g = new NFLGame(drg);
                if (!g.IsRecent())

                if (!g.MetricsCalculated)
                var hashCode = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", teamCode, g.Season, g.Week);
                if (g.IsHome(teamCode))
                    ep.HomeTeam      = teamCode;
                    ep.OffTDp        = g.HomeTDp;
                    ep.OffTDr        = g.HomeTDr;
                    ep.OffSakAllowed = g.HomeSaKa;
                    ep.DefTDp        = g.AwayTDp;
                    ep.DefTDr        = g.AwayTDr;
                    ep.DefSak        = g.AwaySaKa;
                    ep.HomePasses    = g.HomePasses;
                    ep.HomeRuns      = g.HomeRuns;
                    ep.AwayTeam      = g.AwayTeam;
                    ep.OffTDp        = g.AwayTDp;
                    ep.OffTDr        = g.AwayTDr;
                    ep.OffSakAllowed = g.AwaySaKa;
                    ep.DefTDp        = g.HomeTDp;
                    ep.DefTDr        = g.HomeTDr;
                    ep.DefSak        = g.HomeSaKa;
                    ep.AwayPasses    = g.AwayPasses;
                    ep.AwayRuns      = g.AwayRuns;

                if (DoBreakdowns)
                    AddBreakdown(teamCode, ep, g);

                if (ep.Total() <= 0)

                ep.WeekSeed = Utility.WeekSeed(g.Season, g.Week);
                if (!metricsHt.ContainsKey(hashCode))
                    metricsHt.Add(hashCode, ep);
            //Utility.PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues( metricsHt );
コード例 #10
        //  rank points are used to sort players
        public decimal RankPoints(NFLPlayer player, NFLGame game, NflTeam opponent)
            decimal points = 0;

            #region short cut

            if (RankMaster.Contains(player.PlayerCode))
                var rankedPlayer = ( NFLPlayer )RankMaster[player.PlayerCode];

            #endregion short cut

            #region Get the average output for the last 3 games

            //  Always start with the Average points in their last 3 games, if 0 and QB use 14
            if (game != null)
                if (player.PlayerRole.Equals(Constants.K_ROLE_STARTER))
                    var avgPoints = AveragePoints(player);

                    //  Rookies and injured players may not have played in the last 3 games
                    if (player.PlayerCat.Equals("1"))
                        if (avgPoints.Equals(0.0M))
                            avgPoints = 14.0M;                                                      // avergage for a QB
                    if (player.PlayerCat.Equals("2"))
                        if (avgPoints.Equals(0.0M))
                            avgPoints = 8.0M;                                                      // avergage for a RB
                    if (player.PlayerCat.Equals("3"))
                        if (avgPoints.Equals(0.0M))
                            avgPoints = 6.0M;                                                      // avergage for a RB
                    else if (player.PlayerCat.Equals("4"))
                        if (avgPoints.Equals(0.0M))
                            avgPoints = 6.0M;                                                      // avergage day for a PK
                    points += avgPoints;

            #endregion Get the average output for the last 3 games

            #region Consider the likely result

            decimal spreadModifier = 1;              //  no modification

            if (IncludeSpread)
                if (game != null)
                    spreadModifier = PlayerSpread(game.GetSpread(), game.IsHome(player.CurrTeam.TeamCode)) / 1;

                points *= spreadModifier;

            #endregion Consider the likely result

            #region factor in the quality of the opponent

            if (IncludeRatingModifier)
                if (opponent != null)
                    var oppRating      = player.OpponentRating(opponent.Ratings);
                    var ratingModifier = RatingModifier(oppRating);
                    points *= ratingModifier;

            #endregion factor in the quality of the opponent

            player.Points = points;
            RankMaster.Add(player.PlayerCode, player);               //  save points for later

            //  verbose audit trail of the calculations
            //   "{0,-16} has {1,4:#0.#} r pts- spr {2,4:#0.#} avgFP last 3 {3,4:##.#} rating mod {4,4:#0.#} {5}",
            //   player.PlayerNameShort, points, spreadModifier, avgPoints, ratingModifier, oppRating ) );