// // ================= Func ================= // private void SetStageData(string diff, int stageNum) { SceneControl.instance.currentStage = stageNum; // stageName.text = stageNum == 0 ? "Infinite" : "Stage " + stageNum.ToString(); // StageData sd = SceneControl.instance.stageData[diff][stageNum]; // int floorCount = sd.blocks * 10; int unit = sd.unit; int countKindOfMine = 0; // if (stageNum == 0) { clearFloor.text = "-"; } else { clearFloor.text = floorCount.ToString() + "F"; } // spdUpCD.text = unit.ToString(); // Set Clear Text(Row-3) int stageInt = MyUtility.DiffToInt(diff); string bestRecord = SceneControl.instance.saveData.bestRecord[stageInt]; // if (stageNum == 0) { // Infinite Stage clearTextName.text = "Your best record"; clearTextValue.text = bestRecord + "F"; } else { // 1 ~ 6 Stage clearTextName.text = "Clear"; /* stageBtnState * 0 : locked / 1 : unlock effect / 2 : unlocked / 3 : clear */ if (SceneControl.instance.saveData.stageBtnState[stageInt][stageNum] == 3) { clearTextValue.text = "YES"; } else { clearTextValue.text = "NO"; } } // int[] mineCountsOfBlock = { sd.pull, sd.push, sd.ghost, sd.thunder, sd.narrow, sd.crash }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (mineCountsOfBlock[i] != 0) { mineInfoControl.mineIcons[i].SetActive(true); int mineCount = mineCountsOfBlock[i] * sd.blocks; mineInfoControl.mineCountTexts[i].text = "x" + mineCount.ToString(); ++countKindOfMine; } else { mineInfoControl.mineIcons[i].SetActive(false); } } // "kind(s) of mine" string kom = (countKindOfMine == 1) ? " kind of mine" : " kinds of mine"; kindOfMine.text = countKindOfMine.ToString() + kom; // "in 10 floor" description.gameObject.SetActive(stageNum == 0); }