static void Main(string[] args) { string strToText = ""; bool stay = true; Console.WriteLine("Type a text:"); while (stay) { string strTemp = Console.ReadLine(); strToText += strTemp; if (strTemp == "") { stay = false; } else { strToText += '\n'; } } MyText text = new MyText(strToText); Console.Clear(); int choice = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Your text:"); text.ConsoleWrite(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (choice) { case (1): Console.Write("Type number of line to get (0 or less to go to the main menu): "); int curLine = GetInt(); if (curLine > 0) { Console.Write("Choosed line:\n{0}", text[curLine - 1]); Console.ReadKey(); } else { choice = -1; } break; case (2): Console.Write("Number of consonant letters in text: {0}", text.NumOfConsLetters); Console.ReadKey(); choice = -1; break; case (0): System.Environment.Exit(0); break; default: ShowMenu(); Console.Write("Choose a num from 0 to 2: "); choice = GetInt(); break; } Console.Clear(); } }