static void menuInit(MyText menu) { MyString menuHead = new MyString("Main menu:"), menu1 = new MyString("1 - Add a string to the text"), menu2 = new MyString("2 - Remove a string from the text"), menu3 = new MyString("3 - Clear text"), menu4 = new MyString("4 - Make the first letters of all words in the text uppercase "), menu5 = new MyString("5 - Get the \"key string\" of a string of text"), menu6 = new MyString("6 - Get the number of strings of a given length"), menu0 = new MyString("0 - Exit"); menu.AddString(menuHead, -1); menu.AddString(menu1, -1); menu.AddString(menu2, -1); menu.AddString(menu3, -1); menu.AddString(menu4, -1); menu.AddString(menu5, -1); menu.AddString(menu6, -1); menu.AddString(menu0, -1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyText curText = new MyText(), menu = new MyText(); int choise = -1; menuInit(menu); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Current text:"); curText.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); switch (choise) { case (1): Console.Write("\nType a position of new string (0 to go to main menu): "); int strNum = GetInt(); MyString curString = new MyString(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(strNum)) { Console.Write("\nType a string: "); curString.getline(); curText.AddString(curString, strNum); } else { choise = -1; } break; case (2): Console.Write("\nType a position to delete a string (0 to go to main menu): "); strNum = GetInt(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(strNum)) { curText.RemoveString(strNum); } else { choise = -1; } break; case (3): curText.Clear(); choise = -1; break; case (4): curText = curText.TextUpperCase(); choise = -1; break; case (5): Console.Write("\nType a number of string (0 to go to main menu): "); strNum = GetInt(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(strNum)) { Console.Write("\nKeyWord: "); curText[strNum - 1].KeyWord().WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); } else { choise = -1; } break; case (6): Console.Write("\nType a length (0 to go to main menu): "); strNum = GetInt(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(strNum)) { Console.Write("\nNumber of strings of a given length: {0}", curText.GetNumberOfStrings(strNum)); Console.ReadKey(); } else { choise = -1; } break; case (0): System.Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine(); menu.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Choose a num from 0 to 6: "); choise = GetInt(); break; } Console.Clear(); } }